I see a tree. And nothing else. The tree is blocking the view. >.<
But behind the tree there is a burnt hill(forests fires and stuff), and behind that hill there is a non burnt hill, and a fence.
This place there is not much but hills, mountains and forests, but I kinda like it. The only problem are the neighbours, always either yelling with eachother or spying you.
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GENIUS! didn't think of that ^^, I'll do asap i get home :)
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Ok let's try this, I dunno if I uploaded correctly
EDIT: Seems like I did, well not much to say, that's the window where I spend most of the time. I don't have any stories so sry :D
sry for my potato phone quality Also I wish I could show you how my city looks like from higher grounds but I'm sick and can't go out :D
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Ye there are a lot of trees, well it's a small city but I like it this way :P
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:O wow, is that a sandstorm? :O or am I just dumb enough? :D
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it is!
it was yellow, now it's like a disgusting fog :(
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you can check my Steam profile ;)
The same as Rupti...
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Summoned by Darude himself.
The air is completely yellow. Hard to breath outside. Not gonna risk opening the window and letting all the dust in :P
Also, all you can see from my window is my neighbor's house, so won't be worth it anyway
Here's a picture from high up (not mine):
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Do these storms do any damage? There aren't such things where I live :D
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Nothing major as far as I know. I know a lot of people that work outside ended up breathing too much of the dust and were hospitalized with shortness of breath. It's generally recommended to not go outside right now. No damage to buildings or anything like that, since there's not much wind. The dust is just standing still, slowly sinking.
Biggest damage I can think of is how my car looks now, considering I washed it like 2 days before this started.
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Ahh I see thanks for explanation, glad that they aren't very dangerous :P
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I'm at work right now so this is what I see in front of my window :
The ruins are from an old factory ( from the 40's or 50's).
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It belongs to a French family I think since the French protectorate. I'm not sure if the city bought it or not. But I'm pretty sure they want to sell this huge place... But as you may guess, it's an exorbitant price since it's in the city center :)
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I think it's mandatory for me to post song about our city. You probablly won't understand a word, but there are some nice photos ;)
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In the morning there is not much to see :-)
On clear weather on the evening , with sun in the west, it´s best to see, cause they are still about 60-70 km from here.
But of course, with a camera and zoom...even our airport looks like if its located within mountains :P
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I'm sorry, did you say you are gay?
I'm sorry I had to :P
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already posted! http://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/dOKWFCM
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lol, don't. Right behind those trees in the first picture is a freeway, so yeaaah, that's cool. Also, since it's such a shitty little village I live in, the internet connection sucks so, so much.
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Well, it is but living there also has quite a few downsides. Like I mentioned above, there's a freeway right next to us, the internet connection is just shitty aaand there's literally nothing in our little village. All we got is a gas station and a McDonalds...
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Oh, I read that, too, hahah. I live surrounded by concrete (one 8 lane freeway is about 15 meters south of front door, the other 4 lane freeway is about 35 meters east) and stores and businesses so any amount of lush greenery makes me totally jealous. ;)
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I just read that as well :D But yeah, I guess everything's got advantages and disadvantages. I know that I want to leave this place. I'm not sure where I wanna go but I'm certain that I want to leave :]
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I see a fountain, bushes, flowers, spanish moss, and another dorm hall. :)
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It is! I would post a pic but I don't know how to imgur plus I don't feel too comfortable putting pics of my location up on the interwebs. :/
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No problem :)
Just in case
[remove spaces]
and fill it with your infos. Where you see word 'cat' you can put any text that you want. It will be visible when someone will hover over photo that you will post. Where you see url, you just put url to your image. In my example it would look like that
[remove spaces]
It will give us this link to picture that wil be visible at the bottom of the post.
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Or if you don't feel like copy pasting everytime, you can use this script. It helps to create proper links faster.
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It's great, expect for one thing : http://img05.deviantart.net/05e2/i/2012/242/9/9/teh_troll_moon_by_neko_longtail-d5cxwpr.png
"Hi, I'm the full moon ! Let me light up your room, like this, you won't sleep !"
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To get some actual sunlight inside the room, instead of depending only on the electric lighting.
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Downwards are the playgrounds, around some smaller apartment buildings. Then a river and many trees. To the right in the distance I see a shopping centre, even further some skyscrappers and also a football stadium. Ahead behind the trees some taller apartment buildings. Farther ahead I see the city centre with some taller buildings and near it an old city area with very old houses. Next to those is a hill with a castle on top with waving flag on 1 tower. To the left plenty of forest and some hills. And then the farthest away ahead an to the right are plenty of high mountains with white snowy peaks.
It's good to have a window near a PC :) for some zen visuals.
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Maybe at least you have some nice singing neighbour? :D
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Hello, fellow users!
I was just looking behind my window and thinking about things (lol so funny, so deep; I actually thought about stuff, you know?) and some idea came to mind - we all live in different countries, continents, etc. We have our rooms (shared or not) and I can bet that most of them have windows (no rudness intendet, I know how weird can architecture be) and I wondered - what it first thing you see in the morning, where do you look when you want to rest your eyes from PC screen or when you want to check the weather?
I would love to see that. I would love to see how different (or not) are cities are, where do you live. I would love to see how your homelands look for real, not how they are presented on ads for tourists.
But keep in mind that there is one rule - it have to be view from you room/bedroom/eventually room where you spend a lot of time. You have a great ocean view from your patio, but from you room you can only see other houses? Don't worry about that! Show what you see behind your window!
So I will go first. I live in Warsaw, capital city of Poland. My neighborhood, Ursynów, is on the south of city. It's mostly residential blocks but we have some nice things like parks (there is a lot of green here), sport infrastructure, shops, shoping centers, cinema - you name it. The district is prosepring and people no longer can say it is 'bedroom of Warsaw'. It's not far away from the city centre and it's greatly communicated with the rest of the Warsaw.
It's also kinda young. When Warsaw was destroyed by Germans during WW2, Ursynów didn't existed yet. First groups of residantal blocks was built here around the end of 70s, so over 30 years after the end of war.
I hope this little description was interesting for you :) I would love to hear similiar stories but single photos will also be cool. I might not answer to all comments, but keep in mind that I will check all of them :)
Oh, I almost forgot, this is the link to plenty of GAs: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Plenty of GAs
Let me answer befor you ask - no there isn't any mistake in the link
It's a panorama photo, but I think it look fine. open it in new tab, it's not as small at it appears on SG site
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