Will this make Steamgifts great again?
The only way we can manage to give away those game is abusing the description field with the hope that someone will read that heading one bold text.
Or in case of EU-restricted keys making a region restricted GA for Poland. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
But yes. Would like the exclusion selection.
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I would add a search function, I don't like scrolling through a list and I think I'm not the only one
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Noooo! :(
Winning them on steamgifts was always a great way to get games who are censored or not available in Germany!
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Great concept! But even if cg will add this feature, it could take like 1-2 years or so.
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So we building a wall now huh . I know someone who would love the idea.
With all seriousness that could work for those specific cases when a game have that weird restriction.
Like Germany ... Or Japan .
But it can be also abused in ways I guess.
You could just make Giveaways exclusive to North Korea and grow the library of the supreme leader I guess .
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Make short giveaways for specific region with fewer users from it and give games among friends for easy CV farm ... That' a thing I guess .
To be fair I'm half asleep right now but I'm sure people are far more creative then me on no sleep for 40h+
So they will come up with something
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Seriously, take a rest. Unless you're doing some sort of gaming marathon, then game on! ;D
Actually I didn't suggest something much different from our actual system for the Redeemable from restriction. I only added a multiple choice for regions, which could increase its flexibility, in my opinion.
Make short giveaways for specific region with fewer users from it and give games among friends for easy CV farm
I think the Invite only option is way better to farm CV among friends.
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nah sadly i had a 16h shift at work , followed by a visit to the doctor cause i feel like shit for few days now ... and another 16h long shift ...
I am going to bed now and i plan to dream about rainbows and unicorns for the next 7 hours till my last 16h shift for the week start >.<
Also jokes and my miserable life this week aside ... i do agree that more fexlibility with the region picking would be nice , especially since Germany have that weird laws about games ... and few other countries do seem to aswell .
But im to dead to think about that right now ... so i wish you a Nice day and i go molest my pillow for a few hours .
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I already suggested it the last time: I would automatize all region restrictions settings.
Create a GA - optionally pick where your key is from (if it isn't for your home country) - SG uses SteamDB to determine who can't participate - the end.
That would solve 99% of all region related hassle.
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No offense trump cat, I appreciate the thought that went into the suggestion, but "the only flaw" that you point out IS GONNA BE HUGE.
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Don't worry. No offense! :)
We're here to discuss it with its pros and cons, of course. I wouldn't keep the thread alive if my suggestion is totally useless or exploitable.
Maybe with some brainstorming we might come to a less fallible system.
How do you think that flaw might be hugely abused? In my opinion, SGTools creates even more walls that this could possibly do. (I'm not going to discuss about SGTools any further, there's enough drama about it already.)
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I just wanted to make a "huge" joke. :3
You are correct that there are many other walls being erected. Giving everyone the discretion to exclude individual countries without regard to the actual limits of the gift or key has the potential to create a lot of animus. How much more than we already have I don't know. I think your suggestion ultimately would have to be weighed against the work load and difficulty of dealing with re-rolls. On the other hand the only other solution" that comes to mind is to dis-allow giveaways for odd region restricted keys.
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I just wanted to make a "huge" joke. :3
And now I feel hugely dumb :P
Yeah, blocking giveaways for largely known restricted games such as Deep Silver's titles, would help the Support Team a lot but I'm kinda unconfident this will ever happen, especially when CG himself is planning to introduce giveaways for games previously free :S
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It would drop down the giveaways available for Russian people considerably. Whether you consider it bad or good depends on a number of factors, because there is another side of the coin, an entire small underlying economy on SG made out of a hefty amount of CIS residents who only gift region-locked games.
A system where countries are check or unchecked from a list has been proposed before, partly because of the thing I just mentioned. If you get enough attention, you could actually get a lot of supporters. And I'd probably be among them, even though I try to make most of my giveaways available for everyone. But I also sometimes have to face reality.
This is a complex question that no "good" answer exists for. On the other hand, this site is one private person's property and he can make the rules however he wishes. So maybe the current one is "bad" as well, we just accept his judgement as a correct one. It is difficult to tell. SteamGifts is a complex enough place to write actual social science papers on. I have done a few little games/experiments on this user base as well, just because. =)
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it would avoid people like me to enter for games wich can be activated easily via VPN...
but i think it's much better to reduce the rerolls etc... we know the stories about rerolling 5+ times...^^
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I think it's a great idea! there are way too many confusions about the current system it seams. (sometimes games aren't redeemable in germany for example, but GA set to germany only saying germans can't activate it. funny at times but not what it should be......)
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Checklists in checklists... Like inception! I think this is a good idea.
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At the very least the system needs to be more clearly worded. I mucked up one of my first giveaways by setting it to the region it was restricted from and thankfully getting no entries for it. Hey...At least I knew Bloodrayne was banned in Germany beforehand I guess. I tired...:P
I fully admit I might just be dumb. Even after having read the FAQ's and many threads explaining how to find out if the game is restricted, I was still confused. It's not clear enough that the region restriction section means restricted "to" not "from". Those threads were also misleading to a complete newcomer as they made the region restriction setting out to be much more important than it seems to be. Finding out if the game was restricted seemed like a convoluted pain in the butt. Eventually I came to the conclusion that unless the creator knows the game is restricted to a specific region the onus seems to be on the entrant to be sure they can activate the game.
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I think the current region restriction options for giveaways need some rework, especially when even bundle sites offer restricted games.
There are often games that come unrestricted with the exclusion for very specific countries such Germany, Japan or Russia. How to deal with them?
The only way we can manage to give away those game is abusing the description field with the hope that someone will read that heading one bold text.
Fear not, my fellow gifters! Here's my idea!
Three options to pick:
No restriction
Obviously for ROW gifts.
Redeemable from selected countries
Our actual restriction system with the only difference of a multiple selection for countries.
Unredeemable from selected counties.
For ROW gift with some excluded countries (e.g. Mad Max form HB, redeemable worldwide but Japan)
The only flaw I thought about might be the intentional restriction applied to ROW gifts.
Let's say, one hate one particular country and keeps it excluded even where the gift has no restrictions :/
Keep the comments flowing. Let's hear your opinion! ^_^
Here's one giveaway!TL;DR: Better explained in pictures maybe?
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