Hey. since the site couldn't handle me making 100 giveaways, and I can't delete these giveaways which haven't even started, please delete all of my current "invite only" giveaways so I can try again. There is a 20 ticket limit for some reason, so I can't even put this in a ticket.

I'm very disappointed that when I asked for more slots for this event, I was rejected. This current hassle could have been completely avoided if I was granted the extra slots (or if I could delete GAs).

4 years ago

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Your single giveaway pages don't have the 'Delete Giveaway' link to delete them one by one? It should look like this:

4 years ago

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when I asked for more slots for this event, I was rejected

That's unusual :O

4 years ago

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Asking for 4-5 more slots is usual, asking for a hundred isn't.

4 years ago

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You should be able to delete a giveaway before it ends without requiring a support ticket. I don't know how it works if the giveaway has not started yet, so maybe you have to wait until they start.

The problem is that you will lose a giveaway slow for every giveaway you delete and it looks like that will be every giveaway slot you currently have, which means you will not be able to make any new giveaways if you delete them all. Then you will have to contact support explaining what happened and ask for more slots.

The site tells you how many giveaway slots you have available on the top of the giveaway creation page. This should allow you to plan the size of an event based on how many giveaways you can create. I'm not sure what happened or why support would not give you more slots, but deleting over 150 giveaways one by one is probably not going to be fun.

4 years ago*

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I did that 20 times, used up all my tickets for the day.

I have 177 slots, I was offered 3 more if I put in another ticket. I have hundreds of games to input, but this was only a 100 GA train. I'm not quite sure why they want to limit this.

I actually don't know why the train failed the first time. Using ESGST, the creation page made like 60 GAs, then said please wait 2 minutes in a countdown popup. I waited for a long time, but it didn't continue creating them. It failed the second time because I was short 27 slots.

4 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago*

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Well they are private GAs and no entries. I put in 20 delete requests before they even started. Hopefully someone can remove the rest so that I can make this giveaway happen before the old ones expire on Sunday.

4 years ago

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I'm pretty sure your giveaway slot will not be freed up if you delete the giveaways according to my experience.

4 years ago

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Regarding manually editing, it took me a long time to match the game names and input keys. I'm not spending hours more to fix them.

Someone who can delete GAs could fix this in a few minutes manually, and then I could resubmit and create these in another minute, and set up the forum post. If bulk deletion is a problem for them, they should have allowed me more giveaway slots, or let me delete these myself.

The funny thing is I remember feature requests 7 years ago asking for the same quick delete/undo button for 0 entry GAs.

4 years ago

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Oh, maybe deleting a giveaway creates a support ticket, but it is automatically approved if the giveaway has not ended yet. They must have a limit of 20 support tickets per day and each deleted giveaway counts towards that.

You were only offered 3 giveaway slots? An account starts with 3 slots, so maybe the support member didn't understand what you were asking. It sounds like they thought you lost all your slots and were offering to start you out with 3 again. Once you have established that you know how to use the site, I think they will give you plenty of slots if you want to create a lot of giveaways.

At this point, I don't know if it would be better to try and delete the giveaways or just not give out the links and wait 3 days for them to end with 0 entries to get your slots back and then create more. That will leave a mess of 0 entry giveaways on your account though. It shouldn't affect anything, but will look odd to someone looking at your account.

4 years ago

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After re-reading the Support response from a few days ago, I think you're mostly right. They thought I was brand new, so they explained how gaining GA slots works. (Begins with "All users start with three slots.")

4 years ago

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The private GAs start in one hour, and they lock my ability to make giveaways for 3 days.

4 years ago

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Sounds like you've hit one of the site's edge cases - which is unfortunate. I didn't know about the support ticket limit, or that it would impact deleting giveaways. So, thanks for that insight - your pain is our gain!

I think AllTracTurbo's suggestion of letting the giveaways run their course with zero entries may be the simplest. You won't lose any slots, you will just have to be patient.

I've had issues with the ESGST train maker in the past. I'm never quite sure if its my misunderstanding or ESGST. I usually start with making a train of 3 carts until I'm happy, and then go for the big one. Once I had edited 100+ carts to correct the PREV/NEXT links that had not been populated. I made it easier for myself by creating a spreadsheet with formula to generate the links then just had to edit it cart and copy/paste.

4 years ago

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cg fixed everything. Thanks a lot for your time cg! I'll try not to rate-limit and lock myself in the future.

4 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by ionface.