Okay so we all know GalaGiveaways kinda blows ... their concept is flawed on a few levels and it needs some major work. However one feature they introduced that I would really like to see added here is "Max Players" which allows giveaway creators to set a maximum number of entries. I like this because I hate that when I create a giveaway the odds suck for the people who enter my giveaway because so many people enter. To counter-act this I find myself creating 1 hour giveaways or cranking the contributor amount limit up real high.

I think it'd be nice to be able to create a giveaway and lock it at max of like 200 entries or something so the people who visit the site regularly get the best chance of getting "The good stuff". As always it would be an "option" that could just not be used if you decided you don't like it.


12 years ago*

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I would like to see that feature too.

12 years ago

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I feel like making a one hour giveaway is a bit better than a "Max of xx entries" giveaway, personally. I wouldn't mind being able to enter up to X times for a game I really want, though. But it's not necessary by any means.

12 years ago

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no, cause that would require people to be online to get your "good stuff"
there are different timezones, people work or go to schools, etc.

you can do puzzles, private, fast giveaways, u can add people to give them link. there is no need for maximum entries here

12 years ago

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True but the current solution of 1 hour giveaways also forces people to be online and in the right timezone. The Max Player option actually allows the giveaway to stay longer cause if I were to set it for 200 max it would stay open till 200 people entered OR the time limit was reached whichever comes first. Potentially a lot longer than just setting it for an hour or two.

12 years ago

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Not really, there are bots and people that only wait to enter some giveaways. That can cause those 200 slots disappear in like 10-20 minutes because of "better" odds...

12 years ago

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If you find a bot account, point it out. I've been here for a year and never seen one. You find one, you let me know.

12 years ago

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well GalaGiveaways is in beta, they are working the kinks out

I wouldn't mind max entries being around though

12 years ago

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Galagiveaways have some interesting features for limiting who can enter on their site, which seems a bit strange since you get the most points from a giveaway by having as many entries as possible. I'm personally not a fan, though I think it's cool they're trying to change things up a bit.

Minimum feedback - must have a minimum feedback to enter (similar to our contributor giveaways here, though instead of dollar amount, based purely on # of received games)
Max players - Giveaway ends once the entries equal the max amount of players or the time runs out, whichever comes first. Giveaway creator earns a bonus of points if the giveaway reaches max players.
Extra Odds - Players can enter multiple times for the same giveaway to increase their odds.

12 years ago

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I would like to see multiple entries, as in spending more points on a giveaway for more chances to win.

12 years ago

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None of the suggested in OP.

Only feature i want is that people can select the type of a giveaway. Gift or key.

12 years ago

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Why? How would that feature help?

12 years ago

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For forums it would be nice if they would give alerts when someone responds to your comment or thread. Like how it is on steamtrades.

12 years ago

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I'm not sure how it is on steamtrades, but a certain number next to the forum tab, that indicates the number of unread replies would be nice.

12 years ago

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Ya I would like the Extra Odds feature too. I mean this site is definitely better but that is not to say it can't be improved.

12 years ago

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Extra Odds isn't as great as you think. If 500 people enter a giveaway and you spend all 300 points on multiple entries, you're chances are still pretty low. It wouldn't make that much difference and you would most likely blow all your points on one giveaway.

12 years ago

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I'm okay with blowing all my points on one giveaway though I usually only enter 1 or 2 games at a time I just enter every giveaway for the same game (if there are multiple) I often leave this site with 200 points unused :P

12 years ago

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You're right that the chances ale still low, but higher than entering once, but Extra Odds + Max Players (especially if every Extra Odd would be counted as player entry) could be great!

12 years ago

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yeah max players is a great idea, everyone should be able to set how much players he want into his giveaway, also maybe it's a dumb idea but something like xp bar if you constantly try to enter one type of giveaway for example Painkiller Black Edition, the more you enter in one type of game, the more chances you've got to win it

12 years ago

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I would like to have golden unicorns instead of Points. I never bothered to ask. Also I'd like to write my comments on paper and mail them personally to reply.


12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

12 years ago

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I like the max players idea

12 years ago

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Max players, multiple entries (for more points), blocking out things you don't qualify for (ie. contributor value).

12 years ago

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If you get that extension you can filter out the contributor value by unchecking "show red" and tell it that you want it to only show ones that you have enough points for with another option

12 years ago

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Wow that addon is F'ing fantastic!

12 years ago

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+1 think is a nice feature.

12 years ago

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Our thoughts is no. See the repeated discussions about this and all the other ideas mentioned here for why.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Gevaudan.