Which superhero should get their own Disney+ show next?
Thank you for Captain America Commits Tax Evasion Deluxe finally a solid giveaway of a game with over 90% rating:)
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As much as you'd like to see Hulk get his own show if I'm not mistaken there's still some complications with his rights and having a solo movie or show. While it has been speculated that Marvel does have the rights back I believe there's a clause where they have to wait a certain amount of time after the rights revert back before a solo movie or should could be created, sort of like with what happened with the characters in the Marvel Netflix series shows.
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She-Hulk's already getting her own show though: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10857160/
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I don't think they would do a solo series with Woo, but an MCU SHIELD series with him in it would be cool.
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i'm glad Jimmy Woo is winning the poll because Randall Park is a motherfucking delight and deserves the world.
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As far as shows, I dunno. Definitely enjoyed WandaVision though. And as for the MCU, I think I'm most looking forward to She-Hulk. I know very little about the character, apart from her also being a lawyer, but Tatiana Maslany was amazing in Orphan Black (until the writers all panicked when the show did well and forgot how to write any sort of story into the conspiracy rabbit holes), and it will be good to see her in something with such a high profile.
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I don't know if that's possible now but I'd love some X-Men or maybe Miles Morales or other Spider-Man character.
A Wolverine series would be amazing.
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obvious plant, the greatest creator of original internet content know to man
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Honestly, after the let down that was Black Widow and how much of a mess the Falcon series was, I honestly don't care. These shows are so by the numbers and formulaic. I think they should find a decent director who can put a new spin on things first and not just push out new content.
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To be a proper let down, there had to be any sort of hope for the Black Widow movie.
Considering how they conceived, cast and wrote the MCU version of the character, it was hopeless to start with.
Wandavision was anything but by the numbers and formulaic. Was it my cup of tea? 80/20 no/yes but still not by the numbers.
Now if you're talking about the Boring and Boringer show, well, again, what else could happen with those by the numbers formulaic characters?
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I think the Falcon series had a lot of potential, some of if it even reached the heights of compelling (the new captain america was an interesting element). The role of heroes in that world is honestly a topic worth exploring and the way the snap affected the world could also have been very interesting, unfortunately, it didn't seem like the writers cared. The main villain of the series has no motivation and her actions are nonsensical.
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Agreed on all points. Well, never cared much about the next Captain America storyline because I've read the comics and Captain America is a non starter for me but yeah they could have done more. They just didn't try to because the whole point of that show was to give some form of contract fulfillment to two actors who had movies left in their contract but not enough oomph to make movies for.
As for the snap, they have painted themselves into a corner with that thing and most writers won't touch it with a ten foot pole.
Villains have never been a strong suit of the MCU until Thanos, sadly and it's not going to get better on tv.
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Indeed, marvel villians are kinda shitty, but at least they all had an understandable motive and a goal. Here I have no idea what the girl's goal is, mostly because they writers shied away from depicting a believable story world. Apparently a second season is on its way, so it looks like the audience doesn't care either.
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Heh well it's subscription based so all they can really tell is that some more people subbed when the show aired. Let's see how they feel after season 2.
Tv production is on the lazy side so if they can get people interested while not having to try too hard to come up with great ideas, that's a bonus for them.
Indeed, marvel villians are kinda shitty, but at least they all had an understandable motive and a goal
Meanwhile Magneto wastes away in the archive while they figure out how to reboot the shitty mess Faux made of the Xmen franchise even though Disney bought the whole studio to get this very franchise back. Oh well.
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What was wrong with Daredevil? It's one of the most popular Marvel character TV shows out of them all. Charlie Cox did a great job.
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Well for one thing popularity doesn't mean quality.
If you go by Rotten Tomatoes score, Daredevil is beaten by both Cobra Kai and The Bold Type in score and Carmen Sandiego and At Home with Amy Sedaris are the best shows on tv in the last 10 years...
But that aside, there's nothing "wrong" with it as long as you're not expecting any kind of characterization, worthy direction and if you like ranting superheroes that go on and on about how hard it is to be a hero and to do the right thing... while doing the right thing over and over because hey that's what heroes do.
Basically it's a great show as long as you don't like the original comics or the character
As for Charlie Cox, I have no problem with him. Actually he did the best he could with that watery character.
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Critical Drinker (YT) has some really good criticism of the entire MCU, I agree with everything he says.
These shows are unfortunately written without respect for the characters, and like most things in Hollywood right now, have a (not so subtle) agenda to inject the same ideology into everything - look up the writers to see the trend.
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Heh youtubers are the philosophers of the 21st century. Which shows how bad things got :P
As for agendas, boy, you really shouldn't read Marvel comics, they'll blow your skirt back, sorry to say.
The people who wrote comic books for Marvel, even in the 1960ies were all about social progress and underdogs so you would be disappointed. I know Stan Lee was a white guy so it's deceiving.
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The problem with Hulk is he's not a very interesting character. He's super strong, he gets mad, and destroys everything. That's pretty much it. It's entertaining at first but wears out quickly. Bruce Banner is far more interesting because he has an actual personality but then you would just be watching a superhero show about a regular person. I think it'd be very hard to pull off a good Hulk tv show. They failed to make a good Hulk movie twice. Maybe Hulk is better as a side character.
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Eh, After the shotshow what was EndGame (I'd argue that everything after Infinity War is Crapfest), The stupid, agenda driven shows like Wanda, Falcon and now Loki, I sure as hell hope MCU dies soon.
It was at least fun before; Stupid but fun. Now, it's all agenda driven and lecturing in the bloody comic book super hero movies!
Hell, I'd argue Black Panther was one of the worst offender but IDK how it got this much praise because I thought it was worse then The Dark World and that movie sucked! Basically, A Black Supremacist movie.
Then there is Mary Sue Marvel that helped ruin Endgame. Instead of Hulk vs Thanos pt.2, we got "Girl Power" scene. They cucked Thor and I can't wait until Thor 4 when he will be "retired" or "killed" conveniently (after being a laughing stock for the whole move).
Hulk was ruined with Professor Hulk.
I'd like you to look at this on where Marvel is going: https://www.marvel.com/articles/comics/introducing-the-new-new-warriors Thought it was 4chan at first but nope, this is the future of comics, lol! Just look at the names and especially, design. Self-aware!
Now, on to the shows. WandaVision is about a women who traps a whole city/county because she is emo and basically faultless at the end because... reasons!
Falcon has the honors of becoming a new Captain America (Bucky deserved better really) but let's it go. Then, he cannot see that there is another "white" captain america because he must be black so that's the message at the end. The new Captain America is Black and will help commies (just watch the plot, really. It's dumber then I thought it would be).
Loki, while I haven't seen all the episodes, seem to be on the agenda that Loki is Gay/Bi. I mean, Loki is an entity and human things don't apply to him but no... we need at least 1 gay/bi character in the show (and must make a big deal out of it because gay/bi people are not normal).
Basically, Disney is on far left agenda and I'm really fucking angry that instead of entertainment, we are getting preaching. So, rant over; Off to gaming now. Peace.
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With Marvel TV series like Wandavision, The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, High School Musical: The Musical: The Series and ongoing Loki enjoying reasonable success, we need to stop, take a good look at ourselves and ask: what are we doing? Where is this all going? Why did we let this happen? And: which one of the beloved Marvel characters deserves to get their own spin-off series next?
Bonus giveaway: ghjwX (X is actually d, but don't tell anyone). The game is Captain America Commits Tax Evasion Deluxe, lvl 3, ends in 3 days.
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