That isn't the point. The point is to encourage giveaways and to allow a slightly more exclusive public giveaway.
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Yup, my main point is that there is incentive to add games if people who do and people who don't are on the same level.
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An example to how many less people would be entitled to enter. Go to a giveaway's entries and middle mouse click above 15 entries. By doing this you'll see, maybe only 2 out of 15 have given something away.
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What if we want to give our gift to everyone who has given something away. Your not seeing the POINT. It wouldn't be public, it'd be something more exclusive to toss leechers under a bus.
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Private doesn't let me distribute the link to all contributors, that's what I'm asking for.
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This is pretty much like the SGS giveaways. There, you had to post 10 comments every month or week to be titled Contributor. I like this idea, tho, people would give away a 1$ DLC and get an entry. So, it should be refined, say, 20$ worth of giveaways, or 30, or 50.
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These are called private and/or group giveaways. Contributors can easily make giveaways private or group only, and yet most of them don't. You want special treatment for people who have given away something before? Let me just list some Indie bundles or DLC I got for free, then.
Seriously, don't lobby for discrimination here just because you've won four public giveaways and didn't win a fifth.
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I don't think its discrimination when people like Raiden should be able to win some games over freeloaders like you.
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I'd say even if you gave something for free, it'd be great. I shouldn't have to explain why.
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What about people like me who can't give back due to anything from expenses to being underage, and DO want to give back but can't?
Maybe this should happen, but instead of giveaways only for contributors, maybe contributors get a higher chance in these types of giveaways, something like a bonus. Small chance varying based on how much you gave away, perhaps. But only in the giveaways where a 'Contributor Bonus' button was selected. Sounds good to me at least.
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Come on bro, you have Skyrim, Dead Island and other games. Surely you could buy a game on sale to give it away.
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I got Skyrim from my bro and Dead Island from (unfortunately) fkn0wned. (Not from buying the game, it was some free giveaway thing on 4chan right before the big Steam crash spam crap happened) No, I can't buy a game for you guys because I'm underage. I was planning on giving away a Humble Introversion until I found out that you couldn't give away the already-emailed links if it counts for anything.
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I'm not trying to remove public giveaways, just trying to make it possible for contributors to choose whether they want a public giveaway or a contributor giveaway.
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Nah. There are already invite-only groups that are just for people who have given things away. You can pick one of these, or you can do what many do and give private links through the forum or the chat, so you exclude people who take no interest in the community. If CG implements this suggestion, we'll soon have people complaining that they entered such a giveaway and lost to someone who has only given away a Humble Bundle! Or they gave away Alpha Protocol when it was on sale last week when it was so cheap, he hasn't -really- given anything back! I understand your frustration, but a random system means yes, sometimes someone you perceive as less worthy than you will win.
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Giving away even a $1 game makes you a contributor. I wouldn't mind losing a giveaway to some who paid $0.01 for a humble bundle because my chance are greatly improved by the exclusion of leeches.
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Dude, 'the hell is this attitude?
This site MEANT to giveaway to people who can't afford games. Why should you give a game to someone, If that someone can afford games and even GIVING AWAY games to completely strangers?
Maybe you're half right, there is people who can afford but still pirate and entering giveaways, however it's not right to call everybody a "freeloader"
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About 60,000 members and 20k gifts.
So that's 3:1
But A LOT of people gift more then once.
So I think it's something like 10:1 for "Gifters:Freeloaders"
EDIT: Also I agree. Would be nice to see it, encourage people to gift more.
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180 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Ev4Gr33n
I think we should implement contributor giveaways, similar to group or private giveaways but for users that have given games away.
The amount of "freeloaders" greatly outnumbers the amount of contributors. It's kind of annoying to lose a giveaway to someone who won't ever give back to the site.
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