? It's never a bot answering you, maybe a copypasted default, standard response though.
And I don't understand the problem? What alert did you get? And what are you asking of support? I assume you can still get in to your steam account? Do you use Steamguard also? I hope so. Maybe you have a keylogger.
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As I said above, the Steam Alert says something like: Someone might have an access to your account blablabla... we have restricted it until you contact Steam support blablabla.... So basically, I can't use chat, trade, edit profile until they fix it.
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.. You didn't say that in the OP. You didn't say "..we have restricted it until you contact Steam support.." Kind of important to know exactly what was said. Also, max time to first response on a ticket is usually 2 weeks. MAX. Heard anything yet from them? I'd already do a full virus scan with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, Spybot S&D, Panda Cloud Antivirus, and Comodo bootable scanner (make a bootable usb). Good chance you've got a keylogger.
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Send them a picture of your ID or any other verifiable information tied to the account.
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Change your password and you're good.
As long as it's not the same as your email's.
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He hadn't posted all the additional info back when I posted that.
Generally changing your pass fixes things and he was rather unclear, so I suggested that.
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See my post from before. I was one of the first to respond to this thread - any time you get an error like this / message from steam like this, it's worth considering your PC's security compromised.
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Yeah you listed all the possibilities, even the far-fetched ones, since I barely ever hear about keylogger issues anymore. I just went for the most likely :)
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Keyloggers always have been, and always will be, rampant.
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Yeah, but Steam Support is horribly slow. Especially when you figure most of the time the resolution is a pretty easy fix.
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Yes an easy fix that if they'd bothered to use Google they'd have found the fix themselves on the Steam forums without having to clog up the support system with support requests.
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he got this message as im too - & im too open ticket for ask & solve this provlem
but if we not alone it can be really new one stoopid bug
Dear Steam User,
This is an automated message generated by Steam account administration. It is being sent in response to a query made by a Steam user to discover all account names associated with this email address.
Steam account name: **
You can use the above account name to log in to Steam. If you can't remember your password, click on the "Retrieve lost account" button on the Steam login screen.
The Steam Support Team
This notification has been sent to the email address associated with your Steam account.
For information on Valve's privacy policy, visit http://www.valvesoftware.com/privacy.htm.
This email message was auto-generated. Please do not respond.
© Valve Corporation. All rights reserved. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries.
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LOL, isn't this the email you get when someone tries to recover a duplicate cd-key? xD
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This is a normal message. You get it if somebody checks a key, that you have activated. You are probably a ninja. Nobody will get any information about your account.
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basically what he said, so you don't have to worry about anything :P
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LoL wtf :p Makes no sense at all...why didn't valve told me that? When i contacted them about this mail they said that someone probably tried to recover their password/username but made a error when typing their e-mail adress.
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Hmm. Guess i might be one the few, who contacted support, and got his answer and issue resolved within a working day. Lucky me
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I hate the fact that you have to create a seperate account just for support. On every other site, you can use your main account.
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Just as a hypothetical, would Steam still ask for a picture of a boxed game if you had never activated a key from a box? Seems like a really stupid thing to ask for when I imagine a great deal of users don't buy physical boxes anymore.
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I gave them last 4 digits, but if the support says he gave the same information as I, he probably found them in my email somewhere... I'm gonna scan my pc with some antispyware tool, seems like NOD32 isn't doing his buissness... -.-
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Use Malwarebytes, it's free and one of best Virus removers :)
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I love how people say that EA support or some other support is terrible, but no one ever mentions how Steam Support is easily the worst system I've ever encountered. What self-respecting company doesn't even have a phone number? For an issue where you can't get into your account, 5 days is absolutely unacceptable.
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Firefox support is probably the worst (even though you don't pay them anything), you can't even contact them at all. They have no phone number or email on their Contact Us page, and everything on their support page points to the community help. They do have a mailing address though, so I guess you could mail them if you ever wanted to.
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Origin/EA support is 1000x better than Steam's if only because you have to wait 5 minutes max. Sometimes the rep is useless so you have to try again with a new one, but at least you have that option.
With Steam, you submit a ticket, wait 2 months for a reply... and if it's useless wait another 2 months. And this is assuming you get a reply at all.
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Blizzard has like 10x times better support, and even if someone manages to steal your account, you can retrieve it quick and easy.
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Do you have at least one box for any retail game that you activated? With a key shown, preferably? I presume that would be enough for them.
Also enable 2-step verification for your email. This way even if someone knows your password they won't be able to log in to your account without entering the code you get as SMS to your cellphone.
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hm? There is no such thing in Steam, you mixed it up with Battle.net
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I didn't say enabling it on Steam. It must be a feature of your email service. Gmail has it, Yahoo has it in beta. Not sure about other services.
As for Steam, Steam Guard must be always enabled, of course. But it's useless when someone has access to your email. So in order to protect your email you should enable 2-step verification in your email service preferences.
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Yeah, I have that 2-step verification on my other email, but I haven't activated it on this one because I'm too lazy. I never visit suspicious sites, I scan my PC here and there, I use Sandboxie for suspicious stuff, but what can you do, shit happens...
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Run the virus scan - quick, then deep, then boot BEFORE you take any other action; if you have accessed your email/Steam account from any other machine (work, friend's, etc.), do the same with them if possible
As has been stated - change your email address password; don't forget to disable any automatic notifications that may go out when you do that and change any security questions you have, and then change any other account passwords that had that same password or any verification method that relied on that email account or information contained in email replies, sent email, etc. (your SSN, CC info, birthday, etc. may have been compromised)
Install something like LastPass going forward
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I'm really pissed off. First I get this random Steam Alert because steam thought that someone has an access to my account(though I'm 95% sure no one has, it is probably just another stupid Steam bug). Then, when I try to contact support to fix this issue, I can't get an answer. I am waiting for 5 days alerady and nothing! First answer will probably be answer from bot, like most of the time when you try to talk with them -.-. So, what to do??
EDIT: They answered now, this is what they said: This account is currently being contested by multiple parties.
They are asking me for a screenshot of a box of first game activated on Steam... wtf should I do now, I don't have boxes anymore, only keys(on the other hand, the other one, probably some phisher, doesn't have them too, and I'm pretty sure there is one more info he doesn't have....)
EDIT 2: I don't think they will turn it off, they say I need to provide a picture of the box. This is unfair, I spent a lot of money into it, they shouldn't just take it away like that. And I'm pretty sure that the phisher, whoever he is, doesn't have all the account info that I have, especially some keys, because some of them aren't even saved on my PC, so how can he prove that he owns the account? I will complain about this, I will complain on forums and everyhwere else, and I am asking you, YES YOU, to help me with this and spread the word so that Valve hears me....
EDIT 3: This is their answer: Hello Jonathan,
The details you have included have also been provided by a second party and as such, we have restricted the account until ownership can be verified.
Please feel free to reply or reopen this ticket when you have the necessary information.
How is that even possible? I'm pretty sure I don't have all my keys saved in my email, and that's the only place where he could take it. Well, I'm gonna give them a screenshot from GamersGate, maybe that fixes something...
Hello Jonathan,
We will require proof of purchase for the first game registered to this Steam account to offer further assistance.
Please feel free to reply or reopen this ticket when you have the necessary information.
First thing I registered was Orange Box. As I said, I don't have the boxes, therefore, they will not turn steam alert off. Screw them. I'm gonna play games without Steam community. Time to spread the hate on teh internetz, and if you want to, you can join me.
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