Hello everyone, I exactly haven't been active on the forums in quite some time due to various reasons. However it's time I break that silence because I have something I want to share with you all. A new game called Curse Crackers has released today! Unfortunately, I don't see the game is available to give away yet, as only the soundtrack shows up when I search. But in the mean time, why don't you give it a look and share your impressions?


2 years ago*

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Looks very fun :D I like the visuals! ^^

2 years ago

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The giveaway is here if you are interested. :)

2 years ago

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Thanks again :D Have it on wishlist so I might get it one day if I didn't win ^^

2 years ago

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Gameplay looks pretty cool and I'm loving the GBC aesthetics. Already had their other game on my WL but I had no idea they released another one. Thanks for sharing!

2 years ago

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The giveaway is here if you are interested. :)

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

2 years ago

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Platformers? Or pixel art?

2 years ago

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Not meaning to be rude, but could you explain why we should give extra attention to this pretty average looking platformer out of all the games that release on Steam each day?

2 years ago

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Because I wanted you to. :P Seriously though, I think it looks neat and am excited to play it. I don't know that it'll be breaking any new ground here, but from what I've seen, it looks like it'll be fun. Personally, I don't consider it to be average as far as the visuals (and from what I've heard, the soundtrack ought to be pretty good too). It very much reminds me of the games I used to play on my Gameboy. I typically prefer games that are stylized as opposed to realism or (God forbid) the typical reused asset garbage these days. But who knows, maybe I'll end up hating it. Regardless I plan on supporting the creators and giving away a copy when it becomes available to do so. Was there something specific that turned you off to it?

2 years ago

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Haha, thanks for your in depth reply.
As to your question: it just didn't seem like anything special to me. It looks a bit generic tbh. I wouldn't play it myself, because there's too much of this over the top anime cuteness I find hard to handle and that looks the same just about everywhere. And additionally it seems not casual enough for my taste. I like exploring, lore, story, and great graphics, and this seems to aim more towards people who like a challenge. I don't. But even if I would, the aforementioned points would not make me wanna jump on it.
But to each their own, I guess. I wish you much fun with this game ♥

2 years ago

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Care to elaborate why you still decided enter the GA despite claiming that you "wouldn't play it yourself" among other perceived game "flaws" that you so kindly pointed out?

2 years ago

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Eh, been having a lot on my plate lately. Weak moment, thanks for pointing it out.

Edit: Went ahead to leave, but is already ended. Ah well.

2 years ago

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Looks fine despite it not being my favorite genre of game.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Aw, I arrived too late. Still thanks for the heads-up, I added it to my wishlist.

2 years ago

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The game looks great, and all reviews are positive atm, so it got a spot on my wishlist.

2 years ago

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Im kinda late for giveaway, but i wanna say that the game looks really good.

2 years ago

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Closed 3 months ago by Dannzo.