While your complaints may be sometimes valid, just because you try to sell me a turd for $1 doesn't make it a good deal, or doesn't make it any less a piece of shit. That said, most whiners should just either buy or not buy and move along. Whining is pointless and noone is entitled to cheap games.
You clearly do not know what either "mean" or "stingy" mean however.
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I said it in the op that I don't know english that well...
And you didn't understand what I said, clearly.
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It sounds like your saying people shouldn't complain that a game is overpriced if it is 75% off because people put hard work into their game.
I'll play any game good or bad but that doesn't mean a game is worth it at any price. I do understand some of these people put a lot of work into making games, something I don't know how to do, but I have played some games that weren't worth a $1 in my opinion.
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No, it happens with every bundle... EVERY... even the Humble Bundle ones
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It's a regular thing then. Don't think too much about it... people have different opinions and preferences, personally I haven't bought any indiegala, indieroyale, bemine bundles, or bundle in a box in a long time. I hardly buy HiB much anymore, but that's mainly because I'm picky.
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Ok I can accept your oppinion... but people want the game and then complains because it could be 1 dollar or it could have another games with... It's a mean thing, no more, no less.
I'm talking about people that wants to buy but just pay the retail price for AAA games that are the same thing always and even with a 90%off complains about it. Or people who wants cheap games, but still when they are cheap complains about it. There's a thing about complaining about games in this forums that I can't understand.
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If track the bundle threads you will see people saying "I want this game, but 1 dollar is too much" "I want two out 5 games but others are meh so I will not buy" (even when paying for the bundle is cheaper than paying for the games in sale.)
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I'm not sure if you're trolling or playing devils advocate for EA's logic.
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I dont know why you're complaning either. Like the example Ceildric posted above, it doenst mean every discount makes instantly every game/product a good deal.
Buying something seeking only for discounts is only consumerism in my opinion.
You still have the right to disagree with my comment.. but calling people cheap/stingy or anything like that because they choose differently where they want to spend their money is just ridiculous.
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Totally agree... people always wants "innovation and new stuff" but when these things come, they are like "oh this is so boring, i'm coming back to my black ops".
sadly lol
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Sadly bundles (especially what people consider the "good" bundles, i.e. one filled with popular titles) have made a portion of gamers feel entitled to get the best indie games out there for a nickel, especially those who primarily only care about AAA games and will only play the most popular indie games out there. I get frustrated when people complain when the games are truly indie (i.e. not the popular ones, not that those games aren't indie, but the average indie game is going to be a lesser known entity). It's like everyone wants the most recent/popular/expensive indie games to go on sale for $1 else it's not worth there time and money, yet they're totally fine with shelling out $100 (game + DLC) for any AAA game. /endrant
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"If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."
Back in the old days, the above saying was a standard people tried to live by. Sure, it doesn't apply in every situation, but it does apply in most. Being polite and being kind are two things which allow people to live together without killing each other. It seems that these days, many children are not being taught these things, anti-social behavior is rampant, and people don't get along as well as they used to. Your example of non-customers (assuming for the moment that they aren't purchasing the product they're saying is a "bad deal") trashing a bundle is only one out of many. It's enough to vote with your wallet without adding pointless whining.
P.S. ("Stingy" may not be a correct word for the OP, but "mean" certainly is.)
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not every game is perfect but hey give the developers of games the credit they deserve.They make the games, witch include a lot of programming hours, so we can play these games. I think there are some categories of whiners: 1) little kids.. ooh you cant shoot, race or kill stuff while mashing on 1 button all the time.. in short the "its too complicated so we complain about every little thing" category.
2) the jealous category of whiners.. "damn it looks so easy why didn't we got that idea" so they complain and moan all the time about"dull games" being rude and obnoxious.
3) the morally and game depressed blogger/people: this group moans, groans and critise everything and everybody.
so people you can: like a game, hate a game, make a game-review & post it on youtube but remember if it was "lame", "boring" or "easy" 99% of the world would make games so it isn't "as easy" as some might think:)
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Rather than it being an issue of being "stingy" its a matter of supply, demand, relevance, and income. For example, a new AAA game comes out for $60. Some people have the means to buy it while others prefer to get more bang for their buck and wait for it to go on sale.
So, the game initially sells well and after 3 months the trend stops because something else comes out. After some time, it goes on sale and BAM! People are talking about the game again and buying it. After some more time, it goes on a 75% sale and people continue to buy it. Eventually, lets say the company files bankrucy and this game goes on into a bundle such as the THQ bundle. People buy this game and a few more that was once $60 for $1 because that's what they can afford. I know that if i had the means, I would pay 4x the average rather than rounding up to the nearest dollar, however that's not the case and I wait for the sales.
As for people being mean at a game, look at a game like Duke Nukem Forever that took many years to develop and came out unpolished and horrible. Seriously, the most fun I had in that game was throwing poop.
In conclusion, we all have different wants and needs. If I wanted to play a game early, I need to pay a premium, however If I dont care when I play it, I can wait for reviews and the price to drop. From the Developer's standpoint they make the game and need hype for it. The indie bundles do that, they allow large numbers of people to play their game and not pirate it. Thus relevance for a game is important.
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People voicing opinions on a forum?
Whatever next?
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In advance, my english is pretty bad and this topic is just a mimimi, so feel free to skip it. Thanks!
Every bundle that goes online there are lots of people complaining because the games sucks, the games are boring, they are making them to pay too much money, they don't deserve the money and another mean/stingy things people say.
Is it just me that think this is the kind of thing that make things worse for indie developers and the gaming industry?
People work in a game and to make sure lots of people play their games and get a little revenue they put their games in a bundle for less than the store value with 75% off and players still think this is unfair?
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