SteamAPI shenanigans, don't worry, it's temporary.
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Steam is having problems right now and is exporting the wrong values to us, It should be fixed in the next day or so.
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I bet support is having a lot of tickets about this...
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I noticed something similar happened this morning with my (old) giveaway of The Whispered World: Special Edition. I see that I can create a new giveaway for Blade Symphony, but I can't create a new giveaway for The Whispered World. Was The Whispered World permanently added to the list of games that can no longer be gifted on the site? Was it given away free as a promotion recently, or is there another reason for its exclusion?
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For some reason, the Steam store has been making items unpurchasable. I don't know the exact mechanics behind it, but I'm guessing sometimes they just export that the price is 0, and sometimes they don't bother exporting the game, which is like the game getting removed from the store, and thus the giveaway list. I don't think The Whispered World was removed from the giveaway list on purpose.
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Shouldn't the points once allotted be fixed and part of the account? It should consider only the prices at time of listing. Once done it should stick and shouldn't change with steam. A game that costs 100$ full and gives full points then will automatic become 10$ in points if the price in future of that game at steam store becomes that? That isn't a good method.
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yes but if you give them away before they are bundled you still keep full cv for them!!=>
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But the points still remain unstable subject to steam store? Why? if I give away a new game that costs 60$ today and a few days later it is 30$ is it my fault? Why should my CV lose points? because presently that is what is happening? A bundled game I GA a day back today morning lost points to 0 because of some steam glitch seems. Now why should a bundled game lose points? Overall there is no reason to not lock points at time of completion of GA once done and keep it open to such bugs. because it defeats the purpose of GA good games or high price ones in which case. here any game be it bundled or unbundled becomes zero depending on steam fluctuations or data error even after points were given and that should not be so. I wonder if this is also an issue at Steam companion? Steam store rates can only be a benchmark to allot points. It can't be linked to the rate changes at store later once give. That is unfair. I am now having second thoughts about giving away unbundled games and targeting higher levels which I intended to, because lets face it one price rework at store will set it all back. It defeats the whole reason.
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that is just the way the site works cause it is always getting new values from steam. Plus as a side note it encourages people to continue to ga games to keep there cv up=>
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No it sucks. I am level 3 and yet not level 3 anymore and cannot take part in level 3 GAs and this one suck thing messed all my hard work all week GA stuff. I realize its not worth the effort and maybe I will not GA anything anymore. Because its not worth the effort if this is how I suffer in the end. People GA on their volition and don't need suck bugs to motivate them. People who GA don't need such motivation and leeches don't need give away anything. The system can't be counter productive like this. I GA one game 2 days back to cross the bridge of level 3 and now I am pushed back because the system wont stick the points to CV and I don't think it is fair. A lot of guys can't afford to buy too many games to GA and yet they do and every $ they spend matters to them. This discourages such people and does nothing to encourage them. The guys who are at levels 7-10 may not see a setback by a couple of $s in points but at levels 1-3 it matters a lot. It is disappointing atm I am not able to take part ion level 3 games on such technical errors and I keep thinking if I wasted my time and money trying to achieve it! The points should be fixed once it is alloted. Its is ridiculous that a bundled game loses its points because of steam data error.
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Thing is I bought a truckload of unbundled games to GA hoping to move to higher levels till 5 and now I am re-thinking it all wondering if it's worth the effort and time and expense. I may GA one more bundled key to add a safety net to save my level 3 from fluctuations but GA away costly unbundled games is scaring me now. I realize the site is free and cannot invest in making it more compact but at the same time, there is no safety net for GA priced stuff is all.
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If you are giving away games only to reach a certain level, then no, it's not worth it. You'd be better off buying the games you want rather than giving away to reach a certain level in hopes of getting a better chance to win these games.
You should give away games because you want to give away games.
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I GA all my spare bundle keys purely as a goodwill and reached level 3. Then the idea of getting to level 5 caught my imagination so that after I GA all this stuff I get a better chance at winning games. Right now my CV is more games given then gotten in numbers and value. having spend so much time and effort and money without expecting anything, it made sense to consolidate it a bit more and increase my chances of winning something. It was logical thing to do. I had won more games at level 1 without GA anything TBH and have not won anything much since reaching level 2. Its not guaranteed. I experienced that on level 2 for a long time. I still GA without expecting much in return. I decided to attempt level 5 only last 2-3 days when close to 3 on a friend's advice. Not before. I had the option to stay at level 1 and enjoy whatever freebies I won and I skipped that. Now how do I go back? Its done.
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+1 for what TempeteJoachim just said above: as a monetary investment, SG levels are a horrible way to spend your money.
That said, we do appreciate the games you gave in the process of raising your level, and we hope you had some fun in the process. Stick with us for the community, and for the fun of winning a GA once in a while. I actually love to have lady luck pick some of the games I play!
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Locking the value up is too easily exploitable. This is he first time I can remember that the Steam bug sets prices to 0 for games still for sale. Almost every other time that a bug has occurred, Steam exports a price higher than the actual point value, usually up to 50p to 100p for games typically only worth 5p or 10p. This actually happens very often.
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The problem with keeping the value along with the giveaway, as explained by cg at some point, is the price errors are so frequent that we would end up with all kind of errors that would need to be manually corrected. right now, if the price is bugged, it is only temporary and it will fix itself. If the price bug is stored with the giveaways, then all errors have to be manually tracked down and corrected.
Everyone is affected by prices decreasing at one time or another. The more you give away, the more likely you are to be affected. Dos it suck? Of course it does. But in the end, is it that important? Higher level giveaways will give you slightly better odds of winning, but your chances are still slim. out of 50 giveaways won, only 3 were from higher=level giveaways. Most of my wins were from private and/or group giveaways.
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This is a temporary problem with Steam. Btw your avatar "trolls dolls" reminded me of my late grandpa (god bless him) who used to drive in an old Jeep with a collection of troll dolls in the rear windshield, all of which had different-colored hair
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Can someone explain me how come Blade Symphony is 0P ?
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