I don't understand their shady business tactics. Just release the game on every possible platform to reach wider audience. No one asking them to not publish on Epic. Just release on all platform. No buy from me.

4 years ago*

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Will you buy from Epic

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Somebody remembers how it was, when Half-Life 2 came out? "What is this Steam?", "Always on?!", "Shady business tactics!" :D

4 years ago

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Lots of people hated steam back then. It was the "counter strike client"

4 years ago

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Ya and now we have the "evil Epic Launcher" :D

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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That was 17+ years ago...

4 years ago

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doesnt matter, after few months they will say '' hey guys,we are releasing it on steam platform, stay tuned'' and we will say''yay, a must buy.. good shit.. great game... atlast its here''

4 years ago

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That's the sad truth :/ Few people are dedicated to boycotting anti-consumer developers, that's why the gaming industry is in this sorry state.

4 years ago

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yes precisely. I mean most of the people that complains about something, can't resist stay away or boycott other than doing the opposite after some time. It's all about dedication and doing something together. Only that can change in favor of us

4 years ago

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I think every Ubi game is there so you are right - it is just matter of time probably.

4 years ago

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Ugh I'm getting so stressed over the AC series. I stopped in the middle of Syndicate from being bored years ago but I want to continue and get caught up. I have all games up to Origins on PS3/PS4 but I don't know if I should make the switch to PC for Odyssey and this, just because I don't play much on my PlayStations anymore after getting a proper PC. But I don't really use Epic or Uplay either. And I want to play a Viking game but I want to be done with the other ones first!

4 years ago

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Just finished Syndicate, was awesome
No on to the Jack the Ripper DLC

4 years ago

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If you do intend to play AC games on pc, it'll probably be a lot more convenient to just get them on uplay. It's usually much cheaper than buying them from Steam, they've given away a lot of the AC games on uplay and you're already using uplay when you play the game on Steam anyway.

4 years ago

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Stupid me bought syndicate and Origin at the same time, played through origin then, as it had live events and then went on to Odyssey.
Only started playing syndicate last month, after it was given for free ;(

4 years ago

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What made developer creating game using Epic's Engine anyway?

4 years ago

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I think AC has its own engine, they don't use UE.

4 years ago

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you mean platform? Valve takes 30% from the sale and Epic 12%

The percentage from Valve gets better with bigger sales (up to 20% cut at $50 million)

18% from $60 game is another 11dollars to the devs

4 years ago

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I stopped buying Ubisoft games once they started requiring the games to use UPlay (even when bought on Steam).

4 years ago

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Do you need the Uplay launcher installed to play the Steam game? If yes, I am getting it for my PS4. That's just dirty.

4 years ago

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You do and it was always like that. Even Assassin's Creed 2 required Uplay installed.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

4 years ago

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All my Ubi games are on uPlay. Also... In case that you are not aware, Tencent (the same chinese company that owns Epic) has a significant share in Ubi, saving them from Vivendi's hostile takeover attempt from three years ago.

4 years ago

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People don't read and they don't care sadly.

4 years ago

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I'm guilty of collecting Steam games to some extent, yet I totally understand some games just want to be "standalone" as in the good old times when "platform" only meant "PC" vs "console", not "Steam" vs "Epic" vs "Uplay" vs "whatever else".
To me they're available on PC, hence they are on the PC platform as a whole. With a shitty DRM, sure, but just like all Steam, Epic, etc games.

4 years ago

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99% sure if a limited time frame. Most of those "Epic exclusives" especially the BIG "AAA" games have a shelf life for that.

4 years ago

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Not Ubi titles (Div 2 and GR Breakpoint)
Any Epic exclusive game its Dev/publisher usually announce from the start that it will come to Steam after xx period.. but not Ubi.

4 years ago

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I said it before, Ubi titles as Epic exclusives make them harder for some of us to acquire (because of the deal no more cheap activation keys to be found online anymore / Both Epic & Uplay have limited payment options compared to Steam and definitely no Steam wallet from Community market)

And honestly I'm more worried about the quality, avoiding Steam reviews and the prior Ubi Epic exclusive titles.
Going the fantasy way more and more .. guess flying unicorns that fart rainbows (or in this case dragons) sell more than historic accuracy.
Sure Ubi Montreal has a good rep but won't be the first good rep studio to deliver crap quality.

4 years ago

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I'm more worried about the quality, avoiding Steam reviews

Steam isn't the only place you can read game reviews... OMG people are so easy to make captive to one single quasi monopoly...

4 years ago

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For reviews done by owners of the game I do find Steam to still be the best place despite Valve many ideas to miss it up.

Oh and we are PC gamers you know, my only care is the PC version/port of a game.

4 years ago

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Exactly, we are PC gamers. PCs are known for their remarkable ability to run a very large variety of software and to visit any website you want. I.e., you can use so much more than just Steam. If you want to be locked to one single shop/DRM, some PlayStation or Xbox would be the way to go 👀🎮

4 years ago

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Well well well
So in my OP I stated a few points why some of us have a problem with EPIC.
Then you picked only 1 of those points -Steam review- and ignored the whole picture.
and when I replied to that you switched from Steam reviews to "locking myself to 1 shop like consoles"
1 look at my Steam Profile and you will see I'm one of those has no problem to use other DRMs

Not to brag, but I'm one of the top Origin achievements hunters and PC Uplay Challenges hunters...

So please instead of just picking parts of my post to suit your lame argument, look at the bigger picture.

for AC series I own it entirely, over half of it are just Uplay .. codes bought from sites like G@A
As I said the deal with EPIC part of it make those cheap codes not existent, and the limited payment methods that both Uplay and Epic have make it hard to acquire them..

For me to buy GR Breakpoint,Div2 or ACV I have to give my Uplay login to a local online trader I know so he could buy it to me

Might be shocking but not all of us have the same luxuries, yes I don't own a freakin visa/CC or whatever you call it.

And hell.. isn't what Epic is doing is trying to lock us into 1 shop like the consoles?
Ubi happened to have their own Store and know Epic won't fly so they are being smart ..most will buy straight from them.. 100% profit

If Epic has their way the other deals would have been permanent not just timed exclusives
Make it available on all shops, not using your Fortnite stinkin money to force me into 1 shop (and again happened to be 2 shops in the case of Ubi titles).

4 years ago*

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My reference is the time when you would just buy the game directly on a physical support from truly any shop. I.e., not some huge multinational corp like Epic, Steam, whatever, but your local physical shop.
There are sooo many games for which you have no other choice but Steam nowadays. Seems fair enough that competitors try to make stuff live purely outside of Steam, otherwise with their ultra-dominant position the sheeple will just stay there.

PS (not for you but for people who do it): stop calling Steam a "platform", damn it

4 years ago

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Games are digital goods or as publishers nowadays would like to refer to as "services".. if corps. like valve setup many regional digital store fronts with support of various local payment methods then digital stores replace the physical ones to sell games are not a bad thing.

Those sooo many games you are talking about probably can't afford to distribute physical copies (I don't know: print dvds and then ship them to various physical stores or whatever).. remember that steam opened the door so literary anyone can make a thing and call it a game then sell it on Steam .. mind you it could turn out to be a good game and not just another asset flip..
Epic is choosy what they sell on their store and the official fancy line is to deliver quality as a way to show they are better than valve's everything goes policy..

Long story short: I very much doubt a corporation that made shit ton of money from exploiting underage through slot machine gambling addiction a.k.a loot boxes and the insatiable lust that many nowadays have to be in the spot light (everyone want to wear the newest crap in that f "game" just to show off) has the good of pc gaming (or frankly the good of anything) in the heart of their plans... no matter what they say .. it is business to make tons of money so any representative will bs you with a smile and sincerity on their faces

4 years ago

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Those sooo many games you are talking about probably can't afford to distribute physical copies

True, but they could find a middle ground and sell games digitally on their own, independent website... pretty much like they used to do actually. For instance, this indie dev still does it
Same for small physical goods merchants, who used to run their own website but now decided they'd be lazy and sell their soul (and their clients') to Amazon.

4 years ago

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Imagine competing with steam.

4 years ago

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The problem in my humble opinion is not the store, but the pricing model. Particularly in regard to how AC is lately shaped: while I enjoyed the one in Egypt, I've been very disappointed with the one in Greece. Repetitive and uninspired, for my taste. So I'm not hyped at all for the next AC cash machine yet...

4 years ago

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I played through Odyssey with 1,5 month of Uplay+ (were one was free, so I paid 15$)
I finished it with all DLCs and 100% everything you can do (like all other AC games) and it was an awesome experience the whole 170 hours I put in it.

4 years ago

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I'm not ready for the renting model, for my part. But I get your point.

4 years ago

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Yeah, I had some free month were I had nothing to do.
Otherwise I don’t like it either.

4 years ago

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Gotta agree, very grindy and repetitive game. The atmosphere is top notch, but the mission design lacks variety.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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It was obvious that it would not release on Steam...I really like Assassin's Creed but I'll wait until the gold edition is on Steam, I hate how games with a season pass always make the season pass much more expensive than buying the GOTY or Gold Edition....also I have games to finish anyway :D
I can wait. (it being on Epic is not the reason)

4 years ago

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This is probably the first game to skip steam that actually hurts me. I loved Origins, and Odyssey(except the naval crap). I'm in the no steam wallet card, no buy group, so, I'll be waiting for free weekends on uplay to chip away at it now.

4 years ago

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All those fans that voted on Ac Odyssey for the Steam Awards last year must be very happy with Ubisoft right now

4 years ago

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Well my (and I think a lot of other people's) problem is not Epic store or something, but that I don't want to have 10.000 accounts for 10.000 games. I want to have all games I bought on one single store or whatever you call steam, gog etc.

This is the same reason I don't buy anything on origin (+EA), on GoG on Uplay or any other store.

It's not that I don't like them for whatever reason, but it's just a pain to have an account for each game.

4 years ago

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That's OK with me, another developer to avoid (even more) in the future.
The Epic Store has been extremely helpful in showing developers' true colors, weeding out the anti-consumer ones that are in it just for the cash and leaving those who truly deserve our support. For this, they have my thanks. For everything else, they can die in a hole as far as I am concerned.

4 years ago

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Not sure I can agree there. For example the Untitled Goose Game devs signed a deal with Epic, so their studio may get the funding to complete their game and develop new ones. If you are a struggling indie dev on a tight budget, that's a very good deal, considering they would never get something like this from Steam. I dislike exclusivity, but I think programmes that help indie stidios are great.

4 years ago

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For every game, they let on their store they turn down a bunch of others. They even refused to sell a game if they didn't go exclusive.

4 years ago

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I was refuting Thriteen's claim, that all devs who publish on Epic are greedy and only in it for the money.

4 years ago

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Ah well, exaggeration for effect. Although I would think that it goes without saying that all devs publishing on EGS are doing it for the money. This seems like a perfectly natural state of game development though. It's when we get to terms like having to remove a game from Steam to be able to publish on EGS things get a little shady.

4 years ago

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Yes, everything is about money, obvously, but there is a difference between making some money by doing what you love and being greedy. If you ask indie devs about Steam, they mostly say that Steam doesn't do enough to support indie games. They aren't featured, don't appear in recommendations etc, making it really difficult for a new indie company to publish stuff there. I imagine for some, it's barely worth it. For example, I am not sure the above mention goose game would have sold 1 million copies on Steam. So in a way, I am hopeful Steam looks at this as a lesson, as something they can improve in the future.

4 years ago

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If you ask indie devs about Steam, they mostly say that Steam doesn't do enough to support indie games.

This is an odd argument. Steam has way more indie games than any other platform. The complaint boils down to that the dev complaining isn't getting preferential treatment compared to all other indie devs.

I imagine for some, it's barely worth it.

If it's worth it for asset flips I'm sure the entry fee is worth it for actual games as well

I am hopeful Steam looks at this as a lesson

I have no clue what you're trying to say here. Do you think Steam should start paying for and promoting a couple of semi-random indie games each year? Who would pick what gets support and promotion and wouldn't that be unfair for the indie devs that didn't get picked?

4 years ago

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Asset filps tend to generate revenue from cards and thrid party purchases, I believe. Other asset flips aren't profitable that much. It's one thing to pay for the entry fee, I guess most people could pay that easily, it's another thing to actually sell enough copies to keep your company alive. It's one thing to selll games made over a long weekend, it's another thing to sell something you have been working on for years. If a developer cares about their game, they won't go selling if for cents.
It's not about indie devs craving for preferential treatment compared to all other indie devs, rather it's about indie devs complaining to Steam that it should highlight their games more and not just show the bigger devs. Recommend it to users who liked similar titles, more features in smart searches etc. Steam has data on this, they could use it better. Also not everyone sees the same thing on the Steam frontpage anyway, content is already personalized. The idea is that those recommendations could be better. 80% of the games I find on SG, I never see on Steam. Obviously, this is just my experience, I might be wrong.
Look, as much as I dislike exclusivity, I don't blame the devs who took Epic's grants, if I had a great game idea, and lacked the budget, probably I would have taken it too, instead of spending a few more years on it and then releasing it and hoping for the best on Steam, where it might just vanish in a sea of other games after the first few days. I don't think it's fair to call those developers greedy.

4 years ago

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I never buy the Assassins games day 1, I usually wait 1-2 years for a good sale, I don't mind waiting for it to come to steam (to raise sales, it will come eventually).

4 years ago

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Doesn't matter to me, because I neither buy Ubisoft games or at the Epic store anyhow.
I resisted buying Steam bound games for years and still only have a GOG and an Origin account in addiction. The last one only has ME 3 and DA:I on it and won't have anymore games added to it.
Because when this whole account / launcher thing started they said it was due to piracy concerns, if that were true why do I need an extra UPlay account for a game bought on Steam? That game is bound and can't be sold again.
So I refuse to making an UPlay, Bethesda, Battle.net or Epic account, even though I miss out on some games I'd really like to play. But 1) I already own lots of games to (re-)play and 2) there are still enough games getting sold via GOG and Steam.

4 years ago

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I really don't care where i will buy it...i will get it when the price is right for me and i will play it from uplay...12.50 euro for AC.Origins from epic and i play it in uplay.
Lesson learned the hard way after many many hours into ac III.........not EVER again!

4 years ago

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Well that's unfortunate. I'm really excited about the Viking theme and was really looking forward to playing it. The trailer reminds me of History Channel's Vikings: The Game. I guess I'll hold off buying it until it releases in Steam. And if it never does, then I guess it'll be the first Assassin's Creed game I don't buy. :(

4 years ago

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Same, I didn't watch vikings, but been watching "The Last Kingdom" on netflix and so far was getting interested in the viking theme and when I heard about this I was sold on it. I will like I said above probably just buy it from uplay - since even if it was on steam you would still need a uplay account and launch steam + uplay.

So I figure this news won't dissuade me from getting it since most if not all uplay games I own I either gotten free or I bought from uplay themselves (well with the exception of one game I bought from epic games that was cheaper then uplay's own store, plus with that 10$ coupon)

4 years ago

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Nah, haven't spent a single coin on Epic and don't intend to change that anytime soon.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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meh i can never get into assassin's creed games. how about you let me play the fucking game and not pulling me out to walk around and stare at dumb shit for 40 mins. kills the vibe of the game.

4 years ago

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Ubisoft games are on uplay, which is not that bad actually when compared to epic or origin. So it is okay.

4 years ago

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