Just spotted on microsoft.com, doesn't get a lot more official than that...

So, who is moving, who's waiting it out for a bit

Update: changed thread title to reflect current information

9 years ago*

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So, are you upgrading?

View Results
Yes, immediately!
No. NO. Nope. All the NOPE!
Don't know, gotta think about it.
I'm waiting it out for a bit, and then I'll probably will in a few months
I'm waiting it out for a bit, and then I'll probably will next year
Windows 10?
I like big cats
I'm Penguin-Powered

it looks....... eh

9 years ago

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No "DX12 HYPEEEE!!!!"-option=stupid poll :(((((

9 years ago

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DX12 has no gamez :(

9 years ago

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Why would there be DX12 games when there's no OS with DX12 support.

9 years ago

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With a Pentium CPU, DX12 is really hyping the heck out of me and it makes me undecided if I should wait a few years and get the best gaming laptop (a one-place PC would be useless for me) or get a new HDD for this one. Just waiting to see, just waiting to see...

9 years ago

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no potato option :(

9 years ago

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I might dual boot it, but only probably use it if there are any DX12 games coming out that I want to play.

9 years ago

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I have the option sitting in my taskbar to upgrade for awhile now, but I chose to wait till its more tested & further along. Even after official release, it will likely need some more work. I may wait a lil while after just to see how its going, but I will certainly upgrade when I feel comfortable with it.

9 years ago

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That's always the way. Gotta wait for the mountains of compatibility patches to make sure your delicious supply of games will all work.

9 years ago

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i've used the preview versions since the windows 7 preview, and i've only ever had one single game (some free2play i wasn't interested in but was tied to steam event-specific achievements) not run as a result. it seemed to be using some sort of anti-cheating system that was like "windows 8? i don't know what that is so to be safe to everyone else i just won't let you play"

of course you might play a different set of games than i do and they might need to be patched i guess.

with windows 10 preview i'm on the fast update track and have had no problems with any games. the only issues have been when they broke search on the start menu and when they set it to use zoomed-in low-res icons.

9 years ago

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Actually it's already very solid. I've been using the preview builds since they released them in October and it's been stable the entire time. I've been pretty impressed. I'm very ready to run it on my daily driver desktop at home.

9 years ago

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I'm using the testing version, not really a big thing... "Windows 8.2" would be a more appropriate name.

9 years ago

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or 9

9 years ago

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The new RC from a few weeks ago has been flawless for me so far.
I'll probably move everything over as I get SSDs for each.

9 years ago

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Windows 10 boysssssssss

9 years ago

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Possibly once I get new computer. Plus Windows 10 will likely have some problems at start (1 year to take care of all new kid diseases so to speak but remember free upgrade lasts only 1 year).

9 years ago

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Nope. You have 1 year to upgrade.

9 years ago

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no minesweeper no upgrade

9 years ago

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Minesweeper and the Solitaire stuff were removed from the default installation of Win8 but are available via MS-store for free. In Win10 those games will be pre-installed again. This news came out a while ago but was overshadowed by the typical internet-outrage when people discovered this also applies to a version of Candy Crush Saga

9 years ago

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just yesterday i put windows 7's games onto windows 8.1 for my mother-in-law because nobody wanted her to have to create a microsoft account to download ms solitaire collection. if it was already on there like it seems to be in my windows 10 install she probably would have just used that.

9 years ago

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I never upgrade immediately, but I will probably migrate my Windows 8.1 PC's quite quickly.

9 years ago

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get out of my taskbar k thx bai

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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will likely switch all my pc's over to it a couple months after its out and they have worked out some bugs,it is supposedly going to be the last version of windows made (they will just keep updating it) so we will all likely be running it sooner or later.

9 years ago

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Just today i got a Microsoft notification on my win7 to register to be the first to receive win10
Look near your clock on the right bottom, you may see win logo there =)

9 years ago

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I've already clicked on the small taskbar icon to "preorder" it XD

9 years ago

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it's... so... tempting... must... click...

Resisting it so far. Need help!

9 years ago

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click it, click it! :D

9 years ago

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The preorder all it does is download it, you still get to select when to install. You can also cancel the reservation at any time, at least according to them.

9 years ago

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But... but... Microsoft said it's July 29th... Ok, I trust you more, than Microsoft :)

9 years ago

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As you should, because I own the discussed product, not them.

What I meant to say is: thanks, checked my source again, says 29 now so probably always did. Gonna assume typo was mine, updated thread title to reflect this.

9 years ago

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Windows 10 will come with candy crush pre-installed. In case someone needs another reason not to upgrade soon !

9 years ago

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I still use Microsoft BOB Win10 GUI doesn't make me feel at home ;)

9 years ago

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Hopefully we can do clean install too.

9 years ago

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"As soon as I can buy it on piratebay" option is missing. :(

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

9 years ago

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Any upgrade done from a pirated copy of Windows 7 or 8 will still be flagged as pirated, with all the "functionality" that conveys (desktop resets to black every 60 minutes, permanent nag notification, etc.) I have no idea what Microsoft's angle is there, since only a complete moron would "upgrade" from, say, a perfectly functional, cracked copy of Win7 x64 Ultimate (cough, ahem) to a flagged install of Windows 10 instead of simply waiting for it to appear as a torrent.

I haven't owned a legitimate copy of Windows since my first prebuilt PC (which sported a 300MHz Celeron, for dating purposes). If Microsoft ever pulls its head out and starts offering bare/"enthusiast" licenses for $30 or so, I'll happily give them my money; until then, I have zero desire to subsidize their soccer-mom tech support network or their various brilliant forays into other segments (e.g. the Zune, GFWL, $2.5 billion game acquisitions which they subsequently do absolutely nothing with and so on).

9 years ago

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i want to upgrade asap since some months ago some shit happened to my win7 and now i have every day a warning saying that my copy is not authentic (which of course is false, it's is a somewhat common problem and not so easy to solve); my plan is to profit this microsoft policy and get back to legitimacy my windows machine going win10. what i don't want is being flagged, in whatever way.
can you confirm that not authentic upgrades are going to be flagged as pirate?
in that case i'd sort out a new win7 licence.

9 years ago

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can you confirm that not authentic upgrades are going to be flagged as pirate?

That statement comes directly from Microsoft. A quick Google search will confirm it if you'd like to verify yourself. Sorry!

9 years ago

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This exactly. You'll still get a free upgrade to 10, but it won't make your copy of window legit or activated.

9 years ago

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I prefer to wait i have a lot of programs that i use a lot and don't know if works correctly on new windows 10, also emulators and games etc..

9 years ago

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Have been using the latest version of Windows since Windows 7 Milestone 1. Never had a problem upgrading as soon as possible since that moment and I don't expect any real problems with W10 either.
First weekend after release will be the moment I install W10 on my laptop, unless weird shit happens like all systems bricking after installing W10 somehow.

9 years ago

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I've been using Windows 10 at work since the first technical preview builds were released back in October 2014. I was VERY pleasantly surprised that even then it was pretty well polished (though without all the final features enabled). Each month or so since then they've introduced a new feature and added it to the technical preview build.

I've had absolutely no stability issues in the 8 months I've been running the pre-release builds so I have to imagine the release build will be quite stable and ready to go. It seems as though they actually got this release right.

I very much like the combination of Win7 style start menu and the tiles from Win8 as it lends a degree of customization to the start menu that previously hadn't really been there.

I like the ability to snap to 4 quadrants of the screen as well instead of just left and right halves.

I ESPECIALLY LOVE the addition of "desktops" (think workspaces from most Linux distros). This has been something I've been wanting in a stock Windows implementation for some time now and I don't have any idea why it took them this long to do it.

Spartan is fine, though I'm sure I'll largely ignore it and continue using Chrome.

The Xbox app is interesting, but probably more so to those that actually play console too. I have a 360 but almost never touch the thing.

9 years ago

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we tried Win10 (an early build) in a VM, and i kind of like the new start menu, too. i will miss my selfmade custom button though: http://puu.sh/i8nBP/43aec93dc7.jpg ^^

9 years ago

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I'm sure you'll be able to replace the standard image though in 10 too

9 years ago

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yeah, i'm sure there is a way to do that. on win8 it was simple, since i use StartIsBack, which has this functionality integrated. i guess it does nothing else but to overwrite a file, or maybe a registry entry.

just found my first and only piece of art:



9 years ago

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does project spartan actually work for you? for me it usually pops up and then immediately disappears

9 years ago

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I've not had that problem yet. I'll try using it some more today and see if it gives me any trouble. Either way, it's not something that will probably make or break the release for most of us type folks as generally we are the type of demographic that's going to opt for Chrome/Firefox/Opera, but it's definitely something I'd expect them to be able to get working right.

Have you done and clean installs from an updated image or have you just had the built in windows update client do the near full upgrades from month to month releases?

9 years ago

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yeah i don't see how something that looks like a new browser we didn't have before would keep anyone from upgrading, and i am nowhere near considering it as a default browser choice, but i would like to verify that my website works in it.

i've done a clean install twice from the original technical preview (or whatever it was called) iso, then set it to fast updates and let it keep up-to-date. the latest clean install was right after project spartan got added.

i figured it was acting the same for everyone, but maybe it quits if it can't start one of the services i disabled or i did something else to break it.

9 years ago

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found this in the application error log, which doesn't tell me much:

Activation of app Microsoft.Windows.Spartan_cw5n1h2txyewy!Microsoft.Spartan.Spartan failed with error: The remote procedure call failed. See the Microsoft-Windows-TWinUI/Operational log for additional information.

googling that entire message turned up a powershell script that loops over all apps and turns off development mode. now it doesn't do anything at all when i try to launch spartan (doesn't even close the start menu) but that guy says i have to reboot for it to take effect, so maybe it'll work next time i boot.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 11 months ago.

9 years ago

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It's nothing but Debian with Steam Big Picture launched on startup. It's cool, but nothing special. Had it installed for over a year.

9 years ago

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Eww, Debian. Sounds fun, running a "gaming" system with year old repositories.

9 years ago

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I think they update stuff through their own channel. Not sure, though.

9 years ago

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Considering 30% of you voted "YES", I guess people really don't care about keyloggers...

9 years ago

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As if they wouldn't put keyloggers in commercial versions.

9 years ago

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You really don't know Microsoft do you?

9 years ago

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I don't know what you're implying.

9 years ago

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You realize that's only for the technical previews, right?

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by Danielsg.