Which theme would you like to see for March?
SG username | Number of achievements | Hours of Playtime | Games beaten |
AbdAllahMohamedRefat | 180 | 333 | 7 |
SolubleCrow | 121 | 151 | 4 |
samwise84 | 239 | 132 | 16 |
Naitas | 257 | 124.3 | 12 |
SpiderDen | 155 | 111.7 | 8 |
spookypannkaka | 165 | 102.6 | 8 |
nanji | 168 | 82.1 | 7 |
Ninglor03 | 134 | 71.2 | 11 |
Kappaking | 2 | 69.2 | 1 |
JennDjinn | 46 | 65.9 | 2 |
mulchand | 51 | 64.1 | 4 |
robocub | 33 | 61.9 | 2 |
AlvinCanCabbage | 49 | 58 | 3 |
Thexder | 75 | 57.5 | 4 |
Kokkol | 45 | 53.5 | 3 |
escollo | 607 | 53.2 | 6 |
krol7 | 79 | 49.5 | 5 |
emymer | 59 | 48.1 | 2 |
Noxco | 40 | 45.2 | 1 |
cece09 | 85 | 44.8 | 2 |
moemustaine | 80 | 39.6 | 2 |
DrAmpelmann | 18 | 39.6 | 1 |
Moony1986 | 182 | 37.9 | 11 |
juhaszandor | 37 | 36.7 | 2 |
satyam001 | 41 | 36.5 | 2 |
Garandro | 73 | 36.2 | 3 |
Kyrrelin | 70 | 35.3 | 4 |
DZIUBASEK | 60 | 33 | 1 |
andy776661 | 18 | 30.3 | 1 |
Sofas | 0 | 29.8 | 1 |
Waxlor | 68 | 27 | 4 |
alexan310 | 16 | 25.1 | 3 |
Charlie22 | 73 | 25 | 2 |
RiderOfPhoenix | 22 | 24.9 | 1 |
EyeofArrow | 3 | 22.3 | 1 |
Mitsukuni | 35 | 22.3 | 2 |
Aldcoran | 25 | 20.9 | 1 |
RiseOfValhalla | 25 | 20.3 | 2 |
LeLobster | 45 | 19 | 3 |
LagiNatoRRR | 55 | 19 | 2 |
murkotlyvo | 41 | 18.3 | 1 |
ashXCIX | 21 | 17.7 | 1 |
Gellax | 34 | 17.1 | 2 |
dazedconfused | 0 | 16.3 | 1 |
CharlesNonsens | 9 | 16.2 | 1 |
ThePonz | 28 | 16 | 2 |
Mikoy7 | 52 | 16 | 1 |
roflanWozmak | 37 | 14.7 | 1 |
Ad4m | 27 | 14 | 1 |
GauFF | 45 | 13.8 | 2 |
Zarddin | 59 | 13.5 | 6 |
Lokiator | 32 | 12.7 | 1 |
LupoSilente | 10 | 12.5 | 1 |
xymjak | 21 | 12.1 | 1 |
Saucisse | 18 | 11.4 | 1 |
xMisiu | 0 | 11 | 1 |
86maylin | 145 | 10.9 | 4 |
JFMugen | 52 | 10.1 | 1 |
seNs | 25 | 9.6 | 1 |
alancml | 9 | 9.5 | 1 |
Arthur13 | 22 | 9.5 | 1 |
Gelweo | 54 | 9.3 | 3 |
TFrostPG | 15 | 9.2 | 1 |
Nicknames | 36 | 9 | 1 |
nubplayer97 | 7 | 8.6 | 1 |
Cowoth | 14 | 8.3 | 1 |
PeterShepard | 0 | 8 | 1 |
NoSenses | 31 | 7.8 | 2 |
Blando | 19 | 7.7 | 1 |
gangnamstyle | 19 | 7.4 | 1 |
kinkami | 14 | 7.4 | 1 |
Droj | 25 | 7.3 | 1 |
tidhros | 11 | 6.7 | 1 |
Strifeborne | 30 | 6.4 | 1 |
enigma9q | 14 | 6.3 | 1 |
goplayer7 | 29 | 6.2 | 2 |
itekin7 | 32 | 6.1 | 2 |
RayOfLight3 | 13 | 6.1 | 1 |
Rayl1ght | 2 | 6 | 1 |
semik552 | 1 | 5.8 | 1 |
NotSev | 12 | 5.7 | 2 |
Bubles | 14 | 5.3 | 1 |
insideone | 0 | 5.3 | 1 |
cassioht | 12 | 4.8 | 1 |
Arcsurvivor | 25 | 4.8 | 1 |
rodasa | 36 | 4.7 | 1 |
Fuzu | 2 | 4.7 | 1 |
sweetcuppincakes | 12 | 4.3 | 1 |
JaffaCaffa | 9 | 4 | 1 |
Pinajet | 21 | 3.7 | 1 |
Sylom | 14 | 3.7 | 1 |
Khayta | 2 | 3.3 | 2 |
jimmy09172000 | 3 | 3.3 | 1 |
Khalaq | 9 | 3.3 | 1 |
ihcnab | 13 | 3.2 | 1 |
digitaldictator | 21 | 3 | 1 |
MouseWithBeer | 10 | 2.7 | 2 |
calibrationmaker | 16 | 2.5 | 1 |
Dux80 | 0 | 2.3 | 1 |
salemSamwise | 0 | 1.7 | 1 |
shortyginger | 3 | 1.7 | 1 |
Tristar | 30 | 0.3 | 1 |
Cemitpes | 14 | 0 | 1 |
Total | 4867 | 2859.9 | 239 |
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AbdAllahMohamedRefat - 76561198128785478
SolubleCrow - 76561198423956440
samwise84 - 76561198100730699
Naitas - 76561198054939035
SpiderDen - 76561198050400321
spookypannkaka - 76561198067899024
nanji - 76561198027120088
Ninglor03 - 76561198007224367
Kappaking - 76561198075351784
JennDjinn - 76561198141135467
mulchand - 76561198028260044
robocub - 76561197992633946
AlvinCanCabbage - 76561198296872531
Thexder - 76561197989280149
Kokkol - 76561198128535425
escollo - 76561198071731888
krol7 - 76561197998466535
emymer - 76561198185481023
Noxco - 76561198047132749
cece09 - 76561198140547710
moemustaine - 76561198025889911
DrAmpelmann - 76561198119856740
Moony1986 - 76561198249392362
juhaszandor - 76561197998619018
satyam001 - 76561198109320176
Garandro - 76561198039260918
Kyrrelin - 76561198036297204
DZIUBASEK - 76561198010928169
andy776661 - 76561198442591911
Sofas - 76561197978655441
Waxlor - 76561198116836855
alexan310 - 76561198283330113
Charlie22 - 76561198119519665
RiderOfPhoenix - 76561198886227993
EyeofArrow - 76561198030464920
Mitsukuni - 76561198036913791
Aldcoran - 76561198062660320
RiseOfValhalla - 76561198146147354
LeLobster - 76561198044868786
LagiNatoRRR - 76561198069635016
murkotlyvo - 76561198153300136
ashXCIX - 76561198974014863
Gellax - 76561198352939969
dazedconfused - 76561198346708143
CharlesNonsens - 76561197990245665
ThePonz - 76561197993524388
Mikoy7 - 76561198054907249
roflanWozmak - 76561198076853598
Ad4m - 76561197997125483
GauFF - 76561198225895948
Zarddin - 76561198078894531
Lokiator - 76561198319883835
LupoSilente - 76561197999386018
xymjak - 76561198027967076
Saucisse - 76561198126303619
xMisiu - 76561198082091554
86maylin - 76561198142746975
JFMugen - 76561198061066055
seNs - 76561198027362783
alancml - 76561198139162457
Arthur13 - 76561198023788861
Gelweo - 76561198118982727
TFrostPG - 76561198179392774
Nicknames - 76561198137722104
nubplayer97 - 76561198442268170
Cowoth - 76561198053301065
PeterShepard - 76561198064039782
NoSenses - 76561198107994152
Blando - 76561198116517331
gangnamstyle - 76561198012679672
kinkami - 76561198237246036
Droj - 76561198162768792
tidhros - 76561198041890198
Strifeborne - 76561198038433039
enigma9q - 76561197995611927
goplayer7 - 76561198040715710
itekin7 - 76561198419226853
RayOfLight3 - 76561198052900321
Rayl1ght - 76561198082976728
semik552 - 76561198029137080
NotSev - 76561198042942217
Bubles - 76561198118816391
insideone - 76561198106641748
cassioht - 76561198094715296
Arcsurvivor - 76561198107078391
rodasa - 76561198360067827
Fuzu - 76561198864609429
sweetcuppincakes - 76561197970536949
JaffaCaffa - 76561198047536700
Pinajet - 76561198020728219
Sylom - 76561198028338018
Khayta - 76561198101776626
jimmy09172000 - 76561198353873501
Khalaq - 76561197970531338
ihcnab - 76561198046967467
digitaldictator - 76561198025473646
MouseWithBeer - 76561198063952731
calibrationmaker - 76561197988830375
Dux80 - 76561198113664675
salemSamwise - 76561198078006018
shortyginger - 76561198275196156
Tristar - 76561197982136630
Cemitpes - 76561198031807383
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I fucked up, I missed one of the theme submissions and I can't edit the poll so we are gonna do it like this:
If you would like to vote for the Omne Trium Perfectum theme which consists of:
"3" in their app ID
Have 3 or any variation of the number in the game title
Gameplay involving a team of three playable characters
Games where you have to obtain exactly three of something
Games that can be completed in or around 3 hours
Third installment of any game series
Game trilogies
please reply to this comment with a "+1". Please be fair and do not vote on any of the poll ones if you decide to go for this one.
Also "99 Problems but this ain't one - both sumthemes from above together" should be "99 Problems but this ain't one - both subthemes from above together", today is not a good day for me :(
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I will give this one a +1 for being very sorry for missing it :(
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Reply to this comment with the games you are going to play this month.
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Life is Strange - category "choices matter" but probably many more:)
I can recommend this game for all players. Great story, great atmosphere!!!
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Game | Achievements | Playtime | Subcategory | Status | Notes |
Frostpunk | 95/95 | 76.5h | Survival | Completed | [Not a SG win] |
Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition | 99/99 (85 before) | 65.7h (44.7h before) | Survival | Completed | [Not a SG win] |
Far Cry 3 | - (50/50 Uplay) | 86.7h | Survival | Completed | [Not a SG win] |
Far Cry® 5 | - (64/72 Uplay) | 106h | Survival | Beaten | [Not a SG win] |
The Red Strings Club | 19/19 | 11.2h | 14+ achievements | Completed | - |
The Invisible Hours | 36/36 | 3.8h | 14+ achievements | Completed | [Not a SG win] |
DuckTales: Remastered | 20/20 (4 before) | 24.1h (1.1h before) | Family Friendly | Completed | [Not a SG win] |
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The important thing is you have fun, sadly achievements hunting takes the fun out of many games.
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Name | Subcategory | Won From | Status |
Albert and Otto | Sad/depressing game | FrysandeKold | ✅ |
Demolition Engineer | Family Friendly | ihcnab | ✅ |
Spiral Splatter | 14+ achievements | Aydaylin | ✅ |
PUSS! | Difficult | Khayta | ❌ - Skipped for missing skill 😉 |
Mr Rabbit's Jigsaw Puzzle | Family Friendly | icaio | ✅ |
Sword of Asumi | Dating Sim | GediKnight | ✅ |
Highschool Romance | Sexual Content | cowmoobaby | ✅ |
Pretty Girls Panic! | Sexual Content | GediKnight | ✅ |
Delicious! Pretty Girls Mahjong Solitaire | Sexual Content | GediKnight | ✅ |
Magi Trials | LGBTQ+ | GediKnight | ✅ |
Pixel Puzzles Junior Jigsaw | Family Friendly | AndrewBaton | ✅ |
Skyland: Heart of the Mountain | 14+ points | cece09 | ⏳ |
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Reserving my spot. :)
Game | Achievements | Hours of Playtime | Subcategory | Status |
Pikuniku | 14 / 14 | 14.5 | Co-op / Cute | Completed |
The Darkside Detective | 30 / 30 | 10.4 | 14+ achievements | Completed |
Cataegis : The White Wind | 16 / 41 | 4.6 | Difficult | Beaten |
Solstice | 10 / 18 | 5.9 | LGBTQ+ | Beaten |
68 | 35.4 | 2 Completed / 2 Beaten |
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Ok, I'll start with few unfinished games, and maybe will add something else later.
Game | Achievements | Playtime | Subcategory | Status |
A Boy and His Blob | 21/21 (1 before) | 35.3 h (7.1 h before) | Cute, Family Friendly | Completed |
CreaVures | 21/21 (1 before) | 8.8 h (0.1 h before) | Cute | Completed |
Mr. Shifty | 12/14 (3 before) | 10.8 h (3.8 h before) | Difficult | Beaten |
Splasher | 32/47 (23 before) | 23.8 h (11.1 h before) | Difficult | Beaten |
Serial Cleaner | 28/28 (17 before) | 20.3 h (6.1 h before) | 14+ points to enter a giveway, 14+ achievements | Completed |
Path of Sin: Greed | 16/16 | 5.6 h | 14+ points to enter a giveway, 14+ achievements | Completed |
Broken Age | 45/45 | 20.1 h | 14+ points to enter a giveway, 14+ achievements | Completed |
Whispers of a Machine | 25/25 | 15.3 h | 14+ points to enter a giveway, 14+ achievements | Completed |
Total | 155 | 111.8 h | - | 8 |
Last update: February 29, 3 P.M. (GMT +3)
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Difficult games
A game to play in February?
Speaking of which, there is no won for just one month.
┐(´Θ`)┌🎯 Oh, I hit the cold virus.😷
The new year's unsuccessful (fortune) was a delicate result of "Suekichi", so it was revised up later to "Daikichi", but it seems far from lucky.
Well, is it a game to play ...?
Unless I win today after this, will I reach out to the "pod"?
Game | Achievements | Playtime | Subcategory | Status | Notes |
Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy | 0/3 | 0H | Difficult | Unfinished | [Not a SG win] |
At least once, I want to climb to the summit.
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Shuyan Saga (14+ P)
Yes, it's a cop out. I anticipate not having much gaming time this month.
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Initial games:
Family Friendly - Sonic CD - Completed;
Sexual Content - World of relish - Completed;
Difficult - GoNNER - Completed;
Cute - Forward to the Sky - Completed;
Game with co-op - MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies (Neptunia) - Completed;
Romance - Purrfect Date - Visual Novel/Dating Simulator - Beaten;
Update 1:
Games where the main character lost or is losing someone important - The Last Door - Collector's Edition - Completed;
Update 2:
Survival - Find your way - Completed;
LGBTQ+ - Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor - Beaten;
Update 3:
Sad/depressing game - Californium - Beaten;
Update 4:
14+ achievements - The Last Door: Season 2 - Collector's Edition - Beaten;
14+ points - Zenith - Completed.
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I'm playing The Night of the Rabbit under the 14+ Achievements category and Grottesco Absurdus under Family Friendly.
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Well Beach Bounce does not state something about sex on front page but the comments speak about relationships. Night Furries is plain naked so it fits plus the others I'm 100% sure there is sex in them.
If Beach Bounce will have sex in it I will mark all 5 as sexual content :P
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theres a literal threesome sex scene in that game. theres plenty of sexual content
the fact it doesnt have it as a tag is surprising since it sure didnt shy away from it. 1 of the characters routes is to literally have sex with her every time you meet
Dude theres a tag for sexual content! I feel like I'm the only one who looks at tags XD
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Game | Link | Hours of Playtime | Subcategory | Status |
Satellite | Achievements - 27/27 | 8.2 | ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (also 14+ achievements and being a visual novel I suppose romance/dating/choices should count too) | FINISHED! |
Finding Paradise | Achievements - 1/1 | 7.8 | Emotional | FINISHED! |
maybe | soon™ | --- | --- | --- |
Total: 28/28 |
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Achievements doesn't include finish game, here are some video to prove.
Game | challenges | Achievements | Status |
Metrico+ | 14p + 14A+ | achievements | beat(video) |
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Balthazar's Dream - https://store.steampowered.com/app/583890/ - Cute
DISTRAINT - https://store.steampowered.com/app/395170/ - Emotional
DISTRAINT 2 - https://store.steampowered.com/app/743390/ - Emotional
Gone Home - https://store.steampowered.com/app/232430/ - Emotional/LGBTQ+
Rainswept - https://store.steampowered.com/app/772290/Rainswept/ - Emotional
Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor - https://store.steampowered.com/app/436500/ - LGBTQ+
Ori and the Blind Forest - https://store.steampowered.com/app/387290/ - Cute
Not adding them all to the site yet because ill probably not end up playing everything
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I just realized, before Half Life can count you have one untouched SG win still that actually fits the theme this month: Nier - both for 14+ achievements and 14+ points.
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Ah shame but I guess can't be helped. Removed my entries from the site, thanks for alerting me about it.
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Can I give a go for Else Heart.Break() under 14 hltb-hour tab (or maybe love-themed)? I already have tried it for ten minutes but never really got to playing. Sadly the game has no achievements, but I can provide steam screenshots.
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Else Heart.Break() fits perfectly under 14+ points to enter so you can put it under that no problem :)
Edit: I saw you submitted it already, I moved it to the 14+ points category and verified it :)
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I finished it. No achievements though, just a credit screenshot
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I submitted To the Moon with cute/romance subcategories.
I also want to submit it's sequel wich I played halfway but then decided to play pequel first. Now this game don't have cute/romance subcategories in steam so I'm not sure if this qualifies.
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I already edited it on the website, but Finding Paradise fits under emotional.
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I guess I'll also submit Hellblade Senuas Sacrifice for Games where the main character lost or is losing someone important subcategory
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velocity ultra - 14+ achievements
Adventure pals - Cute
Almost there the platformer - difficult
Spec ops the line - emotional
Aegis defenders - 14+ achievements
Super Turbo Demon Busters! - 14+ achievements
Odysseus Kosmos and his Robot Quest (Complete Season) - 14+ achievements
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What? Why is this not one of the top posts? That's a travesty, I say!
Anyway, I'm going to continue a game I started last month that also fits this month's theme: Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark. The main character is trying to save a young woman that she has been mentoring after the loss of her mentor, and that she is trying not to lose to dark magic.
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Now it is the top post :P
That works (also as Samwise noted on the website it works under HLTB 14+ hour plus playtime as well). Best of luck finishing it!
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First time here to participate in such type of events. Hope I'm not missing something important!
Game | Achievements | Playtime | Subcategory | Status | Notes |
Fortix 2 | 26/26 | 13.7 H | Games where choices matter, Difficult games, Games with 14+ achievements | Finished | Started to play just 1st of February |
Evoland | 29/29 | 7.4 H | Cute games, Games with 14+ achievements | Finished | --- |
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Welcome to the event!
A couple of things:
1) Any playtime in February counts (even before you subbmited the games) so all of the playtime you have in Fortix 2 counts!
2) You can submit your games on the website too to make it easier for both you are me to track (playtime and achievements get automatically checked and updated about once a day) and you get access to giveaway links as soon as the game is verified as beaten (also happens about once a day) and you don't have to wait till the end of the month.
3) sadly non SG wins only count if you have played all your SG wins that fit the theme.
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1) Gotcha!
2) I'm scared with all of that data... I need some time to conquer the fear!
3) Understandable.
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If you have any more questions or are unsure about anything please fell free to ask! Always happy to help and explain things :)
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Sorry for the late response...
Thank you and the others for your work on this continuing event!
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Game | Category | Status | Notes |
The Adventure Pals | Cute | Verified | |
City Climber | Difficult | Verified | |
The Coma: Recut | Psychological Horror | Verified | No achievements, requires screenshots. |
Finding Paradise | Emotional | Verified | |
Hot Tin Roof: The Cat That Wore A Fedora | 14+ achievements | Verified | |
Runestone Keeper | 14+ achievements | Playing | |
Splatter - Zombiecalypse Now | 14+ achievements | Beaten | Bugged, fixed, and now renamed. Interesting. |
Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure | 14+ points | Verified | No achievements, requires screenshots. |
My challenge to myself is to finish at least one well before the deadline for once.
edit: Maybe this is my lucky month! Just won 2 games while typing this up, haha
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Hmm, I still have to finish 2 of 5 chapters in "One day in London", and it fits under "Games where choices matter" ("multiple endings" tag on steam)
Also, "Date Warp" is tempting because of LGBTQ+ tag
edit: added later:
Evoland — 14+ achievements
Evoland 2 — 14+ HLTB // cool game, not often I play until 100%
OK/NORMAL — 'psychological horror' tag
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Just so you know, I switched One day in London's category to 14+ achievements because it was a lot easier to see how the game fit under the theme that way, I hope you don't mind.
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Nope, the logic sounds good to me. I just moved that one in particular since it is less effort to explain someone why it was approved if someone questions it. But if there is no "easier" option that one works no problem too ^^
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Can't say anything about emotional, but they both fit in the 14+ achievements category at least.
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Fair enough, you can just write down all the themes that you think that if in the notes if you want, I don't mind. But yea keeping it simple is the best way :P I am lazy ;)
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I failed to find enough time to beat Bounty Train in January, so I'm going to resubmit it. My playtime is already 11.6 hours but I was constantly being distracted by the multitude of profitable trading opportunities, so I didn't really go that far in the main story. For those familiar with the game, I've just got in touch with the second sibling recently and have yet to complete her quests.
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That works, best of luck! I hope you manage to beat it this month :)
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Yay, finally restored my family's honor!
Thank you so much for creating this event, without the inspiration I wouldn't have made it ^~^
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Congratulations! ^^ I just verified your playtime, thank you for participating :)
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And the list has now been made a lot longer I see :D
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lol yeah, the whole list is here https://www.backlog-assassins.net/posts/z7qg93l
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Ok, what ever. I was going to not write here - again - but I guess now I do non the less :D
Lots of games this month (and yes, I left lots of games at home as well!)
Game | Category | Achievements | Playtime | Status |
Destination Primus Vita - Ep. 1 | LGBTQ+ | 2/8 | 2.8h | beaten |
A Kiss For The Petals - Remembering How We Met | Sexual Content/LGBTQ+ | 0/8 | 0h | unfinished |
ATOM GRRRL!! | Sexual Content/LGBTQ+ | - | 0h | unfinished |
BlueberryNOVA | Sexual Content/LGBTQ+ | 0/18 | 0h | unfinished |
Escape from the Princess | Sexual Content/LGBTQ+ | 0/20 | 0h | unfinished |
Highschool Romance | Sexual Content/LGBTQ+ | 0/4 | 0h | unfinished |
Magi Trials | Sexual Content/LGBTQ+ | 0/10 | 0h | unfinished |
Monster Prom | Sexual Content/LGBTQ+ | 0/52 | 0h | unfinished |
Sweet fantasy | Sexual Content/LGBTQ+ | 0/15 | 0h | unfinished |
Sweet Volley High | Sexual Content/LGBTQ+ | 0/6 | 0h | unfinished |
Idol Magical Girl Chiru Chiru Michiru Part 1 | Cute | - | 6h | finished |
Owlboy | Cute | 6/12 | 16h | beaten |
World's Dawn | Dating Sim | 0/30 | 0h | unfinished |
Vampyr | Sexual Content | 4/28 (started with 4) | 4.8h (started with 4.8h) | unfinished |
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Unfortunatly I'm not sure how much playtime I will have this month because of studies :(
But I also don't want to miss out on my own theme xD
So for now I'm just gonna go with two short and crappy VNs that I can play while eating or something :D
Both should fit under "Sexual Content":
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Ok, so I messed up yesterday and instead of working I played "Kingdom Rush" all night till 9am in the morning and slept till 7pm today...
This thesis is really f*cking me up -.-
Now that I'm probably already halfway through the game I'm just adding it for this month too I guess...
Fits into the category 14+ achievements :)
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Just to confirm: Just cause 2 is from your Just Cause Collection win right?
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Let's see, I was told my list this month was extensive :
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Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition (Games with 14+ achievements/Games that cost 14+ points to enter a giveaway)
nope, nevermind, I don't like this one.
Gonna go with "State of Mind"
nope, not this one either, pretty sure gonna love this one Prey
I guess in this game you've lost something and there're more then 14+ achievements, points and hours to complete the game . .
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I failed last month, going to give this another shot (boo for getting the flu).
Luckily, I believe this month's theme also applies to the game I intend to play that I never got to last month:
Abyss: The Wraiths of Eden (game where the main character lost or is losing someone important)
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I'll play Bastion (14+ achievements).
Thanks for the event.
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Hopefully get through one of them this month.
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Looooved The Flame in the Flood. I don't usually listen to American Country music, but this really fit with the game :]. Got a little tiring near the end with with the inventory management, but very atmospheric and immersive. My favorite song has to be the Credits Song😁 I nearly teared up at the end 😭 Favorite lyric "Keep my head above the water"
For Vertical Drop Heroes my favorite soundtrack has to be this synth-wave-rock that plays during Level 5. And then this sudden shift to head-banging Level 7 🤣 This game is pretty relaxing. You can just select auto-attack on the menu option and run into enemies.
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Congrats on beating a win for February is a "play a game you won on Steamgifts" month, you can request to join the group here if you want. Giveaways are available on the website.
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Joining again after 14+ months for the monthly challenges.
Game | Challenge Type | Ach. (Before // Now) | Status |
The Turing Test | Psychological Horror | 00 of 15 // 15 of 15 | Completed |
The Wolf Among Us | 14+ Ach | 00 of 35 // 00 of 35 | - |
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Welcome back then! :) I will verify The Wolf Among Us once The Turning Test is played a bit since that is your last and only SG win to be played :)
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I make sure for this to happen with me asap
When I'm out of unplayed won games, this is when I go overdrive from my backlog
Have already completed all your wins?
Then feel free to participate with your normal Steam backlog instead :)
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I'm trying to do that! I wanna play backlog too. Should just save all my 1 hour games so 1 day I can end up with like 30 beaten XD
Oh and I saw your comment on your latest win, clearly not over that whole comment about you not playing a win 1 time and still taking part. Totally free and okay to think that way and gave me joy seeing that little info
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Keep at it you are getting there (I see your BLAEO profile ;) )
As for the note, are you trying to pull my leg ?!! :P
But seriously here you go
I would have been over it if the person who accused me of wrong doing on intention wasn't themselves doing wrong ..
They idle multiple games at the same time rigging the leaderboard of the event over and over ..even before I contacted Mouse about it I was positive she was well aware of it.. (Mouse and Sam seemed chill about the whole thing ..it is cool I'm not judging you guys it is a fantastic job you actually hosting this event.)
I guess because that person keep getting away with it they think everyone is like them
(you know I tried to sneak in non-SG wins before lol)
Wow you got over 800 wins back then and you still tried to sneak non wins.. EPIC
I had 11 wins all beaten/completed as they came and SCVI was the 12th.. I already burned my data cap for Nov and the next month the rush of advent calendar event missed with me a bit I needed to complete a game in less than 24hrs (I aim for 100% achievements generally when I start a game)
Apologies for the "heated" post but as I stated a few times before: for over the last decade of my life I've been gaming too much for my own health and real life .. too much to just take a shit regarding it from a shitter
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I never played a SC before and not a big fan of fighting games (injustice left a bad memory.. was a real pain to 100% that one)
I got suckered into adding SCVI to my wishlist by "Geralt", but it turned out nice tbh story is good and 100% it was no way as hard as Injustice was
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Woops... I have no idea how I messed that one up... I know what A Turing test is and I played that game... I will blame it on being tired :D
Submitting non SG games is fine, you just need to have played all your SG wins first, so as soon as that game is played the The Wolf Among us is fine too :)
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Shelter 2 (Survival) - Beaten
The Last Door - Collector's Edition (14+ achievements) - Beaten
Dropsy (Cute)
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Aegis Defenders - 14+ Achievements
Getting on late this month, but hoping to make it.
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I played BAD END. I completed all 14 achievements in 6.3h.
(I think it is Choices matter, horror and main character lost an important person)
I will try to play Next Hero, but it is the first game that does not support my new XBOX One controller.
And I bought it for these kind of games darn it!
Fun fact... I did not participated in the GAs of the last event i took place, because I did not know that they were on the site XD
Now I know though. I hope I will not do it again :P
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o.o but they have been on the website for months and you have been participating since June on the website. I sure hope you wont forget again :)
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I was participating indeed! But I dont remember if I participated in any GAs. Even if I did, I have forgotten it! XD
Well, I mostly care about the motivation to play my games. The gibs are just extra goodies.
Thank you back to black mouse with beer. (?I remember? you were pink sometime in the past?)
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The original avatar is pink. But at some point I got the background changed to fit my Steam profile background (it is not actually black, it is a purpleish galaxy, just looks black on SG because the image is so small), but all my themed avatars (Christmas/new year/birthday/...) still have the original pink background on them so it randomly switches between pink and dark sometimes. I need to get my avatar redrawn completely at some point as this one is 7 years old, but haven't gotten around to sorting that yet.
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Hey, I can participate this month! But I won't be able to beat the game during the month. I'm not even sure what the end-game condition is, other than being forced to retire because you're too old. But you can get married! In any event:
Name | Achievements | Category | Playtime this month | Status |
Smugglers 5 | no achievements | Games where you can have a relationship | 20h12m | Unfinished |
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Hi, would you say that you have beaten Smugglers 5?
Edit: I just saw that your last edit was today, so I guess not, but correct me if wrong.
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No, probably not. As I understand it, there is no specific way the game ends unless you retire, get so old that you are forced to retire, or die too many times (in which case you can load a save). I think that there are other conditions, which are class-specific, that could signal you've "beaten" the game. For my chosen class (Fleet Trader), I think the game can be considered beaten when you are a factory owner and/or have achieved the highest rank in the fleet (although I'm not sure what that is-- probably something like Admiral).
So far, I have unlocked the ability to own a factory but haven't actually bought one yet (I would literally just have to click a few buttons), because I've been focusing on the other goal-- to get the highest rank. I'm a Commodore right now, and I don't know if the next rank is Admiral or if there are other ranks (Read Admiral, etc.) between my rank and the final one. Also, I'll probably try to get married before I retire. Who wouldn't want to marry the Admiral of the Federation Fleet? ;-)
Anyway, I'm pretty close, but I haven't yet finished it. I'll probably wrap it up early this month. If I was looking to enter any giveaways, I might have opened a few factories and retired, since that's probably sufficient to "beating" the game. I was just happy to participate, in my own way. :-)
Edit: Yes, my last edit was last night (my time) to document the status at the end of the month.
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Edit: Yes, my last edit was last night (my time) to document the status at the end of the month.
I assumed so.
Well I am happy that you are just happy with participating ^^ You can also participate with it for this month under the subtheme of "Games with points on SG between 3 and 14" so if you wrap it up this month it can count as beaten and a successful participating for March :)
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Well, after one more battle this morning, I was promoted to Admiral. I don't know if that's the highest rank or not.
As I understand the rules, I am too close to beating the game to have it count for March.
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Ahhh ok, I didn't realize you were that that close. well if you end up finding a new game to play that first the theme for this month feel free to join in! :)
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Oh shit, I didn't realise she wanted to actually know how to do it faceplam Good thing we have you :)
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LiEat - Cute Games category.
It's a bit late, but HLTB says 4-5 hours, so I think I'll manage.
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Hi, if you want your submissing to count you need to put your playtime on Steam to public. If you need the instructions how to do that:
Go to your Privacy Settings and change your "Game details" from Friends Only to Public and make sure the checkbox bellow is unchecked. Here is an example of how it all should look.
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Thanks, forgot I had it set to private, can't even remember exactly why I set it up that way.
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Reply to this comments with your ideas for April's theme. Submissions closed.
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There is no minimum or maximum amount of subthemes there should be, do whatever feels good for you :)
The only thing I would maybe add is the funny tag as well next to the parody and humour oney.
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¹ Example: https://steamlocked.com/app/493840
² https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Defunct_video_game_companies
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When you said the theme will have numbers in it I expected worse, I actually like this one :D except the Games removed from Steam part, that one is bound to give me some issues, but thankfully the website can deal with this nonsense just fine
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It is easy to check but they are hard to add as you noticed. However I can add them to the list manually.
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I didn't come up with a good idea.(´>Θ<`)ゝ))
April 1st is my birthday.(人Θ'o)...A different event day? Give out its name and you will be invaded.
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Cucumbers appear in the game.🥒
I never thought I would see this in a theme :D
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I really like the other themes here a lot and it feels bad to compete with them, but I had fun thinking about this so why not share?
In the spirit of April Fools...
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How about games that have participated in some kind of April Fool's event? Obviously the winners would need to find proof. I imagine that would open the way for people to play multiplayer games especially.
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I like the idea and I'll add it, but could you elaborate on how those worked? I haven't been around that long!
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Oh! I meant the devs doing something for April Fool's, not on SG. Like if a FPS made everyone's guns shoot rainbows and bunnies for the day.
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Oh I see! I guess my games don't have that :s I think that definitely needs to be a part of this theme.
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Tutorial: https://store.steampowered.com/app/AppID/Title/
“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.”
- Marie Curie
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Oh boy :D
This time I learned there is a tutorial tag :D However it doesn't seem to be used very much :o Only 2 out of 2k+ games I own has it.
Entrants number is a prime number
Just to confirm, you mean the total entries in the giveaway you won right?
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Your theme? Since you provided multiple options I split it up under the possible ones. They count separately so people can pick which one they like the best but in the event of a tie with another theme (like we had 3/4 of last month) the other votes will add up to it aka no more tie hopefully.
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If it is tagged as such, if it says something about it in the description or if you can give me a good enough reason why it is emotional I will approve it, but as Moony said, it has over +14 achievements so please just put it under that ;)
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You can add me on Steam to send me the link for the giveaway, that's it :) and afterwards I add it to the website and to the list of giveaways. As for the giveaway itself the only requirements are that it is an invite only giveaway anr that should preferably end at the beginning of the next month (not 100% necessarily however).
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Yes, so long as it fits the category it's fine. I won Chasm from PA and got it approved on the site :)
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OK, I have been pretty lax on rules till now except the games having to be SG win but considering some people have complete disregard for rules this is going to change. I am sorry to those who have participated for a long time that might get hit in the crossfire from this, but you can go thank that one person who has 10 unactivated wins and apparently that is fine with SG rules to still run around like this that pushed me over the line.
So what's gonna change:
I will update the website, group page and this discussions main post once I get home from work. I just wanted to warn people in advance.
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sure lots of people have won games they didnt want in the end. Heck I've got a few of them myself but I'm not running around with unactivated wins because thats just plain wrong. Just activate/reactive those games to your account since its really not that hard to do and deal with them like we all do
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I just checked through every single person in the group and the fact there was only one more person was breaking the rules made me feel a lot better at least :) restored my faith in humanity a little :3
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I am sorry :c I try my best to get people who don't follow the rules out of the group as soon as I can :/
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sadly you need more help not clones of you. 1 mouse is fine no one wants a horde of mouse people taking all the beers
Can i get my hack yet!
Rude mouse!!!!
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I don't particularly wanna get cut in half so I will skip this suggestion of yours :P
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oh i totally understand. I remember when I first joined and I kept seeing the same people with like 5+ games close/past the 30 day mark, it annoyed me. It was like sure people are actually playing my game now but at the same time when its the bare minimum and seeing all these people just winning everything to play the bare minimum again why not just give it away else where. The worst are definitely the ones that I brought outside of bundles only for them to not really be played more then of course what was needed. When I enter, I go in expecting to finish it so it definitely ends up disappointing
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This post = very close to the "conversation" I had with my kids on Sunday
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These are good rules. But too bad there is even a need for them and that you are put in a such a position to have to enforce them, no fun for you I am sure. Still good to know that here is no place here for such shenanigans. So thank you for looking out for us and everything that you do for this group and event.
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Yep, I was pretty upset that I had to come out and enforce this. Thankfully 99% of people who participate are completely "innocent" which made me very happy to see :) my pleasure :)
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Yup, I totally agree with commenting on this thread as a backup measure in case something goes wrong with the website and our submitted games get deleted. I almost forgot to do that. Plus, I never updated my comment when I submitted a new game. I will do that from now on 😅.
I'd love to help out as an Admin, but I don't think I'd be any good since I'm not as savvy with maintaining a website.
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Thankfully it only happened once at the begining that we lost about 8 hours of submissions and it was 100% my fault but better safe than sorry. I would rather fix the mistake myself than inconvenience other people even more (I only need the name of the game in the comment, nothing else). Other than that the server I pay for has been really solid for the little money I pay for it and the website has been great ( thanks again insideone and ardiffaz <3 ).
It is actually super straight forward but for now I get more than enough help from Samwise :) I appreciate the willingness to help out tho :)
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The giveaways I make cost far more than anything else lol. The server is only 3,65€ a month (I would like to just host it at home but it is too much of a headache with my ISP) and the domain was less than 1€ for a year.
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CV at level 7 doesn't really mean much anymore tho, at least not to me (I saw you have about the same CV too).
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oh yay I found this comment. Damn its hard to find and yeah as soon as I joined touhou I had to stop caring about cv. Just meant it more of a thing of where 1 thing you can see you are getting something compared to the other. But thanks to you keeping this event going we keep getting new people joining us
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Why was it hard to find? You can permalkk to it from the messages page o.o fair enough :) and it is my pleasure to do so :)
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10 unactivated wins?! This is beyond the pale even for grandfathered members especially since he hasn't activated any of them since
Do I need to retroactively comment in the January thread too. I think I forgot to add my game there.
Also the website hasn't had the rules added yet I think? I couldn't find anything in the FAQ
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10 unactivated wins?! This is beyond the pale even for grandfathered members especially since he hasn't activated any of them since
Yep, apparently having 10 unactivated wins is just fine according to SG rules...
Do I need to retroactively comment in the January thread too. I think I forgot to add my game there.
No, from this month on.
Also the website hasn't had the rules added yet I think? I couldn't find anything in the FAQ
Nope, I haven't gotten around to it yet. It is updated on thread tho.
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Luckily it is just a very small percent of bad people, the rest are great and give me the will to keep on going <3
Thankfully there is a lot of of scripts and the website has some tools to help with all of this together with my great slave Samwise :)
Thank YOU for joining in, even if not every event! ^^
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That small percentage ruins everything all around the globe though, every country has those people. It's good to see you're sensible even though you're angry at those type at the same time. ^^
I love this community and I hope I'll be around as much as I can.
Also say hi for me to Samwise. :)
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Yea this community is pretty damn great when you ignore those bad apples that pop up once in a while :)
I let her know ^^
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no comment on this thread? If there is something wrong with the game you submitted it gets automatically deleted, I am tired of running after people
Terribly sorry for the trouble caused last month! I thought commenting on this thread isn't necessary anymore with the new website up and running >.< I'll do it for March though. Sorry again!
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Don't worry about, I am not holding it against anyone for not doing it for February since the rule was added after the month has started :) The comment doesn't need to be updated or anything btw, just something where I can reply to when I ctrl + f for your name in the thread :)
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along those lines, no comment on this thread = not invited to join/re-join the group.
I didn't quite understood this. Will you clear the group and people who post here will be re-added?
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No no, if you are in the group this doesn't apply to you, it just applies to any future members.
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I've beaten a game but have some achievements left, which should take a while (daily challenges). Should I mark the game as beaten now or wait until I've hopefully completed it this month?
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I guess it's up to you. As far as I'm know there is no problem to change game status during the event. So if you marked game as "Beaten", you can easily change it to "Completed" once you got all the achievements. But, in my opinion, there is still enough time until the end of the month so don't need to rush and marked game as "Beaten". In the worst case, if you not be able to get the remaining achievements before the end of the month, you can just mark the game as "Beaten" later, since you actually beat the game already.
What is more important in my opinion is that you have changed your Steam Custom URL and website can't track your progress properly anymore. So you better wait an answer from Mouse or samwise and ask if you need to take any action, or they themselves can change your ID on the site.
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Damn really? Didn't think things depended on the ID. I just wanted to change to one more appropiate to the gamer ID I've had for a while, didn't think that would cause any inconvenience :/
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you have changed your Steam Custom URL and website can't track your progress properly anymore.
That's wrong. Custom url is not needed to track progress. Only steamId matters, and this thing cannot be changed.
As far as I remember, custom url can be updated on the website, when the user log out and log in again.
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You already got your answers but just yo confirm what Adam and Ardiffaz said is true.
Unrelated: I saw your comment on the PA thread, I will check that in a couple of hours because I need my PC for that and I am currently on my phone. I just don't want you to think I am ignoring it :)
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A question about Californium
Has anyone played this one? Would it be possible to fit it within the current month theme? Based on the description (and tags) I have a hard time to figure this one out.
The main reason why I want to play this, it has an achievement - Launch the game the 12th of February. And this day will soon be upon us :)
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I don't know anything about the game so I can't help there, so hopefully someone else can help. But I can suggest just starting the game on the 12th and leave the actual game playing for another month if you really want to play it for the event :)
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OK, have fun! If you find a way how it could possibly fit any theme once you play the game feel free to add it afterwards :)
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So... that Californium game definitely fits under Games where the main character lost or is losing someone important, that is for sure. And I would say it is also a logical choice for a Sad or depressing games subcategory.
In the Steam forum I`ve found a pretty short and easy to understand explanation of the whole game (plot, ending and etc). Please note that there are huge SPOILERS, thus if anyone plan to play this game, do not read it. Here is the link:
If it is ok, I am going to submit the game under a "sad" category.
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I am glad you found a way to fit it in in the end, verified and approved :)
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Maybe I should turn the democracy into a dictatorship :D
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Game | SteamGifts/Backlog | Achievements/Screenshot | Status |
Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition | SteamGifts | Achievements | finished |
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Asking now to prepare for next month.
I have only one SG win that I haven't beaten, Stealth Inc 2. Mouse I don't know if you remember but I tried playing it while applying for PA but started having problems with the controls. If next month's theme is Life of Pi, that win will qualify, and the only game I will be able to participate with next month would be one that I have trouble playing. Can an exception be made here so I can play my normal backlog?
I'll maybe try to add the game to play anyway in case I find the will to try to make it work, but it's going to suck not being able to participate before I get it working.
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You gave the game a try, so it is fine by me, you can play your normal backlog from now on (unless you get any new wins that fit the theme) :)
Also it is actually not required to beat every single win to be able to play non SG wins, just to have tried the game out which I now see that is actually not specifically mentioned anywhere (for some reason I had it in my mind that it was :/ ), I will add that to the FAQ next time I update it.
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Thank you! Hey I knew that you can play non-wins if you don't have wins that fit the theme, thing is that every win I had fit the theme this month lol. Having only 9 wins that ended up the only one left to play. But it's nice to find something to improve on!
EDIT: Lmao I can't read. Okay that's good, didn't know that! Don't have to worry about this game at all then.
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Seems like people really like to get new rules added to the group this month. My hand has been forced once again. So here you go:
While idling games is not against the rules, any idle time MUST be added to the already existing playtime by the participant. Not doing so and not providing any explanation why the playtime is abnormally high (I am not gonna punish you if you are simply bad/slow at the game or spent a lot of time troubleshooting the game for example) will see in the game being removed.
What is considered as abnormally high?
This is extremely game dependent, so it is extremely hard to define but as long as you are not at like 2x the playtimes expected from sites like HLTB and you know you did not idle the game, you should have nothing to worry about (and if you still worry, leave a note on the submission or message me directly, I am always available).
And please note that as someone who has played over 1000 games and has been working on setting playtimes for Playing Appreciated group for over 2 years, I know a thing or 2 about playtimes for a lot of games.
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Grrr, I would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for you meddling kids!
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Do you have something to admit that I haven't noticed? :P
Kidding, there is nothing wrong with your playtimes
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I'm a horrible person who sometimes "plays" games while watching cooking videos on youtube because I forgot that the game is running in the background :D Being distracted for literal hours when a game is slower/boring is an eternal problem for me... my minimum gameplay time generally is HLTB casual +25% :D And that is for the good games!
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Happens to everyone sometimes :D I forgot my games open many times while I do other stuff to (I left a game open 3x while doing other stuff yesterday alone woooops). If you leave it for a longer amount of time just add that time to the "playtime before the start of the month" and it is all good.
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Yes, one time at the supermarket, I took a bite out of an apple and put it back in the bin :(
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If only only nagging would be the cause of this one... but it is not, just extreme idling :(
Tell me about it :( But I can announce that I am gone and completely unreachable on a vacation from the 26th to the 29th of June :D... now if only that wouldn't be 4 months away :D
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Sadly my only 23 days of per year off work disagree with taking a real vacation for now (and I literally been on a week vacation last week), but the other one is not out of question. But not right now, right now I can still handle things, I will save that for when it gets bad :)
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Hmmmm I might actually consider the one day per week idea, I am just not sure I could actually stop myself from doing work because I would feel bad for making people wait.
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no one can expect you to be on their service 24/7.
You would be surprised.... you really would be... and this is the most stressful and frustrating thing of them all.
I was last week because since I was on vacation and I had some time to kill I cleared out all old join applications. Now PA is back to normal.
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I agree and I do sometimes when I really need a break :P but I will still end up answering most likely wihitin 24 hours :)
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No good person would want you to burn out though. When I see you posting I always think about how amazing you are for being so involved with this site & initiative but it can't be good to feel the need to think about it all the time. Take those damn breaks, I think people can wait it out and if they whine about it then that's their problem, not yours.
Are you getting any help with these events though? I think it'd be good to get some trusted SG friends to assist you with this if not.
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Yea it is not great, lucky I can blank it out of my mind when I can. I think I will probably take Kyrrelins advice above :)
Yep, I have Samwise helping me out with this event a lot :)
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Oh no, it most definitely wasn't you, the person responsible for this one has been "dealt" (for the lack of a better word) with already. If you don't idle games for hours you have nothing to worry about. This is just here to prevent people from idling games for +10 hours or such.
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I knew you would approve :) and if you are wondering, it was added exactly for the reason you probably think it was added.
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Sounds good to me even if I'm one of the bad gamers who often wonders about the HLTB times 😂
But to be fair the rule should also include abnormally low times (even if this didn't get you higher in the ranking or whatever is the intention for people who want to add extra time to games 🙄)
Just a short question for something else:
How do you handle games which are not set to "beaten/completed" at the end of the month? Do you check if they are possibly beaten or do you just ignore them?
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Well I can't speak for mouse, but I usually ignore them. As far as I know mouse usually makes one pass through the forum to see if anyone makred their games here as beaten. Also mouse usually lets her script run once every day, so even if you do not mark it we might catch it by the stats changing.
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Why I ask is because I wonder if I should remove the game I will not finish to save you some time at the end of the month. Maybe another status like "won't finish" or something would be good. If Mouse really checked all the 69 unfinished games at the end of last month, that's quite a lot work.
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The abnormally low times get questioned under if the person is cheating. I haven't had a case yet that I remember however.
Samwise is actually wrong here. I do check through all of them quickly (aka if it is damn obvious that the game is beaten) but I don't go into details if there is no obvious achievements for beating the game. And I only check the forum if there is someone who commented here that has not submitted any games to the site, not for beaten games.
You don't need to remove them, but you can leave a note saying that you won't finish it or something like that if you want.
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I wonder if given this it would be worthwhile to have Beaten, Beaten+Extra, and Completed options. That way to some degree abnormally high play time could be explained by attempting to get extra achievements even if there was a failure to complete the game / so we can point out that we did this to you to reduce your cognitive load in analyzing the achievements done.
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I don't think there is a need for that. If the playtime is over the story playtime and under the completionist one it can just be assumed people went to do some extra things.
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10 cents is free 10 cents and it adds up very when you have +1000 games. But this is a problem unrelated to farming trading cards.
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Well, I'm definitely not going to make it this month. Serves me right for picking "Difficult games" as my theme
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Sad to hear :( Hopefully March will be more lucky :)
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I tend to make an attempt to have at least one game double dip this and one of those for maximum coverage. As an example, this month The Gardens Between was one of my PoP picks and it satisfied the category for this as well. Next month, The Sexy Brutale which was also a PoP pick will satisfy next month via either the Puzzle tag or the Mystery tag. I also played Tacoma which satisfied both this and the BLAEO monthly theme.
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Guys, would you mind picking one theme to win? I need to make the thread for next month :D
Edit: someone has spoken and voted/changed their vote. Life of Pi wins at 43 votes vs 42.
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Yep, people really like to make it a tie for some reason. But the winning theme has been picked as I said I would pick it at 20:00 UTC +1 and that was the first non tie result after that time that I saw at 20:02 UTC +1.
( By the way, there is a game actually named Pi, on steam. ^^' )
It doesn't look great :( otherwise I would have made a giveaway for it, shame.
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I saw 3 reviews, 1 in English (positive) 2 in Russian (one positive, one negative). But the English one didn't give me much hope.
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262 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by stertyr
163 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by Wolveruno
19 Comments - Last post 6 hours ago by KjaerBeto
16,703 Comments - Last post 7 hours ago by wigglenose
126 Comments - Last post 7 hours ago by Superefg
48 Comments - Last post 8 hours ago by wigglenose
1,215 Comments - Last post 9 hours ago by Carenard
79 Comments - Last post 6 minutes ago by Fluffster
390 Comments - Last post 18 minutes ago by BlackbeardXIII
77 Comments - Last post 22 minutes ago by Kappaking
17,427 Comments - Last post 40 minutes ago by gonsi
8,477 Comments - Last post 59 minutes ago by crez3088
14 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by AllTracTurbo
221 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by zkndlin
Please see this comment bellow before voting on the theme!
Congrats to everyone who participated in January! The stats are the following:
Hope to see you all again this month :)
Due to timezones/people not being online 24/7 I am still accepting any edits/applications for January for the next couple of days (till the January thread is closed).
The theme for this month is
Love Is A Hurtin' Thing
(Thank you to Garandro for the suggestion!)
Games that qualify for it are:
Cute games
Games where choices matter
Difficult games
Emotional games
Dating Sims
Games with Sexual Content
Family Friendly games
Survival games
Romance games
LGBTQ+ games
Psychological Horror games
Games with Coop-Mode
Games where you can have a relationship
Games where the main character lost or is losing someone important
Sad or depressing games
Games with a HLTB time of 14+ hours (main story)
Games with 14+ achievements
Games that cost 14+ points to enter a giveway.
Don't have any game that fits the theme?
For this month I have decided to let people play their normal backlog games in case no win qualifies. Please use the "Note" section when submitting the game to inform me of this situation.
You can submit this months games you are going to play here:
I would still appreciate if you list the games you are going to play bellow just in case something goes wrong (yes, I do have backups of the site, but it only backups once a day) and so I can quickly reply you to the comment in case of any issues with the games. If you don't make a comment and there is anything wrong with your submission the game will be deleted without asking questions. Also you won't get invited to join the group.
Who can participate
Anyone who does not have any unactivated wins, multiple wins or a VAC ban. You can participate even if you don't have any SteamGifts wins, see
the "Have already completed all your wins?" bellow as it applies to this scenario too.
Don't want to login into the site?
No worries, you can just leave the names of the games you are going to play in the comments bellow and I will add you into to the site myself at the end of the month.
Theme for March
Life of Pi
99 Problems but this ain't one
The Cats of Ulthar
Happy Women's Day!
Omne Trium Perfectum
Theme for April
Do you think you have a good idea for a theme for April? Leave it in the comments bellow. If I get more than 1 suggestion I will list them in the poll next month and the one with the most votes will become April's theme.
Everyone who beats at least one win this month will get the chance to win:
VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action
Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus - by Samwise84
Yoku's Island Express - by Samwise84
FOX n FORESTS - by Samwise84
Yakuza 0 - by Samwise84
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Ultimate Edition - by Samwise84; Region locked, people from these countries CAN enter
MagiCat - by Gelweo
Staxel - by Naitas
Wolfenstein: The New Order - by Naitas; Region locked, does NOT activate in Germany, Austria, Israel and Japan
Chasm - by cece09
Sword Legacy: Omen - Garandro
Fluffy Horde - Garandro
Have already completed all your wins?
Then feel free to participate with your normal Steam backlog instead :)
Useful links:
Steam group - please don't bother requesting to join unless I told you to do so, you will get denied.
How Long to Beat
Do You Even Play, Bro? – kelnage’s script
BLAEO website - BLAEO application thread
Source code of the website.
Steam Library Filter
Previous months:
2020: January
2019: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December
2018: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December
2017: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December
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