It's really that I go by Red-Ass Panda on Steam and Skype so I felt like I had to use that name instead.
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An ant walks into a bar and gets stepped on, because it's a fucking ant.
But Frank was a special kind of ant, one of those that don't die in one or two stomps of a boot, and pulled a knife on the person who apparently tried to kill him. Then again, Frank was only an ant and nobody made any mention or even spotted Frank.
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Where did Susie go during the bombing? Everywhere
A horse walks into a bar and the bartender says 'why the long face'. The horse doesn't understand English and is confused, takes a shit on the floor and leaves.
A panda walks into a bar, orders a meal, eats it then shoots everyone and walks out. When the police catch him, they ask why he did that and he replies 'I'm a panda. Look me up in the dictionary'. So they did and the entry read: 'Eats shoots and leaves.'
Why did Fred drop his ice-cream? He was hit by a bus
How do you stop a baby crying? Hit it with a brick
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How many dead babies does it take to paint a wall? Dead babies can't paint and you, sir, have a sick mind
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One for RobBarker and forseeker:
If olive oil is made from olives, vegetable oil is made from vegetables and sunflower oil is made from sunflower seeds... What is baby oil made from?
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It sounds like one of our physics problem. If a hunter shot a monkey on a tree with a bullet which mass is m and the monkeys distance is d which angle should the hunter shoot from to kill the monkey? We actually did this, our professor likes those kind of problems
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I'd tell a Holocaust joke, but they are out of Mein Kampfort zone. Anne Frankly I don't find them funny.
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What's worse than finding a worm in your apple? The Holocaust
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Why is the 9th of November important and why is it knocking at the door?
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That should clearly be 11/9 then wouldnt it, dumbass...
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... I'm just yanking your leg. I know what happened it just happened on 11/9 as far as I am concerned.
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Phew Sarcasm text form. Text conveys the least emotion out of the three forms of communication (face-to-face, telephone, and text). But, I digress. I was worried you were actually being serious/unbelievably stubborn about it. (I'm looking at you MarvelousMax)
EDIT: Unless MarvelousMax is being sarcastic too...
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Yea, I find it hard to pick up on sarcasm in written stuff, especially if I don't know the other person's writing style. It helps if the person writes such that it is literally dripping with sarcasm rather than mild.
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What is worse than 3 babies in a container?
One baby in 3 containers.
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What is worse than nailing a baby to a wall?
Removing it from there.
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Once upon a time there was this guy, and he was having trouble finding a job because he had no arms. Every day he'd look through the paper hoping to find someone who would take him, but he had no luck, so he decided to go for a walk and see if anyone was hiring. He happened upon a church with a sign out front that said "Help Wanted: Someone to ring church bell", and he went inside to see about the job. The priest was very kind to the man, but as the man had no arms, refused to hire him. However, the man was persistent and begged for an opportunity to prove that he had the ability to ring the church bell. The priest felt bad turning the man down, so he decided to give him a chance. The priest took the man up and up the church tower to the belfry where a giant bell was hanging with a rope for ringing it. The priest said "Well, here's the bell, but I don't know how you can ring it with no arms to pull the rope" but as he turned to face the man, he saw that the man had walked all the way to the edge of the tower. Thinking the man was about to jump, the priest shouted "No, sir, you mustn't! Surely someone will hire you! Please have hope!", but the man gave a smile and started running towards the bell and ran smack into it with his forehead. The bell let out a loud gonnngggggg and the priest stood with a look of shock on his face. The man turned to the priest and said "There! I have rung the bell. Please would you hire me?" The priest, no longer having any reason not to, hired him there on the spot. Every Sunday afterwards, the man would go to the church and climb up and up to the top of the church tower, walk to the very edge, and then run as fast as he could toward the bell and smack it with his forehead. The job may not have been anything to brag about, but the man was happy to have a job and feel needed. Then one day, like any other day, he climbed up and up to the top of the church tower, walked back to the very edge, and took off running towards the bell, but right before he got to the bell, he tripped on a loose stone and went rolling past the bell, out the other side of the tower, and fell all the way down to the sidewalk below to his death. A crowd had gathered and young fellow who had been walking by stooped to cradle the poor man's body and a woman in the crowd yelled out "Who is it? Who is it that has fallen from the church tower?". The young fellow looked the man over turned to the lady and said "I don't know, but his face looks awful familiar!"
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.> You ruined the punchline (unless that's what you meant to do)...
"I don't know, but his face rings a bell"
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When a boy asked a girl he fancies if she would go with him to prom, she said yes.
The boy then proceeded to rent a tuxedo, and ended up calling the company about when the best time of day would be for him to come in. Sadly, there was a huge waiting line in the telephone, and he had to listen to awful off-license 90's hits for nearly an hour.
He got his answer, and proceeded to go to the store on the time he was instructed to arrive. Even though he was told this was the least busy time of the day, he had to stand in line for nearly two hours before he got to rent a tux.
The boy then wanted to rent a limousine because he thought that only the best would suit his girl on the prom. He went to rent the limousine and had to wait in line for ages before he was able to get one. He enquired about whether he could hire a driver at the same time, but the answer was negative.
The boy then was going home to check the phone book for limousine drivers, but in order to get a ticket for the bus, he had to wait for half an hour in a line at the ticket stand. When he finally got home, he successfully made the call and hired a driver.
On the big day, everything went well except for the absolutely nerve-wrecking four hour line to get into the premises to hang up coats and there was another line at the toilet and the boy really had to go, so he decided to wait for twenty minutes to get entrance into the toilet and he finished his business. After that, they were ready to head into the ballroom, but. There was yet another line. They patiently waited for ten minutes to get entrance to the ballroom and once they were there, the girl asked the boy if he could get her a drink. There was no punchline.
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50 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by smartbaby626
Big fan of antijokes. Couldn't find an antijoke thread so I created one. Tell me your shittiest antijokes.
Please, no racist jokes or ones that call out nationalities. As much as I would like to allow them, I know that there are less tolerant people than me.
Panda is a faggot but begins anyway.
How do you make a grown man cry? The mace.
How do you make a plumber cry? You kill his fucking family.
Why did the little boy drop his popsicle? He got hit by a bus.
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