This goes for anything produced by The Asylum. They find a popular movie coming out, mildly change the title and produce cheap garbage that is similar. If you watch anything of theirs with friends though you can have fun pulling it apart.
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i dont watch bad movies i rewatch the ones i like ;XD
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I've seen movies that I realized later I disliked, but I don't purposely watch shit films. The worst films I manage to watch are just all around "average", and I feel dishonest saying "they're the worst" even if it's from my personal experience.
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Just nit picky stuff, i am not sure if I could explain in a spoiler free manor but I will try.
Like in the games, she gets her ass kicked by nature and the elements and ends up seemingly lost but then at the climax she runs non stop through the jungle that just whooped her to get the bad guys, to me it just seemed like there is an adventure gap using the fast travel in the games.
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To be honest I skip most of the badly-rated movies (I always check IMDb reviews), or if i am deterred by the trailer I also skip it. If i really don't like the movie I'll usually turn it off when I get sick of it (usually half-point or sooner).
Isn't Avatar well like though? Why do you think it's that bad?
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Avatar was over rated, over blown, boring and felt like I was watching a Michael Jackson video, where everywhere they step would light up.
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But from a technical standpoint it's marvelous you would agree? Like CGI and stuff. I only saw the trailer, felt it wasn't for me and skipped it to be honest.
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Well it was lauded as amazing effects-wise but I haven't seen it so I wouldn't know. But I do feel that most movies that rely on CGI for most of it's appeal lack sorely in other, more important areas, such as plot and characters.
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It isnt the worst movie, but the story has been done, just like so many Hollowood movies, nothing really original. I can understand if people fall asleep while watching. The CGI is not the best and the anatomy of the Avatar itself was neither accurate. I understand that it is fantasy but mechanically, when a pectoralis or teres major is incorrect, it just doesn
t work as intended. I don`t think it detracts from the movie as a whole though but you were wise to skip it imo.
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Sometimes i just get this feeling and it's kind of hard to explain but based on it i choose to skip some movies. If in the future I revisit them, most of the times I was right to skip them I would say.
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I didn't exactly hate the movie but the part where a fucking arrow pierced military grade glass was the worst part of the movie and just took me out of it because of how ridiculous that was. Also was hilarious how the main character was literally the only character with grenades.
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My girlfriend calls it "Dances with Smurfs" because the story is basically a rip off Dancing with Wolves with a new agey revamped issue and blue people. And looots of (boring) special effects. But hey to each their own. (I can't believe they are making 5 more of these when they had no idea what to do with one movie already)
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I watched it recently on Netflix for the first time and I agree, it's extremely overrated.
It's as bland and predictable as a movie can be and the effects also haven't aged that well.
But is it one of the worst movies I have ever seen? Not by a long shot.
Maybe you haven't seen that many really awful movies. Consider yourself lucky then :)
On the mainstream side though, Ghostbusters 2016 really is quite a cinematic abomination.
Athough pretty painful, also not really one of the absolute worst there is.
Probably on the same level as Pixels or other Adam Sandler or Kevin James vehicles.
Here are some mainstream releases which I consider to be really, really dreadful:
Dragonball Evolution
A Haunted House
Baby Geniuses
Woody Woodpecker (2017)
Alone in the Dark (and most of the other Uwe Boll films)
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The only thing I liked about Avatar was the sound. They did a superb job with It.
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lol no m3rc isn't me, there is a movie actually called "knock knock" xD
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Prepare the popcorn because I'm even linking the whole movie. Enjoy. Really. And tell me how long you lasted.
My favorite scene is the chase between robo and vampire chef. If you can't watch the whole movie at least check a few clips.
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I didnt add that one to my list because the chinese hopping vampires are adorable.
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I agree. The only thing scary about the original Blair Witch was the price I paid to rent it.
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Hitman, based on the videogame Hitman.
Though to be honest, I thought Avatar was pretty alright. Certainly wouldn't call it the "worst" movie ;)
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off the top of my head
Assassin's Creed
avatar the last air-bender
anything with adam sandler after like 2010, bedtime storys was his last good film
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Hellboy 2019
I will pretend it never happened even though they want to make sequels....I can't imagine how Ron Perlman must feel.
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That was so much worse than I was expecting from the trailer, and that wasn't saying much. My expectations were very low and they managed to disappoint. All this because Del Toro just wanted to conclude his trilogy and they wanted to make a dozen more of them so they did this piece of crap instead... and it bombed so now everybody lost for nothing. Well done!
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the ones i (unfortunately) managed to finish, because the really bad ones don't get that benefit.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
of course most transformers movies are also in this list, and if The Princess Bride didn't have so many memes, it would also be included.
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Agree. Seemed a bit pointless to me. Slow, I felt no connection to the characters, and didn't really see the point of the movie. It got lots of good ratings, so I'm sure many people will say I just didn't 'get it', which might be true :)
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I tend to stop watching movies I hate, so I'm sure there's been many others.
But one that I finished is Sleeping Beauty (2011), can remember far more of that film than I'd like to.
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I hear 'The Room' is one of the worst but have not seen
I hear 'Kuso' is disgusting and not fun or worth watching, but I need to give it a chance.
But my own experience:
Manos The Hands of Fate - weird but enjoyably so
Robot Monster - very stupid and fairlky short but fun
Speed 2 - my personal worst film of all time, agony to sit through at the cinema, friend bought a ticket and wouldn't let me leave half way through
I have not watched the early murder porn stuff like Flower of Flesh and Blood, looks scary
Amazing 'bad' films:
Freddy Got Fingered
American Movie
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I loved that franchise. With all it's cheesy goodness.
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First that comes to mind is Jeepers Creepers. It goes beyond "so bad it's good" and becomes "so bad it's infuriating" thanks to the conga of braindead character decisions and generally stupid shit the movie puts you through.
I also greatly disliked The Avengers. All I remember from it is a blur of flashy shit and meaningless dialogue. I had to take a break from it halfway through because I was so bored. Then again, I don't care for superhero shit at all except for Batman.
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Jeepers Creepers was terrible. I watched it in the cinema for some reason. I thought it was bad right from the start, but when it was revealed that the main 'bad guy' wasn't a person, I just switched off completely.
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oh, fuck. at that time I was so into horror movies in general and I still even remember the precise cinema I went in to see it. what a stupid movie, I never watched it again but I can still recall how bad it was
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Idk how to explain this without telling any Spoilers for people haven't seen it yet. But I have to agree with *Fluffster comment the end was the wrost. Is Disney even planning making more Avengers movies after that fiasco (Mess, Disaster)?
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I saw yesterday I think an article pass bye about plans for a new avengers movie. Most likely phase 5 will try later to find it back.
Endgame will be most likely be my last mcu movie. Since what they are doing with several characters to be PC.
And the articles claiming this or that first (while clearly not true) aren't making it any better.
Was stll looking forward to dr strange but since it will be horror based and I cant handle that its another loss for me.
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Fair enough. Personally I can't just dismiss them because some politics don't line up with me. I'd be just cheating myself if I basically said that I would miss out on great acting from people like Tom Holland, Jake Gyllenhaal, Scarlett Johannson, etc, while also losing out on, for example, Taika Waititi's talent.
It's like not watching 12 Angry Men because you want don't like the US Justice System. It completely misses the point and it only serves to create a boogeyman for those that actively fight the boogeyman.
At least I'm guessing that you're thinking mainly of Captain Marvel with the whole "PC" thing. And perhaps Black Panther (though that's as much of a political thing as people made it and they made it a totally politically charged thing, unnecessarily). If you dislike Brie Larson, then don't watch the movie, sure. But writing off an entire cinematic universe because of that seems a bit rash. But in the end, it's you who loses out on experiencing years of talent.
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It indeed started with brie.
However nods to PC are fine like the gay scene in endgame.
Not the female power that was just cringe and out of place.
But now they have also too shout valkarie is the first lgbtq+ superhero (there where 2 in deadpool 2). And with her introduction there where clear hints she was lesbian. No problem then.but now they are pushing it in our faces and also genderbending characters only because we want more woman.
Then I am like why not use the boat full of female heroes you already have?
And this happens also outside the mcu take liked characters sprinkle PC on it and done most of the time with bad stories heavily damaging the characters.
So its not only mcu i am tired of. Look towards movies like ghostbusters, oceans. They all crashed.
And JAMES Bond seems sadly to be next on the list....
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Um what? She's been a female since the 60s and just changed her name from Ms. Marvel to Captain Marvel after the original Kree Captain Marvel died.
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My bad, for not being clear enough.
My mcu PC dislike started with brie and the genderbendercharacters came later with eternals
But the eternals arent canon female.
As is the Ancient one(seen only images of old asian man), although somebody said he/she is supossed to be genderless. And the actress was chosen. Because she would portray it the best.
Female thor is canon however the comic failed and the character has been absent in the mcu for ages. So a rather strange choice in my opinion.
And i was also refering to other movies outside mcu, marvel seems to be increasing it in phase 4
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There was also a lack of coffee which has been since then fixed. Haven't watched the Captain Marvel movie yet but after some googling still don't understand what's so PC about her.
Eternals are a race of both genders created by the Celestials, are they going to be only female in the 2020 movie?
I fully agree that it's purely stupid to change the gender, skin color or anything else about well established characters, but Captain Marvel has always been female and Black Panther has always been black. So is the problem making these characters have too much attention or what?
There are far bigger problems with the MCU like it corrupting the comics universe purely because of copyright trolls and nobody caring about how things actually are. And the biggest problem of all, action filled superhero movies are always 1.5-2.5h of blah blah blah telling some story totally wrong and then in the last 0.5h some action.
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The main issue is the actress herself. She had issues with white men reviewing movies that "weren't made for them" (ironic since superhero movies are mainly for teen boys) and she's been really rude during interviews with the cast since she always turns banter into a competition and takes any slight towards her character mainly as a personal attack and something that was done in bad faith.
The movie itself had a couple "hah, didn't think a woman was strong, did ya?" moments, which were a bit forced as well.
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That explains it, I don't follow useless celebrity gossip so I'm totally out of such things. I only focus on important issues like does it match the comics I read as a kid :)
That trope has been used in comics too a lot over decades, mainly when male characters don't want to fight with strong females they perceive as weak so nothing new there. And I would imagine it happens much more IRL than in the movies.
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That explains it, I don't follow useless celebrity gossip so I'm totally out of such things. I only focus on important issues like does it match the comics I read as a kid :)
Well, I mean, no need to be so condescending to people just because you don't have the same interests. You could just as easily say that comics mean nothing since unlike real life politics, comics don't affect the real world as drastically.
Regardless, I think people can have their reasons for watching or not watching movies. Condescension will lead to nothing more than unnecessary regression.
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How many :)s do I need to add to it to make you stop taking it so seriously? Or maybe it should have been a :P. Celebrity gossip is purely trash entertainment unlike actual politics or quality entertainment of comic books. Anyone else is free to say whatever they want, but why would I say things that I don't think or mean? If I watch a movie about superheroes I read as comics as a kid, why would I be more interested in what the actress said IRL than what's happening in the movie and how well it gives me the same feeling I had as a kid?
Where did I say I should dictate how and why people watch movies? As far as I know I'm only in charge of what movies I watch, can't even get friends to watch something they don't want.
I never understood this attitude where merely voicing your own opinions is somehow preventing others from having or voicing theirs.
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How many :)s do I need to add to it to make you stop taking it so seriously? Or maybe it should have been a :P
Just add a /s if you need to use sarcasm. Text doesn't convey tone. At least exaggerate since your statement was something that people literally use when talking about these movies. That nothing else matters other than how accurate they are to the comics.
Where did I say I should dictate how and why people watch movies? As far as I know I'm only in charge of what movies I watch, can't even get friends to watch something they don't want.
In that statement. Or does saying that "I don't follow useless celebrity gossip /.../ I only focus on important issues" not mean you're discounting one while elevating the other?
Regardless, your point wasn't serious, so I don't know why you kept pursuing it.
I never understood this attitude where merely voicing your own opinions is somehow preventing others from having or voicing theirs.
It's not though. But your opinion immediately discounts other opinions, even though as you said, it's an opinion. You called the other opinion "useless" while calling yours "important". If you truly want to pretend that these statements exist in a vacuum, regardless of whether you responded to something or whether you have context, then fair enough.
Regardless, your point wasn't serious, so I don't know why you kept pursuing it.
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It's not any kind of sarcasm if I say what is my opinion tho. Appearing to be so serious about such a silly issue is the joke part here and implied clearly with the :).Tone gets conveyed by smilies just as well as by some /s but seems like you have decided some imaginary tone for me on your own without it being conveyed by anything in the text.
It means I'm talking about what is important or useless TO ME PERSONALLY. It's like saying I think strawberries taste good while coconuts don't, does that mean I'm somehow acting condescending to people who like coconuts? Am I discriminating or patronizing the people who like coconuts? Why are people free to say they don't like a movie or an actress, but celebrity gossip is apparently above all criticism? Why do you imagine I'm the Living Tribunal and voicing my opinions automatically makes them multiversal law that others should for some reason obey?
I keep pursuing points that others don't get and then try to tell me obviously false things about them. Why do you keep pursuing telling me obviously false things?
You don't seem to grasp the concept of an opinion quite clearly. You are still free to think tabloids are the best thing ever printed on paper and that gossip is the best source for information for example if you wanted. Just like I am free to think that they are both useless trash and comic books are much better. Everyone is free to their own opinions, why aren't I? Why are you free to tell me that your opinion about my opinions is somehow better and more important than my factual knowledge about my own opinions and then tell me that I'm the condescending one here...
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It's not any kind of sarcasm if I say what is my opinion tho. Appearing to be so serious about such a silly issue is the joke part here and implied clearly with the :).Tone gets conveyed by smilies just as well as by some /s but seems like you have decided some imaginary tone for me on your own without it being conveyed by anything in the text.
Look, sorry. Obviously you didn't mean it since you said it. But are we really going to pretend that ":)" isn't the most cliche way of being passive-aggressive on the Internet? Even a legitimate random smile during a discussion in real life where jokes haven't even been thrown around.
You're not at fault here and I'm not trying to claim that, but I'm also saying that you're not so ignorant of the Internet and human interaction that I can't read your mind and text doesn't convey tone. Do you really think that when I say "Well, good thing I was here to explain why I was right and you were wrong since I understand that it's hard for someone like you to figure out how to use /s :)". Of course it isn't and I don't think it's too much to assume that we're not all in the exact same headspace as you, that we don't all talk like you and that we all aren't versed in your way of conveying information.
Keep on keeping on, if this truly is something that you don't want to change and if you think that this is enough to have people understand you. Perhaps I'm a total retard or whatever, but it's not like this would be the first time when tone wasn't properly conveyed and it caused a mixup.
But I'll gladly take this L. You obviously aren't out to fight people or anything like that and neither am I. A misunderstanding's a misunderstanding.
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Using /s when it's not sarcasm still makes no sense, unless I'm being sarcastic towards myself which I often am. But :) implies it should be taken humorously which is one of the basic means to convey tone in text ever since 1988 when Finland invented IRC. What kids today use is really meaningless to me since it's mostly spamming kappa keepo eggplant whatever. Try to read the mind of a Japanese river imp..
You're not at fault either, but instead of picking a tone on your own you could just ask me. Discussion is the key to understanding each other to find out what they meant.
Nobody won or lost anything during the argument, but everyone won when the disagreement about a misunderstanding got cleared. :) <-- this time an actual happy smile implying a satisfactory result. But based on this usage it really should have been a ;) or :P so it was my bad as well for using the wrong one, but I didn't imagine such a silly issue would be taken seriously ever.
I think this explains the situation best, especially the obviously different superior Finnish way compared to the silly stuff others cultures do:
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You're not at fault either, but instead of picking a tone on your own you could just ask me. Discussion is the key to understanding each other to find out what they meant.
Aye, you're right.
Nobody won or lost anything during the argument, but everyone won when the disagreement about a misunderstanding got cleared.
Didn't mean it as an actual win. Actually, just started thinking of that part and how it could be construed before refreshing. What I meant was that I'll take the L and say it was just totally on me.
(Kinda ironic how this time you assumed what I meant instead of asking me ;D)
Regardless, good shit my man!
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However nods to PC are fine like the gay scene in endgame.
Why do you think that just having gay people in your media is just a PC thing? This is everyday life you're describing. Gay people aren't just magical creatures that come out of the tree stumps each time a liberal farts. A very odd stance to take.
Not the female power that was just cringe and out of place.
Yeah, Captain Marvel had a lot of preachy "empowerment" messages, which just didn't really fit in anywhere. It became even more apparent from her interviews with costars where she never played along. Instead saying that her character's always the strongest and when a quip was at her expense, she immediately went on the defensive, while still making fun of others. But that's mainly just a person being shitty.
No problem then.but now they are pushing it in our faces and also genderbending characters only because we want more woman.
Yeah, I would agree if that's the case if the characters were originally male and they just turned into women for no reason. Though I also don't think that you can't have a woman as an heir to a superhero, like if Captain America had said that Black Widow should become the new Captain America, my issue wouldn't have been that it's a woman (mainly just that she wouldn't make sense as a replacement). But yeah, if genders just randomly reversed for no reason, male or female, it'd be pretty pointless.
Better to just have new characters who are already women or use a load of others who have already been made and are women.
Look towards movies like ghostbusters, oceans. They all crashed.
Not sure how a profit of 217 million (Ocean's Eight) is a flop/"crash". Or a 66 million dollar profit for Ghostbusters. Regardless, Ghostbusters was a totally obnoxious thing since that movie became all about the social politics of gender. Unlike with Ocean's Eight, which to my knowledge never had that. Haven't seen the movie though, so I don't know if and how they excused the change in characters.
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I think is a pretty weak movie. It's pure fanbase. It works on his niche, yet marketing and branding made it very popular. Nobody said anything bad about this movie, and is pure fanservice.
Infinity Wars had better script, better ending, better... everything and seems to be forgotten.
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100%. Endgame was a total disappointment and it was a slog. But calling it the worst movie.. I mean, maybe the user just hasn't seen movies really or the user's only watching the best of the best all the time (in which case I've no clue how he made it to the MCU to begin with).
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That was so predictable too. I mean... basically everyone in the Marvel Universe was gone, including money making franchise characters and we were supposed to wait with bated breath? Please.
They tried to go Marvel comics with it but they didn't have the guts to do it right. Characters die all the time in the comics and stay dead, or at least when they come back it's years later, with specific stories around it. Not just a wax on wax off plot that really could have been made into one movie instead of 5 hours and half of bad plot and bad dialogs to fill in the blanks.
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If only they had gone comics with it, but for some reason anything great in comics gets turned into a boring drama in movies. I guess this can be spoiled already since it's been a while, this is what actually happened and it's supposed to be a trilogy. I guess some copyright troll (not Pip) got hold of the reality gem and is responsible for this mess.
But it's not even the worst case for Marvel, the Punisher in comics keeps killing bad guys non stop because that's what he does. The Punisher in tv series stays in a warehouse talking about his feelings with another guy.
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Actually it was a "We fought for total control of how the universe is and won so wen can do whatever we want" ending just like it was supposed to be. And in the end things weren't even completely reversed to normal and sad people were still mourning because of a made up side effect of using the gems.
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47 Meters Down, After Earth, Alice in Wonderland (2010), Terra Formars(live action), Anacondas, Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever, Basic Instinct 2, Ben-Hur (2016), Bicentennial Man, Big Momma's House, Boat Trip (2002), Bushwhacked, Charlie's Angels, O Crime do Padre Amaro (PT), The Crow: Wicked Prayer, Day of the Dead: Bloodline, Dragonball: Evolution, Exodus: Gods and Kings, Far Cry, Feardotcom, The Fog (remake), A Good Day to Die Hard, Hellraiser: Revelations, The Hills Have Eyes II, Hitman: Agent 47, Kangaroo Jack, Last Knights, Norbit, Open Water 3: Cage Dive, Pearl Harbor (2001), The Reaping (2007), The Ringer (2005), Rings (2017), Son of the Mask, Starship Troopers: Invasion, Stay Alive, Swept Away, The Tomb (1986), Tooth Fairy (2010), Vacancy 2: The First Cut, Vacation (remake), It Happened at Lakewood Manor, The Vault (2017)
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Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever is definitely one I had to repress. It's a good thing nobody saw it because that could have done to Lucy Liu and Antonio Banderas what Catwoman did to Halle Berry.
While I'm at it, Catwoman is up there.
Those two are just Bad Bad, not Good Bad.
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Aw, I'm sad you didn't enjoy The Vault :( I rather liked it. 47 Meters Down, though, fair enough. The entire premise was a bit ridiculous...
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i watched with a few friends over
As a joke i decided to predict the movie has an unintentional comedy and i wasnt that far off, i absolutely nailed the twist. and i don't consider myself a clever guy.
It's all subjective however, people keep telling me some of my favorite movies are trash, spoilers...they are 100% wrong, much like my opinion on The Vault. ;)
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26 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by Fluffster
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So it's that time once again. And since I'm in a different mood I figured I ask what are some of the WORST movies you have ever seen. We always see the best of topics so now I'm asking the worst of.
For me it has to be-
Ghostbusters 2016
Avatar (the James Cameron one)
Ghosts of Mars
Adam and Eve vs the Cannibals
All I can think of at the moment. What are yours?
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