Title pretty much says it.

Do these bundles typically get Happy Hour assigned to them?

If not, I'll go ahead and buy the current #15.
If so, I'll wait for Happy Hour and have a bundle to gift.

Also, how long do they typically run? I know there is a timer, but are they usually a week long "Monday" bundle or just a couple days?


8 years ago

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Yes they do but if you want to make full use of Happy Hour you better buy it now anyway.
Not exactly sure about the timeframe though... I think usually around 2 weeks but the threads here on SG normally get bumped when HH is on.

Happy cakeday by the way :D

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8 years ago*

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Why now? The purchase page is not showing that it is happy hour?


8 years ago

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You replied in the wrong (Mortal Kombat) thread.. but this will due. lol. ;)

So 1 bundle for $3 - Normal/No HH
After HH, if you spend another $3, you get a total of 4 gifts (3 more for a total of $6)
One of which I'll probably use on my own account.

I think I'd rather spend the $3 and hope to snag it during happy hour for a 2nd bundle.

8 years ago

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During HH the bundle price increases.

8 years ago

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Prices for HH are higher than the initial price and including the inital purchase you would have 5 in total but basically yes ;)

8 years ago

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the price during happy hour will increase a tiny amount. typically goes from 2.99 to 3.99 or 3.99 to 4.95, something like that anyways. but otherwise yes you got that right i think.

so first purchase 2.99 (1bundle)
2nd purchase 3.99ish (+4 more bundles) [this is assuming your first purch is during the first week of the bundle aka. "early buyer"]

also important to note.... on first purchase the "this is a gift" checkbox must not be ticked/selected, but your second purchase must have "this is a gift" checkbox ticked/seclected in order to get the extra bundles.

8 years ago*

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I have read the HH info on IG, but it is slightly convoluted and hard to follow.
Not only that, I don't believe it mentions a price increase
Lastly, it clearly "implies" at the bottom that the Monday Bundles don't have HH since they are typically 7 days or less...

Hence, my confusion and motivation to post a thread asking. :)

That whole HH blurb could use a rewrite. heh

8 years ago

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the monday bundles are a toss-up.. lately they have been extending the timer early monday morning instead of actually letting it expire, and at the same time they put a HH on it.. but. that is their general rule.. if the bundle does not last more then 7days it will not have a happy hour.

8 years ago

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Ok. Glad I asked. This insider info is what I'm after. :)

The bundle is worth the $3 to add to my own account, but I do like the idea of having gift copies (I don't trade much).
Sounds like I'll probably buy the bundle later today or tomorrow and if they extend/HH it, I can reassess another purchase then.

8 years ago

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that's the best plan of action imo ^^
they most likely will extend it too, i think for the past couple months they've done that on almost all if not all of them. monday bundles are the ones that used to come in fresh every week and didn't used to get extended, but they discovered we like our HH too much i think so they try to extend it for us if their contract with devs will allow. but that course of action keeps you covered in case it's not extended, as well as gains the max potential gain out of happy hours if it is extended.

8 years ago

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Sundance already answered your question, so happy cakeday :3

8 years ago

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We buy them grouped here : http://steamcommunity.com/groups/groupbuys/discussions
Check if you can get a slot.
On average that makes about $1 per bundle.

8 years ago

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