If I don't like a person, I just wish that they outlive their children
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Couldn't really find why he said that, but could find this: https://twitter.com/Totalbiscuit/status/329759928090779648
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"He's not like that 99.999% of the time and hasn't done anything of the like, kinda like since, right?"
As I said above he's known for his temper.
"If you insist on judging people by thier actions, look at what he's done since."
All I did was post a tweet.
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Aw I was going to post that.
Wonder how many people retweeted it to him. I would if I could.
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That's a logical fallacy. You're taking an idea that you find interesting, that cancer in some politicians is the result of some kind of (very inefficient) assassination program, and looking at things that could conceivably fit in that theory as if they were confirmation. Would it be impossible? No, it wouldn't, but I really can't see a greater prevalence of cancer in that particular demographic.
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sounds possibly genetic or cultural
next you'll be saying the cia is inducing heartattacks in blacks
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If somebody is going around secretly killing politicians with cancer they aren't very good at choosing targets. I mean really, if somebody has such an untraceable murder weapon don't you think they'd be going after more than just a few Latin American politicians?
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people are retarded. first of all you've got the wrong guy entirely.
second of all a statement "i dislike the direction japanese rpgs have gone in the last decade" is not being racist. idiots who read only headlines and blow things out of proportion because massive pileups of ignorant hate are fun.
not to mention jrpg has nothing to do with japan or who makes it anyway. its just a genre. a german comany can produce games in the jrp genre and japan can(and does cause they produce so many videogames anyway) make "western" rpgs.
what do you want to segregate reviews so you can you only criticize something produced by your own race?
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I hope he gets better, at least he was able to catch it before it got bad
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I disagree. I've never seen any native speaker mixing up "your" and "you're". However I've read more than enough stories written by non-native speakers to be sure that this is a problem. Not just any people, I mean writers who post their work on fanfiction sites and are good at what they are doing ("your/you're" "their/they're" are the most infuriating thing when reading a good piece of story but I just take a brake and continue later on because sometimes proofreaders miss some things and the stories are worth it)
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They quite often state their nationality on their profile or in the description, sometimes you can say just by seeing that first shares were in their native language and as they progressed in language skills they started writing in english (the usual description "I'm sorry for any mistakes, I'm not native english speaker" sometimes listing proofreader who is supposed to be english). And honestly it's not that difficult to write a story in your second language. If you know the basics, you can find the rest. I guess it's similar to reading in your second language, after some time you just don't see the difference anymore.
And yeah, I had a brain fart while writing that word xD
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I'm a non-native speaker. I do sometimes typo your/you're (but correct it whenever I see it and I can edit, even weeks later. Can't stand it.). I've never mistyped "have/of". Seeing it drives me nuts. If K3W3L hadn't asked, I would have.
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Then you also have the "loose" vs "lose" and the common (though a bit of a different mistake) "could care less" vs "couldn't care less"
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You're forgetting the large group of people who've learned English mainly from watching U.S. shows/movies, I for one grew up in The Netherlands and in my youth 9 out of 10 shows on tv where in English with subs, back then even cartoons weren't dubbed, only subs.
Most people learn it this way nowadays, only a select few learn it at school in my experience.
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i disagree. non-native speakers don't keep learning or reading english their whole life. it's only you and google translate at one point.:/ so you don't need to be über dumb to make such mistakes. native speakers, on the other hand, read english all the time. (if "reading english" doesn't mean reading novels, books etc. that are written in english, this is a good example. i translated it directly from my native language.)
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You try to tell him he's not bright, yet can't even do it correctly. Amusing.
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No matter the year, "should of" is still improper grammar and doesn't actually mean anything. Just saying.
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Money? I think he can pay for his own treatment, he isn't doing that bad even if he is in USA...
I think it's more of awareness issue and informing his fans to end the possible speculation. If you shit blood, it's probably a bad idea not to have it checked out if it continues...
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This jabba guy is hilarious, we need a troll in every thread! He's a true classic.
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I know how dare he try to raise awareness for cancer.
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He isn't dead yet jesus christ. It isn't pancreatic cancer. He could have a very good chance of surviving this.
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verb: presume; 3rd person present: presumes; past tense: presumed; past participle: presumed; gerund or present participle: presuming
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That's some harsh crap right there. I hope he gets better! Fingers crossed!
[Edit] @rizuhbull - See... this sort of thing is exactly why I never say this sort of thing, ever, no matter how much I'm raging in a multiplayer game or in a forum or anywhere... :L [/Edit]
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