thats the beauty of ranged weapons.
fight like a (hu)man. animals fight with claws and teeth. do you want to fight like an animal? humans are frail like you but kill bears on a regular basis because we don't fight on their terms. so make weapons, mostly ones that can be used at a distance or passively released into your foe's environment (sometimes accidentally). so you're down to guns or poison really.
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How could he possibly steal your stuff???
[EDIT] Oh wait, do you mean on Steam or IRL?
[RE-EDIT] Nevermind. XD
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electrify your stuff. tasers are easy enough to take apart and "case mod" into all sorts of things. like bikechains of lunchboxen. and you know it's safe cause the government said so(like rubber bullets).
for a less drastic solution go to your local supermarket and buy the hottest peppers they have. smear the oils all over something of yours you know he can't resist touching. wait near the mensroom for the screams. if this behavior persists you may need to special order some extracts online because the people who live near you are wimps and only eat jalapenos or weak assed habeneros.(goes without saying to wash your own hands thoroughly)
basically its "workplace refrigerator" rules. the new guy makes his lunch uneatable for a few weeks and people learn not to steal it. it works for dartfrogs it'll work for you.
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Kick him in the babymaker.
Also tell your parents.
Edit: Srsly guys the last thing he needs gorilla chest thumping from keyboard warriors.
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Get a pic of his home with the address, and one with a few gas cans. Show it to him and tell you know where to set a fire by the night to kill all his family while sleeping.
Of course DON'T do that in any way. But the bluff may work...
PS: Don't do that by internet, or he can call the cops and put you in jail. Also if you do that in school hide very very well the pics after showing him or get rid of it so if he call the teachers you don't get in trouble. u.u
PPS: Not really, don't do any of that, just talk with your parents and another teachers about that, or even the principal, it's the best way to deal with this kind of bully.
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step one: kill his family and put there corpses under his bed - step two: when he smells rot in the middle of the night and checks under his bed and sees the bodies, bag his head and bring him to an abandon warehouse - Step 3: Torture hm with pliers, gasoline & matches, drills, and a car battery - Step 4 - let him recover through the night, and when he wakes up, feed him "breakfast" (his severed leg in pieces) - FINAL STEP - knock him out and bury him alive but supply air, water, and food daily so he has to live the rest of his life in dark, dusty, lonely coffin....
NOTE - READ: that was just a joke, dont physically harm him unless he hurts you first, try talking to parents, teachers, principles, or even him, because maybe he has a hard time making friends (while he may be a massive cock). hope this helped! (not the 5 step advice, if that helped you, then idek what to say..) haha!
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You seriously fucked up . . . who would do it without giving him some adrenaline shots, he would pass out otherwise and it would be no fun. :(
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Look dude bulling is a serious thing now, go to the school principal and talk to him about the situation, if he doesn't do anything send him an email with all these american cases of bulling gone bad, now that might just solve the school part of the problem 'cause the truth of it is, that this kid has issues or it's just another kid like you and prone to be stupid, so in the end ignore him, if he steals something contact the staff at school if it happens again, call the police, this one I remember it worked on my school with some older students that were bulling a younger kid, their parents had to pay a fine and all that, so the stealing and picking stoped all at once on that case.
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listen do a thing make some good friends. and find a isolated place call him and whoop his ass! :D
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Although in all seriousness, I'd just recommend jumping him with a group of friends after school and leaving him there. Follow him, figure out where he goes, when he's alone.
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He already has. TBH I didn't know kids still did that in 7th grade.
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Man, i'd love to bitch slap that kid back into his mothers uterus. And then castrate both of his parents.
Shit like this can follow you a lifetime.
Just be strong mate, this shit will pass.
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1.) I think, this is the wrong place to expect some real help, as you might have noted by some of the absolute helpful answers above. First step should be to talk to your parents. They should be the ones, who also make the next steps like going to your teacher or even the director, if nothing changes.
2.) Do you have any friends? Or are you a real loner? If there are any friends, talk to them. Standing together against such a douchebag makes things more easier.
3.) Try to think a moment about why he does that. It sounds weird, but probably, he's or was being bullied by someone else... His parents, siblings, whatever. Obviously, he has gained some stupid anger, that he needs to let out. That's absolutely no excuse what he does, but understanding that even stupid things don't simply happen because of nothing, can maybe help finding a solution for a problem like this.
4.) Don't let this get you down. Ignoring him as much as possible is a step into the right direction, because he'll get bored when you stop reacting for a while. The more you try to fight or react, the more fulfilling this is for him.
5.) Think about what will be in 10 years. Bullies aren't after you for ages. He might fail a class, might finally grow up or whatever. Maybe some day he'll work in a Burger King or McDonalds, while you have one of the best paid jobs ever.
Whatever you do... Pure violence is never a solution. But knowing how to protect yourself is never wrong. Going to some self defence classes is a good idea and as long as the trainers aren't pure, aggressive "tournament fighters", they also might have some useful hint or two for you.
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