Since my last post had some comments I decided to go on and make more

So my question is what are you doing today


9 years ago*

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Procrastinating doing my physics homework xD

9 years ago

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Going to eat dinner soon. Watching football (soccer) in a couple of hours - Southampton v Manchester United. After that I'll mess around on the internet, might play some games. It's a hard life.

9 years ago

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Studying for finals.

9 years ago

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Procrastinating my homework by perusing forums instead.

....Maybe food soon.

9 years ago

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Fighting a bit of depression while waiting on a replacement for my dead hard drive. The usual.

9 years ago

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Man, with everything I've read from you lately, I just want to send you one of mine. You need to stop having computer troubles. srsly. D:

9 years ago

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Yeah, tell me about it... It does suck a lot when my brand new hard drive dies after only a month of usage, and less than a week after finally getting uncapped internet (after 7 months of capped).

It's gonna take at least two weeks to send then receive my new hard drive replacement, and that's IF the company ever sends me the confirmation email they claimed they would send in less than 24 hours (it has been two days now, and I couldn't contact them during the weekend).

So... TL;DR, probably not until Christmas that I can get my computer back. I love my life.

9 years ago

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I am so sorry to hear that. If I could afford it, I'd totally send you one. That's absolutely awful. D:

Fingers crossed that they get back to you soon.

9 years ago

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Ah well... It's all about learning patience and to deal with problems I guess. I went a whole half year with capped internet, and a month without computer earlier last summer, and I got through it pretty okay. Except now that winter is here, it's a bad time to be computerless, not to mention the fact that my life pretty much sucks as hell lately, I feel depressed a bit and other crap. Anyways, I'm not here to bore you with my life problems, heh. I'll get through it.

9 years ago

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Don't be so hard on yourself! I wouldn't have brought it up if it were "boring." D:

But no, that one I can kind of relate to. I don't have finals, I have 3 essays and 4 assignments due on the week of Christmas, so I was 'left behind' while my parents went back to our hometown to visit family for the holiday. It's my first Christmas that's almost entirely alone, and I'll barely have the free time to occupy myself with any of the games I've gotten recently. Just work on top of work. :P

tl;dr I'm kinda feeling "computerless" for the rest of the month, myself.

9 years ago

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I feel your pain. I ordered a new GPU a month ago and still don't have one. The first one was DOA. After an RMA and a week and a half of waiting to receive the new one, the second one had faulty memory. That got sent back on Friday under a second RMA, and it'll likely be another week and a half before the third one shows up. I also missed the mail-in rebate due to not being able to get the UPC from a return, so I'm out another $80 on the card...

I'm. Right. There. With. You.

9 years ago

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Damn... Do they even check their product for faults before they sell them? When stuff like that happens, it's bad for the consumer, bad for the distributor, and bad for the manufacturer. It's a lose-lose situation...

9 years ago

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Without a doubt. It's not a cheap card either, and is rated highly, so I really just have bad luck with it.

9 years ago

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I'm infected with a flu or something so I'm chilling playing some Windwaker HD on my new wii u.

9 years ago

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I re-started playing Killing Floor, watching Ghost in the Shell, wasting my time in here... Today is my day off, so yeah.

9 years ago

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Home improvement: isolating doors and windows for the winter.

9 years ago

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I'm internally praising every single aspect of the Playstation Vita while ignoring my dying 3DS.

9 years ago

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the usual, resting years to my life by chewing anger and hatred.

9 years ago

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Well, I'm going to be working some more on the backstory and world for my upcoming web-comic, then I'll probably watch a few Lazy Game Reviewer videos, then I'm gonna play some Wolfenstien 2009 with a video on in the background, then I'll probably make some tea for my self, move on to some DayZ then Team Fortress 2 then a bit of the Killing Floor Guest Pass, finally I'll watch some videos online before going to bed.

9 years ago

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I went to a lecture in the morning, bought some burgers and fries in McDonald's on my way back, ate it, took a nap and now I'm gonna play something, maybe Gone Home.

9 years ago

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just watched the nightcrawler

9 years ago

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studying for the finals :(

9 years ago

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