Some giveaways, normally for small groups, can end with less than 5 entries. This prevents the giveaway creator from getting CV. I normally avoid this by including an empty group that I can use if I need to quickly recruit users to the giveaway, but I wonder if that's the best way to handle this. The wordy option in the poll can provide an alternative, but is it frowned upon? and are there any alternatives?

Level 0+ GA

9 years ago

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What's the best practice for group giveaways that are about to end with less than 5 entries?

View Results
Let the giveaway end, lose the CV
Delete the giveaway and create a new one which includes another group, then notify entrants of the first GA to let them rejoin
Ask Dan Quayle to step in and solve this conundrum

…make GAs that a lot of people want in the group?
Make GAs with enough groups added that the potential user base greatly exceeds the possibility of hitting 5+ even with 0.1% admission?

Seriously, if you want to give a game to such a small group, just use and send them the game. A lottery with 5 people isn't really a lottery.

The other I saw was people using the wishlist database and sending GA links through Steam chat or here with very old GAs that only the creator will see in the message alert.

9 years ago

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It happened in a giveaway for a group that had 29 members for a game recommended by 90% of the 3,500 users.

The question is - what to do if it happens again?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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First, check if the group members actually want it; use the wishlist feature here.
Then if you are adamant on focusing only on that small group… well, make sure they see it. Make an announcement in the group announcement page, or, if you lack the rights, make a forum thread hoping that people either subscribe to the main forum or see it from time to time.
And if that fails… well, use your Plan B or take the CV loss. When your possible candidate pool is still small, it is difficult, if not impossible to get a sufficient amount of eligible and interested people. I mean look at my GAs, for the bundle stuff I'm opening it up to over 12,000 people and I'm glad when I reach 200 entries. That's not even 1.6% efficiency.

9 years ago

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opening it up to over 12,000 people

You may be interested to know that only 5k from those have an SG account and only 2.5k are considered active, so it's a 10% efficiency ;-)

9 years ago

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That sounds somewhat better. ^-^

9 years ago

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It was for the Middle East group. I now don't include a single group which is so small and am aiming for at least 100~150 members, so it's probably not going to be an issue (as long as the game is good, and I normally keep the giveaway fodder for public GAs).

BTW, some of my recent GAs are for Level 0, so in theory there are about 700,000 potential entrants, but some of these GAs end with a single digit number of entries (the ones posted as invite only in this thread).

9 years ago

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I wouldn't consider forum GAs as being accessible to even remotely close to the whole userbase. Some stats would be interesting but I'd bet ;-) less than 10% even go there.

Additionally new GAs in edited posts have way less visibility due to most people not re-checking same threads that often if at all. Guess I'll need to do this more often too ^^

9 years ago

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I doubt that there is any better way to handle this.

In fact, I face this problem only in my touhou group, but there I can just lower touhou value and people will join :3.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Archi.. can u make it 0 points?

9 years ago

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I'd say check how many people in the group don't have the game with this tool and also check how many of those have it in their wishlist. If the number is less than 5, I'd suggest including another group or even your whitelist.

9 years ago

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This is a useful tool. I just checked a few giveaways, and it seems there are plenty of members who don't own the games. 87, 70, 26 92, and 74 in the five games I checked. I guess a lot can change until the giveaways end.

9 years ago

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That can give a false sense of security though. Many of those may in-fact not want the game and have it hidden, so will never see your GA.

On the other side, most entries arrive close to the end, so nothing is lost until the last hour.

9 years ago

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Just let the giveaway end. As long as at least on person has entered I don't really see a big deal about it.

9 years ago

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Dan Quayle? Did I travel back to 1990 or something?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Dan Quayl

9 years ago

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He helps me find my polls, and he honors the sanctity of potatoes, which is essential for a poll here.

9 years ago

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Y'know it's crazy--I knew about the potatoe thing, yet somehow I didn't make the connection.

I'm going to bed.

9 years ago

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Just let it end, and know that you are simply giving for the sake of giving and that every person in that giveaway has a pretty good chance of winning a game they are truly interested in.

There's a small group with about 200 members that I am in and the people there usually only enter for games they actually want to play. Probably more than half the giveaways end without 5 or more entries, but people still give because they care more about sharing the joy of gaming with others rather than maximizing CV returns on investment.

9 years ago

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^ THIS! ^


9 years ago*

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Took the knock when it happened to me. Not getting the CV isn't that bad.

9 years ago

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let it end, it's only fair for the people that entered.

same applies to puzzle giveaways. i've seen some people posting their GAs on the forums to reach 5 entries.
absolutely disrespectful to users that solved the puzzle.

9 years ago

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Let it end, of course. People join multiple groups, and sometimes your GA is not well-noticed. Maybe people don't have them, but due to the clutter of their "group giveaway" tab your giveaway is not spotted. Maybe you are giving out bundled games, and bundled games given to small group of people tend to disappear, fast.

9 years ago

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While I don't care too much about CV any more, I understand that others do, and that's perfectly cool. I have seen people post things like, "I will delete giveaway if entries < 5."

I don't think there's anything wrong with making clear that you'd like credit for your giveaways. A little CV in exchange for your money spent seems like a fair request.

9 years ago

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Hmm, for a giveaway that's still running, I wouldn't worry about it. Life's too short... :)

I know there used to be a website to tally Steam group wishlists and who didn't own a game, but the last time I checked it wasn't working. :( If you find a tool like that, it's worth a try... :) Of course it won't tell you who will actually enter a giveaway, but it's better than nothing. :)

Also, group ratio rules might prevent people who would otherwise want your game from entering the giveaway. Don't know if it was for that sort of group, though...

Once upon a time I made a Dark Souls 2 puzzle giveaway, but only one person solved it... Should I have given out hints just to get the precious CV? Or not worry about it, and let that one clever person enjoy his game... :)

9 years ago

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I use an empty subgroup as a buffer- haven't had to use it yet.

Or rather, could have used it once, but I fell asleep once without inviting people to it- ha.
I sent the GA to the single entrant.

Even as counter-intuitive as the <5 entry no-CV rule is (versus forcing an automatic cancellation of the GA), I think the CV doesn't matter after a certain point, with the right groups:

I'm sure it'll still aggravate a lot of people, of course, which leads be back to 'not sure if there's a reason it goes to no-CV instead of automatic-cancellation'.

9 years ago

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I haven't thought about that too much, to be honest.
But I have to admit I deleted one single giveaway that had 2 entries after 24 hours (10 minutes before it would have ended) in a ~120 user group, after that I only created "bigger" games for groups or included multiple groups / wishlist (if it's allowed in all of the groups) and gave out bundle leftovers to the big public :)

9 years ago

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Hmm, I don't know! Whatever your easy with, I suppose.

If it's a non-ratio group or no set number of required giveaways and everything is purely voluntary then I don't really see the harm. If I was entered already and you did it to increase the entries it's not something I'd be bothered about. The way I'd see it is that you're giving a free game away so it's your call as to how you want to give it.

This isn't something I've ever thought about or even really encountered before in my own giveaways. The only groups where I regularly am in danger of not hitting 5 entries are closed shops anyway as far as inviting others in would be. One is a non-bundled ratio group so I get my group ratio points anyway as long as 1 or more people enter. The other is a bundle group and it's only bundle games so I don't care.

9 years ago

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Why is there a rule like that ?

9 years ago

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So small circlejerk groups don't exploit the CV system by constantly regifting the same game between two people.

9 years ago

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But if you don't activate the game you won, would't it appear on ?

My friend just told me if you won't mark game as received can't understand if you won or not.

9 years ago

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Yes, it does, but some people would take the 2-week suspension for a quick and huge CV boost. After all, you get the same punishment for regifting a one-dollar bundle junk and a 100-dollar overpriced AAA junk. :)

9 years ago

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To try and stop people exploiting the system and build a lot of CV.

If all you needed was 1 entrant to get CV you could make 2 accounts and "give" the game to yourself. It's still possible that someone could make 6 accounts all with $100 value so they can sign up to SG but it's a little harder to do, especially without getting caught as that's 6 accounts for people to find.

Another similar exploit if it was just 1 entry required would be if you had 2 family members or very close friends, maybe even people living together etc. who share their games through family sharing on Steam. 1 could buy the game (or they both pay half), make a giveaway for it, the other wins it and then they can both play it anyway on family sharing. Free CV for buying a game they were always going to buy and they still have it.

9 years ago*

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I understand, thank you

9 years ago

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Why didn't you include the extra group option in the poll? I'd say that's a neat idea.

9 years ago

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Because the poll is about the scenario where such a group is not included and the giveaway is about to end...

9 years ago

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ah, then I present possibility no.4: Try to contact the entrants to ask to remove their entries. Takes more effort and may not work out but maybe 'nicer' than just deleting?

9 years ago

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That's an interesting option, and one that's probably less controversial than deleting the giveaway, but what if a user refuses to remove his/her entry, while the others already have?

9 years ago

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That's the "may not work out" part. Then you are back to the options to let it end or delete, but it's worth a try I'd say.

Too bad I have the Beep game already, otherwise I'd "help" out with an entry. Can ping me for such cases in the future too ;-)

9 years ago

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Thanks, I'll keep that in mind :-)

9 years ago

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Well that made my post somewhat irrelevant as I was considering the merits of the extra group thing or not and prattling on about that.

As I'm loathe to delete stuff I say let the giveaway end.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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I already have the game but Thanks ^^
Heres a Free BUMP!

View attached image.
9 years ago

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Bump is here

9 years ago

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Generally speaking, I check the group's wishlist before I consider creating the giveaway. I like to give what people want to receive.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Well I post the GA link on the Group's Steam group, if that doesn't help then I might ask members directly if they are willing to join please, fortunately I've been lucky enough to give games that +5 people have always wanted!

Also give at least 4-5 days since not everyone can check SG or Steam frequently. And worst case scenario, I voted to lose the CV, in the end it will be a hit to your ego but at core we should give gifts to make others happy, not to level up, but I know it's easier said than done ;]

9 years ago

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I delete,
try to open in the same group but give 1 week of time to enter,
try advise who doesnt have the game to enter in the giveaway
and advise in the facebook/steam group that you need the 5 entries

and always check the number of people doesnt have the game (!/check ) before buy it

9 years ago

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Lose CV and give great chances to the people who joined, at the end who cares about cv?

9 years ago

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People who want to get access to better giveaways care about their Level, and therefore - their CV. Don't you think?

9 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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Many of my GAs are public (at least 100 out of 225), but what's wrong with wanting to get CV also for other giveaways?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I want to both make people happy and make myself happy, and 99% of the time here, I find it achievable :-)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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It's definitely worth the discussion, because I find it helpful, and I believe some other participants do too.

I don't expect or want CG to implement anything related to this. There are plenty of other issues that could benefit from his time more.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I expected two things:

  1. Get a sense about what the community prefers. For example, if deletion/recreation of the GA in this context is frowned upon.
  2. Discover alternative ideas to handle this situation.

I got both.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Once you reach level 5 or 6 there is not much difference to beeing in a higher level

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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If you're fine with it, sure! :-)

9 years ago

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I kinda stopped caring about CV ages ago ... not like bundle games give much of it :D

9 years ago

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Quick question: If a giveaway gives away multiple copies of the same game, is the requirement still just 5 entries or does it need the number of games multiplied by 5? Like, for example, a giveaway that gives away 5 copies and it so happens to have 5 entries, how will that count to the CV?

8 years ago

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