I mean, wich online service you would like to see in the near future.
Before Facebook there was MSN, before MSN there were mIrc-like chats, before... well, you got it.
Now, what did you think will be the next evolution of connection and sharing?
A piece of hardware embedded in your brain that automagically shares your private facts and recieves the ones of your friends, saving them in your /memory partition?
A social network for your pets?
An another place to lurk on chicks' private life? (You're such a pervert!)

Discuss people, discuss.

1 decade ago*

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Lurk on chick's private life? Who does that?

1 decade ago

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You, i know it.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Yes, but will only be limited to gaming. However this forum (and others like this), if not even steam itself, already allow you to share your gaming life and interests.

1 decade ago

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I think it will be Google Glass or something like that - implementing social media interface into our everyday life.

1 decade ago

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Uhm, maybe but IMO it is 2 or 3 evolutions far. I was thinking to something on platforms everyone already own: PCs, Smartphones, Tablets and so on. Also I can't think of people wearing them, and actually using them from now to 10 years, or maybe it's just me :P

1 decade ago

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rather it's just you - there's already a lot of applications for smartphones that inegrates real life with online - you make a photo of a text and it gets translated immediatelly into your langueage. You mark places you're visiting on FB. You run applications and finds points of interest nearby. It's just taking it all one step further.

40 years ago it was unimaginable for nearly everyone having PCs in their homes, 25 years ago noone could imagine that we would all have common internet conection, 20 years ago idea of everyone having mobile phone with them all the time was unbelieveable, 10 years ago you wouldn't think that your mobile phone you're carrying with you will give you most of your PC useability, that you'd be checking internet, mails, writing documents and watching YT movies from any space avaiable. World changes faster than you think.

1 decade ago

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Man, I just said I think world isn't ready yet for glasses that work like smartphones, IMO we'll stick with them for a lot of time, maybe [quote] from now to 10 years [/quote] we'll become ready but tomorrow i wouldn't wear them. However i don't like the base idea of those glasses, and I'm also concerned for the health issues they may lead to, i mean, have a WiFi and 3G antenna near my brain... It's obvious that a new form of tech will appear in our everyday life, but i just don't think g-glasses will be it.

1 decade ago

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well - ppl were concerned about mobile phones as well - having anthena and batterry next to your brain will surely give you cancer! Yet we didn't get huge wave of brain tumors after all these years :> Ppl are always concerned about new technologies ;p I know I'd definetelly try g-glass :>

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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StachePassions.com. It is the social network for proud moustache owners. If this social network won't dominate the future - then I refuse to live in that future!

1 decade ago

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HAHAHA bookmarked istantly! :D

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by ghzmdr.