when i try to make any action in gelam it says that im trying to do too many actions and i have to try after soe time and i have it from 2 days. Any1 had the same problem?


8 years ago

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You were probably using scripts. Same thing happened to me. Minimum ban time is one month.

8 years ago

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one month !?!?!? so long:(

8 years ago

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did you write to support?

8 years ago

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Same boat. Used the gleam.solver that was posted here. Hope it's just a month, could be more, could be permanent .

8 years ago

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What browser did you use? Just curious

8 years ago

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Firefox (x86) 45.0.1 with greasemonkey

8 years ago

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Thanks. A friend also got banned on Firefox. I wonder if people are only getting banned on firefox and not chrome.

8 years ago

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I use Chrome.. I also got banned. -_-

8 years ago

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The same thing

8 years ago

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Log out of gleam, delete its cookies, then log back in with the email method using a different throwaway email addy. You'll be able to continue using it normally. But if you win any raffles, you'll have to check your throwaway email for the keys.

8 years ago

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so i just have to give them different email?

8 years ago

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Googlemail offers testaccounts for that case... Most likely will solve your issue.
Commonmailhead+1@gmail.com will send/forward mails to commonmailhead@gmail.com

8 years ago

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most sites know about these by now, so they might block from creating more than one account.

8 years ago

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The problem still exists in most instant giveaways, as you usually need to enter a Steam group. That's when Gleam figures out that you're the same person.

8 years ago

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Nope, that shouldn't affect anything as long as you log in with a different email addy after deleting ALL gleam cookies (there's several).

8 years ago

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I did that. After pressing the button, which checks if you're joined in the Steam group, I needed to login with Steam. When I did that, Gleam automatically logged me back into the banned account.

8 years ago

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This is why users with alt Steam accounts are best. :P

8 years ago

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I have an alt account but it's not unlocked cause I didn't spend any money on it :S

8 years ago

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I have three alt accounts. For my third, it only has bundle keys, but I added $5 to wallet and used that for gifts to send to my main. Still worked. It is a backup trading account.

8 years ago

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I guess I'll wait for the summer sale to get some gifts.

8 years ago

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if i just add a key to alt account it's being unlocked? or do i have to buy something threw steam?

8 years ago

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Keys do nothing to unlock an account. I just added some so it had games and a level. You need to spend money.

But this money can be added to the account to activate it, then used to buy gifts a bit later. Account unlocked, but money was used for better stuff.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Well, if they didn't spam require every single action, and usually 7+, then wouldn't be as big a problem... Can't stand gleam, I only even bother like one time out of three.

Worse when its to join OTG groups, certain ones I have joined and stayed in, but those? They get joined for 5 seconds then out.
Used to be that you only needed to complete like 1 action for every 3 options... Sure, it may not exactly take long, but its repetitive and annoying, especially with certain tasks.

8 years ago

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Something irritating about OTG is that they like to hide referral links in their giveaways. It doesn't appear to be in every one, but there have been certain ones that automatically send you to G2A after you've finished the requirements, and recently I saw one that was disguised as just a store page, when in fact it was a referral link. Asking users to use their referral link is one thing, but being sneaky and hiding the links is kind of a dirty thing to do, in my opinion. Buuuut, the OTG groups are run by Duckhead, so, it's not all that surprising.

8 years ago

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You could use incognito mode for these ;)

8 years ago

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Depending on how the ref-link work for a given site, they might get money from you just clicking on it.

8 years ago

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i got banned too

8 years ago

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banned using gleam.solver... Been using it since the early versions upto the latest one so could be an old version that triggered the ban.

8 years ago

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my alt account banned without using script, I only do it manually in Firefox, what the heck was that.

8 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by finanso.