6 years ago

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If you loved Metroid, Axiom Verge is probably the closest we'll ever get short of a new 16-bit Metroid game. My pick goes for this one.
Dead Cells is a cool game, but it's not a pure metroidvania as it's more like a roguelite hybrid. Bloodstained: CotM is quite old school - and by "old school" i'm thinking about rigid controls and fuck-this-shit levels. Never played the others.

Of course people are gonna vote for Dead Cells because it's the most famous one.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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If you like Isaac and Enter the Gungeon you should keep an eye out for Nuclear Throne, it's one of the best roguelite out there.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Out of those choices, my pick would be dead cells. Have a nice weekend NoSenses :-)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I personally like Dead Cells the most of these, but Axiom Verge would probably be the closest to Super Metroid so I voted on that one.

6 years ago

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Out of the above, I've only played Dead Cells, although I wouldn't say it's a metroidvania game (extremely light at best). On the other hand, you may also want to consider Valdis Story: Abyssal City, this one's great and has pretty good replay value.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Axiom Verge!

Dead Cells is really good, but it's not like the others you mentioned.

6 years ago

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I hear Environmental Station Alpha is pretty good.

6 years ago

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I have only played Dead Cells and it's a fantastic game but not really a classic metroidvania.

6 years ago

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6 years ago*

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Nicely said.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago*

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Odallus the dark call - you probably can get it quite cheap and it's really nice emulation of classic Castlevania's style.

6 years ago

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I'd give a honory Mention to Celeste. It is linear, but a fantastic platformer.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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What you are looking for friend, is called AM2R. =)

Oh, and go buy Dead Cells..

View attached image.
6 years ago*

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If you like metroidvania games you should check out Guacamelee STCE & Guacamelee 2.

If you like Dark Souls then Salt & Sanctuary is well worth looking into - it's basically a 2D clone.

Dead Cells isn't really a metroidvania as the level layouts get changed up each time you die, though certain parts always remain in the same place.

I've not played any of the others you have mentioned, but here's some more metroidvania-esque/difficult platformer games...

cave story+
death's gambit
dust: an elysian tail
ghost 1.0
hollow knight
momodora: reverie under the moonlight
shantae & the pirates curse
valdis story: abyssal city
void memory

I wouldn't necessarily call them all strict metroidvanias, but they share certain traits from the genre.

6 years ago

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I will also urge you to try Guacamelee. Great references and humor, fantastic game play, smooth controls and appropriate challenges.
quietly picks up controller and keeps playing Guacamelee 2

Edit: Rogue Legacy is a great one two as mentioned in a post below mine.

6 years ago

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I second the Guacamelee recomendation, it's awesome. The soundtrack is also pretty great.

6 years ago

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  • La-Mulana is a good one that focuses a lot more on the puzzle side of things. (It is heavily inspired by Maze of Galious and The Treasure of Usas - two early platformer/adventure hybrids by Konami.)

  • Rogue Legacy is another succesful hybrid between a metroidvania and a roguelite. May not be entirely what you're asking for, but it's worth checking out anyway.

  • Pharaoh's Rebirth+ should count, even though it's more level-based - you can still back-track and find new secrets etc. Comparable with Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia in that regard.

  • Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate is a 2.5d metroidvania too, if you haven't played it yet. It's pretty decent.

  • The Shantae series all more or less count. (Half-genie hero less so, that's more of a straight-up action platformer).

  • Shadow Complex deserves a mention to. It did help revive the genre and all..

  • Strider (2014) is extremely low on the puzzle side of things, but quite entertaining too. And it has good bossfights.

6 years ago

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La-Mulana 1 is in a bundle right now, so no reason not to get it: https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/Ezgvz/groupees-6er4

6 years ago

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I haven't played any of those so I can't give proper recommendation, I can only say that out of those I am interested in Axiom Verge and Dead Cells the most.

I see you have Dust: An Elysian Tail in your library and I highly recommend playing that. It's an amazing game.

6 years ago

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Dead Cells will win because it's new and because it brings something new to the table, but like the devs said, it's a roguevania, not a metroidvania.
I'm not saying it's bad, I'm playing it everyday and I'm addicted to it, but it's not like a classic metroidvania, it's different.

If you want a classic classic metroidvania for the love of god get Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon. It's from the same creator of the old Castlevanias and it's amazing
My second option would be axion verge. This is THE metroidvania on steam. I love this game so much, it's so damn good, the glitch weapon is amazing and hilarious. Kudos for the developer for creating this game alone, he even did the music. It's an amazing experience.

6 years ago

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Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon

I never played it, but I thought it's not metroidvania, but a platformer based on pre-SotN Castlevanias?

6 years ago

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If you like Super Metroid check this out: A Robot Named Fight!
Basically, it's Rogue lite Super Metroid

6 years ago

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Wings of Vi
its really hard for me
but fun....
If you are a casual gamer- avoid it

6 years ago

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This is my list of metroidvanias on steam. Forgive me if its in accurate but its a bunch of games
A robot named fight
After death
Axiom verge
Brave earth
Cat maze
Cave story
Dark flame
Deaths gambit
Dust an elysian tail
Flynn crimson
Forsaken castle
Fuedal alloy
Ghost 1.0
Mini ghost
Ghost song
Ori and the blind forest
Owl boy
Raygun gadabout
Shadow complex
Steam world
Touhou luna knights
Un epic
Wings of vi

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I've heard Headlander is a metroidvania, though I haven't played it yet to confirm. Looks nice though.
Another game with some Metroidvania elements is The Deadly Tower of Monsters. I really enjoyed that one, but it seems to have gotten completely ignored by most people.

6 years ago*

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I'd say Ritual of the Night but it's not out yet so I guess it doesn't count

6 years ago

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I've heard Yoku's Island Express is really good if you're open to something off-the-wall.

6 years ago

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Dead Cells is a great game, but it's not really a Metroidvania, even if people claim it is. You're still progressing through levels, and not going back to older ones (unless you die). Still highly recommended though.

I really liked Axiom Verge. It's more Metroid 1 than Super Metroid, but you don't do as much aimless exploring as in Metroid 1. It's very nice.

6 years ago

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