Are you happy for Billy?
Hahaha its okay, ive done things wrong. Im not blaming you orsomething
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261 Comments - Last post 6 minutes ago by DaveFerret
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362 Comments - Last post 14 minutes ago by Riil
I knew I'd get your attention with the 2 most attention seeking titles combined. What could go wrong when you do that? Now, let's get to business, shall we?
But first of all, let me tell you the story of little Billy. Billy liked to play games, and found a website where he can enter to win games. Wow isn't that funky? Billy clapped his hands excitedly as he kept throwing his points around. Time flew by Billy, and before he knew it, he had already won 15 games. But then Billy began to feel that something's not right. His insides trembled and his smile faded into frown. Billy then pressed the little red x in the top right corner with shaking hands and sighed when his blank wallpaper stared back on him.
Not even the games he had won could bring joy into his life anymore. Billy laid down on his bed and kept staring on the ceiling. What could be wrong. What's this sorcery? Billy though to himself. He kept lying in his bed, night and day, until his eyelids closed. Not knowing how much time had passed, Billy then opened his eyes once again. His eyes popped wide and he rolled off the bed. I have awoken from my slumber! I know what I must do! Billy rolled on the floor excitedly with his numb limbs. Then, he pulled himself up into his chair by his teeth. After he smashed his head on the keyboard a couple of time Billy gasped. Oh jolly! 2 years had passed? Boy, it sure was a long sleep! Billy smashed his head on the keyboard a couple more times, leaving blood stains on it.
Billy sighed and smiled. Huh, what's this. And what's that? Billy looked on all the new features, then on the little envelope with a number above it. Billy smashed his head once again on the keyboard and swallowed a tooth, then read the title messages. What he found under there brought a smile on his face and Billy knew what he has to do now. He rolled off the chair, out on the street, and right into the sea. He lives happily as a dolphin even now. Billy has finally found his place.
That's the story of little Billy. And what would this story be without
bad rats. I mean,pirates. Erm, a puzzle. Yes, a puzzle! Furthermore, what about a puzzle on a train station? It sounds dangerous right? Well geez, it's obviously not! So hop on in.But be warned. This puzzle has 50+ questions. And they are all about me. You'll have to know my exact weight, height, eye colour, favorite food, and the recipe to make it. You know, little things like that. Obviously everyone knows those small things about me. Choo choo is lvl 2+ though. Sorry if you are not there, yet. pats your head. Also, don't expect much from it. Sowwy, all I can do. (ಥ_ಥ)
Don't click me please! It hurts!
P.S: Please take this poll very seriously and only answer if you've read little Billy's story. Also, why the long choo you may ask?! Well. I'll be gone for a week. Dum dum duuum!
Picture obviously related.
EDIT: Thanks everyone for gathering around and listening to Billy's little story. Last night I walked out on my balcony sighing and looking onto the ocean, when I heard it. I heard little Billy screaming 4, 4, 4, 4, in dolphin language. Because I obviously know how to speak that. A single tear rolled down my cheek and a smashed my head hard against the window. It broke, but it was worth it. I showed my respect for Billy like this. And then I decided. I pumped my fist hard into the air and decided to share the rest of Billy's little story. Soon.
EDIT2: Due to Billy's request I've been sneakily and cheekily pushing people into my big white heart. The requirement wasn't high, so you might be lucky. But who knows, you might be not. Who knows? Only Billy maybe. Only Billy.
We are watching you
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