Thermaltake PSUs are hit or miss. A PSU, being nearly the heart of your system, you don't want to leave any room for a potential "mess up". Stick to PSUs with good track records. This should suit you better. Switch out the HDD for something that isn't a green as well.This is known to be one of the fastest HDDs. Other than that, everything else is fine.
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Gah dem prices :/
Also was only doing this PSU because it was 59.99 though that sale is over now.. lol
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You'd spend ~$20 more and get what you want. I think that's a bit better than underspending and not being satisfied with your purchase.
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That PSU should suffice, if you want to be careful you can check for reviews of it, but looking at the specs it should be more than enough to run a 660ti and maybe some more.
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Amount of wattage/amperage isn't a problem. But if the PSU is known to fail then it doesn't even matter. But as you said, reviews are the best way to go. Or he could just get the cheaper Corsair one and not have to worry nearly as much.
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Indeed, PSUs are a matter of doing some research, as getting a low quality one CAN leave you with your components fried, not a lot of people pay attention to that unfortunately.
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Destroyed my friends whole computer, he bought some off brand junk one without realizing how important it was, toasted his Mobo, Ram, CPU, and possibly the gpu(Still figuring that out.)
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Well just make sure its a quality one by a good brand, he bought some brand I never heard of, I was kinda shocked and felt terrible, I could have helped him pick parts :-(.
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My friend in real life, dont think he has an account here...then again he doesn't have a gaming pc at the moment because of exploding psu.
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Definitely doesn't need it. He could SLI 660 ti's on that though. XFX are a great brand as well. The Corsair/XFX PSUs that use Seasonic parts(which are most of them, disregarding Corsair's CX series) are amazing and you can't go wrong with nearly any of em.
edit: didn't pay close enough attention that his mobo can't SLI anyways. A quality 450-500w would be fine for him then
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Oop, forgot about Antec as well. These brands are the ones I live by, haven't steered me wrong yet.
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Ahh I actually hopped from an NZXT Hale82(should've gone with 90) to an HX 750, to an AX 750. I had some bad luck with PSUs having an infinitely annoying coil whine, or capacitor whine, whichever it was. My cutter AX 750 is golden though(pun intended) and the fan rarely kicks on unless I'm doing some heavy gaming.
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Besides getting yourself a 7200RPM hard drive, the rest is pretty solid, i don't know how much of a performance (and price) difference would an I5 3570K would be, but that's good enough. That's a good bang for the buck.
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Those are good parts. Except for the cpu, motherboard, and HD.
Go for an i7. If you can afford to, an 3770K; and if not, a 3770. But no lower than 2700K.
Motherboard. Never go with Asrock. Ever. Only reliable mobo makers are Asus or MSI. And I always go with Asus. Always a wise investment. They never failed me. Everything that Asus has relative to its competitors I get from it, unless I have a very good reason not to. I suggest you do the same.
For HD, get an SSD. Only from Crucial, OCZ or G.Skill. Even at a small capacity (32GB+ min, I recommend at least 64GB+). You could always add to it later. A magnet one, especially at that RPM, is only going to slow you down.
Good luck.
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He didn't mention what this PC was for, but I'm going to assume gaming/everyday use. If so, no reason to spend the extra $ on an i7 that'll perform identically in games. Also, take note of his budget. If you'd to link him parts that meet the specs you want for him that's under $800 then feel free to do so. No qualms with my Asrock mobo. They're a sub branch of ASUS and they split off from them in 2003, and ASUS is currently looking to buy them back very soon.
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I am aware of Asrocks history. It's irrelevant.
As for linking. It takes a lot research to find the best combination for the lowest price and quite frankly I'm not that motivated to do that.
My laptop is an Asus N53SV-XV1. I use it as my main PC. I game, but it's more important for me to work on it. I bought over a year and a half ago for $1k. Upgraded to 128GB M4 Crucial. And 8GB dual channel G.Skill. I am perfectly satisfied with my purchase because I did my research. I have no regrets for the parts I buy. Look up due diligence. Very helpful stuff that will accommodate you every day for the rest of your life.
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It goes to show that I know what I'm talking about. I can admit to being ignorant occasionally, however I'm getting a rather unpleasant vibes from these replies. Please remember that we're all only trying to help. No need to point fingers and belittle (referring mostly to the other comments here).
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I know what I'm talking about
No it doesn't. Your first post shows ignorance with bad suggestions such as i7, MSI and Asus as the only good manufactures, and going with only Crucial, OCZ, or G.Skill for the SSD. Your second post just shows that you bought a laptop and upgraded your laptop. That shows you know you know how to list stuff and give some suggestions (that are once again, ignorant.)
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You described what would be good for a work computer, IgotElbows is making a gaming computer from what I can tell, getting an i7 over an i5 for a gaming computer is ridiculous, an ssd barely helps also, on top of that you pretty much ignored his price range, gave bad advice about motherboards(I dont know anyone that thinks Asrock is bad). Also you were smug with this: Look up due diligence. Very helpful stuff that will accommodate you every day for the rest of your life.
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I can't say you're wrong with your last sentence. Upon reflection it does give off that impression and I apologize for that.
An i7 does provide better results (FPS-wise) when it comes to gaming. Maybe not significantly enough but as the saying goes, quantity turns to quality.
A computer is an investment. It is assumed that it won't break down for years to come. Asrock has (and I can admit to not taking an interest in them in recent years) sub-standard features. And in my experience they break down faster than their competitors.
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But in all seriousness, I just don't want him to buy parts that don't suit him and cost him to much, I know everyone posting here is just trying to help, so no offense, an i7 might work better for your needs, same with the SSD...its just not in his price range and an i7 doesn't do much over an i5 in gaming, in other stuff sure.
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What's irrelevant is the specs you suggested are nearly impossible to fit his budget.
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Sure you could make it happen, but you'd have to make some sacrifices. To choose an i7 that'll perform exactly the same in games, he'd have to get a weaker GPU. This obviously isn't ideal and wouldn't be recommended by anybody really. Same goes with the SSD, which is more of a leisure than a necessity. I wish I didn't "win". It'd be nice if he could keep the 660ti and have an i7 incase he does some heavy video rendering. But it's just not in the cards I guess.(pun intended).
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Gaming, General use, and editing videos for when I LP one day. lol
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A i7 is barely any better(Sometimes worse since you can overclock the hell out of i5's). Also lol wth, Asus and MSI are the only good mobo manufactures? HA, right...What about Gigabyte? EVGA? ECS? Etc...? Btw Asrock is fine, also I have had an Asus board fail on me, do I say they are all bad? Nope, it happens.
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I have had luck with them but still what he said is ridiculous....O_o.
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What fucking rubbish.
3770k has no improvement over an 3570k since it just has hyperthreading. It won't help anymore in terms of FPS. As for mobo, MSI make worse mobos than Asrock. Z77 Extreme4 are much better built and better feature for price than the Asrock Z77 at that price.
Also for ssd, you left out Plextor, Sammy, and Intel. G.Skill uses meh sandforce drives so those aren't as good.
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Figured I should correct myself in regards this particular comment. Sammy is also great for when it comes to SSDs, followed by Intel. I have no knowledge of Plextor's products so I can't speak for them. (But if my memory serves me right they own Crucial, which is good)
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Of course there are a lot of good manufacturers other than the ones I mentioned. But manufactures are an important factor. It's like choosing between HTC and Sammy for an Android device. Sammy is clearly better because while the hardware is comparable between the two, it actually supports the developers and open source in general. Its devices get significantly better software support. I love my i9100 and it's running at absolute perfection with CM10 and DorimanX's custom kernel.
The strength of the parts aren't always that important.
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Oh good grief.
Sammy is clearly better because it supports devs and open source
How do they do that? They support open source as much as HTC, etc. Sammy may host a few more events with the money they have earned from the Galaxy series, but both they and HTC and other manufactures open their source for dev work.
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Oh damn, that looks like a good build. I heard it's better to get i5 and not i3?
I think?
That 670 on sale, looks nice...
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Very nice build right here. Definitely the best bang for the buck build I've seen in this thread. Get this if you can OP.
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I don't even know how to overclock.. lol.
Thanks man!
Can you guys recommend a monitor? I literally need everything except a mouse lol.
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Hmm, I should probably go with the first one? LED and better ratings?
Also superbliz and NCIX are trusted sites? Never heard of them.
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Any opinion on them?
Okay, thank you very much!
Last question, what about an OS? I have a windows 7 disc I think from my laptop.
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It looks rather good, I would go with a different PSU, its not that the brand is bad its just that some of there stuff isn't that great, its also a tiny bit overkill I think, get 500-600 watt from someone like corsair if you can, I forget the other good brands off hand. Everything else looks rather well and good. You dpn't need 675 watts for a single card, if you wanted to sli two of those it would be a good amount.
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I actually just upgraded my computer today! Fairly new to computer components myself. Learnt quite a lot in the past 2-3 months deciding on the parts! Hope it helps!
AMD 5870 (donated =D) -----
PSU: Corsair GS700 (bought quite a while ago - old one died!!) -----
RAM: Corsair 16GB (2x8) Vengeance DDR3 1600 -----
MOBO: MSI Z77a-G43 (cheap mobo but everything I need) -----
CPU: Intel i5-3570k
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that build wont last 5 years or more if you want to do serious hardcore gaming you might have to make a new budget >.<
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I know some stuff, but not an expert. It'd be dumb of me to just buy this stuff without getting a second opinion. And its a good thing I did ask. Got a better build now. :D
Comment has been collapsed. I built a pretty good one for 850 because i needed a monitor you can get better stuff for the price if you have a monitor already
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Yeah its a bummer, Windows 8 comes out in a couple weeks but not sure how you feel about the changes. Here is a view of how it works, I heard the scroll kinks were fixed though.
Honestly it looks like it has some improvements but that menu...idk. I also like the reset function built in now....
I am very bi-polar with this update...That said I am getting it day 1...I am a sucker.
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Yeah...I am willing to try it, hope it suits me...I do like the weather app, that just looks really nice in the video. I am sure some of it will be nice.
Comment has been collapsed. is a good subreddit for reddit
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Everything looks good in my opinion besides that HDD, get a 7200 RPM one.
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Current idea for one I'd like something that could last me 5 years or more.
Budget 600-800 dollars.
I still know very little on parts.
So yea, tell me pieces I should replace and stuff?
If you want you can make a build from scratch for me. lol
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