Go to Steam's main page. Look in the upper bar and go to Support. Create an account there, if you haven't already. Select CSGO on your support page and press the I want to permanently remove this game from my account button. It does what it says, it removes your CS:GO license from your account.
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it removes your CS:GO license from your account.
It only disables the license. It is still associated with your account.
The current functionality allows you to re-enable a removed- that is, deactivated- license at any time.
If your goal is trying to prevent yourself from playing, it won't do anything different than hiding a game would.
Other than benefiting library organization and controlling which games can drop boosters, the primary function is to allow you to disable conflicting licenses so you can activate / make primary a different version of the game than is currently primary.
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I haven't heard of anyone having issues, but either way, in theory, the key ought still be associated with your account [if only for internal reference and an easy way to prevent reactivation on another account].
No telling how they actually do it- let me know if you stumble upon contradictory reports,
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It should be literally just modifying a record in a database back and forth. I'm more questioning the legal aspects, as a Steam key is essentially an indefinite lease on a software. And normally, after you end your license on a product, you cannot just simply pick it up again without a new contract (and often with a new payment).
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Valve has rights in their crazy permissive Tos to do most anything they want to begin with, without fear of legal recourse (in the states). I suppose the real question'd be how europe/etc'd react to that kind of report. But there's no real reason for them to bother with an actual cancellation to the reactivation option, so it seems unlikely they'd bother..
In other words, I'd focus on the actual implementation rather than the potential, since potentially Valve can screw you over no matter what :X
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As mentioned above: Uninstall CS.
You might also try to take a break from gaming in general, like don't use your PC for 1 week or so, go outside, read a book, .... I would guess that you enjoy games much more after that.
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I went through this phase with TF2 before. I just decided save up for a bigger and better game that I knew I would enjoy, to ease me back into not playing TF2.
Also take some time to stop and do something else you enjoy. I know I did a lot of reading during that time.
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Nvm at a certain point you'll get tired of smurfs and cheaters, play only competitive and reach your limit.
I was LEM and stopped caring about csgo after a match with 9 smurfs, everyone but me had a few hours in game, my team was deranking: like running random and shooting in the air.
Now I only play for the weekly drop and in premade with friends, at least we have fun even against smurfs
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I was close to the 1000hrs too, well a lot of them is just idle, but still...
you just need to realize that a game should be "funny", then it will be natural, trust me I was in your exact position :p
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Install them and run idlemaster\download a movie or do something that force you to play a singleplayer
Or try an alternative, insurgency is great.
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I was in similar position like you are in right now (also with cs:go). Just uninstall it and if you still aren't interested in other games, do something else than sitting on your computer, as Oppenh4imer said, I also recommend to read a book, if you are really interested in that i could give you some recommendation that i sure you will like and will make you to read more :)
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I experienced similar thing, i really liked rpgs, action and strategy but then i got addicted into Call of Duty then all of a sudden most games are boring to me, i can only play other games for 30 mins then i couldn't stand them anymore, i do other things rather than play video games beside COD, I try uninstall call of duty but then i just move on to other things because video games were still quite boring to me. it took me 2 to 3 years before i got to enjoy playing video games other than mobile games, COD and NBA 2k. GTA V was released and my special one really loved that game then she forced me to play it. then i got engrossed to world of GTA V and made me remember how fun playing these kinds of games., Now, eventhough i play again, my interest on video games is not as great as it was before and there are periods that i dont play at all and there are periods that i play a lot.
I don't think you really need help maybe you just need to accept that video games are boring to you right now, why force yourself to do things that are not fun and waste your time and money on it, just enjoy playing CSGO. Maybe in the future there is a one great game that is so much fun and brings a different experience than CS GO and most other games out there that will make you enjoy other games as well, just like what GTA V(and also Dark Souls)did to me.
Sorry for my poor grammar, english is not my first language ;(
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I have been addicted to CS:Source on and off for about 10 years. I would break the addiction sometimes for 4 or 6 months and then get hooked again. All competitive games are very addictive and it's hard to stop playing them.
I think when you play competitive against other people, especially if you are good, you get both adrenaline and dopamine rushes. You most likely will not get this while playing most single player games. I think you get so use to having this "high" when playing competitive all the time that it becomes the main satisfaction for playing a game and you don't get that satisfaction while playing a single player game.
I haven't played CS in a long time now. I can't remember how long (maybe a year), but I feel like I may have broken the addiction for good (I hope). I think I started to break the addiction by playing some really good games that I enjoyed a lot and realized I am wasting my life playing CS when there are really good games out there. These good games are not AAA games. I use to play AAA games, but lately I find them very boring and can not play them.
Some of the games I played that I really enjoyed and motivated me to find more good games to play were:
Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons
STALKER: Shadow Of Chernobyl
I have also been stuck in a slump for a while now with no ambition to play games. I try, but for some reason I just have a hard time getting in the mood to play and I have to force myself to continue. This even happens with really good games that I am enjoying a lot and I don't know why. For example, the last game I just completed was "The Cat Lady". I love point and click games and this was a very good game that ended up being one of my favorite games I ever played, but somewhere along the line while playing the game, I just lost ambition and had a hard time continuing. I would often prefer to just veg out and watch youtube videos, even someone else playing a game. I eventually completed the game and enjoyed it so much that I decided to watch a let's play of the game. I ended up watching 2 complete let's plays all the way through of this game that I had trouble completing. I was actually excited about watching the let's plays and couldn't wait to continue watching them.
I really don't understand this, but maybe it has something to do with having some sort of interaction with another person. Maybe it is not the multiplayer game that I am enjoying, but the connection to other people. Even though there is no direct interaction when watching a let's play, it still feels like you are experiencing the game with someone else.
Speaking of adrenaline rushes from competitive games, I got an adrenaline rush the other day while playing slither.io. It's such a simple game with the mouse and 1 button, but it's competitive and that does it for me. I found out about the game recently and became addicted for a few days. It's a lot of fun when you become #1 on the leaderboard and start circling around and taking out groups of snakes/ worms at a time.
So yeah, I'm probably no help, but I just thought I would share my thoughts and let you know that I have the same problem.
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Also, other than the whole adrenaline and dopamine thing when playing competitive, I think it is in human nature to want to "show off". You wan't to train and build yourself up so you can show other people that you are better than them. There is a lot of pleasure derived from this and I think this is what really drives any competitive game. This is another thing you don't get in single players games.
Edit: You can show off not only in the game, but when not playing because you are ranked. I feel like Steam takes advantage of this as well. People that don't play CS may still get this enjoyment from getting there Steam rank as high as possible or having a huge number of games. It's just another way of showing off.
Edit 2: I should also state that I don't think everyone that collects games does it to show off. Collecting and hoarding is a completely different subject and another part of human nature that can be addicting.
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Yes, i do the same aswell, games used to be everything to me, i was practicaly addicted to every game that wasnt puzzles, sports, simulators, proffesional racing, anime, jrpg, but a tragedy struck and i wasnt able to feed my addiction and still arent able of playing games, nearly 3 years have passed and the inability to play games have taken a toll on me, the addiction has burned me out from the inside and nothing that i rarely get to play, not even in their awfull states, no longer gives joy or pleasure as it used to...it was strong from youth, childhood, teenage hood, some years as a young adult, but no longer, my gaming reflexes, senses, reactions are shot, damaged, slow, horrid, my eye catching is slow, i have no patience for anything anymore, no excitement or thrill, its horrible and i hate it and its hopeless....but i hope for you to recover from your CSGO addiction,i realy do because its horrible, CSGO isnt even CSS, thats even worse... anyway, i wish you luck on recovery, get away from that game anyway you can or maybe get a taste of it once a while, i dont know how to help you, you have to try things on your own, as do i....
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+1 with CS 1.x and Source.
On the other hand, I feel the same with dupetank :]
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I have the same problem, but the reason for me not to play Single Player games it's because I am busy. I don't like playing a SP game for less than 4-5 hours on one sit and unfortunately I don't have the time to do so. While you can easily join a quick game on CS:GO and end it under 1 hour.
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lol, CS in under and hour? With me it was always like 6-8 hours, sometimes 12 :)
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Typical cs:go addiction. B-) And just like all addictions, you can't suddenly stop playing it. You could play some single player games, then play a cs:go match, then play single player games. That way, you should gradually decrease the time that you're playing cs:go till you stop playing it at all. Maybe we could also show you the bad side of cs:go: cheaters, trolls, smurfs, derankers, stupid people, mic screamers, etc. Anyway, you have to try playing single player games that are also addictive, like Witcher or Fallout, games that will make you explore for hours. ;)
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You are very welcome. But you need to try hard. No excuses. ;)
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I think its working. I really enjoyed a bout of witcher 2 that lasted for a good 9-10 hours. I didn't even think about csgo. I also got into reading some of the books I've been meaning to read and catch up on. I did have to get a match or two of csgo in there but nothing for too long, 2 hr max..
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That's really nice. Bravo. ^_^ Addictions can't just disappear in a day. You must fight them gradually and you'll eventually win them. In a few weeks, try, instead of playing competitive, to play casual. Also, Witcher 2 is an awesome game. And if you're going to try Witcher 3, you'll see that you'll absolutely get absorbed by this game. ;P
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I know I have said this before, but I simply love your profile picture!
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Just keep playing CSGO if it's what entertains you right now. There's little point in essentially forcing yourself to play other games when you're not in the mindset to enjoy them; eventually you will be, though, and then the world will once again be rainbows and glitter.
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Well if you don't care in download a game + emulator... (why downdload instead of buy?? easy, you can0t buy it anymore....)
play the game Suikoden V from PS2 (you should download emulator too PCSX2)
whit this game you will can't stop playing because the history it's sublime you ,will always want to know more and more. you will can't stop believe me!!!!!!!!
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Play the game on the highest difficult, it will let you challenged to complete the game.
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I used to love games. All kinds of games single-player/multiplayer, rpg, open world, fps. Tons of em.
But lately, I can't enjoy games anymore...
The only game that give me satisfaction is CSGO. I have many games in my library, some of em half finished, some never installed. But whenever I play a single player game or anything other than csgo, I can't last more than 2 hrs. After that I just lose interest. I can't get lost in a game anymore.
That used to be the reason I played. Getting lost in a world not my own. Doing quests, missions, listening to dialogue, enjoying the gameplay. Laughing my ass off when I got utterly rekt by bosses. It used to be so much FUN. I miss that. I just don't get that anymore, unless if it's csgo.
Help me love games again.....I think i'm addicted to csgo. Help, what do I do?
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