This is not Steamtrades anyway and no moderators can help you.
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Hey what's that steam profile background you have called? It's so cute (*^_^*)ゞ
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Why would anyone be afraid of Muslims? In the early 90s I remember my uncle saying that he was taken into a back room at an Australian airport because he was a young man from Ireland and the British Queen was arriving in Australia that same month. He was just a young man on holiday with his friend. He didn't even know about the queen visit before he was shoved into a room and questioned for no reason other than nationality. Fear like this is irrational. People feared the IRA and took it out on all Irish people. It is the same for Muslims. Just because fanatics/terrorists do bad things, it does not mean that the majority of ordinary Muslim people are not just like you and wishing for peace.
You're probably trolling, but that sort if irrational fear is real. This is what terrorists want the ordinary people to feel on all sides. They want to make us divided instead of living happily alongside each other.
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The Irrational Cookie Boy
Filin went to the grocery store. He wanted to buy a packet of his favourite cookies. He went there on foot, so it was a lot of effort on his part. He was kinda out if breath, so he grabbed a bottle of water from the drinks aisle. He makes his way to the cookie aisle, all the while dreaming about those deliciously mouth watering cookies. He sees a young Muslim couple picking up a packet of the same cookies that he was going to be feasting on tonight. "Oh they have good taste," he thought. But, alas, when he got to the shelf, IT WAS THE LAST PACKET!!!!!! From this day forth he vowed to hate on anyone who shared any similarity with that couple. His hate festered and now he posts hate shite on internet forums... All because he didn't get his cookies that day. If only he'd skipped the water, he'd have gotten there on time... Things would've been so different.
The End
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Finally someone understands what I want when I say “extra pickles!”
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Seems you are quite found on discriminate against others based on religion and sexual orientation.
If you have a valid complaint on something going on here, on Steamgifts, try to use a more civil language. If it is only related to Steamgifts, here is the wrong place to post.
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I always wonder with people like you if you are only like this on the internet, or if you act like this in every day life as well.
Judging from your choice of words and to insult other, I assume you have some way to go until you act adult.
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My physics mind want to say, that you can not say, until you have an experiment to determine if someone is a god. Until then we might be a superposition of a god state and a man state (|god> + |man>)^2 and unaware of it. Think "Schrödinger's cat".
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I am someone who just don't stand reading discrimination based on anything.
You want to discrimintate someone based on their religion, sexual orientation, gender, ethnicity, political views, origin or whatever? I will ask you to not do this. Society has not evolved for such a long time to plunge back into the dark ages, just because someone ate your cookies.
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You will get suspended soon lad. Who hurt you this bad that you turned out like this?
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No prejudice, just my opinion based on your posts in this thread.
Edit: To explain, you were told in the first reply that SteamGIFTS is the wrong place for your concern, yet you keep on posting and ignoring others who told you again. That qualifies as trolling in my book.
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Seems like either a "yes" or "Recapture Palestine" question. Im not sure, i think he introduced 2 topics at once.
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oh...sorry to hear that,i wish we could have talked before you became a moron
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You nailed it. it's actually a puzzle and you need to run it back and forward between multiple languages to revert back to the original text
Have fun!
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you are right. Its only fair that i leave the thread and let you entertain the crowd by yourself
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I apologize, don't forget to leave me a -rep on steamtrades
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It is a great picture, it is also how my head felt after reading this topic.
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