Try reducing meal portions and skipping snacks gradually. Drink lots of water (stretches stomach, giving you a "full" sensation)
Swim and aerobics, since running will mess up your knees.
Medically, the most recent successful thing seems to be gastric balloons, which is a preferable alternative to LAGB.
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I actually really like swimming. I will ask my parent if I can get Gastric Balloons.
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What about sucking the fat out? Is that a thing I could do?
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"Sucking the fat out" is called Liposuction. It is considered to be a cosmetic surgery, and thus (at least in the US) will basically never be covered under any health care coverage and is a straight out of pocket surgery expense that can cost well over $10,000 US. At least here, the surgical costs can be something around $3,000 per section, so a typical setup for most obese people would end up being something like Stomach+Hips+Outer Thigh+Buttocks and = ~$12,000 plus the non-surgical fees which can run another $1500-2000.
Also, liposuction is not without risk, as it can cause ruptured blood vessels, internal damage, and in worst case scenarios (however very rare) death when some large blood vessels like the abdominal Aorta or Femoral arteries are damaged. Also, Liposuction will only directly remove fat. Which means that all your stretched skin will be hanging off your body where the fat used to keep it tight, which would then require additional surgeries to do skin tucks & removal, etc.
All in all the surgical option totally does exist, but it is very likely a horrible option. It will cost you tens of thousands of dollars, and because it's a quick fix rather than a lifestyle change, you're super likely to put a bunch more weight back on later and cost yourself more grief and money in the long run. It's more or less always the better choice to go through all other available options first. Take some nutrition courses, learn about your diet and how it affects you, how to alter it, and what to do to lose the weight you want to lose and eat a healthier diet. You'll have to do all of those things to keep yourself at the weight you want to be at anyway, or you'll just be wasting thousands upon thousands of dollars in surgery forever instead, so you might as well start there and challenge yourself to achieve what you want. It's far more rewarding that way, and much more likely that you will keep to the weight you achieve.
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Nope, not a doctor. I just like to learn things. I worked for a health insurance provider for a good while before, and we were constantly on call so we couldn't do anything not work related between calls. They counted reading medical websites as work related, so I spent a good year straight reading WebMD, ADAM, various manuals, medical coding books, etc all online when in between calls.
Plus I just know a lot of random stuff in general, as I love to learn, and I'm pretty good with Google. XD
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This is a good explanation. I just wanted to point out that
Which means that all your stretched skin will be hanging off your body where the fat used to keep it tight, which would then require additional surgeries to do skin tucks & removal, etc.
There is a good chance that after OP has lost the weight, he will have excess skin. So this isn't really specific to liposuction, although I guess you'll see the skin immediately after surgery so it's more shocking.
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It's true that a person will likely still have excess skin, even when losing the weight in traditional ways, yes. However, it will be less severe, especially for a younger person. Skin has some elasticity to it, and will actually shrink some. If you lose weight over time, in normal (eg: non surgical) methods, typically you will lose the weight slowly enough that the excess skin will not hang completely loose. This can still happen, if you end up losing weight extremely quickly, sure. The faster the fat just disappears, the more drastic the change, and the more time the skin will take to seemingly catch up.
It is less severe when younger, as the skin is more elastic, the body more prone to changes and thus more primed to deal with them, etc. Going through lipo is a tremendous and instant change, not even a young age alone can overcome.
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I agree. When I was younger I lost 30 pounds, and while I still had a bit of fat, I didn't notice any excess skin or anything particularly nasty. Surgeries do not give your skin time to adapt to the weight loss, so it has a higher chance of noticeable excess skin.
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It's important to note that all surgical options still require you to have lifestyle changes (diet, exercise). The gastric balloon procedure is reversed after 6 months, and so it's entirely feasible that you regain all of the weight you lost if you don't make changes to your lifestyle. Even with the permanent procedures like the roux-en-Y, gastric sleeve, or even the most severe jejunoileal bypass still come with major changes to your lifestyle. You will have to limit the foods you eat (in both the amount and type, like cutting down on meat) and you may have to take vitamin supplements because your body can't absorb nutrients.
All of these procedures come with risks. People have died from them. They also might be very expensive depending on your insurance (I checked your steam profile and you live in the US). They should really be a last option. I suggest trying to lose weight through diet and exercise and then go to your pediatrician and ask them for advice if you're interested.
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eat them fruits and veggies. especially the ones w/ the satisfying 'crunch'. they has good vitamins and less calories than the other stuff.
and completely skip all sugary drinks like sodas!
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I will stop drinking Soda. I think that will be a good start. Thanks. I will also start getting more veggies and fruit. But one question, how much should I eat a day in total?
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Eat your food slowly. Take your time and savor the flavor!
The glass of water before a meal does help you feel fuller faster. So, eat slow. Dropping the sodas is a good start. Try some flavored teas. That way you can still get some caffeine to help the metabolism. But you don't wanna add any sugar. This includes skipping fruit juices.
Eventually, you will start to notice the natural sweetness of foods like tomatoes, bell peppers, onions and fruits.
ALSO - do not expect over night results! Be patient with yourself. It took a long time for things to get the way they are now. Give yourself enough time and patience and determination and you can easily drop 100~ pounds down to a better range.
You are very awesome. Your courage and honesty is actually encouraging to me. You can meet your goal.
As for those walks others mention, do them in the evening; because most pollens are active mostly in the morning hours. For now, again, like the patience, walking is a good start. No pun intended: one step at a time. Once you get down about 50~ pounds you can start look into other exercises.
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One more question. What about those smoothies that you see at stores like Walgreens? Are those good to drink? On the bottle it says it only has fruit in them.
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Nope. Them smoothies can have more smoothies in them than a soda or a few sodas. Avoid them. If you 'need' flavor. Allow, a few hard candies in a day. Peppermints and ginger candy are ok because those will settle your stomach and also help curb your appetite. A half dozen hard candies is like around 50-75 calories in a day. Much better than the hundreds or possible thousands of calories from soda or smoothies.
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Alright. I only have one more question.
On estimate, how many calories should I have a day?
And how much do I need to exercise (and what should I exercise for that matter)?
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Dont worry about calories for now. That can only frustrate you trying to do all the numbers and not meeting goals. Those basic changes can help and will take time to kick in. But you will get there.
As for walking, at least 30 min a day every other day. Then once you are down to about 250ish, you can start to consider other exercises.
The more 'specific' your focus on any of that stuff, the more potential for you to get stressed out and frustrated. Keep your goals simple and your effort persistent and you will get there.
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Thank you for all this info. I really appreciate it.
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Losing weight is not the same for everyone but I myself have been going up and down all my life. A good mix of be conscious about what you actually eat and put in your body and at least minimal exercise can get you far. Cut on sugar in all it's forms, try and not snack outside of meals except for maybe veggies and fruits and try to actually eat when you are hungry and not just anytime you feel like it.
Set yourself a few objectives and work from there, add more as it goes if you feel you can go to the next level.. there's lots of little things that can help you bring your weight down and I'm sure many are obvious to you but you maybe just have some urges (body asking you for stuff your brain would easily tell you is bad). Self-Control is key and set your own pace, don't expect to lose tons of weight in just a few days even though it's possible with radical changes (I once lost 60 pounds in 1 month), faster is not better, it can take weeks to show good signs but once you get there you'll feel way better physically and mentally.
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Very brave of you!
there are several things you can do.
regrading how calories work. they are basically energy for the body. if you don't use the energy it gets stored in Fatty tissue. hence you continue to gain more weight.
if you have more questions. feel free to ask
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What about Carbs and such? (If Carbs isn't the same thing)
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Skipping meals is not healthy, your brain needs that stuff too man, GL with this tho, I would also recommend doing some excersize, nothing gets rid of calories like a good hard workout XD
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Yes. the baddest thing you can do is skip meals.
and don't eat anything in between... or take some vegetables
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Don't skip meals, but as kukeemon said drink water, drink some water a few mins (10-15) before you eat then concentrate on eating slowly, you'll feel full faster and eat less, but starving yourself won't work.
Smaller portions and less snacking are key.
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Is there such thing as eating too much veges? Because I wouldn't mind eating them, but how much could I eat at a time?
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Off the top of my head, no; only because I'd argue it'd be better to gorge on vegetables and fruits than on just about anything else.
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Watch what you eat. Above all, junk food will be your biggest problem (no pun intended).
It's much better to eat lots of good fruits, vegetables nuts and whole wheat products than to eat lots of sweet, salty, greasy, and junky foods.
Don't be afraid to move a lot, but be careful not to hurt yourself in the process. I presume that you must not get lots of exercise lately, and so your body won't handle too much too quickly. If you hurt yourself, you won't be able to move, which means no weight loss. Do exercises which aren't likely to cause you any problem, and then you can push yourself.
If you have any snack foods, put them away. Throw away unhealthy snacks, and "hide" food away from sight. If some cookies are at your reach, obviously you won't resist eating some of them, and that isn't good. A good solution is to put them in a hard to reach place, like on top of a high shelf or something similar. If you think of eating snacks, it will be difficult for you to get them, and you might feel guilty about it before reaching them. :P
Of course, if you have a bit of self-control, none of this should be a problem. Mainly, focus on a healthy lifestyle, especially related to what you eat.
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I forgot to mention, I'm allergic to peanuts and peanut butter (granted)
But I will try these things. Thank you.
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I make smoothies myself out of, well, whatever, really. Easier to get everything down, and it's cheap--even Wal-mart has frozen fruits for a couple $ a pound. Drink like a liter or two every day, with kale, blue/straw/blackberries, infant powdered milk formula (seriously yummy,) peanuts, and whatever else is around. Quit drinking soda in high school after someone derisively referred to them as "liquid sugar candy." They had a point.
Seriously, I used to eat fast food a lot. I still do, sometimes. But now, after actually trying to eat healthier, it has improved my mood.
You could try walking at night. Cooler then. Swimming could help you stay active too. To stay motivated, maybe weigh yourself every couple of days. Or get some app that tracks progress of your walks, or your weight, or whatever. Maybe something with achievements! But don't compromise and put off exercise for some other time. There are workout plans online. It will be a slow slog at first, but if you're like me (/have dopamine receptors) you feel better about yourself after not too long.
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Find a good, proper dietitian and listen to his/her advice.
I could tell you what I'm doing right now, what I'm eating right now and list all the stuff that works for me but in the end it's on person to person basis.
Just know that it's coming from someone who recently hit a mark of 26kg (57 pounds) lost within 3 months. Everything is possible, luv.
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Thank you all for the help! I'm surprised that there wasn't any trolls making fun of my situation. I will try all these things that you guys listed. Thank you guys so much. I'm going to try to get some sleep, but if someone has more to add, feel free too! I will read them in the morning :)
Thank you X 1000000
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I think if someone tries to troll they'll find themselves on so many blacklists it'll make their head spin. I guarantee they'd end up on mine.
I added a few comments myself, stay determined! Once you start seeing some results you'll feel great, don't expect miracles overnight though, it takes persistence.
But you have the most important thing already a WANT to do it.
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Do cardio exercises, they burn calories. You could check out 'Insanity Workout' my friend lost weight with it.
Like people mentioned drop sodas, not only are they not healthy but they've got a lot of calories.
Things you can drink are water, milk and tea (green tea is very good and healthy, but you might not like the taste).
When it comes to fruit berries are probably the best for losing weight. If I remember right from reading articles strawberries, raspberries and blueberries are recommended ones.
Even though you want to lose weight your body still needs food. If you lose weight by starving yourself then it wont take long before all that weight comes back.
Eat several times a day but in small portions. That will prevent you from overeating but also will help you with exercises as eating big meals can lead to fatigue which makes exercising a lot harder.
If you're feeling hungry but you already ate then eat nuts (all are good). They contain protein, fiber and other good stuff. Even though they also contain fat and calories they will help you in losing weight (they have something in them that helps your body manage fat).
Also I'd like to warn you not to over-exercise because then your body will be sore and you'll need to wait for it to get better before you can start exercising again. That can also ruin your will to continue with the whole weight loss thing. Start small then start working out more and more.
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Good luck. Remember, it's hard for everybody. Oh, and when you are active, your bowels work better and you'll start pooping more. That's normal, do not panic.
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This. Really GREAT dieting guidelines. Water is a super important tip that gets neglected or even harmed (some "weight loss diets" involve diuretics, causing you to "lose weight" by not retaining water, but then you become more hungry due to lack of water for metabolic (and all other water needs)).
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This, exactly this, best post. Follow this advice.
Especially number 3, then at a later time you can start doing more exercise, like swimming or getting on a bike :)
Plus constant quick exercise is better than a long single workout per week. :)
As a snack you could try rice cakes (the ones without salt and with no flavor). Cruncy, tasteless and great to remove that craving for food, plus they are dirty cheap :p (I actually love them, but that's me :p)
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great post. anyway i'd add two more steps to be taken before the ones in NB's list:
-1) talk with a doctor about your situation.
0) if -1 is not available, go to the local library and read some books on the topic. i don't mean easy money blockbuster books, but serious books from a medical point of view. it could be not that easy to distinguish them in the bunch because there are many just to get people's money giving hopes and nothing more. the plan is that you make yourself an idea of what is happening to you, why and how you should/could reverse it. when you know what is happening to you and you can express it clearly, it will be probably easier to explain it to your family and get their support (which you will need).
be strong and good luck!!!
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Am in the same boat as the OP, love this list. Thanks for taking the time to post it!
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There's basically 1 big reason why you weigh so much: You! You're eating too much!
Stop filling up your plate so much.
If they keep telling you to have some more wjen you're eating dinner together ignore them or eat somewhere else.
Don't eat snacks when you're bored or watching tv.
Go outside and move. If you're old enough get a part-time job at a store packing or moving stuff. Burn off the calories.
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It is "easy" . Eat less (and better )and excercise more.
The first thing you should do is see your doctor (an expert in nutrution is better) so he can explain you what to eat, how to eat and how much to eat.
The other part is go to a good gym were a personal trainer tells u how to start working out (you have to make a lot of cardio)
So all this shit is just.... Talk to the experts, doctor and personal trainer.
Edit: You have to be strong,at first the trainig and eating less would be hard, but if you really want to loose weight , is the only way.
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OP is a teenager, if his family isn't supportive i doubt they'll pay for a nutritionist or a gym membership + personal coaching. Also starting at the gym might be a bit too much if he's already panting taking the stairs.
How do you go to school? By bus? Car? School bus? if you use the city bus to get there you could start by getting off one stop earlier from school, and one stop earlier from home, from there walk the last few hundreds meters to reach your destination. If you've never been active it's will be hard and slow the first few weeks do not hurry up, take the time you need but don't give up. You'll feel much better when you are able to walk the distance without feeling exhausted.
Regarding the food i can't help much, the sport i've practiced needed quiet a fair amount of calories intake. Just drink a lot of water, avoid snacks, soda, fast food, fried food etc.
When your heart becomes stronger start jogging or an other sport you enjoy to avoid having loose skin.
It also may be easier to pair with someone else in the same situation, when things get hard (coz they will) you can motivate and support each others. Make sure you pick someone as motivated as you are that really want to succeed. Otherwise if you pick someone who hasn't a strong will they'll drag you in their failure and be a burden to you.
Good luck buddy.
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What everyone said, plus: play your fav music and "dance".
Or, even without music, try to have fun with movement. I call this "fake tai-chi."
You could try adding some Pilates (I was bored when I tried it but it's really effective for many.)
I suggest that you should be alone in the room and try the most ridiculous moves you can think of, but not the ones that will hurt you ;D
Try to make those moves a bit slower than your normal movement and focus on the work of your muscles, combine it with some stretching and it should be quite fun.
Also: DDR dance pad could do the trick, but it won't engage all your muscles. Have some water to drink with you. You'll sweat like crazy.
This is some weird advice but it's true, as far as I've tried: use smaller plates, it will trick your brain
It's all in our heads in the end, I guess.
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Go here
I know reddit its famous for being a cirklejerk community, but there are incredible info and advice you can find there.
There are some photo albums of people who loose weight gradually, the advantage here is that they are not from a shady website trying to sell you a miraculous product.
Go to see a nutritionist if you can afford it. Nothing beats professional help.
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There's even a more targeted subreddit foe people trying to lose weight:
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I was never really into sports, but I always got to a point where I thought I had to do something. It's always average weight to chubby, doing little sports and diet, repeat.
Jogging is the most effective thing I did, obviously you need to get the endurance first. Maybe take a walk each evening for an hour. I know an artist that says he was overweight so he did an 1 hour walk each day and did a diet. Seemed to help him a lot! Read about it here. It's a very nice approach, especially the inside walk.
Considering diet there is one thing that turned out to be very effective for me when I combined it with some "sport". I'd say movement but it sounds off, makes more sense in german, I guess. Anyways. No carbs after 6pm! And have regular meals. Take your time eating, so you don't eat too much. Cook food yourself and only as much as you want to eat or regard as a healthy portion.
I figure you are not in control of what you are eating. My mother always made way too much food, when there was so much to eat every day I ended up eating more, but you gotta just leave your plate as soon as you are replete. I know it sounds easy but it actually isn't. I love eating way too much and I learned to eat what's on the plate, but you have to work on your discipline first. I'd say that this is the first and most important step.
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It's very important that you change your lifestyle in such a way that you can stay motivated. If you cut out all the "good" stuff right from the get go, you're far less likely to be able to motivate yourself, instead be willing to treat yourself to something tasty on special occasions (and keep it to special occasions). Getting rid of that extra weight is going to take time.
-As others have said, vegetables are great. Filling, not as much calories, and on top of all that, cheap! Just make sure that you know how to cook them, because poorly cooked vegetables can be disgusting (the most common mistake is overcooking, if your vegetables feel like wet noodles, then they are really overcooked).
-Soda and juice are not filling, but contains a lot of calories. Juice is not "unhealthy", but a glass of orange juice actually contains about as much calories as soda (100ml orange juice contains roughly between 45-50kcal, Coke 42 kcal).
-Learn how to cook. You might be in your lower teens, but it's never too early to learn how to cook. It will give you better control over what you eat, and your parents will appreciate it as well!
-If you're starting to feel a craving for sugar, grab an apple. Apples are relatively sweet (so don't overeat them!), but they are quite filling and as long as you can get a good apple, tasty and cheap! (Back when I was a full-time student, I would sustain myself on apples whenever I was going somewhere, as I was too cheap to buy a proper meal).
Remember that you're trying to eat & live healthy, not just lose weight. If you cut out carbs altogether, you're likely to start feeling tired, grumpy and have problems concentrating.
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I think it wasnt already mentioned, but beeing on a diet is VERY difficult to pull off.
So i suggest you put up a plan for the week/month.
really like that you stand up for that and got the gutts to seek for help.
btw you should ask your friends to maybe start doing some kind of sport together. best something that is fun like skating, waterfootball/volleyball,.... sport thats not just "running/walking" but has a game will more likely motivate you and keep you on track!
thumbs up and gl for you!
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Nice to see someone so young getting interested to be more healthy.
Don't drink soda, try eating vegetables and fruits as much as you can, exercise at least 5-10 minutes a day, like walking, running, stretching, swimming, etc... is your choice, and drink water alone without stuff like flavorings as they tend to have sugar.
You should be encouraged to lose weight as 300lbs is quiet a lot for your age (I'm guessing around 13-15 as early teen years go) and this could lead to more severe issues in the future, also your overweight might be cause of some of your allergies and skin conditions, not sure about asthma though.
Try to make your meals look somewhat like this, and have the alimentary pyramid in mind.
Also surgery doesn't works always besides being dangerous you would might get back to your old weight if you don't change your diet. You need to change your lifestyle to keep losing/keeping your current weight.
Hope you get to do your goal of lowering your fat, and maybe you could teach your family to eat healthy too, you never know!
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Well first of all good luck and I wish you the best! It is great to become healthier and it is certainly achievable and probably isn't as hard as you might think! I'll try not to repeat too much of the good advice you have already been given - but I know I have been working on losing weight and I'll try and share a few things I have learned.
Don't worry too much about calories or fad diets - that kind of thing can often make a difference in the short term but can be difficult to maintain and may lead to a cycle of weight loss and weight gain. Concentrate on making gradual and sustainable changes - just little things like drinking water instead of soda will build up and make a big difference.
I have cut down on processed foods which often contain too much sugar and the like and started making my own meals from raw vegetables, etc which has made a huge difference. It doesn't have to be difficult - a simple vegetable stir fry maybe with a little beef can be tasty and easy to prepare. And it means not only am I eating healthier but it has also cut down on me snacking and eating between meals because it makes me think twice when I have to go to more effort than just slamming something in a microwave.
I had to cut out cheese early on to make progress and I found cutting bread out of my diet also made a big difference. I have found lots of alternatives for things and stuff that I can still eat as tasty treats like sweet potato chips. I think eggs can be filling without being fattening and replacing bacon sandwiches for breakfast with omelettes has been good for me. Smoothies are great if you can make your own - store bought stuff may well have added sugar, etc.
Activity also makes a big difference, my problems started because I used to eat a lot when I was younger but I played a lot of sports. When my lifestyle changed and I became less active I carried on eating as much and things got out of hand. But don't think activity means having to go to the gym or play sports. Just start off with little things like walking places where you would have caught the bus and as your health improves you will be able to do more and stuff.
Just keep looking for good ideas for changes that you can make that don't seem too hard and keep making them and try and stick to them and before long you will make great progress and feel a lot better!
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Lol what would an endo tell him besides exercise and diet? 99% of endos in the US focus on diabetes anyways...I've been to 10+doctors in regards to an NET and they had no knowledge on the matter. The study of endocrinology in the US is based off an EXTREMELY outdated text book.
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Burn more calories than you ingest. Or the other way around, consume less calories than you burn daily. Not drastically less, or it will have the opposite effect, do it gradually. A regular daily caloric intake for an adult male is around 2000-2300 kcal.
But, over anything else, consult a professional. Nutritionists, endocrinologists, they'll help you way more than we could.
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I'm a teenager (early teen years) and I currently weigh about 300+ pounds... I'm not quite sure what to do. I'm not sure how calories work and all that info on back of foods. My family doesn't really encourage loosing weight and doesn't motivate loosing weight. I just don't know what to do anymore. It's to the point where at school when I walk up the stairs I start painting... It also doesn't help that I have asthma and multiple skin problems with being outside (I. E allergic to the Grass, Sweat, ect.)
What do I do? I don't want to ask my family members because they just don't really want to actually try... But I'm sick of weighing this much. I don't know what to do or who to turn to.
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