I was wondering if anyone had some tips on how to improve your contributor level in the most (both cost and time) efficient way. Any tips are welcome, thanks in advance!

7 years ago

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Buy a lot of bundles to giveaway (or giveaway your extras from bundles you've bought) and buy games when they're ridiculously cheap and hope they don't get removed from the giveaway list.

7 years ago

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Games that are ridiculously cheap don't get removed from the giveaway list, but they get added to the bundle list. If a game has a price of ~5% of the default price in the US steam store anywhere in the world, it will get added to the bundle list.

7 years ago

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I thought those got treated like free games and were removed, but if not, then that'd probably be the best way to go about it. Price errors seem to be really uncommon now though so you'd probably need a lot of luck to get in on one.

7 years ago

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~80% steam sales, indiegala happy hours, dailyindiegame, steamground, gogobundle, or even just any bundle in general.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

7 years ago

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there are plenty that can be gifted without storing, if the sale is long enough.

90% off - 13 days = http://store.steampowered.com/app/569970/
75% off - 12 days = http://store.steampowered.com/app/516520/
85% off - 11days = http://store.steampowered.com/sub/54410/
85% off - 11days = http://store.steampowered.com/sub/54409/

just sort this list by "Ends in" and you'll find sales all the time that would make for great GAs. ^^

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

7 years ago

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yeah, it does kill a lot of the really good deals though. but just not necessarily the farming cv deals. ^^

7 years ago

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You may still run into problems with winner being afk for a week, then you have to do reroll, and so on. It should work, but there's a small risk involved.

7 years ago

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yeah, cg was supposed to get back with some sort of rule adjust for that, but still hasn't yet. i'm not affraid of taking on a not received mark if i have too. it would of been clear to support that it wasn't fake in those instances.

7 years ago

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If you give away multiple copies of the same game I heard the CV value decreases. From how many copies does the cv value decrease?

7 years ago

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5copies will get full value, then the 6th or more copy will be decreased by 10% incrementally.

for example a 4.99 unbundled game would be:
1 4.99 | 4.99
2 4.99 | 9.98
3 4.99 | 14.97
4 4.99 | 19.96
5 4.99 | 24.950000000000003
6 4.4910000000000005 | 29.441000000000003
7 4.0419 | 33.4829
8 3.63771 | 37.12061
9 3.2739390000000004 | 40.394549

7 years ago

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there's a flaw in your math. two flaws, actually. But they're negligible

7 years ago

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wasn't even my math. i used this.

7 years ago

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From the 6th copy. It is commutative for a give game, so you can do the five-pack as 5×1 or 1×5, it doesn't matter, from the 6th on, you get lower CV.
Still, IndieGala happy hour in the format of 1+4+4 bundles (initial, 2×happy hour) or OtakuMaker 10-packs are worth it.

7 years ago

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But he still may not be able to gift it to someone if there's a big price difference between their regions' stores.

7 years ago

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yeah, may have to regionlock.

7 years ago

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Time efficient: Lots of high value items.
Cast efficient: Those really cheapo bundles, like DIG, or Indie Gala on happy hour, pick the bundles that have the highest contributor value. This is followed by humble monthlies, but these are always a bit of a gamble.

But best thing to do is to not stare yourself blind on contributor value. Just give what you can. And going for high levels is not worth it unless you enjoy the act of giving.

7 years ago

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Thank you for the great advice :-)

7 years ago

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with a ratio of nearly 9 games won for every game sent, I'm pretty sure we know why this user is chasing higher levels

7 years ago

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Assumptions, assumptions... Oh well ¯\ (ツ)

7 years ago

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Non-bundled games on Steam that are around 90% off. (They count as bundled when they reach 95%, but since prices in other regions contribute to that, you usually don't want to go closer.) Steam Wallet is also cheaper than real money.
A lot of bundled games from third party sites that often give even better CV than above. Be careful as many of them are not trustworthy. For the sake of advertising I won't mention any names.
It's usually not worth it to buy actual bundles since the bundle penalty will make things less cost efficient, but it is the most time efficient way to spam bundles and/or developer keys.

Sadly, the way the CV system works is that premium AAA games are the least efficient in all scenarios, since they are a lot more expensive and not easier to give away than anything else. But they might land you on more whitelists at least?

7 years ago

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Does the contributor level also take into account games given away from a different region? Is there a penalty?

7 years ago

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There is no penalty for giving away region-restricted games, so I guess that could be a way to boost your CV if you have a cheap way to obtain copies for certain regions. It's kind of another flaw with the system.
Keep in mind though that giving away a lot of region-restricted games will probably land you on many blacklists since it's easy to spot and many people don't like it.

7 years ago

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Blacklists gonna blacklist.
Just making this thread asking this question apparently got me blacklisted by 10 different people.. O.o

7 years ago

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my guess is that those 10 people aren't aware of the recent change to the blacklist policy

7 years ago

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Crap marketplaces like G2A and Kinguin sometimes have really good deals, like I got copies of Dead Rising 2 for 4 euro each and the game is not bundled.

Use websites like isthereanydeal.com and epicbundle.com

7 years ago

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No wonder i have you in my BL.

7 years ago

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Checks your profile....

No loss there! :-)

7 years ago

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Humble Monthly is surprisingly efficient - generally they don't quite make the bundle list, but the total CV usually more than 10x the cost.
Daily Indie Games and IndieGala Happy Hour also do quite well.

Lastly, if you really want to stoop and you are able to get them, region specific giveaways can be very cost-effective
oh, before I forget, whenever humble has some kind of developer bundle, that's a great way to make bank. The base software alone could have a sticker price of $100+ and be in the $1 tier

7 years ago

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Humble monthly, aight understood, thanks for the advice :-)

7 years ago*

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The most time and cost efficient is Humble Bundle Tier 1 packs. They go as high as 15 CV/dollar, although they are usually in the range of 7-8.
Humble Monthly is also a nice one, if you can afford 12 dollars in one payment.
IndieGala used to be the second one. Buy a bundle at launch, then buy one or two more packs at happy hour, and you have 5 or 9 copies of the same game, usually for ~$1.05/bundle.
Nowadays, the DailyIndieGame store is a better alternative, since you can get keys for 3-5 cents on sale, beating IG's 10-cent average. Just don't forget to cross-reference the games to the giveaway-disabled list to avoid nasty surprises. Buying 6-8 copies is still optimal.
A new bundle site called GoGoBundle offers bulk discounts. CV-wise, 10-packs are the best, or you can band together with four-five more CV miners to buy a 50-pack together.
Lastly, there is OtakuMaker. You can buy 5 and 10 packs there. Again, it is a good idea to split up a 10-pack. Just be careful, they often have freebie games.

Finally, if you like risking your money, you can buy really dirt cheap RU/CIS keys for unbundled (as in never being in any bundle or at more than 60% sale) games, sometimes for about 10-15% of their US store price, on G2A. Since they give 100% CV, they have been used excessively on this site for shameless CV grinding by ROW or simply non-CIS people. Keep in mind two things though. One is that every time you buy at G2A, you are funding tax dodgers by buying games from unknown people and of unknown origin; game keys bought form G2A have been revoked and will continue to be the target or revoking. In which case not only you lose the CV, but get a non-received mark on your profile. The second is that even if the keys will be total legit, this kind of behaviour is often frowned upon on this site when people see obvious cross-region CV exploits.

7 years ago

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Oh, this really helps alot. Thank you for taking the time to write this thoroughly written advice

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by AlwaysBorn.