Sorry, didnt mean to be an asshole... its just that i got a PC for an ass load of money and it is just rubbish.. I feel bad, and want to make the best out of it... And i know the rest is good, but now my old PC is faster than the new one...
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Well, you ARE acting like an asshole. Your GPU is okay, it's not the best but it's still pretty good, so stop crying bro... Now, the real problem is how much did your father pay for this. If I were you, I'd try to talk about it with my father without offending him, and ask for a refund. Then, buy the hardware components myself, and build the PC. Seriously, you'll save tons of money.
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lol you get a shitty video card, a not really powerful CPU and 16Gb of RAM? lol wat? where is logic? with that PC you don't even need more than 4Gb of RAM and 8Gb is enough for practically any powerful gaming PC.
My recommendation > refund this.
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I suppose your father just went to a store and someone who work there recommended him buying this, say him to refund it there is no shame in that, and when the deal is about money, then it's serious, they sell this "Gaming" PCs to casual customers who understand nothing in hardware, they specially put a lot of RAM in this PCs because casual ppl tend think that more RAM = better PC. Sorry for your dad, but he was scammed/ripped off, money deals are serious things, so tell him, this is more important than hiding from him that his gift wasn't good.
Obviously your father liked to make you a gift to make you happy, but since your family spent money on this, that's what is called "throwing money to the trash", which is more unacceptable. And yeah never buy already prebuild PCs, 95% of them aren't worth, and this one is a totally not worth.
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16GB for consumer is coming, which is total nonsense, but DDR4 will start at 8GB, so they just try to raise the bar early.
Lately on teleshopping they sold a laptop with i3 (4th Gen.) + 16GB RAM, so you can "encode videos with it"...
I asked my i7 (+16GB RAM) and it laughed. ;)
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Why didn't you make it easy and tell him what you wanted? That way everyone wins?
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then stay with that for the moment and save money to buy a new card later
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Why would it break his heart? He obviously doesn't know about PCs and bought a bad setup. It's not his fault and it's not some handcrafted gift.
If I bought clothes or garden supplies or something for someone without knowing anything about them and they were the wrong size or not what they needed I wouldn't feel bad if they wanted to exchange them.
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Exactly. OP, your father is not sentimentally attached to this one PC. Trust me, he would be more upset knowing he was tricked into spending his hard earned money on crap than he would be about you telling him.
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+1. I think at the end of the day, OP's dad wants a good gift. If it takes an exchange, so be it. I think OP appreciates the thought, and the dad will know it.
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get a gtx 750ti superclocked only $160 and does not need a psu over 300 watts
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Just got this for Christmas but I can actually open it tomorrow. So excited :D
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I recommend you AMD, I know that Intel is better, but is more expensive, so better get and 290x or 280x AMD GPU and FX 9 Series CPU, maybe the FX9370, 8GB RAM. It costs around 400-500$ without including the Motherboard, power supply, case and other stuff.
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If your CPU or GPU draws more power than any other Intel and/or NVidia device you should just spend those 100€ now, because you can't avoid spending them over the next 2 years in electricity bills, so spend your money now and get better performance and more energy efficient hardware. just sayin'...
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No, NVIDIA 780ti consumes 250w, this equals to 45KWh monthly and this is 45€, GPU costs:540€
AMD 290x consumes 300w, this equals to 54KWh montly and this is 54€, GPU costs:360€ P.D: Better Perfomance.
Thats it, you will pay the same 1-2 years and you will have better performance.
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So you have better performance from day 1 than never having it... my advice is just an economic one (rendering time, etc.), because ppl should learn to think like that.
BUT you can of course save a lot of money, all depends on how long your PC is running on average.
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Of course it will, because you have more performance now, so there's a bigger overhead which is important if you want to run it longer than 2-3 years. It all depends on how bad games will be optimized by developers, there are real nightmares out there. (not talking about AC Unity, this game just raises the bar performance-wise)
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Nope, Nvidia has more power from the start. Why should I buy AMD (higher electricity bill) when after 2 years they costs me the same... so I choose Nvidia, more performance for the same price over a certain time
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More power of what? Give me an example, i dont understand you.
You compare last gen GPUs, NVIDIA dropped the prices of those GPUs. Compare new GPUs, ya will see NVIDIA 1200$, AMD 600$, AMD better perfomance, NVIDIA lower electricity consume.
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I wouldn't count a Titan Black/Titan Z a consumer device, because at this price range you really calculate how much money/time you save for the movies you encode or scenes you render just using them for gaming is nuts.
But you already mentioned: In the end it's the same amount of money (spend now or over a certain time), but I think Nvidia cards have more performance so my choice should be understandable.
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So compare an i7 (4th Gen.) and this 8-core AMD CPU and see what performance realy is. :D
You buy 4-core (+SMT) or 8-core CPUs because you know how to push them to their limits, but Gaming isn't, so 4 cores are more than enough for Gaming.
And if I have to use all 8 threads I would choose an i7, because it's faster, sooooo much faster... time means money
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Because Ubisoft is known for optimization... cough AC Unity cough
I just looked up a couple benchmark tables... AMD is a bit faster than an i5 and the i7 leads the benchmark but I wouldn't argue that 3-5 frames are a hugh advance.
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Intel CPU is much better than AMDs, and example from this thread, this is my FX-8350 + HD7950 and this is someones i5-3570k + HD7950 it gives pretty much more than decent performance with same drivers, also my friend had the same CPU and a GTX 770, then he switched to an i7-4770, he got stable fps, in some games fps used to go down to 40, now not less than 60, and his fps improved considerably, he tests a lot his games to know performance difference, is better getting an FX instead of an i3, this ones also have 2 cores, but not better than an i5.
And for GPU the Nvidia software is just better than the AMDs, a way better, drivers too, AMD doesn't even have down-sampling support and lacks of tons of stuff, this doesn't mean you should get an Nvidia over AMD, but the best for the price GPU, not all ppl gonna use this software anyways, but for me is a big disadvantage. AMD has a really shitty software "AMD Gaming Evolved App powered by Raptrash"
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I believe I read that AMD will be rolling out down-sampling for their cards too
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MUCH better? In what, paper specs? Surly not gaming. Prices are also different once you include any extra cooling needed if you even consider oc'ing the FX, you will need water. The I5 is fine on air for a few mhz.
link 2
Even synthetic benchmarks that use all "8" cores, put it around even at BEST.
The FX cpu, afaik, doesnt include an on-die gpu. On-die gpus are crap, but can still serve as an emergency backup.
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I stick to best performance for my money. I use my PC for gaming, and when I compare hardware, I look at performance per dollar. If I have to spend 120 dollars on a dual radiator AIO water system just to oc an AMD cpu enough to match the equivalent INTEL cpu, then its not a worthwhile investment.
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Get a refund or exchange your parts, your father is a grown man he's not going to feel bad. I would suggest visiting /r/buildapc or something similar and get build advice from there rather than this place.
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Hmm, didn't even know AMD made an 8000 series. But yea, basically what the others said. CPU/RAM are fine, GPU not so much, but before looking into getting another one. Look into the specs on your power supply. If you can't sort thru it, take a picture of what the PSU says and post it here or something.
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16 GB RAM???????? if you dont like your pc that much, you can send it to me :D j/k.
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the probleme is the video card, its a rebranded (oem) and its a remade of the Radeon HD 6350, it's a card to playu game above half life 1 i think (ok maybe the 2) so that your probleme :S
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Go for a Radeon R9 series card. I don't think it will, but see if the processor bottlenecks whatever graphics card you have. In the end, the graphics processor is the most important part, and there's no reason to spend extra on anything else, unless it'll bottleneck your card. I'd recommend the R9270. And sure, NVidia has better drivers, but do you really want to support a company with proprietary software? At least AMD's drivers are helpful for everyone, even if they don't have an AMD card. If you're going budget, which is probably the best option anyways, go AMD.
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You don't have to replace your CPU right now. It is not exactly good but it's not bad either. I recommend you to buy the r9 290 if you're low on budget ($200-250) or the 970 if you have 330-400 dollars.
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Well unless you're doing SLI it doesn't bottleneck and the 8320 is a tier 2 CPU
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8350 and 650ti here, works just fine. I would recommend a 970 if you can afford it, but otherwise 750 ti if your power supply is useless, or 270 if it is acceptable.
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Yup the 8320 is the best AMD cpu right now. The 9 series are basically factory clocked versions. Same as the 8350 is with the 8320. I don't understand why these people are trying to teach me when they have the wrong infos.
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"Radeon HD 8350 (OEM) compatibility review
Overall, the AMD Radeon HD 8350 (OEM) has poor performance. This should be expected only from older dedicated graphics cards, so this graphics card should definitely be avoided if building a system to power modern applications and games. The graphics card is over 1 year old , meaning while it is probably beginning to look old compared to newer graphics cards, manufacturer support should still be readily available.
At this performance level you would be better off getting a CPU with an integrated GPU, because a dedicated graphics card like the AMD Radeon HD 8350 (OEM) would not be worth the extra investment, and an integrated solution would be much cheaper, produce less heat, and require less power. We would recommend an Intel Iris GPU on one of the latest Intel Haswell processors, such as the Iris Pro Graphics 5200 Desktop, or one of AMD's latest APU Family graphics solutions such as the Radeon HD 8670D.
With an effective SPU count of 34, the AMD Radeon HD 8350 (OEM) processes shading and special graphical effects fairly poorly. The GPU is not too power-hungry at 25 Watts, however. With a memory bandwidth of 14.4 GB/sec, this graphics card is awful at processing detailed textures in modern applications and games. "
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Besides the goofball $100 requests on eBay, the card is available there for $25+shipping. I'd just buy an actual good video card, and get 20 bucks back selling this one on eBay.
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Honestly I'd just get a GTX 750 ti and keep the card for another comp or as a spare. There is no way an OEM computer with that card has a power supply strong enough for much more.
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This is not a "gaming PC". the fx-8320 is a sub $150 setup, the vid card benchs worse than integrated video and is 25 bucks on ebay as I mentioned.
RAM is cheap, and in this case possibly used to fool consumers with a seemingly big number.
This is basically an office workstation, or a home internet browsing device.
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You have a decent cpu but your gpu is a low tier video card and your ram is overkill. Even call of duty advance warfare only consumed 7.8gb RAM in full load. You better refund or replace your gpu. r9 series video cards is the best combination for your cpu tho.
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Help people, today I got a new PC, since I told my dad like almost a year ago that my old one is just trash... but seriously, he had probably no idea what he was buying.. So here I go now:
AMD FX 8230 eight-core processor
AMD Radeon HD8350
I am also not really into hardware... well lets be honest, I'm a noob, and I am totally okay with the processor, its not the best one, but its okay. The RAM is really cool imo, but what the hell is wring with that graphic card?? Its so freaking bad...:((( What can I do now, just replace it? Which one would be appropiate? And what do I have to keep in mind with my choice? Hope you can help me:) Thanks:)
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