So it's that time once again. And since I'm in a different mood I figured I ask what are some of the WORST movies you have ever seen. We always see the best of topics so now I'm asking the worst of.

For me it has to be-
Ghostbusters 2016
Avatar (the James Cameron one)
Ghosts of Mars
Adam and Eve vs the Cannibals

All I can think of at the moment. What are yours?

5 years ago

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The phantom menace

5 years ago

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Batman Forever
Mortal Kombat: Annihilation
Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie
Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth
Final Destination 2 and the others after this
Silent Hill: Revelation
Dragonball Evolution
The King of Fighters
House of the Dead
The Ring 2
Resident Evil: Extinction and the others (the 2 first are bad but not terrible)
RoboCop 3

and probably more but i can't remember now

5 years ago

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Zero Dark Thirty

5 years ago

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  • Avengers: Endgame (For the record, I do love all the Marvel movies...but this one was just horrendous and such a let-down after 11 years of build-up)

  • Kung Fu Panda 2

  • Terminator: Salvation

  • Zombieland

  • Halloween 2018

  • Ready Player One

  • Anchorman 2

  • Zootopia

  • Tim Burton's Batman

  • The Dark Knight

  • Starship Troopers 3: Marauader

  • Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes

5 years ago

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Damn we have completely different tastes in movies.
Rise of The Planet Of The Apes
Avengers End game

Those are some of my favourite movies XD
Even had a RoTPoTA movie poster in my room, and Zombieland is a must-watch in my friend circle.

If you don't mind me asking how old are you? This might be due to a difference in tastes due to generational gaps, or something I don't know haha. To each his own but those movies are damn nice watches XD.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Damn, I'm 26, so definitely not an age thing then...
Guess we all just have different tastes XD

Can we at least agree that Mama mia is a crap movie

5 years ago

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I'll agree there...though I will admit as a metalhead, I do enjoy a few Abba songs.

5 years ago

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I will give him Terminator Salvation was just god awful. But then again, anything with Christian Bale is god awful. I REFUSE to put myself through anything he's in ever again.

And age gaps aren't always bad. I work with a guy in his mid 20's and he LOVES older movies.

I admit that the Marx Brothers movies are a guilty pleasure of mine. >_<

5 years ago

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And yeah definitely, Terminator Salvation was trash -_-
And to think I got the game and waited to first watch the movie then play the game ... and the game is even worse than the movie so ... that wasn't a good time XD

5 years ago

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Burned into my mind: IRON EAGLE (and presumably the 3 sequels too)
From Wiki:
Kevin Thomas of the Los Angeles Times called the film "a total waste of time", saying it "achieves a kind of perfection of awfulness that only earnest effort can produce."

5 years ago

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98% of all catastrophic, super (animal) desaster movies I have ever seen.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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That movie is one of the 1% excluded ;) - and another one I can't remember.

But can't remember Deadpool, though.

5 years ago

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Transformers: the last knight. I mean, the whole series is mindless but entertaining popcorn flicks at best, but this one has an anemic plot, half the movie is pointless filler scenes, existing characters are flattened to one dimension, most new characters have no character at all, it completely fails at staying in continuity with the previous films, and it fucks up the moments that should please the fandom. (Human-sized 'bot explicitly is called a Headmaster, movie fails to show that means he transforms into a head that connects to a larger body, shit like that.) oh. And the fight scenes are boring too.

Hellboy 2019: I like David Harbours performance as Hellboy. But otherwise this makes Transformers Last Knight look good.

5 years ago

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I love torturing sharing with my friends and loved ones the worst most amazing movie on the face of the earth! Alas, I've endured it so many times, I can't watch sober any more. :P

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5 years ago*

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a long time ago some friends told me that a movie called Napoleon Dynamite was one of the funniest comedies ever made. somehow I managed to watch the entire thing, it was painfully bad and not even amusingly so

5 years ago

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Deadgirl really pissed me off on so many levels

And Knowing. I get what they were going for and that a lot of people liked it, but everything that happened seemed so pointless in the end.

Other than that... I'd say some horror movie, where a family moves into a new house, which turns out to have a history involving someone dying in it, and things get spoopy really damn fast, and the kids experience it first but nobody believes them....
Yeah, THAT movie. That boring, jumpscare-riddled mess everybody has seen about a dozen times under different names. One of those was even more insultingly generic and formulaic than the others. I don't remember the name, since they all have forgettable names. That's part of a reason I hate it. There was literally nothing that stood out from it.

5 years ago

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Some friends and I do movie nights now and then. "That" horror movie is very often the choice of night. But mostly they turn out into laughing out loud sessions and parodying them on the go. Once we lost audio so we dubbed over it ourselves... Some of these movies come out funnier then those cheap hollywood comedies they try so hard to make..
I mean - all those jump scares (even though regarding horror its the cheapest form of filmmaking) are rather entertaining and I usually enjoy watching them. But I agree - many of those movies definitely deserve a place here :D

5 years ago

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Oh my god, dubbing over it yourselves sounds like such a riot! Some of "those" horrors movies can be good fun to watch and laugh at, but others end up feeling like a waste of time -.- It's a fine line, lol

5 years ago

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Joe vs the Volcano
Thou shall not kill...Except

5 years ago

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I thought that one was rather fun.

5 years ago

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Me too. First act was memorable for its dire black comedy - kind of predicted Office Space.

5 years ago

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From my RL friend-
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3
Dark Phoenix
Power Rangers (2017)
Superman Returns
Man of Steel
Fantastic Four movies. ALL of them
Ghosts of Mars
Chipmunk movies ALL of them
Cat in the Hat
Jack and Jill
Deuce Bigalow movies

5 years ago*

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Man of Steel, so bad you had to mention it twice XD

5 years ago

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Thanks for pointing that out. I meant Steel on one of them. The Shaquile O'Neil one.

5 years ago

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Attack on titans live action movie. Just horrible.

5 years ago

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Shock Treatment /thread As a follow-up to the best worst movie ever... So much fail.

5 years ago

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For me First place is the Resident Evil Movie spinoffs. I watched the 1st and I was like 'hmm, not too bad' But it all goes downhill from there.
-And Hitman...both of them
-And basically any game adapted to the big screen...except DOOM which was an interesting plot spin off
-Gears of War...I really don't like the series much. So I don't care if its an Epic disaster or not
-Robin Hood movies...all of them. I would watch the original series a million times instead.
-Usually any remake of any past movie...This current generation has no imagination or creativity whatsoever I'm just ranting

5 years ago*

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i watched all 6 RE movies in a week and i still can't believe how they managed to make each one worse than the previous

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5 years ago

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IMO the last one got fairly decent with CGI and ... setup? directing? generally how the movie looked on the screen. At least compared to most of the others that were horrible. ( 1st was pretty good, I liked the 2nd, 3rd was weird, then one on your gif and the 3D was horrible especially CGI-wise, and then I liked 5-6. Still far from good movies, but the series turned into such a guilty pleasure to me)
6th's story was just as nonsensical as the others'.
And they made the cutting with a stroboscope... that was horrible.

5 years ago

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The worst movie I have finished watching—at least the one which I remember off the top of my head—is The Void. I ended up fast forwarding through a lot of it to get a sense of the plot at only key moments. Looking through the responses, I see a lot of people playing hipster and listing off movies which were quite popular (box office hits), but that they didn't particularly like... It is fine if you didn't like them, but overrated (in your opinion) is not equivalent to 'worst movie you have ever seen'. If those are the worst movies you have ever seen, you REALLY have not seen many movies. I myself try to stay away from the movies everyone is talking about, but some of these responses come off as a bit dishonest.

5 years ago

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I remember liking The Void for its practical effects.
it was influenced by clive barker and John Carpenter, especially in the sense it's somewhat connected to H.P lovecraft, but is its own thing.
Honestly don't remember much, there was like 2 major locations, i think most of it was inside the hospital.
i know it wasn't great,for sure, but i don't remember anything awful about it.

5 years ago*

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I started watching After Darkness earlier.
It's like someone knew all the parts of a movie, but everyone involved agreed to throw the game.

5 years ago

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All mma related movies... i don't know i find them childish , they put some hot chick, a handsome fighter wannabe and a big badass evil guy , bamm, a story! Never surrender 2009 is probably the worst mma movie i've saw.

5 years ago

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Well we obviously have people that have seen movies they think are bad and therefore believe they are "the worst". I just don't watch bad film because I don't like film in general.

When I list movies I think are "the worst" I'm listing films I simply did not enjoy at all.

Sleeping Beauty -- An Australian film I found on Netflix about a college girl that gets a job taking sleeping drugs so that old men can pay to sleep with her. Not have sex with her, but just sleep next to her sleeping body. I heavily disliked it because I could feel the artsiness just blasting me full in the face, and it was offset by the main character not really giving a fuck about anyone or anything. She was a fairly shallow individual, wayward and lost, did coke and played with the hearts of the men around her and didn't seem to be able to fully live in 'our' world. I find people like that to be infuriating especially since they waste everyone else's time with their self-absorbed, 'wait on me' bullshit.

Space Balls -- I just didn't find it funny except for maybe one or two jokes. It's considered a comedic classic but I would have rather watched the original Star Wars instead.

Rock-a-Doodle -- I have no idea why, but I get flashes of this film in my nightmares. I DON'T KNOW WHY. If this film frequently features in my nightmares then that must mean my psyche considers this film horrendous and thus ammo to torment me in my sleep, right? I honestly don't even recall watching this whole movie from beginning to end, but I must have watched it as a small child and had it stay with me. It's the Owl character and the romance montage between Chanticleer and ..Trixie? Dixie? or whatever that sometimes pops up. Somehow I thought those two elements were disturbing.

Ferris Bueller's Day Off -- Much like Sleeping Beauty, I hate this film because the main character is at odds with all of my personal morals. I also absolutely can't stand "no-consequences" TV shows or film because it is at odds with my need for people to receive their just dues for their actions, especially if those actions inconvenience or hurt others (Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy is an odd exception). So we have Ferris who decides to skip school for no other reason than he just doesn't want to go. I am not okay with that. Then we have him roping his friends into the whole thing and manipulating his best friend into stealing his father's car KNOWING how strict his friend's father is--also not cool. Then we have the fact that he completely brushes off the matter of crashing said car as if it doesn't matter because TECHNICALLY it doesn't matter to him, he's not the one who's going to have to face a man who will skin his hide and hang it up to tan in his living room. Yes, his friend decides to stand up to his father, but what if he hadn't decided that? He would've probably been sent to military school or some shit as punishment!! The whole morale of the story "you gotta stop and smell the roses" doesn't really ring true when there are such things as "time after school" and "weekends" and "summer vacation".

5 years ago

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Son of the mask.
ALL the recent Adam Sandler movies.
And the live action film of dragon ball.
Avatar the last Airbender live action

5 years ago

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Devil's Due.

We had seen everything of any good in the cinema and it was the only movie on at that particular time of day that we hadn't seen. Never heard of it. Girl said it was good, so we bought tickets. We figured it was probably a scary thriller type thing. HAH! It was the worst pile of shite I have ever seen in my life.

5 years ago

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