I don't understand their shady business tactics. Just release the game on every possible platform to reach wider audience. No one asking them to not publish on Epic. Just release on all platform. No buy from me.

4 years ago*

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Will you buy from Epic

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AC is not "ditching" GOG. The only AC on GOG is the very first one.

4 years ago

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https://www.gog.com/game/assassins_creed_directors_cut - the first AC is on GoG. Valhalla is appparently not going to be there however - it is not in preorder possibilities

4 years ago

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They already said the first game was on GoG.

4 years ago

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I have misread it, thats my bad ... but basically the reason for that is the GoG is DRM free and that doesn't work with Uplay. AC 1 was DRM free and didn't require uplay

4 years ago

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I wont. Steam has all my games and I like all my achievements. I don't want more than one platform to play all my stuff on.

4 years ago

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if you have any other AC game then you also have uplay because it was required to play the game - your argument is hence invalid

4 years ago

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That doesn't make their argument invalid. The Ass Creed games that are on Steam are still playable throught Steam, even though you need an UPlay account.All the games are right there in their Steam library ;)

4 years ago

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it does "I don't want more than one platform to play all my stuff on." - Wanting to play AC means having more than 1 platform hence not playing it because it is not steam is a nonsence since even previous AC games required Uplay.

Also they are in the steam library in the same way that you can add any other game from any other client there - games, add non steam game to my library. Steam serves no purpose and makes the ability to play the game more complicated by running two clients at the same time. The only difference is the ability to unlock achievements on steam (which are literally the same as on Uplay) and the feeling of having it there.

4 years ago

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you can add any other game from any other client there - games, add non steam game to my library.

That's not the same ;)
And the "making things more complicated by running two clients" is true, but it's Ubisoft's fault, not Steam's. It's Ubisoft who insists on creating an UPlay account when a Steam acc is all you should need. And btw, I think it's safe to assume that you need UPlay acc even if you own Ass Creed on Epic, so... not exactly a good argument to make in Epic's (or Ubisoft's) favor ;)

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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Just got back from work, thank you for explaining that for me! <3

4 years ago

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It's not the same as just adding a non Steam game to your library though. You are oversimplifying things to make your point. The only difference isn't just achievements.

There are trading cards, backgrounds, emoticons, etc. Access to the Steam market for these to sell/buy.

There are user guides, videos, screenshots, art and a discussion forum for each game. You can broadcast the game through Steam.

There's access to your friends list, the Steam overlay while in game, etc.

It's a matter of whether any of the features on Steam matter to a person. For some they just want the game to play and the rest doesn't matter, to others it does.

4 years ago

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You pretty much hit the nail on why millions of people prefer Steam because of these features and more
And not having to deal with EGS amateur, buggy, featureless mess of a launcher is a huge plus for me.

Calling Steam "just another launcher" is really oversimplifying it and you did a great job clarifying that.

4 years ago

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I would prefer games were 20% cheaper on steam (or decent sales) than have all that shite i dont use.

4 years ago

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so go take some EPIC EXCLUSIVES for the same price as on other platforms(ofc when exclusivity ends)...without that shite u dont use

4 years ago

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ill take freebies all day of the quality EPIC pump out ... sure.,

4 years ago

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I and (according to EGS last year revenue) lots of people prefer to pay that extra 20% you mentioned to get a better and more stable service.
Those features are extra, steam didn't have to provide any of them but it still does. Plus you're probably the only user who doesn't use "all that shite" since there are more than 90m active users and 26m of them are constantly online who use steam for those features, not games alone.
So again... you're probably alone on this :)

Edit: After one look on your profile, it shows that you basically use all of steam features. From guides, profile showcases, screenshots, and a ton more, so the "all that shite i dont use" is a really bad lie... It's sad what people do for some free games.

4 years ago*

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yes like crates and keys and cards were done with consumers in mind .......................... especially kids.

4 years ago

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What!!?? crates and keys are not steam features??? those are games related stuff and has nothing to do with any store or it's features...
I really don't get your points and what does any of this has to do with steam??
The only thing I can take as features are cards and those are really tame and have nothing to do with kids??

Please stick to your argument points :)

4 years ago*

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valve = couter strike = valve = steam = £££££ = kids

4 years ago

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OK... since you have reached this level of mental gymnastics, I prefer to walk away from this conversation.

4 years ago

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Just got back from work, thank you for explaining that for me! <3

4 years ago

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Honestly why would you buy it on Steam, GoG or Epic since it just starts Uplay when you click "play the game"? you are basically adding another unnecessary step to play the game that can not work and up to that you can already get it with -20% off on Uplay by using points saved.

I don't think the +1 is worth all that struggle and possible problems.

and "I don't understand their shady business tactics" - you don't really understand that some developers prefere to get money from their games instead of giving huge share to valve? I understand that and I consider competition healthy, especially since Steam had basically a monopoly

4 years ago

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I consider competition healthy

What Epic does is not a competition though. They just want to keep throwing money around until THEY have the monopoly, this has been their sole purpose from day one.

4 years ago

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sure, if you believe that then there is no purpose in any further talk.

4 years ago

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That's how it is. If you thought Epic actually cared about the devs or the gamers, then there's indeed no purpose in any further talk.

4 years ago

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Sure, whatever you believe in. Have a nice day

4 years ago

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You have a nice day in your cozy little bubble where Epic isn't a piece of greedy shit. Must be nice there.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

4 years ago

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Just NO.

4 years ago

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These company are still alive because the selling from consoles ...
Ubisoft just want to make sure that you buy games from uplay if you dont like EGS

4 years ago*

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Or they prefere to get money for their games since cut for EGS is 12% and for Steam it is 30% and a lot of people would opt for Steam over Uplay or EGS just to have +1 in library, if it would mean the same price for them.

4 years ago

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It's better tpo sell 100 copies of game for 100$ and get only 70% out of it, or sell 50 copies of game for 100$ each and get 88% of this?

Same price for GAMERS
Fak logic ye?

4 years ago

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Well since you are not thinking then yes, fuck logic.

4 years ago

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lol, gamers are all talk. That is exactly why they do this.

4 years ago

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ebic bad

4 years ago

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I will get the game when epic make it free... its a question of time...

4 years ago

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oh no epic

4 years ago

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I own all the Assassin Creed games on Uplay, so as long as that's an option, I'd still buy it. If it's Epic only, then no, it'll be a pass from me.

4 years ago

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Actually if you purchase ubi games on epic, you can play on uplay too. There is no requirements for epic launcher. I bought some ubi games with coupon on epic, downloaded directly on uplay since their servers are faster.

4 years ago

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A Viking game in the same vein as Origins and Odyssey? I don't care what client it's on. I'll buy it and play the hell out of it.

You can stand on your "holy ground" all you want, screaming and stomping your feet. I'll be enjoying the game.

4 years ago

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Not gonna buy it on Epic. But I might get it on Uplay if the game is good. Will probably wait for a sale tho.

4 years ago

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I'll get it on Uplay.

4 years ago

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i dont play anything on Uplay
If epic will not link Uplay i might think about it

4 years ago

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uplay is assassins creed and far cry etc and has been for a very very long time, this is just a non topic to get pissy for no reason.

4 years ago

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im not pissy, just pointing out how epic is not shit
but having to use 2 different DRM is total BS

4 years ago

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Well i remember half life 2 and needed DRM called steam ... that pissed me off until i got the cracked version.

4 years ago

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If you only get it on Uplay, there'd be only 1 DRM so I don't really get why you'd avoid Uplay but not Epic, Epic being another DRM anyways like Steam.

Also, currently, even if you buy Uplay games from Epic, once the game is linked to an Uplay account, you can directly launch from Uplay without booting up Epic, which makes it 1 DRM. That's why a lot of players were using the $10 coupon to buy Far Cry Primal / 5 / ubi games.

Only Steam does the 2 DRM thing with Uplay atm, for people who want the whole screenshots and sharing, cards etc.

Let's be honest, if you weren't playing AC / Far Cry / ubi games( on Uplay in some form), you aren't going to buy their new release anyways so it doesn't matter!

4 years ago*

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Only Steam does the 2 DRM thing atm I think

Steam does whatever the publisher tells them to do in regards to DRM. Anyone can choose to publish their games DRM free on Steam

4 years ago

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I meant in regards to Uplay in that context yes.

4 years ago

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I don't think Ubisoft told Steam to do it that way. If it were going how they would like it, then steam wouldn't be needed.
But Steam wanted it that way, so they agreed on it.

4 years ago

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You're certainly free to believe whatever you like but believing that Steam for some reason dictates wheater a publisher have to use DRM on a game seems a little odd to me.

4 years ago

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that's not what I said, but okay

4 years ago

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id love to get back into farcy, but the whole Uplay thing is keeping my away
I hate the concept of each publisher setting there own launcher
Epic might not be as feature-rich as Steam, but it can be. As its library and userbase grows it will have to evolve or die
So GOG/STEAM/EPIC are competitors. but Bethesda/Uplay are just a waste of space

4 years ago

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I have discovered that when I am not interested in a game, I am not bent out of shape by it being exclusive. D

4 years ago

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the shilling is strong here. 😂

not interested in ac games, but if i want something that's exclusive on epic, i'll just wait till it's on steam (borderlands 3 and metro exodus). if not, there are other ways to play those games (SuPpOrT ThE DeVs!).

4 years ago

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if not, there are other ways to play those games

Sadly enough controllers are an inferior input method for all but a few games though.

4 years ago

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And interest just went all the way down to zero. They can keep it with their exclusivity, I'll live without it

4 years ago

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I'm not overly upset about it not releasing on Steam as I rarely buy games on release anyway but it is mildly annoying that the Epic sponsored Steam boycott is going on still.

The plot from the trailer seems somewhat odd though unless there's a twist baked in there somehow. We're supposed to be the "hero" of the story as a Nord going Viking? That is raping, plundering, and pillaging. And the guys trying to defend their lands are the bad guys?

I had enough trouble with the "story" in Odyssey where you are supposed to repeatedly switch allegiance on a whim and with all the nonsensical filler quests you have to acquire currency for the "in-game" store

4 years ago

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The forced events in Ubi games are admittedly annoying, I'm the type who hates event cutscenes when they make your decisions for you. This happened a lot in Odyssey and Far Cry 5.

In Odyssey the Elysium dlc, I thought I was just going to do a bunch of missions to placate the Queen but no apparently I have to rebel against her for some reason, just to ask for directions. It was more expected in the second dlc but again? That seemed so repetitive I was dreading that the same dang thing was going to happen in the third dlc. I guess I'm more used to RPGs that let you choose your allegiance.

Maybe this Viking one will end up in a Humble Monthly or super sale or free somewhere, looking at the previous titles. At least Odyssey had beautiful landscapes, I'm not sure the Viking setting will be any exciting.

4 years ago

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AC was never strong about decisions (with the hole re-experiencing Memory thing)
They ditched that a bit in Odyssey, but it's still there.
I liked the way it was in the earlier games, as I don't like meaningful choices, I always feel I made the wrong one ;)

4 years ago

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At least Odyssey had beautiful landscapes, I'm not sure the Viking setting will be any exciting.

I have the same feeling for some reason but I think this is mostly due to my general slight distaste of anything Viking themed. Thinking about it rationally it will most likely be a very graphically impressive game

I'm thoroughly impressed with the graphics in Odyssey. I've spent an embarrassing amount of time just staring at some details in the game. Among the most notably Demosthenes plumed helmet.

4 years ago

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Nice another company that only cares about money and doesn't give a shit about their fans

4 years ago

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I don't know which was the last good Assassins Creed Game? Revelations, maybe? Everything after that was a cluster fuck. Haven't played Odyssey but if Origins is any indicator, it's just another Ubisoft Shallow World game with the name Assassin slapped on it.
Ubisoft was once a good developer but they haven't made a good game in while and I'm not interested in either way. Epic can suck balls as I hate exclusivity, of any kind (except the first party ones, which I still don't like but understand).

4 years ago

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The best thing there was the trailer.
There were so many great games after that, I loved 3, 4, Syndicate and Odyssey. All others were good too, the only thing I didn't liked was Unity, as the Coop Mode didn't really worked for me.

4 years ago

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I mean, I loved it. Sure it was all same...y like it't predecessor but it had it's charm in Ezio and overall moments, relative to the AssCreed mythos, which was fun for me.

3 sucked (mainly because the performance was atrocious at that time, still is) and the Protagonist was the blandest of all; Plus what they did to Desmond, I could not stand.
4 is not an assassin game but a pirate one. It was good in that aspect but as an AssCreed game, a crap one.
5 is OK
Syndicate was above average but could not capture the charm.
Origins was all RPG and too much generic Ubisoft open world and looking at Odyssey gameplay, I think it's the same.
Valhalla will be no different, so it's gonna be easy pass (OK, probably I'll get it in Humble Choice, after a couple of years)

4 years ago

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Well, steam or torrent. I did not use torrent for years, but i dont like if they want to force me to a specific platform. I don"t want to have x hundert accounts because one game that interests me is on epic, another one is only available on uplay, ect, ect. I have steam and uplay and that's enough for me.

4 years ago

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"Gameplay trailer" showing no gameplay, now I'm seriously worried about the quality

4 years ago

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Hijacking this thread to joke a bit on consoles.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla will "run at least 30 FPS" at 4K on Xbox Series X



4 years ago

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1 year ago

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