have to say my grandfather...he worked at least 14 hours a day everyday
of course my parents had more influence on my upbringing and they worked hard as well but the decisions they made were only made possible by my granddad...and Im pretty sure my whole family would come to the same conclusion
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Yes! Isn't it great?! I finally got a hold of the original full resolution image and re-cropped it.
Sadly, the reason the picture became available was because the avatar cat died last week. The owner put the photo on Facebook. But she will live on in my avatar. The cat that is, not the owner...she's still alive...
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You're right! Good spot!
Granted, a little easier to see on the new avatar, but still... :)
Secret full-size original pic. Destroy after viewing.
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James Dyson. Yes the vacuum cleaner man.
In year 10 and 11 (UK) I did an engineering diploma and my teacher was obsessed with him. Every time he did something we would have to watch the whole of it. It is incredible how much he does and just what a humble and nice man he is.
I know it's weird that it's not someone I know personally or even someone I've met, but he has definitely made a hugely positive impact on my life.
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He is great! I implore to anyone who doesn't know much about him to research him for just 5 minutes to understand how much he does for education. It is literally my dream to win the James Dyson award but I highly doubt that will ever happen but I still keep up to it every year as a lot of the stuff is simply amazing. My favourite from this year so far is the Oton Glass which detects what word you are trying to read and reads them out to help people who have trouble reading like dyslexics.
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My family, Batman, and Gandhi. xD
My family, because they are always here for me, no matter what.
Batman, because he is an imaginary hero that has some important values and is trying to make a difference in his crime-infested city.
Gandhi, because he helped me understand that violence is never the solution to anything. Violence always brings more violence and cannot bring peace afterwards. Non-violence is the only way to peace. Because even though we could all have a cause that we are prepared to die for, there should not be a single cause for which we are prepared to kill.
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Batman always has a rule not to kill anyone! He may hit criminals, but he lives in a city that is one of the few that are trying to make a difference and doesn't have a whole nation to back him up. And keep in mind that it's a comic, not real life. :P
EDIT: True, he made India a great nation. Sadly, after his death, India became worse. :/
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Mahatma Gandhi was a symbol, nothing more, in my opinion. He is partly responsible for Pakistan breaking off from India. An India has grown since he died. A lot. It's still growing and has a long way to go. But it's due to many Indians besides Gandhi. It's odd how Gandhi is the only Indian anyone knows. As though he single-handedly freed the country! XD
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"Mussolini is a riddle to me. Many of his reforms attract me. He seems to have done much for the peasant class. I admit an iron hand is there. But as violence is the basis of Western society, Mussolini’s reforms deserve an impartial study. His care of the poor, his opposition to super-urbanization, his efforts to bring about co-ordination between capital and labour, seem to me to demand special attention. I would like you to enlighten me on these matters. My own fundamental objection is that these reforms are compulsory. But it is the same in all democratic institutions. What strikes me is that behind Mussolini’s implacability is a desire to serve his people. Even behind his emphatic speeches there is a nucleus of sincerity and of passionate love for his people. It also seems to me that the majority of Italian people love the iron government of Mussolini."
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My brother. He's an army ranger. Biggest influence on my life
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RL personal heroes - Grandmother, Pop, Mom, Uncle, Aunt but i'd go with Captain Falcon - better theme song lol.
Glad i haven't needed a "real" hero - as the burden of debt weighs heavy ...
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It has to be my mom. Is the most genuine, strong, kind-hearted person and the main reason I'm still here. I dunno what I would do without all the support she's given me throughout the years. :)
If we're talking superheroes I really like Thor. Thank you for the giveaway!
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No one I guess (well, except for myself). Don't get me wrong, I love my parents, but they are not really helpfull lately (as in a couple of years already). They just keep complaining about literally everything (not that I really care, within a couple of years I'll be moving out and I can look forward to a good future (where I got without their help)).
Actually, maybe I do have some heroes. Almost every metalhead is my hero. Metalheads are the nicest people I know and the world we (metalheads) live in is just amazing. \m/
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I honestly don't have a hero. I've never been much of someone that looks up to people. I just want to mold myself in the way I think would be best.
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I imagine the absolute perfect version of myself. One that I can never surpass. An incorruptible symbol that I can aspire to be.
Either that, or Batman! XD
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no heroes. there are howevere people i admire for theyr ideas and personality such as mussolini, machiavelli, junger, evola, yukio mishima, and many others
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Mussolini? As in leader of the Italian National Fascist Party? The guy who publicly advocated for genocide of the Slavic people? Adolf didn't make your admiration list?
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the second most important italian figure right after julius caesar. he who incarnates italian nationalism and statalism values. he whos socialist reforms, monuments and territorial infrascrutures stand still even nowadays. yes thats really him.
not sure what you are talking about here, the jugostavia invasion was a forced act by german and italy due to treason and under a geopolitical optic because of the greece-albanian front where italy got his ass kicked. i aint justify nothing of the terrible acts during those years and after things went down of course. like i dont justify the foibes massacres led by slavic communist agains italian people both during and after the war. there were both war crimes led by both country never being recognized as it
ehi, hitler is an interesting person too, this is undeniable. sad to see that even after 70 years of his demise the world isnt ready to express an impartial opinion on him yet. the ostracism is still strong on everything related to him. looking forward to the day when the world and expecially the europe will accept him as one of the most important and controversial personality ever existed, probably the most demonized one in the human history.
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Everybody loves heroes, this is a fact.
I remember when i was young, watching to Spider Man movies, playing games with my friends as heroes and villains.
This year is a great one, with lots of great hero movies, and that made me think.
Who is trully my hero?
My dad always helped me a lot, he works a lot, and lives 9000 Km far from me.
He moved so he could gave me a better life, and he is doing it.
I am who I am because of him.
He loves me and I love him so much, that he is the best Hero i will ever know.
So I have to ask you. Who is your Hero?
Ps: Level 2 Giveaway - Scribblenauts Unmasked
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