Should I invest in any of those Prince of Persia games on the Steam sale? And if so, what makes them/it worthwhile?

Edit/Update: I decided to purchase Sands of Time because it seemed the most complete and well designed out of the trilogy. Reading reviews on it got me interested in the story/characters too.

After looking into the rest of the games, I don't think I'm gonna get Two Thrones. It just seems off and potentially disappointing, despite the nice looking combat. I'm still having trouble deciding on the 2008 version though (for the artistic design of it) and Warrior Within (for the combat).

If I get Warrior Within, should I just mute the BGM? (I hear bad things about the game's poor attempts to be "mature" and the supposedly terrible metal/rock music?)

10 years ago*

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i guess they will soon be in a bundle!! wait!

10 years ago

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Well each one's already $2.49, so I can't see anything wrong with going for one if it's worthwhile. But I doubt I'll have enough interest in the series to play through the whole thing (unless it really is that good).

10 years ago

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those games are 8-9 years old, they are not worth it and i and don't think they have achievements or cards!

10 years ago

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Old game=not worth it, eh? Must be nice playing nothing but CoD, and whatever latest mass-produced POS that some big game corp. has pushed out it's ass lately...

10 years ago

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Well, there's nothing wrong with an old game. I actually quite enjoy old graphics, too. I'm just not sure whether it'd be worth it to invest in them if there may be a similar/more modern game that has improved upon its offered features (as PIRATEorNINJA kind of mentioned).

If the Prince of Persia games have their own unique blend of gameplay aspects that I won't be able to find anywhere else, then I'd find them worthwhile to play. :P

Edit: I will admit that I was a bit saddened to find out that the 2008 PoP didn't support Steam achievements though because I was interested in 100%'ing the game (I mean, I could still do that, but there's just some nice feels to having an official feature mark my achievement!).

10 years ago

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HL2 is about 10 years old and still looks fantastic. Really, graphics haven't made that much progress in that time, at least compared to what came before. Compare HL and HL2. And HL2 and current titles.

And PoP is from that HL2 timeframe. And totally worth it.

10 years ago

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Wow. Just wow.

10 years ago

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  • Haven't played them myself, but at least 3 of my friends I've asked tell me to get it. The prices seem good to me and it's way less likely than indie games that they'll be bundled or have some insane price drop anymore, cheap as they are now.
10 years ago

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Ubisoft games being bundled? er nah

10 years ago

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Ubisoft has occasionally bundled games to try and get people to use Origin. (Mass Effect 2 was in a bundle, say.) In fact, IIRC they at one point gave away the 2008 Prince of Persia for free.

10 years ago

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Dude, Origin (and ME2) is EA, not Ubisoft. Did you seriously just say that?! o.O

Ubisoft has its own service, UPlay, it doesn't use Origin.

10 years ago

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they are good i think. i havent played them all thru(played a few on xbox some years ago) but i have a few of them and they were fun. Have to remember they are a few years old so dont expect anything revolutionary out of them you havent seen before.

10 years ago

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They're good. The 2008 game isn't as good as the others though, it's kind of repetitive.

10 years ago

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The Sands of Time trilogy, GOD YES. The other two, yea, since it's only a couple bucks, ya might as well.

10 years ago

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Is there a specific game in the trilogy that you favor most, by chance? :o

10 years ago

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Probably the second one, but honestly you should really play all three in order.

10 years ago

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two thrones for me

10 years ago

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Prince of Persia: Warrior Within - is definitely worth it.

10 years ago

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This one is my favorite (didnΒ΄t played sand of time though). I donΒ΄t understand why so many people hate on Warrior within :/

10 years ago

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Funny you mention that, since everyone I know who has the trilogy says thats the WORST one among them. I enjoyed it, but still xD

10 years ago

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They are all worth it if you ask me . Especially for that price , 2008 might be repetitive but the are and story are superb .

10 years ago

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I've only played the 2008 one so far. It's very repetitive but I kinda enjoyed it! Still haven't played the other games though.

10 years ago

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I only played the very first one and it was an awesome game, i don't suppose it's part of the sale thought.

At the time to pass to the next level i needed to write a given letter of a given page of the manual as a protection rofl.

10 years ago

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Warrior within was a life-changing game for me tbh , it got me alot more into gaming back then (about 9 years ago) ,

ofcourse it's HIGHLY recommended ... it's the origin of Assassin's Creed , so you'll see alot of similarities ,

the story is really good too and will get you hooked up , the plot twist near the end is damn awesome ,

anyways , i'd say give it a shot if you've never played the sands of time trilogy before , i still play them from time to time

10 years ago

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Make sure you play them in order though, Sands of Time, Warrior Within and Two Thrones, you get a lot more from the story then.

10 years ago

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You should definitely play Sands of Time if you haven't; it's an excellent game.

10 years ago

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Yep, all the great things I read about it made it seem like it was worth way more than $2.49, so I went and purchased it. :D

10 years ago

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I've beaten the Sands trilogy several times (Sands of Time, Warrior Within, Two Thrones) on my Gamecube and as far-fetched as time-based stories can get, the story can't be beat, as well as the action and characters, overall very good games, and very recommended.

As far as Forgotten Sands goes... I own the PS3 version (but can't play yet since I have yet to own the system; I want to play it very badly) but I have beaten the Wii version, which is refreshingly 99% different (the Steam version is the PS3/Xbox 360/PC version, not the Wii). These Forgotten Sands games are very interesting as well since they fill in some of the 7-year gap in the storyline between Sands of Time and Warrior Within.

Then again I've also been a Prince of Persia fan ever since the 1989 original, and own that one, Prince of Persia II: The Shadow and the Flame, Prince of Persia 3D, even the new Prince of Persia on PC.

10 years ago

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Ah, I haven't really considered Sands of Time. I'll look more into it. The platforming seemed nice, but I was hesitant about the length of the game and the combat system of it.

May I ask for your opinion on Warrior Within and the 2008 versions? Any major positives/negatives you could give?

10 years ago

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Prince of Persia: Warrior Within is absolutely worth it!

Epic metal backgroud music, lots of weapons with unique stats and multiple ending! I simply love that game. :)

10 years ago

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Warrior Within is great, 2008 not so great. And the music of Warrior Within is great too.

10 years ago

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2008 is actually better than Warrior Within, at least in my opinion, especially with the pc port of warrior within being horrendous. It's just more fun, and doesn't have you go through the whole game just to realize you missed a few things and can't get the right ending now.

10 years ago

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Warrior Within is great if you are man enough to beat it.

10 years ago

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There is only 1 that i liked from this series, but i can't remember specifically which 1 it is, but i THINK its the 2008 version.

10 years ago

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(2008) is not as good as the others.

10 years ago

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Sands of Time is more like a teen rated game. Warrior Within is rated mature, with boobs, blood and gore; better combat + the Dahaka. In The Two Thrones they seemed cannot decide to make it for more mature audience or for teens, so they took away the blood but there's definitely some boobs in the game, and make the combat easier.

10 years ago

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so you choose playing games if they have boobs. you should check some soft pr0n and avoid losing time;P

10 years ago

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Warrior Within is easily in my TOP10 games.Well, it's better than Sands of Time.SoT gets boring after 2-3 hours.I played 4 times, always quit playing around %70~'s.Warrior Within would be a better choice ^^

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by TimidTofu.