Is it really? then tell me why some of my friends that decided to upgrade to 8.1 cant play several games and even DIGITAL COPIES of so many games have 'runs on WINDOWS 8: ✓ ; runs on WINDOWNS 8.1: X' ? click 2nd click 3rd click
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You would probably need to reinstall those games after the upgrade although I never upgraded to 8.1 since my copy was already at 8.1.
All of my Steam games and even none Steam games work fine on Windows 8.1. Those links are likely outdated and no longer valid.
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Well I am a windows 8.1 user and truth be said I haven't experienced any type of gaming related problem so far. Before making vague claims please try to use it yourself :). I have played games from Half life to Wolfstein the new order and none of the games I have played had any issues(at least steam games didn't have any problem) .
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Dude, the experience with everyone is different, just because you didnt got issues, it means my claims are wrong? Did you see my links? A lot of my friends are experiecing issues since they upgraded thats why i didnt do it and searched the subject online . Vague? Google this 'games that don't run on windows 8.1' , if thats vague i will ask Google to add more pages with the subject
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Pretty much every game that worked on Windows 7 still works on Windows 8 for most people. The only exception is certain really old games. As far as I know, Windows 8.1 should not have added any new incompatibilities. Just because a game breaks for some people doesn't mean that it doesn't work on that version of Windows. It's usually a driver or hardware issue.
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He wasn't saying your claims are wrong; he merely told you to avoid practicing double-standards in regards to restraint: "Before making vague claims please try to use it yourself :)"
You began with "YOU CANT PLAY SEVERAL GAMES WITH 8.1 thats the biggest difference" then stated "Dude, the experience with everyone is different, just because you didnt got issues, it means my claims are wrong?" ... Yes, your claims are wrong; if even ONE Win8.1-loaded machine is able to play all games without problems, then your original statement is automatically false.
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Well, i wont update my pc, soooo everything i know, its from what i read online, reviews, and personal experiences from people around me that have 8.1, i cant really say that i've been trough that myself x) but i rather not risking it, im fine like this
But that seems unfair, lets picture that it really is like, no one can play some games with 8.1 and like two persons can play them all without problems, and then because of that some dude/dudette decides to upgrade, and the game he likes/wants to play start having issues, that would suck for him/her, so just stay with 8 if you are fine like that
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If you read your own link (the 3rd one), you would know that this issue has been fixed...
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"Deus Ex: Human Revolution" works perfectly here, Windows 8.1, not a single crash or any problems when hacking things inside the game there. But I noticed after upgrading to 8.1 for some games you need to verify cache, to make them work correctly, and there was an issue on very old games with the DPI sensitivity as ppl say, but I never tried this.
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Verifying the cache for a game to work is the least of your problems with 8.1 . besides screwing with your gaming experience it also screws your pc definitions, i have a friend that upgraded it, and now its luminosity its always so low that the screen looks turned off, and it wont let her change that, if she changes, it keeps lighten for a couple minutes and then low luminosity again, which sucks for her
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Actually the only trouble I had on Win 8.1 was playing Civ5. All the other games play fine on it but Civ5 tends to crash when I use the touchscreen option. But then again I'm not a hardcore gamer with lots of games to say if Win 8.1 is badly optimized for gaming.
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Calm yon tits son.
The bit with the mouse lag was fixed, though there's also a manual fix you can do yourself. Manual fix found here So that's the 1st and 3rd click links gotten rid of.
As for the 2nd one, not entirely too sure what to do about it, but it also only seems to affect a few select games from what I can tell, not every game in existence. And not being able to play COD:BO2 is hardly a loss, honestly. However, it seems to vary from system to system, quite possibly due to whether or not 8.1 was the original OS or if it was an upgrade from 8.
Also, to answer you bit about your friend having the screen being dim all the time, did you know that windows 8.1 has the ability to control the luminosity of your monitor? It does! It also has a setting in the advanced selection of "Power Options" that has a setting called "Adaptive brightness". That would be the machine adjusted to the ambient light.
Seriously, this is just a case of PC illiteracy, not the OS.
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Im only saying that windows 8.1 comes with a lot problems, some now have a solution, and some don't yet
The 3 links i gave are not the only 3 problems 8.1 have..
And yes it seems to vary from system to system, still does not mean im wrong when microsoft itself had to make guides for some of the errors that appeared with the upgrade
omg, there is apower options?! and adaptive bright?! NO SHIT.. still does not work x)
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It does if some if i saw some of them in physical cases and they said that they were not compatbile with 8.1 , i going to buy a game for a friend in his birthday and I didnt even know i had to watch out for that, it was the staff that warned me
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Hey bloosh, I just want to mention; that the laptop you have DOES NOT come with a Windows 8 disk. I called up lenovo, and you actually have to buy the Windows 8 disk directly from Lenovo. It says Windows 8 compatible, because the disk that they give you (if you buy the Win. 8 copy from them) come's with the drivers included.
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I'd very much prefer to pay for a new non-mobile, non-touchy-feely-swipey, desktop based Windows with a nice round-edged Aero Glass GUI.
Why does no one in Redmond want to take my money?
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Whilst I did prefer the old look I'm rather glad the rounded corners are gone.
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I won't hold it against you. Much.
Unfortunately it is entirely inconceivable to design an easily customizable GUI which lets everyone choose if they would like Modern UI or Aero Glass, round or sharp edges on their desktop.
Oh wait, no it isn't!
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It sure would be nice if it was just a free incremental 4GB update rather than a full new OS with all the teething problems a full new OS usually comes with (especially when trying to update without a fresh install).
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At 10+ GB it's a whole new OS and that means a fresh install or most likely facing issues.
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I've been using Windows 8.1 for several months now and I am so used to it that I could never go back to Windows 7, on that "rumor" I don't like this bit: "Chief among the expected changes is the glorious return of the Windows start button.".
The start screen is a major improvement over the start menu and the start button has always been there, with the start screen you can easily pin frequently used programs to it instead of having them on the desktop covering whatever wallpaper you might have.
The only real change from what I remember from 8 to 8.1 (I have a 8.1 install disc $99.99 @ Newegg) is you can have the desktop show on login instead of the start screen.
If the changes on Windows 9 aren't to my liking I will just not allow it.
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According to rumors so far, windows 9 will bring back a real interface for those who don't want a mobile device on their PC while leaving the choice of keeping the dumbed-down version if you're so inclined.
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Something that's not the ugly and really unpractical start screen for one. Mostly, getting the tablet/phone interface out of the way and bringing back an actual desktop interface. Windows 9 will bring back the start menu, do away with the annoying charms, etc.
I'm sure there are a few people out there who will want to keep the mobile look & feel, but as a power user I certainly want more usability from my OS, not more cuteness.
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actual desktop is still there (and always was), just without the old start menu and that can be replaced with the a lot more powerful & customizable classic shell one, which I already use on 7 here as it's so much better..,
9 will likely only disable all of the (ugly not cute) metro junk for no-touch devices, but that's about it (and can be mostly done on 8 already too)
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In the latest build of Win9 there is a checkbox in Taskbar settings that allows to use Start Screen instead of a Start Menu. So hopefully it will make it to the final release.
As for the new Start Menu, it's like a mini Start Screen now where you can pin Modern UI apps as well. I would still prefer Start Screen though.
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From what Microsoft has been doing lately with their OS's all they've been doing is rushing out with a new OS when the one they just released hasn't even been out for more then a year (Windows 8) which is because Microsoft are just greedy bastards.
ReactOS will likely be the OS that will destroy Microsoft since it is going to be an open source, free and supports Linux, Windows & Mac programs.
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Ironically, the only two Microsoft OS's I would have been willing to pay for (XP SP3, and 7) I got for free at my university as part of the MSDNAA program.
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Because Linux isn't right for everyone, and many of us aren't thieves.
If no one bought it, MS couldn't actually afford to make it and you couldn't pirate it. I'm sure you don't mind working 40 hours a week without being paid, but the programmers who spent thousands of hours making the OS actually expect to be paid for their job.
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My friend has activated W8/8.1 with key free placed somewhere on internet, he it activate with skype and now he has fully legally W8 :P PS. I pay for W8 35€.
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The thing though, is that they want to maintain their market share. They also want to finally kick the older OS's out and have their market running the same OS to maintain a coherent ecosystem. You should also factor in that MS also makes the majority of its money from selling large companies license for the OS AND for the software like Office.
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AFAIK, the update was supposed to be called Window 8.2 at first. However MS is moving to Windows 9 faster because they want to get rid of the stigma associated with the piece of turd that was Windows 8. At the same time, they can't afford to alienate the ones who already moved to Windows 8 so they keep it free for them just like 8.2 would have been.
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Up until recently it was called Windows 8.2 so you're actually right. MS decided to move the numbering up to 9 to rid themselves of the stigma associated with Windows 8.
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Linux is always free. :)
Windows makes me grumpy.
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Nah, i don't think so. Probably there will be update, but I guess it won't be for free. Maybe discount if you have Windows 8, but definitely not for free
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So an Indonesian Microsoft CEO doesn't count for you? There isn't much higher you can go.
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It's not mentioned in the link posted here. But you can't expect much from PC Gamer and their so-called articles.
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Windows free? If you have w8, you should pay for w9 and besides go to a church and do confess...
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Read about that a few days ago. Would be really great if it's true, but hopefully this time getting a clean install will be easier for those with upgrade keys. I have an upgrade key from 7 to 8 and when 8.1 came out I couldn't just do a fresh 8.1 install if I wanted the key to work instantly. If they do the same with the upgrade from 8.1 to 9 it will be a very inconveniant chain of steps needed to get that key to work.
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Oh well. I don't care if it looks as shitty as Win 8
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Ooh, that would be nice. I'm not big on the frequency of new OS introductions, and Windows 7 seems perfectly great, so I've been holding off on going to Windows 8.
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If you're a student* (or a teacher), see if you can sign up for a student (or teacher) account at Dreamspark (FKA MSDNAA)
It's a pretty nice service that will give you access to a lot of Microsoft products for free, including Windows.
I've been using that service for years to get access to the lastest (and sometimes older) versions of Windows, Visual Studio, SDKs and different toolkits.
*You might have to be a student at university or similar level. But check with your school!
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That's the rumor
I certainly hope so. 8.1 was the OS in my new PC and I've gotten used to it to an extent, but this would be nice. 8 is just so unintuitive.
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