So it's that time once again. And since I'm in a different mood I figured I ask what are some of the WORST movies you have ever seen. We always see the best of topics so now I'm asking the worst of.

For me it has to be-
Ghostbusters 2016
Avatar (the James Cameron one)
Ghosts of Mars
Adam and Eve vs the Cannibals

All I can think of at the moment. What are yours?

5 years ago

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Three of life (don't hurt me) It was the only movie which I quit in the middle
After earth
In Bruges (cause it make no sense in french)
Carl Lewis against vampires (Ok, I create it in my head before Abraham Lincoln Vampire slayer. They stoole my idea ;) )

5 years ago*

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How come In Bruges makes no sense in French?

5 years ago

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Oof, I watched it last weekend: ''Couples retreat''. Although it was shot on location, the island looks like bad CGI and the actual CGI is so bad that i couldve done better in Blender 3D. The script is bad, the actors are bad, the jokes are bad, the plot is predictable. Go watch it! xD

Also, wasnt avatar received pretty positively?

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Super Mario Brothers
Alone in the Dark
House of the Dead
Aliens vs Predator 1 & 2
Dragon Wars
Future World
Epic Movie
Date Movie
Disaster Movie
Meet The Spartans
Battlefield Earth

5 years ago

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I actually liked Catwoman.
But the less we say about Kazaam and Mario Brothers, the better off we are,

That and Double Dragon. Alyssa Milano was HOTT in that but that can't save it.

5 years ago

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I haven't seen Double Dragon. I'm curious just how bad it was.
Catwoman was a bad movie, but at least it was nowhere as terrible as Kazaam and Mario Brothers.

5 years ago

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I stil kind of have trouble understanding what is that bad about Catwoman. It still feels like a perfectly serviceable, average action flick, at least when you don't really know the comicbook background. Similarly to Prince of Persia which may be a bad adaptation, but a pretty damn good action-adventure movie with some popcorn.

5 years ago

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I liked the Super Mario Brothers movie as a kid. Then again I wasn't very picky back then.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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I've been a huge movie fan between the mid-'90s to 2001-02, then for many reasons I dropped cinemas at all and re-took them way way later, like.. 15 years later. So of course my worst games' list should require memory and obviously talks only about movies that came out in those years. All the movies I saw that came out before the '90s of course have never been disappointing, since I chose to see them and they were already out on cassette or whatever else.

Jeepers Creepers, that really sucked
Blow, I hated that film, so many expectations and I got so bored..
Pearl Harbor. I still recall I went out of the cinema after 120 minutes. So boring, I hated it
The Avengers. Just bad..
Final Destination, I felt it so predictable and boring

oh there are so many more but who remembers.. =P

5 years ago

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The Last Jedi

5 years ago

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Hmm, there was this whole block with crappy horror movies on Comedy Central. The one that really stuck with me was 'Against the Dark' with S. Seagal. The movies is so fucking bad it's hilarious. Half of it are scenes of Seagal walking around and killing zombies (?) for no reason and the other half doesn't make much sense and is filled with extremely deep plotholes and nonsensical behaviour of the characters.

For example, a little girl is running away from a zombie, so she makes a few turns in the corridor then finds a blanket and falls asleep (?).

Or they're in an elevator and it breaks, then one guys climbs down to 'fix it' (literally like 2 meters down), but there's a zombie there and it attacks him. Everyone just ignores that, suddenly the elevator starts moving again and they just walk away, the guy is never shown again.

5 years ago

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Worst is very subjective. For me bad in a movie means "boredom"

If it's so bad it's good, it's still enjoyable, and don't count.

So for me the "worst" movies are the movies that are boring, have no redeeming quality whatsoever, and aren't enjoyable at any level. So is very difficult to pick a really bad movie,

That said I think the closest is: Grown Ups

5 years ago

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Usually I can find something to enjoy about even really bad movies. A couple of the ones mentioned here are even ones that I legitimately enjoy, mostly the cheesy 90s stuff. Batman and Robin in particular, but I also like Super Mario Bros, Catwoman (the best Spider-Man movie ever made) and Final Destination 3 and all of those have had multiple mentions in here.

But there are two movies I've seen where I just found absolutely nothing to enjoy about them whatsoever. In both cases, I was just sitting there asking myself why the movie even existed and who the intended audience could possibly be. Those two are The Garbage Pail Kids Movie (1987) and Freddy Got Fingered (2001).

5 years ago

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The Garbage Pail Kids Movie

5 years ago

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Wow. And here I thought I was one of the only 5 people that saw it.

Was it worse than Howard he Duck, though?

5 years ago

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From what I remember Howard the Duck was pretty entertaining.
the The Garbage Pail Kids Movie is just disgusting. As a kid, I told myself it was just a bad movie.

5 years ago

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avengers endgame. no, not trying to be edgy, but god damn.. the characters have all become unlikeable or whiny, the writing has become unnaturally awkward, amateur and downright silly... even the spectacle was gone compared to earlier films. it wasnt OBJECTIVELY bad... it still had flashy cgi and explosions and talented actors in it, but this is about tastes and opinions, and i just found the film to be maaasssively disappointing and really quite boring, even if i wasnt already over marvels overly-saturated comicbook film industry. i just think marvel is completely out of ideas and just on auto-pilot because the films are such easy money-makers they dont even have to try and it shows.

theres many other films i hate, but that was the most recent so it was the first one that came to mind.

5 years ago

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Sort of surprised to see Avatar on here so much and no mention of The Hobbit trilogy. It's really sad that Peter Jackson was so fastidious blending practical and digital effects in The Lord of the Rings and then had to kind of stomp all over that work to meet the schedule that the studio demanded to cash in on three mediocre movies before anyone realized they are being taken for a ride.

5 years ago

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Making a third movie for no reason was Peter Jackson entirely. That was his choice. It should have only been two movies.

5 years ago

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Peter Jackson: The source material is important, so make sure Gimli puts his hand on Frodo in the exact way he does in the book

also Peter Jackson: let's make a whole movie that isn't in the source material and takes place while the title character is knocked out cold

5 years ago

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Avatar the Last Airbender (which came out at the same time as James Camerons Avatar...). I liked the cartoon, so tried watching the live action movie despite hearing it was bad. Nothing could have prepared me for just how bad it was. I watched maybe 15 minutes of it before I had to turn it off out of pure disgust at how badly done it was.

5 years ago

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Glass 2019

5 years ago

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The Room, Freddy Got Fingered, Bridesmaids, Knocked Up, Doctor Strange, Wonder Woman

5 years ago

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Black Panther, The Last Jedi

5 years ago

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I have no idea, I could get a list really long and, at t he sime time, I could say the obvious "the room" and "plan 9 from outer space" or even "Jesuschrist vampire hunter" but those two are so bad that now they are "movie cult good"

Summing up:

  • Everything Tim Burton has made since Big Fish
  • Dead or Alive
  • Dragon Ball
  • The Phantom Menace... and the new SW movies too.
  • Pretty much every movie based on a videogame

And many more... that I can't remember :(

5 years ago

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For game movies: the 1st Silent Hill was actually good.

5 years ago

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Seconding this! While some CGI didn't aged too well, Silent Hill was a massive surprise how good of a thriller was.

5 years ago

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I actually liked Ghosts of Mars. It was a fun movie. If you don't take it seriously it's entertaining and comical.

5 years ago

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Silent Hill Revelation 3D
Alien: Covenant
Star Wars: The Last Jedi

5 years ago

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Assassin's Creed

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Avatar, really. Its good.

5 years ago

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Predator 2018

5 years ago

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Due to my personal taste: Mama Mia, screw that noise, I literally couldn't sit through 10 minutes of my mom watching it so heeeeeeell nah, rather give me the live-action DBZ movie, or Avatar movie... or Birdemic..

The most trash movie I watched to the end of was Twilight ... ugh ...

5 years ago

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