I'm trying to clear some stuff out the cart before I buy (because I can't afford all atm) and i don't know if should get this deal now or not and if I didn't get it now can I get this deal again?

I also don't wanna buy many games i don't have much knowledge about or didn't play any of its previous titles to eventually figure out that i spent money on a game that i don't even like (like how i did with borderlands, i bought the whole franchise because i played like 3 hours in BL1 and i thought it was cool until i played it long enough to see how repetitive it was)

I have played like 3 hours in Human revolution and i felt abit bored but again 3 hours is not enough to judge the game..

Games I'm trying to buy:
Just Cause Collection 18.31$ (I didn't like JC2 however since JC3 XL with all dlcs is like 16.30 so....yea not big difference)
Dinosaur Hunt XXL Edition 0.65$
Virginia 0.99$
Rocket League® Game of the Year Edition 12.49

Other site (Cdkeys)
PUBG+Metro redux bundle for 27.61 in total

Other games I'm considering:
Theif collection (only missing the latest theif game and its dlcs) 4.52$
Tomb raider GOTY 4.49$ I love tomb raider but I'm not sure if I should buy it or trade for it instead since it has been bundled.

My budget is 55$ + 6.63 steam wallet funds

7 years ago*

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Should i buy now?

View Results
No, wait

It will prob be the same price for the winter sale so if you can't afford everything at the moment, just wait.

7 years ago

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If you want to buy Just cause 3 go look on humblebundle (https://www.humblebundle.com/store/just-cause-3). It is on sale at 6 euros, and €11,24 the XL edition.

7 years ago

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I was thinking of getting it, because it comes with Mankind Divided season pass, but, after reading reviews regarding its content, I don't like at all the only one use items, and the story dlc's can only be played when you finish the game, but without the unlocked skills of the main game.
And at this moment I have no interest in playing the old games, though in their time, I was amazed by them when saw them on a magazine when I was 11.

7 years ago

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I did. No regrets :)

7 years ago

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