I don't now a lot, since I don't play much but I used to play Hunger Games with a friend, it was actually fun, at least for me
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I've played Hunger Games and a bunch of mini-games too. I am just looking for something to do a "Let's Play" on though.
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I would suggest a FTB server, my preference is with the Ultimate modpack. There's a lot more to do than with vanilla MC and a lot more interesting too. :D
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Oh yeah, I remember watching a mod review on it- maybe I can combine it with like some Flan's mods
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I have never played League, but my friends do. I have been debating between League and DOTA 2? And how steep is the learning curb?
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Well,i play both,they are good,but if you want an "easier" experience,play League of Legends,it's easier to learn RTS/MOBA knowledge/strategies and its just like DOTA 2; Besides,DOTA 2 is harder,in my opnion,it have an more evolved engine :) //// BTW sorry for my bad english.
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Aha its ok. Thanks for your help :). I will probably try League without recording and see how it goes and go from there :)
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So you're copying literally every other youtuber?
How about "Mimic"?
To be honest, I see very little point in doing that, as it's quite literally been done to death. There's nothing new to see, so unless you're commentary is absolutely amazing, you'll just be lost in the sea other youtubers trying to leech off of the popular ones.
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Thats why I'm trying to play some less played games like FTL and Like Don't Starve with the Co-Op mod, and Castle Crashers Co-Op. And as for the point its to share the great time my friends and I have gaming with others who care. And I don't feel like "leech" is the best word because I don't plan on becoming a massive YouTuber, nor am I trying to- I plan on still keeping my job and going to school and only recording as a hobby. However thank you for your input all criticism is appreciated :)
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Well, when you put it that way it sounds a good deal better. Though, there isn't much info about you to make a good name with, tho, you could always try your hand at name generators and mash words together, like "random thing" + "old nickname" or translate stuff and make something interesting out of that.
Here would be a good website to try that.
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Ok thank you, I have seen so many username generators, however most of the names that come up are generic. Do you have any recommendation of games that you would want to see more on YouTube, that aren't already over played?
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Well, if there's anything I could recommend, it would have to be hacks/mods of older games. It's a bit of a luck of the draw as far as quality goes, but there are quite a few gems to be found. Indie games are always a good thing to go by, so Desura would be a good place to search for that. There's also the fact that there's a plethorah of old games to play, so you could try some of those, especially if there's a system you never got to play, but always wanted to try. PS1 and PS2 for example have an absolutely MASSIVE library of games.
And as tempting as it is to go with "newly released games" to LP, there are a lot of folks whose shtick is "Day One LP'er" as in as soon as the game comes out, they'll have a playthrough on it, and the vast majority of them are utter garbage. Don't go that way.
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Honestly I didn't plan on that much. I learned when I saw slews of shit day one for "Goat Simulator". One thing that I wanted to do was to get a capture card for my N64 and record some of that with friends because I have like Goldeneye, Smash Bros, WWE, South Park Racing, Mario Kart, and Mario Party. I also wanted to record some Pokemon, does that seem interesting?
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I'd avoid RPGs, while they last long, they're very dependent on your commentary to keep people's interest. There's also the fact that everyone plays pokemon, so there's not much to "show-off". They're also very rigid and slow-paced as well, unless you want to stream line the videos.
And by streamlining I mean: take out all grinding, all repeated battles, most trainer fights, backtracking, and filler [just walking around, nothing going on]. That just leaves you with not much content for a lot of effort and time. Not really worth it in my opinion. Said streamlining also applies to RPGs in general, unless you really want to bore your viewers.
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Yeah I understand thanks for your helpful feed back :). What I really want to do is short Co-Op almost like mini-games that can be all finished in one episode (so if you miss an episode it isnt a big deal) and maybe like one or two lets plays of like Don't Starve or FTL. So even that wolt last that long
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I'm not really deeply into those gaming channels at all, so you probably want to take this with a grain of salt, but I'd definitely be interested in more gameplay videos for games like Don't Starve, Rust, and DayZ, since I tend to watch gameplay videos to decide if I am interested in a game or not (or just to see how something is done), and those are on my list as being of potential interest but I'm not sure about them yet. Minecraft could be good as well, though it not being on Steam dampens my personal interest a little. I do wonder, how do you plan to make your channel unique, so to speak? There are a lot of gameplay videos on YouTube, though I haven't personally found a channel I prefer yet.
I can't help with a username, sorry, but I do wish you luck and hope it turns out well. If so, I'll definitely be checking out your videos.
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Thank you for your input :). And as for how I plan on keeping my channel unique I plan on playing several "less played" games, A lot of Co-Op, And like "Special Rules" when I'm playing with friends (For example like if we are playing Minecraft and they die they are not allowed to retrieve their inventory or something of that nature). Another big thing that I want to do is keep the community very involved and have an impact on the content my channel uploads. I'm not sure how that sounds, how do you think?
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That actually sounds interesting. I hope you'll let me know when you get it up and running so I can check it out. I'd definitely like to have a "go-to channel" to check out for less common games and less-explored features.
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Wow thanks :). For the special rules my buddies and I have a fair sized list- However I don't know many uncommon games that aren't already overplayed for me to record, do you have any suggestions?
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If you ever plan on using youtube as revenue - This, this and this. MikeB is very informative when it comes to pretty much anything business and internet related.
More on topic; Try to pick a user name that's simple, easy to remember and fits you well. Start off simplified and let your community help build your identity. When starting on a gaming youtube channel I would definitely suggest being different than your average LP youtuber. Don't just play a game with some added commentary and expect subs to pile in. If you choose to start with a game that supports multiplayer, play it with friends for the added entertainment. If you choose DayZ to start, play on full servers to run into the 'crazies'(seriously some people are just nuts on there). Oh, and be ready for a lot of video editing, lots and lots and lots of it, depending on what you play. Minecraft might be a good start depending on the current youtube following of it. I don't keep track of anything Minecraft so I really don't know how many people still actively watch/look for Minecraft videos. If you do start with it definitely play it with multiple people and, of course, have a lot of creativity.* Having read some of your replies; Having you community involved is definitely a plus. Everyone who likes their entertainment wants to be involved in it at some point. Playing smaller games to start out with will probably give you a good start, be sure to advertise you videos on twitter or Reddit or some sort of social media site with heavy gamer traffic. After you get a decent viewership built you could maybe ease into other, bigger, games or you could have your viewers decide what they want to see you play from a list of games. Also, like a youtuber said(I can't think of his name off the bat, but I think Totalbiscuit); Try to collaborate with other youtubers with around the same subscriber base as yourself. Though I would suggest you do so with one who isn't, at the time, playing the same games as you.
Well, that's my 2 cent, if I think of anything I'll add it later. I don't want to discourage you, but it wont be easy to start out and build a viewership. Only the very lucky get a massive following overnight. ahem Pewdiepie.. Though, if it's something you really want to do, don't give up on it.
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Who are you?!? o_O
I have more subs than you on YouTube and I haven't even uploaded a gaming video in like 6 months. lol
You need to work a bit harder... o_O
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I think nobody, or some small amount of peoples, will watch the show which is already exists - like Minecraft of smth too mainstream. You can start something new, something that nobody was doing before. For example, I never saw someone, who was doing Gothic II letsplay show or PlayStation 1-2/Nintendo 64 game reviews. Try something new, thats the thing that peoples want.
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If you're prone to raging in an entertaining way, then play FTL on normal, or even better, hard.
Castle Crashers would be nice too, since it's not mainstream enough to already have thousends of LPs.
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Aha, I almosted punched my computer when playing FTL on hard, so yes I am prone to raging. And I really want to play Castle Crashers because that is the first game me and my current group of gaming friends played a lot when it was released on xbox marketplace and it was lots of fun.
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Thanks :), its different, but I really like the sound of that
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but if you want some unique, take two ordinary words, one short one longer ( or two other ) that don´t belong each oteher at all and combine then. Work for one nick of me very good. So if you want to set Games or Video in front. something like GameBueroControl, VideoGameprinter
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Play less-known games, we already have enough, if not too much, Minecraft/Garry's mod youtubers. Pick a catchy name that is easy to remind, an username generator can come in handy. And if you want to be funny, for Gods sake please don't make a sex joke every 5 minutes.
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I want to play many less known games as I've said before- however I love Minecraft and Garry's Mod and want to play it, but it wont be the main focus of my chanel. And as for sex jokes, thats not really me, I feel like it is wildly inappropriate to say sexual things IN PUBLIC.
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Hey guys, I want to open up a YouTube channel. I plan on playing almost all games in my steam library, but focusing on such as Don't Starve, Minecraft, FTL, Castle Crashers, Garrys Mod, and possibly Rust and DayZ (once I get paid from my real job). I need help coming up with a username/ moniker, I would also appreciate comments saying which games I should play. Any constructive feedback would be greatly appreciated.
The best username I have so far is just my first and middle name 'AdamNathaniel' but its not that great and I want to see if there is any better suggestions. If you want to know more about me lave a comment with any questions you want to know and I wil reply. Thanks :)
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