Ok so, my friend offered me her limited collectors edition copy of FF Type 0 HD on PS4 for £60 (with all the artbook and OST etc.). It's pretty much brand new, she only opened it to look at the bits and no longer wants it. What I need to know is if that's actually a good price or not. I've googled and can't seem to find it anywhere besides Ebay >.< On Ebay it's around £100 but I assume that's just arses overpricing it trying to make a profit? I don't know, because I can't find out what it cost to buy new. I know the game on it's own is fairly cheap already, and I'm not planning to try and sell it on for profit; like my friend I also have a bad habit of collecting collectors editions and then not playing/using them >.<"


Good deal at £60?
How much did it retail at?
Is it really "limited"?
Where was it sold, SE store only?

Thanks to anyone who can help me with this :3

9 years ago

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£60, is it a good price for FF TYPE 0 HD CE?

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Kind of but not that amazing...

A lot of people bought FFType 0 just for FF15 demo. So remember you won't be getting the demo. :p

9 years ago

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She hasn't used the demo :3 she didn't even put the disc in her PS4 xD we're both as bad as each other, we always buy collectors editions and just end up leaving em in the box cluttering up our houses haha >.<

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Cool so that's similar to a lot of the buy it now prices on Ebay then. Doesn't seem to be heaps of them around either, might end up going for it. It's just £60 is still a lot of money for me to spend on something I'm not really all that bothered about xD

9 years ago

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The game is not that good and the price is kinda overpriced.

9 years ago

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Yeah I'd heard it was spose to be kinda poop >.< and you could get the steelbook edition of the PS4 version for about £17 recently I think; so I'd pretty much only be paying her that price just for the extras that come with it :( I'm not even that fussed about the game, I'm just a sucker for artbooks and stuff >.<"

9 years ago

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The game is great. People mostly criticise it because it's hard.

Anyway, that's great value for what it is, but I don't see the point if you're not even interested in the game. It's just throwing money around for the sake of useless tat. The value of the actual items themselves is minuscule.

9 years ago

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Well I am interested in playing it, and I would definitely purchase the game on it's own at some point in the future; it's more a case of, I have a huge backlog of games I haven't even touched yet, and she wants to either sell it to me now, or list it for sale, so I need to make a choice fast :(

9 years ago

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Looking into it further I think maybe it did only get sold from the SE store, seems to be $99.99 from NA with copies still left on PS4 and €99.99 on EU store but sold out. So it's not the greatest price in the universe cos it's not even half price at £60; but better than retail I guess >.<

9 years ago

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Apparently it isn't sold out even on EU store, the link from google I clicked just redirected me to the wrong page, it is in stock and it's £79.99 with free shipping to my country. Soooo, I'm pretty much saving £20 which seems ok I guess, not the most brilliant deal in the world.

9 years ago

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If all your answers include a reason to avoid buying it, maybe just maybe you should consider not wasting your cash? :p Just my 2 cents.

9 years ago

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But wasting cash is my special talent!!! :D I bought Omega Quintet Collectors edition last week for £30 and I doubt I'll get round to playing it until 2016 xD

9 years ago

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