I read about his cancer being back the same day he was diagnosed. Hadn't heard about the site you just linked, though, I found it really heartwarming.
Thanks for sharing. Cancer is something awful, hopefully he'll become one of the outlier cases and live more than just three more years.
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Cancer sucks! I lost my father to it last year and it seems as I grow older more and more people in my life are coming up with it.
Total Biscuit has been an awesome contributor to the gaming world and his insight and wit are second to none in my book. I wish him good luck in his battle against this horrible disease.
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Use Fold@home. Really, many of us have PC configurations way above the average, and together we can help a lot.
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nope... most brazilians are "politically correct". most of them are in the middle to not take any responsabilities from what they say.
that's why brazilians says a lot of shit everywhere... they put their victimism everywhere (this begin this year, most for political reasons).
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I am a Christian, I believe in God, which some people seem to think is proof that I am not intelligent, and my belief also brings along some beliefs that people might not agree with, not going to go into that right now because this is about TB and not political correctness and religion.
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I don't mean you brought it up by saying "He is in my prayers." That is perfectly normal and fine and I have never seen anyone take issue with it.
You brought it up by being the first to mention hate. A hate that I will mention no one has yet displayed.
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Everybody's religion is on themselves. You are Christian, I am Muslim, he is atheist and so on. Differences are the things make the world beautiful. Those that show hate about other religions are just people who are not smart enough to understand that. Just ignore the hate comments and let them show their stupidness to everyone. Message in this website is awesome by the way!
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Also, as it's pretty hidden on the main page you linked: http://www.takethistb.com/potions There's gonna be a 72h charity marathon hosted next weekend with all funds raised donated to Cancer Research.
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And attending Blizzcon.
And seeking medical options.
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That website was beautiful! :)
I've known for a while now. This is how TB announced it btw:
Well, I don't know if there is really a right way to tell people this, so I guess here goes. The CT did not come back negative. The cancer in the bowel is gone, but spots have appeared in my liver. They're not operable and there's no cure. Average life expectancy is 2-3 years, though there are outliers that live much longer. I'll be back on chemo in a few weeks, with the goal of pushing it back and keeping it there for as long as possible. I fully intend to be the outlier, the average is this way because most people that get this are old and not strong anymore. Who knows what they'll come up with in the next decade? I intend to beat it for as long as possible. Gonna need some time to process all of this. I don't really feel anything right now. Thanks.
I'm hopeful, knowing how much of an impact morale has on cancer survival chance, I think it is very good that he is taking the fighting approach.
Has anyone heard of the possible Danish cure for cancer? Apparently human trials may start around 4 years from now. I really hope it finally eliminates cancer forever.
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I heard about it this week, it'll be such a sad loss to lose the only game reviewer/youtuber that managed to be as objective as humanly possible while still making money out of reviewing games and giving recommendations to his followers.
TB deserves the best and I truly hope he recovers.
And I don't even like people with a British accent that much..
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The thing about terminal cancer is that you don't get better.
This also hits very close to home for me as I have a close relative who's going through the exact same thing.
This is one of the few famous Youtubers that I'll probably miss when he's gone though, as he's more of a proper journalist/critic and less than a "look at me I scream like a girl at jump-scares" attention-whore.
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Those who follow him probably already know; however since I have not seen any thread about it here and since I do care about him, I have decided to create a thread. John Bain, video games critic going under the nickname TotalBiscuit is again facing a terminal cancer just a month after finishing the chemotherapy treatment which seemed to be succesful. Those of you who do not know him might want to try watching his videos HERE, he is mostly doing first impressions of video games and podcasts. Those of you who know and like him might want to take a look on THIS, I did not create the page, just found the link and found the message really nice and heartwarming, which is why I am sharing it here.
I personally hope TB will stick with us as long as possible or what would be even better, beat the odds and win his fight; however no matter the result I am glad I have watched one of his videos couple of years ago and got hooked on his voice and firmly believe that he has engraved his name in the video games industry and won't be ever forgotten.
As a thank you to all of you who have read this HERE is a giveaway.
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