Will you buy from Epic
That sucks. Ubi doesn't have regional support for South America ?
What about the Epic store - do their prices show up in Euros too ?
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Ha, I wish it was euro! Instead they show me prices in russian roubles. Fun fact - I'm not in russia, never was in russia, have no fucking idea what is exchange rate for russian roubles. I'm not even asking it to be in my local currency, just leave it as dollars or euro and I'll be content, since I actually know how much it costs. But naaah, they need to use some retarded currency instead. I contacted support and they were pretty much useless. So yeah, not buying from Uplay anything. And obviously won't buy from Epic too. Not that I'm into AC series anyway.
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Im from Argentina, in the Store page some prices are in U$D (i presumed for the 59.99) and the AC Ragnarok are in R$ -.-?
But scrollng down the prices of games like AC Origin and Odisey are in AR$ (local currency ~ the same as Steam), also when you enter in the page of the game the price is show correctly in AR$.
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Shut your dumb mouth, you think it's fair to buy games at dirt cheap prices just because you're literally living in another Africa? No, you should be paying the same prices as the others and every online store should do that. If you can afford a PC to play Assassin's Creed Valhalla in South America then you can afford any game, stop crying about fairness and pay as much as everyone else
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You should not attack users and insult them, just because you disagree with them. You could just write "I think everyone should pay the same bc of x". It is not acceptable to write Shut your dumb mouth, you think it's fair to buy games at dirt cheap prices just because you're literally living in another Africa?
Consider this to be a warning.
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That's pretty much a guarantee.
Before there was epic, there were only Steam, company stores, and GoG which handled old games, and later stuff from CDProject Red. Now they have a few more new titles from other companies, but not that much.
So Steam used to be an Exclusive for most things, even if it was de facto instead of de jure.
Exclusives are nothing new, even if they weren't advertised as such unless they were on a console.
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It wasn't that publishers were "choosing", it's that there was no other real choice available since they could only go on the company store if they had one, or niche stores which aren't even in the same league. It's still effectively an exclusive since Steam was effectively a monopoly.
(You don't have to be the only one to be a monopoly, and being the only one doesn't make you a monopoly. Due to the barriers to try and sell in that particular market placement, Steam was effectively a monopoly. There's a lot of legal stuff on this kind of thing, and I am in no way a lawyer, but a lot of lawyers have tried to explain it in laymans language so us regular people can understand it. It's an interesting subject to read if you find the stuff not in legalese. I suggest everyone at least give it a shot.)
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Even if you buy it from epic, it acts like you bought it from uplay. I bough ghost recon breakpoint for dirt cheap (with that 10 dollar coupon, so was 9$) and just had to link my account once and so far ive been launching recon through uplay client itself without even having the epic launcher launched/installed.
So I think it might be cheaper to actually buy uplay from epic since they seem to have better sales/deals then uplay themselves.
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I live in Turkey and usually UStore is overpriced.
Steam makes good deals and Epic too.
Sometimes Epic is even cheaper than Steam.
Especially when you think they made deals like buy something more expensive than 90 Turkish Lira and get 60 Turkish Lira discount + the sale going on.
Yet Steam was asking us to get earn coins to be able to get 20 TL discount.
I recently bought Borderlands 3 from Epic Store with a discount code I had from Christmas
I paid 190 TL for Deluxe Edition while Steam is selling the same for 250 TL with 50 percent sale.
I also bought Red Dead Redemption 2 Deluxe Edition from Epic Store for 224 TL while STeamDB says its main package only got low as 240TL.
I am glad Epic Store is around.
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Yeah, some will refuse to buy but it still works in the favor of the company who secured the exclusive deal. If they made the game available on all platforms, everyone just picks their preferred platform which for most people isn't going to be Epic.
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Actually it works in favor for us too at the moment.
I recently bought Borderlands 3 from Epic Store with a discount code I had from Christmas.
I paid 190 TL for Deluxe Edition while Steam is selling the same for 250 TL with 50 percent sale.
I also bought Red Dead Redemption 2 Deluxe Edition from Epic Store for 224 TL while STeamDB says its main package only got low as 240TL.
I am glad Epic Store is around.
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Yes. I am just trying to show having an option for Steam is nice.
Exclusives sound bad yet I understand them.
They are trying to get into market. Unfortunatelly very agresivelly.
Also Steam used the same tactic more than 10 years ago.
Some AAA series became Steam exclusive. Even you bought a hard copy it asked you to activate it in Steam.
Before that we didn't need a launcher.
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Exclusives are the worst possible way to attract users, though. Truth is, Epic has nothing to offer, they are just attempting to buy their way to the top.
On the plus side, they help us recognize which devs deserve our support and which ones are in it just for the cash, customers be damned.
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I agree, but to be honest, most digital distribution platforms - outside of GOG - have nothing significant to offer. I'll take Epic's (usually) timed exclusivity and (usually) DRM-free approach to EA's permanent, DRMed exclusivity.
And let's not forget what a mess Uplay was at first - exclusive with the most draconian DRM that would kick you out of the game and cause you to lose progress if you lost internet.
And to be fair to indie devs, making and publishing a game is a difficult and costly process with a high risk of never turning a profit - and often at the mercy of a publisher. Having Epic come along and say, "We'll guarantee X amount of sales if you partner with us," (as opposed to "We want to buy you, as other publishers like to do,") relieves so much stress and frustration and lets the devs focus on finishing their game and making it the best that they can without worrying about how they're going to pay to keep the lights on.
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They aren't ditching GOG, the game would never have released there in the first place.
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This thread title is a bit too much going for dramatic effect.
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Epic takes only 12% spends 0 dollars in R&D for their platform and had major losses in 3rd party games sold.
They made only about 30 million dollars which doesn't include exclusivity and free games deals which they pay for both
only for control they paid about 10 miillion dollars and for a indie like phoenix point they paid about 2 million.. lets say they pay about 5 million per exclusivity plus 500m per free game... do you see my point? Maybe 30% is not that crazy just saying
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This. Nobody would give Epic 30% because they don't offer even a fraction of the services that other places like Steam do. The only thing they really offer that Steam doesn't is increased visibility due to the smaller selection of games available, and the only reason visibility is an issue for the no-name indie devs that cry about the issue on Steam is they're unwilling to put any time/money into marketing/promotion and expect a spot on the store home page to do it all for them.
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Then why read and reply?
Also, Ubi isn't selling it exclusively - Ubi has taken money NOT to sell the game on specific launchers.
If I was tired of reading about a particular topic, I wouldn't then click on title likely to be about that topic, then reply BTL giving the topic a bump.
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If I was offered a big wad of cash to sell something exclusively for a limited time, I would probably take it.
Sure, you just need to understand that people will hate you for that. So you have to evaluate, what you want more - money or good reputation.
At the end of the day, it just sounds like you hate EPIC
We don't get annoyed by exclusives because we hate EPIC, we hate EPIC because we are annoyed by exclusives.
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Challenging the monopoly is only good when regular users gain from it something. For example lower prices or better service are good ways to challenge monopoly. But epic clearly don't want to challenge the monopoly, they just want the monopoly to themselves, so that instead of "Steam monopoly" we will have "Epic monopoly with way worse service and same or higher prices". I don't think that's what you want when you are talking about challenging the Steam monopoly.
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This is capitalism, everyone once to be the monopoly of their respected market. Regular users can gaim from it, given that the games on Epic are lower priced than on another platform. The epic store sales were slightly lower than other stores, if I recall correctly, although I might be wrong.
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Being exclusive to Epic for a limited time also means developer gets more by selling its product.
I believe Epic gets 12 percent while Steam gets 30.
So it seems like a legit tactic.
Be exclusive for people who don't care about where they bought it then go to Steam for the rest
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They may end up with "be exclusive for people who don't care and then go to hell since nobody buying from you anymore".
Sad thing is, they may be okay with it.
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I mean activision has the worst reputation but guess which company has the biggest profits every year. Reputation on internet means shit for companies. Who cares if some people compain when they earn so much by everyone else.
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Actually it is not a shady business tactic.
Funny part about all these "store exclusive game" reaction we are having is Steam is the first gaming company that used exclusives :)
I remember Orange Box and Call of Duty games all forced you to have a Steam.
At least right now we have a choice.
We can directly buy from Epic or wait a year.
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Valve didn't pay publishers to not release their games on other stores like epic does. And we can't simply wait a year for Ubi games to come to steam, as Division 2/Anno 1800 have been out for more than a year, and still aren't coming to steam. Having no store with a steam wallet card payment option is nearly the same as early days on steam, where I bought nothing but physical games from eb. Only problem now is, physical games no longer exist, so there is no way to pay to play them.
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Maybe it didn't need to when Call of Duty became Steam exclusive all of a sudden 10 years ago.
Before Steam we had DVDs. We could trade them. Buy second hand.
Now we are bond to what ever Steam wishes.
I am glad it exists yet I am also glad someone is trying to do something about its monopoly.
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Steam isn't the reason we no longer have dvds for pc, publishers didn't want them because they made more money from digital, while blocking second hand sales. If they could do the same for consoles, they would, and I'm sure they are still trying to.
If epic wanted to compete, they could have gone with just their store cut, and got publishers to support them alongside steam. They just want to pay to cut out their competition, to create their own monopoly. That doesn't seem good to me. At least Valve has attempted to support people that don't use credits cards or paypal. The same as sony and microsoft do with their prepaid store cards. Epic can never do that, because the cost of selling those cards in stores is more than their entire cut. I doubt ubi will ever make anything similar, and as their games don't even come to steam a year later, it really only leaves me one bad option to be able play their games now :/
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Valve had THEIR OWN exclusives. Same as origin, blizzard, and uplay. They didn't paid someone to make "fake" exclusives.
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As I remember there was a time we used hard copy DVDs then one day I bought Call of Duty and it wasn't really giving me another option than installing Steam on my PC. That sounds like exculisive in a way isn't it.
We are so used to the Steam we forget it is just a company.
It made a new game after 10 years.
It found drops and creates to earn more money.
I gratefull it exists yet I accept it is not my friend and it is a monopoly.
I am glad a company is trying to do something other than playing nicely likw just selling Steam keys.
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Probably I missed this episode with Call of Duty. I would be annoyed as hell if it happened to me, and I believe this is unacceptable. I wonder if Valve also paid developers for game to be steam exclusive.
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There are many games that are exclusive to Steam, even if you buy the physical version. One of the firsts was The Last Remnant, released in 2009. The DVD basically contained a Steam installer, with the option to install the game from the DVD if you didn't want to download it. Most "Steamworks" games are Steam exclusive. I don't think Valve has payed anything for the exclusivity, though.
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Well, if Valve haven't paid them and it's their own decision - I can't blame Valve, only lazy/greedy/stupid publishers. If Valve pays for that - I would mainly blame Valve.
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Remember when Ubisoft decided to shut down putting stuff on steam to push their company store?
I do.
EA did the same thing, except they were even more F'd up, they took EA games from my Steam account and put them on Origin without asking me, or even having the courtesy of letting me know it happened. I found out when I opened Steam to Play Dragon Age and it was missing. There was plenty of talk on the forums of them having pulled that off back then.
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You had Dragon Age in your library before, and it was missing from your library afterwards? Am I understanding you correctly?
Or you opened Steam to BUY Dragon Age, and it was missing from the store?
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It's kind of hard to "play" a game you don't have. ;-)
Yes, and it wasn't the only one they pulled, but that was the game I was playing most days at that time so it was immediately apparent.
So to be more clear (hopefully), I had the game on Steam, because I bought it on Steam months prior, and had been playing it on Steam for months.
Then EA pulled their games from Steam (or at least their current games, I don't know the full inventory or course since it wasn't publicised) and put peoples games onto their Origin account, Origin is the EA store name (and in my opinion, an affront to Origin, a studio they bought and destroyed), so you could only play your previously Steam games by using Origin.
Now if they had just continued to sell on both, or even stopped selling on Steam, but didn't hijack our previously purchased Steam games, then I wouldn't have even noticed, and I doubt anyone would have been too upset.
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I'm not sure that that actually ever happened. I have several EA games on Steam (bought before my Origin account existed), and all of them are still in my Steam library, including those that they stopped selling on Steam. Availability in the store and availability in the library (if owned already) are different from each other.
How would they transfer the game to your Origin account, if you don't have one or don't tell them which account it is? They never asked me, and I have never read about anyone else going through what you are describing.
There is a list in your Steam account that shows all license activations that ever happened on your account:
https://store.steampowered.com/account/licenses/ (or navigate to your account details and "View licenses and product key activations")
Maybe it also lists deactivations, if they happened.
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Basically. EA releasing only on Origin, or Ubisoft on uPlay, that is okay. But if they do that AND add it to Epic, then we're at mouth-frothing immediately. Choices are good but only as long as Epic is not a choice and Steam is a mandatory choice :D
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You make it sound as if Epic is actually a competent enough store to compete with Steam.
There's a ton of reasons (aka features) Steam has that Epic or most other stores don't, which is reason enough to prefer Steam. Also, the OP from South America says Epic and Ubistore don't support his region as Steam does. That sounds like a valid enough reason to prefer Steam.
I think what many people take as hate for Epic, is actually genuine reasons for their preference for Steam.
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I compared the two nowhere. I just find it amusing that the ( genuine and understandable) unhappiness of not having on Steam why goes hand in hand with hating it having on Epic. It's quite common for self-published AAA games to not appear on Steam. We accepted it. Epic happens to have games on it. We accepted it. Now mash the to together, and suddenly it's meltdown time. For some reason if something is only on uPlay, then we just don't play it. If it's on Epic (too! Not even an exclusive platform on PC!) then suddenly it's trashing and cussing.
-it's still on uPlay if you hate Epi-
It's okay to not like Epic, there is alternative. It's okay to miss it on Steam, it will either come to it later, or not - but there is an option to play it without going to the antichrist of the platforms. But it's absolutely absurd how upset people are that it's not on their favourite platform, while it is on *clutches pearls* something they hate. It literally turns into envy and that is pretty much shocking to see in the gaming world, considering the plethora of other choices. (Stadia likely won't even be around by the release, but it will be out for 2 consoles, two platforms on PC and if Stadia around, on it)
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My understanding is that people are upset that certain games boycott Steam - whether they are exclusive to their own launchers on PC or whether they include Epic in their exclusivity bubble, which is an argument some Epic sympathizers use to side-track the issue.
Naturally because Epic is a more recent development, you'll find more people 'hating' on it, but I'm not sure they 'accept' other launchers.
Epic being an inferior platform, while also offering publishers millions for exclusivity, is a money-minded sleazyness that gaming fans don't approve of. In addition, people are also upset at Epic employees' PR campaign of belittling and demonizing gaming fans who voice this disgust, and painting them as being some sort of cultists or tin-foil-hat conspiracy theorists ('Epic is Cancer and Chinese Aliens are Spying for Nudes').
There's plenty of valid reasons for being concerned about Epic with its privacy vulnerabilities, and Tim Sweeney's scummyness. It was covered quite well over the past few months in gaming media if you did a bit of reading.
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Unfortunately thats how people are reacting to everything. They love to complain about everything. No matter if they have another choice that suits them better they will complain and complain just because something happened that they dont like. There is a reason that no big company discuss about their products from the internet. If you have a good product and good marketing it will sell no matter how much the internet hates it.
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Some people really hate Epic and raise a major fuss with anything to do with it, even though they had a similar situation before even if Steam didn't have to pay or otherwise cut deals with game makers to get them to let them. (The difference between de facto and de jure)
Sadly Steam went way freaking downhill since they knew they were the top dog and nobody could challenge them unless that company was willing to spend a horde of treasure on trying to compete with them, which is exactly why Epic is doing this, to wedge their foot into the market and become real competition to Steam. Of course we're dealing with "for profit" companies, so they'll do anything legal to get that money, even if it costs them some now to get their share of the pie later. Too bad Steam doesn't realize it's left it's pie alone far too long and it's gotten moldy. (Get back to curating your own store Steam! Some customer service that's not on geological time again would be good too you arrogant pricks!)
Enough with my whining about the problems with Steam having gotten lazy and doing a subpar job.
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Did your thumbs betray you again?
It feels like Ubi is pushing microtransactions more and more. That's the impression I got from playing AC Origins / Odyssey and Far Cry 4 /5 / New Dawn. Their games seem to become more and more grindy, plus if you want the really cool-looking stuff, you gotta buy it from the in-game store. I'm thinking about AC Odyssey's armor sets... you have to be quite lucky to get a full set or buy it for helix points or whateverit'scalled. In comparison, there were super neat armors in AC Origins that you could get just by playing the game, no grind nor luck required. you could get the Sekhmet outfit quite early in the game And they were full sets. In Odyssey, you have to gather every piece (head, arm, chest, waist and leg) to have a complete set... and they come in 4 rarities: common, rare, epic and legendary. You want to have the same armor shown in the promo pics? That's the mercenary set. Which comes in a few color variations. FYI, you need the red one. Also, as far as I can remember, armor pieces of common/rare quality look more tattered and less shiny-shiny than their epic/legendary counterparts. Grind, grind, grind, grind. :3
and don't get me started on the horse skins... the most fabulous ones are all behind a paywall. I wanted me some majestic white sacred deer. ;__;
Maybe they should consider changing their name to Ulpay.
AC Vikings sounds interesting buuuuut... I suspect the grind will be even worse than it was in Odyssey. Not sure I'll get it.
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Those affected by Ubisoft-Epic agreement, so every game since March 2019. (The Division 2, Anno 1800 until it's exclusivity ran out last month, Breakpoint)
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Those direct link to your Uplay account though and don't require Epic after your account is linked. Sure you require an Epic account and you're funding Epic if that's your issue but it's bascially the same as buying a key elsewhere and redeeming it on Uplay.
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I honestly don't care either way. Even the title is a joke...its obvious they have run out of ideas...The reason they went the lazy fantasy route. No matter what they are working on, Skyrim already did it better...and I have see enough dragons.
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lmao I agree the title is kinda trash. But then again I find no appeal whatsoever in vikings, so there's that.
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I guess it's all a matter of taste but... the lazy fantasy route? I don't get it. I liked the first AC game back in the days. I got bored of the second title after a few hours. Somehow, I bought AssCreed 3 during a Steam sale but still haven't bothered to play. Now... I love Ancient Egypt and this is what prompted me to purchase AC Origins, which I really, really enjoyed. I also quite like Greek/Roman mythology so, of course, I wanted to play Odyssey... although I don't enjoy it as much as Origins. But yeah, Origins brought me back to the franchise.
But I digress... what do you mean by that lazy fantasy route? You have to battle dead pharaohs in one of Origins' dlc... but that's just that, a dlc. There are apparently mythological creatures in Odyssey, but the game isn't focused on that. I really don't get what you mean. Skyrim is a fantasy themed game all right... AC Origins / Odyssey? Nah, not so much.
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I recommend you go back and play the Historic AC games then. AC used to be a game I played when I wanted something fresh, and it helped learn more about history and the world. So much work and love was put into them and they had relatable characters, and plots that drew you in...unlike now.
I got Origins in 2018 and I wouldn't have bothered if it wasn't developed by Ubisoft Montreal (they make the best AC games). I played Odyssey on the free weekend and it was so bland, predictable and forgettable. The voice acting was almost soulless at times, parkour is a disaster. The only thing going for the series now is the graphics. They have run out of inspiration and they need to just stop because this is getting ridiculous. I can almost say without a doubt the next AC game will be called Assassins Creed: BC.
I call it lazy because very little research is needed besides travelling and taking high-res pictures for textures. No longer do they try to accurately design places like Venice or the Church in Rome or the Notre-Dame, or come up with an intriguing plot. What we now have is a bunch of semi-random missions strewn together then slathered in cheap plots and lots of propaganda. Just so they can release a game every other year.
If I want to play a Greek/Roman Game, I'd play God of War, or Ryse: Son of Rome, or Age of Mythology. Those games have way better gameplay / plots / pacing that make you want to keep playing. What AC really needs is a 5 year hiatus...Vikings...seriously. If they went Celtic, or Medo-Persian or even Scandinavian (which would have been a much broader world than the single slice of Vikings they took out) I wouldn't be so disappointed.
The only glimmer of hope is its being developed by Ubisoft Montreal...again.
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I still refuse to buy anything thats had any relation to epic exclusive. Anti consumer bs
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I dont own any Uplay, Origin, Bethesda or Battle.net exclusives. I don't even know any Uplay exclusives. Those are also mainly companies trying to publish their own games. Epic is paying to take other games. I would have pre-ordered Borderlands 3, Division 2, Metro Exodus etc, but the way epic does business is exactly what I said. Anti consumer bs. I'll never give them any money and unlike most people I mean it.
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No it's not. I can tell you many examples but i will tell you just a simple one. If a new billions worth company want to make a new store with 5% cut for developers(best for developers),cheaper prices in general(best for customers aswell) and a client that is x10 better than steam with amazing new features, they can't release games that already have contracts. That applies to current stores aswell of course if they decide to make changes.
The only reason epic made their store in the first place it's because they could release almost any game it exists because steam didn't lock any developer in their client with exclusivity deals. If your logic is that all stores should make exclusivity deals with all the developers what will happen if someone want to make a new store? Exclusivity deals kills the competition, especially for future competitors. it's simple as that.
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I never said any of this. I have no idea how you got any of that out of my comment.
In fact, I dislike exclusivity. I am simply pointing out that hating on epic just because of its exclusivity deals is ignorant, considering so many other launchers also have exclusives.
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But it's not the same and i tried to explain to you. EA for example decided to come back to steam and release some of their games. Ubisoft if decide today they want to release their games on gog for w/e reasons, they can't because they are under contract with epic. Can't you see the diference how something like that affects the competition on current stores and especially future one's?
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Yeah, but the whole thing presupposes that a game is exclusive at launch to some store in the first place.
You are basically saying developer exclusivity is good, because if years later they "might" decide they want to sell a game on another platform they can. I guess it's something, sure, but I fail to see this as a significant positive, considering it's something that may not happen at all...
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no i didn't say developer exclusivity is good but a developer can do w/e they want. People has concerns with stores trying to lock 3rd party developers on their platform. Exclusive without contract and exclusivity deal with contract are totally different.
For example Jedi fallen order announced is coming to steam and epic managed to contact EA and release it aswel at the last moment(they added some bonus items for fortnite to compete better with steam and origin). Now that epic announced new Assassin's Creed none of the other stores can do anything. It's under contract,no competition,end of story.
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In those cases Ubi/Uplay, EA/Origin, Behtesda/Bethesda Launcher, Activision Blizzard/Battle.net are not third parties exclusivities. No one care if EPIC games are exclusive for EGS (Unreal, Fornite), but when they buy games from other, i mean they pay to those others in order to not publish their games in Steam and GOG, is not cool.
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Again, how is that different? It's restrictive. In a sense, Ubisoft is also paying Massive Entertainment so Division 2 can only appear on uplay, don't you think? Why is that "cool" and Epic buying Control "not cool"? It's exactly the same thing.
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In case that you've missed the memo: Massive Entertainment is a Ubi studio since 2008. It's fully owned by Ubi. FFS, why people are so oblivious of who owns what, is beyond me. So what Ubi does with the games developed by their studios is their way to grab more money.
Also, in an interview, one of the Ubi's executives stated that the sales through the Ubi store sky rocketed since their Epic exclusivity announcement. So, the move was profitable for Ubi, despite what most think. He admitted that the Epic sales are and afterthought and it was all for boosting the Ubi store profile. Which was a successful move, as people preferred to pay Ubi directly, instead of Epic, which means that Ubi took 100% from those sales.
I will also point again: Ubi is partially owned by Tencent, the very same company that owns Epic, as Tencent fronted the money for Ubi when Vivendi attempted a hostile takeover in 2017/2018. Since then, Ubi became one of the many companies partially or completed owned directly or through various fronts by Tencent (Activision is another).
So no surprise that they went with the Epic exclusivity.
Personally, i buy the Ubi games only from their store. I don't want to deal with two launchers, opened at the same time. Same thing for the EA games: directly from Origin.
For anything else, there is GOG and Steam.
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Imagine that a company that's already struggling, with declining revenues and declining profits, that when faced with a global economic crisis of nearly unprecedented proportions goes ahead and decides to restrict the launch of one of their flagship products despite the commercial failure of the two flagship products it used the same commercial strategy with when there was no economic crisis.
At this point, it's like Ubisoft wants to fail.
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You are talking like ubisoft earns most of their money through pc and steam in particular. Everyone who is interested in assassin will get it on uplay as thats where all of the other titles of this franchise are. Most of the people who complain about epic are the people who wouldnt butyit anyway at day one and will wait for some deap sales. Plus they are earning more from each copy at epic and even more by signing that deal. Not to mention that the majority of their profits are from ps4. Especially on an economic crisis like this companies want steady income for their big investments and the epic deal is the best way to go.
They have people that are being paid thousands each month to calculate their moves and considering that this is the 3rd game they release only on epic and uplay, i am sure they know what they are doing.
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You are talking like ubisoft earns most of their money through pc and steam in particular.
Did you even read my post?
Everyone who is interested in assassin will get it on uplay as thats where all of the other titles of this franchise are.
Except that's a completely nonsensical and unsubstantiable point. E.g. People might be interested in AC, but have no job because of the coronavirus meaning they can't buy it whichever store it's on.
Most of the people who complain about epic are the people who wouldnt butyit anyway at day one and will wait for some deap sales.
Again, a completely nonsensical and unsubstantiable point. You're literally just making stuff up now.
Plus they are earning more from each copy at epic and even more by signing that deal
Earning more per copy while selling less overall and making less money is stupid when you're selling intangible products.
Not to mention that the majority of their profits are from ps4.
Except you're wrong:
Especially on an economic crisis like this companies want steady income for their big investments and the epic deal is the best way to go.
Again, you're just making stuff up. You have absolutely no clue what the Epic deal is. Neither do I - the difference is I'm not making claims.
They have people that are being paid thousands each month to calculate their moves and considering that this is the 3rd game they release only on epic and uplay, i am sure they know what they are doing.
The official Ubisoft earnings call:
A sharp downward revision in the revenues expected from Ghost Recon Breakpoint® and,
to a lesser extent, The Division® 2.
So according to Ubisoft themselves, both of the previous Epic and Uplay only releases bombed big-time.
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You are the reason the misinformation is so spread out. You send me a link about a quarter that ubioft earned more from pc than ps4. Yeah no shit, that quarter the only game ubisoft released was a pc exclusive..
Also your point about people not having job is there just to increase your text. If people dont have jobs they wont buy games no matter the store. Thats a pretty important reason to get that epic deal to get the money from them. It has been confirmed so many times that companies are being paid by ubisoft to release their games only on epic so no matter how the economies are they will get paid.
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You are the reason the misinformation is so spread out.
Lol. You were the one spreading misinformation. I provided links - from Ubisoft's own website.
You send me a link about a quarter that ubioft earned more from pc than ps4.
You have offered zero links. You simply made a claim, I demonstrated it was wrong and now you're crying.
Also your point about people not having job is there just to increase your text.
Lol. Every point you have tried to make is all about adding to your wall of text. Not one link, not one proven argument.
US unemployment alone has passed 20% - the biggest market for gaming. If you think the economic crisis won't affect game sales then, quite frankly, you're an idiot.
If people dont have jobs they wont buy games no matter the store. Thats a pretty important reason to get that epic deal to get the money from them.
Eh? Lol. First, you say my claim about jobs is about "increasing my text" - then in the very next sentence, you go back and concede my point. Jeez...your arguments are so nonsensical you can't even stop yourself from contradicting yourself from one sentence to the next.
As for the Epic money - again, you have no proof of how much or how little was paid. You've offered no link whatsoever to support your argument. You're simply making stuff up to add to your wall of baseless text.
It has been confirmed so many times that companies are being paid by ubisoft to release their games only on epic so no matter how the economies are they will get paid.
Again, you're simply making stuff up. Lying. You have no clue what Epic's contract with Ubisoft is. You cried about me "spreading misinformation" when you're simply making up lies and making no attempt whatsoever to offer ANY proof.
My "misinformation" came from Ubisoft itself. So if it's misinformation, then the same employees you were praising in your first reply must be liars.
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Will need a spreadsheet soon.
Do I want this game on steam sale?
Do I have it?
Seems familiar.
Maybe I got it free or on sale from one of the eighteen publisher launchers? Is it on Origin? Prime? Epic? Udontplay?
I need to check gamescollection.csv. Shit, last version is 14 months old!
Forget the whole thing.
All this choice sure is great.
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I have that spreadsheet already! I put everything not in my Steam library into Excel, alphabetized and color coded.
I'm not all that bugged about it though. I have similar lists for my DVDs, board games, and books. If you have a big collection of something and don't want to accidentally duplicate then it's really useful. And what lead to me needing it for PC games was a spate of giveaways and good deals.
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GOG Galaxy is getting pretty good at keeping track of our games
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They'll come back to steam anyway.
I don't have to play this new AC right away anyway.
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then thats $60 i'll probably use on something else then haha
shame about div 2 not coming to steam but oh well
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If it is a Ubisoft game, I would buy on Uplay or for Uplay nowadays.
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You sound like you think it's not fair when games don't release on all platforms, including GOG. Yet you have bought games that don't release on GOG before and were obviously fine with it. So your problem is not partial exclusivity, which happened before all the time, your problem is exclusively Epic...
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I agree.
I understand while a company would publish first on Epic then release on Steam.
Steam is getting too much cut compared to Epic.
Also I am glad Epic is around.
Right now it offers better deals in my region especially with christmas ticket they gave I managed to buy some games with season pass with the same price of normal package on Steam.
And even some prices were same I would still buy from Epic just to support developer.
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Epic is trying to buy public opinion, their business is not sustainable as far as selling 3rd party games either they get a lot more paying customers or they will have to raise their cut eventually they are just burning money right now, also most of the times you are not even supporting the devs you are supporting their publisher for example Metro exclusivity money went to Deep Silver because they are responsible for the distribution of the game, the devs themselves are probably earning the same as if the game launched on Steam or even less if their bonus are based on number of copies sold
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their business is not sustainable
I know he made that one tweet. But I don't believe that. Sure, Valve takes more (20-30%), but they are also the most profitable company per employee in the US. So I am sure you can absolutely sustain a business with way less.
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You can sustain a Sucessful business with way less, Epic Games Store is a starting business and not very sucesseful by their numbers, the other difference is that Valve is a private company which every employee gets a share in the business while Epic is a public company that has to answer to external investors, besides that you can see Steam evolving trying new things both software and harware so you know those 30% are being used at least in part to improve the users experience while Epic on the other hand doesn't show any improvement even though they're not pioneers and there's a lot of old features that you can easily implement nowadays that they don't have yet.
Like a said in a comment above epic made only 7M dollars in 3rd party games last year not including employees salaries, taxes and exclusivity deals and deals for free weekly games i can't call that sustainable
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you know you can add non steam games to steam
I only have half of them on steam, the rest I got directly on Uplay (as they are mostly cheaper there)
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as stated, you can still add them to steam (and you should have them all in Uplay anyway)
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If you add the game to steam then it’s in your collection on steam. You can start it there just like other steam games. That means it’s all in one place.
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You sound like you think it's not fair when games don't release on all platforms, including GOG. Yet you have bought games that don't release on GOG before and were obviously fine with it. So your problem is not partial exclusivity, which happened before all the time, your problem is exclusively Epic...
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I don't get why people are so upset about this anyways, you still need uplay to play them even when they were on steam, that is why myself hardly own any ubisoft steam games, mainly bought all my ubisoft games from uplay by itself, well the exception of the one game I bought from EGS (epic game store) but for all intends and purposes its treated as if I've bought it from uplay.
I am not a fan of what EGS is doing with a lot of the exclusivity deals, especially in the past with quite a few that said they were going to release on steam then like months before release they decided not to. I can understand new games starting out as exclusive, but it wasn't right for games that were set to release to multi-platform then at like the last minute (month) be set for exclusive.
I hate to say it, but PC is almost becoming like the console with exclusivity, but instead of the individual consoles, we have our individual launchers to buy our games from. I just wonder though is fortnight that much of a money maker to keep epic a float to do all these deals and even giving games free?
I was never a big fan of the whole battle royal craze.
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I don't get why a large company like UbiSoft has to do this.
On the other hand: It probably works. The fact is the games on Epic sell well. Borderlands 3 was even the best-selling out of the whole franchise and sold more than 8 million the year it was released. Metro Exodus sold 50% more copies than Metro: Last Light. Boycotts just don't work because there are more people who don't care than the other way around.
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I don't even give a crap what it releases on. If it was only Uplay store it wouldn't bother me and if it was only Epic it doesn't bother me. I have gotten so many free games from them I could probably throw them a few bucks here and there. I don't care what launcher it's on. It all matters who is selling it the cheapest. Yes, it is nice to have everything on one launcher but that is what I have GOG Galaxy for.
The exclusive thing isn't really a big deal when you can still buy and play on the same platform. Exclusivity sucks in the console world when you have to buy another piece of pricey hardware to play it. Exclusivity on PC isn't denying you the chance to play because you don't own the other platform, You can get the launchers for free and play on the same thing you play all your Steam, GOG, Origin, Bethesda, Blizzard games on.
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Interesting point of view.
So exclusivity doesn't enable monopoly, which in turn raises prices ?
And having multiple launchers on PC doesn't enable more competition, thereby reducing prices ?
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Exclusivity didn’t raise prices on consoles and it’s been around on there since the beginning. Having multiple store fronts can bring better competition for pricing but something being exclusive doesn’t mean it won’t go on sale or get cheaper. Plus majority of the epic exclusives have only been for a year so far. People can just wait it out if it really bothers them.
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Yes, it is nice to have everything on one launcher but that is what I have GOG Galaxy for.
Never tried that, how does it work?
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There's a short article about it here (do a Google search if you want more things like that).
And there's an "old" Steamgifts thread about it here:
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Thanks will try it out.
How do people like it?
I tried Playnite but it didn’t do it for me.
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It’s not the best thing yet but it’s nice to see all my games in one spot without having to manually add them. It still does need things imo like a profile page setup how steam has. You do need to have other launchers installed if they are needed to play the games on that launcher but you can install and launch them through galaxy.
I’m not saying it’s the best but it’s great option and worth trying out to make your own opinion on it. They still are implementing new features into it. Steam didn’t always have everything. It took them many years to get where they are at. It took competition though to finally see some new cool changes to the steam client.
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Glad you had a good experience with GOG Galaxy. I had no such luck, personally. It wouldn't let me consolidate any of my game libraries even though I have extensive ones on Steam, Uplay, Epic, Origin, Twitch, and GOG. When I asked for help on the forums I got none, so I gave up.
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Can you elaborate on what you mean in consolidate? Are you talking like removing dupes? If you would like I may be able to help you when I get home later.
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It has options to link pretty much every gaming platform. Only ones not really there are a few consoles. There are ways to link stuff like Nintendo though. I just haven’t figured that out or really dig into it. Was there a certain platform you couldn’t get linked?
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I have like 500 games hidden in my steam library, but it's not possible to sync stuff like that ;(
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It syncs my hidden games that are hidden on Steam. It has them hidden on Galaxy too. When you connect your Steam account it does say it syncs your tags and hidden games. Uplay also does it but not sure on other platforms since I haven't hidden any games there plus I didn't really pay attention to what they sync since most of my games are on Steam.
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I just synced it, but have no hidden games right now ;(
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It does take a little while to fully sync. Or it just takes mine a while because of the amount of games I have.
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It showed full sync, but hidden games are still in with all others.
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That’s weird. Ya mine only show up in the hidden part. I’m not sure if it’s hiding every game though since it doesn’t show me a count on how many are hidden. I think I have hidden close to a 1000 games. Do you have other platforms synced and maybe multiple copies of games? Does it show any games in the hidden Tab when you select it?
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yes, I have synced all platforms and have some games multiple times
but the hidden list is empty
I'm not sure if I want to hide them all again, but maybe I should do it, as this would also give me the option to rate all other games, so I have them somehow sorted.
Will be a lot work with 1700 games ;)
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Damn sorry to hear it’s not syncing them correctly. Not sure why it’s doing that. 1700 games will take a while. Good luck on that. I tried going through my library of steam games a while back and hide what I definitely know I won’t play but it didn’t last. Now I’m just working through the backlog and putting some time into each game to at least give them a try before hiding.
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GOG Galaxy is okay. What bothers me most is that I have to login for the connected stores so often. And even worse is that the client doesn't inform about disconnected stores. You have to visit the settings and check which store you have to reconnect to this time.
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ok, that's sounds annoying
do you know why you need to do that so often?
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I tend to agree. Three years ago I was already using five launchers on PC: Steam, GOG, Uplay, Blizzard, and Origin. I've now added Twitch and Epic to that list. I don't see how this makes for a meaningfully worse experience. (People seem much more bothered by the limited exclusivity of Epic games than the permanent exclusivity of Blizzard and Origin titles. I'm not sure why.) As you say, I far prefer this to the console situation where exclusivity is used to pressure me into a purchase.
I'm not impressed with Epic so far. They seem to be throwing around money in lieu of building a good service. But more competition in PC storefronts still seems likely to benefit us consumers down the line. (In the short term I think it's benefited a lot of us already via Epics giveaways and loss-leader sales.)
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I don't understand their shady business tactics. Just release the game on every possible platform to reach wider audience. No one asking them to not publish on Epic. Just release on all platform. No buy from me.
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