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Table Top Racing is a great game. I spent £15 on it and don't regret it. Unbox also looks decent.
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wouldn't call it dissapointing. weaker deal, but on the level and price of any average other bundle. If such games were offered for such price in let's say bundle Stars or Indie Gala you would call it ok bundle and I treat it this way ;) I am missing 4/6 games and have 3 of them WLed. None of them are massive big titles but all are decent titles, not just some trash to farm cards only, so for a normal bundle it is fine. Nothing super-great but nothing bad either ;)
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It's official now, maybe not as hyped as SUPERHOT but seems like a solid bundle.
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Just an FYI so you can update the OP.
Epistory was apart of the September 2016 Humble Monthly.
Unbox was apart of the Humble Gems Bundle
Hue was bundled 3 times. Nemesis Bundle 2 and the Curve Bundle by Bundlestars and then once in the Humble Bundle Yogcast Jingle Jam 2016
Planar Conquest and Table Top Racing have not been bundled at all.
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Glad I could help. Thanks for making the chart and thread for the community :)
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It's weird to see more & more devs to work with G2A, just so they block selling their games on marketplace.
of course even Gearbox is onboard now
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Some more for the list:
Blackmoon Design
HI-REZ Studios
Grinding Gear Games
Digital Extremes
Double 11
Joy Max
Keen Software House
Rocket Bear
Smilegate Worldwide
XS Software
The Farm 51
Anshar Studios
Fuero Games
Headup Games
Black Shell Media
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Anyone know where to unsubscribe on the G2A site? Been searching ages and can't find it.
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If you paid with PayPal just go to your paypal and cancel your subscription there ;p they cannot force-charge you anyway if you do so ;p It's what I did, when they forced G2A shield in some other promo in the past and did not allow to unsubscribe from it on their website until 1 day b4 it was ending (hoping you would forget/miss your chance to unsubscribe and they would cgarge you for another month extra) ;p
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Here i guess
Now i looking for re-subs but seems they didn't provide the option
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Ah thank you! That's so well hidden. Now what i'm wondering is why it doesn't show up under the proper subscriptions tab... Obviously trying to hide it as best they possibly can!
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Looks like you've already found it, but there was also a link in the email they sent you when you bought the bundle.
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Bah. Was hoping I could dodge using g2a bundles but with a wishlist title there, I can't resist D:.
I love how they claim to be going legit when they continue to sell freebies that were pulled from the store due to licensing issues :3.
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Not at all, you forget about licenses for various game engines (such as unreal engine) - devs can't sell their games legally if they don't renew the license, if they picked subscription scheme.
If something suddenly disappears with no word and it wasn't a 0.15$ bundle game then most likely it is licensing issue, and not something else.
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I don't know of any engine that works that way. It would be stupid, and a lot of games would be pulled from the store if this were true.
Subscriptions are just to get updated versions and support while the subscription lasts. In some cases you may not be able to use the engine, or some of their tools, after the subscription ends.
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some repeats here... but, still, not disappointed at all.
(some friend of mine will probably win something wishlisted)
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as a non subscriber without planar conquest its an ok bundle, otherwise it would have been a nice bundle. Cant vote which is a shame
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I hope so. Almost made me wish I was a subscriber.
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i'll keep my subscription for Table Top that seems real fun.
I wonder how much will be the Vat for € 2.50...
Comment has been collapsed. - considering you pay with paypal/cc it sho8uld be 2.86.2 EUR (calculation works for previous bundle as well, it was 1.5 EUR, I paid 1.82EUR PayPal so 1.5 + 2,49% + 0,3)
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hope so.
dunno if paying more, we'll have more fees...
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according to this document - there is constant 0.3EUR fee plus additional 2.49% fee, so yes we will pay more fees, but only a little more (we will pay 2.5 cent more). for comparison if you'd be to buy something for 100EUR pon G2A the fee would be 2.47EUR higher so much higher, but for small purchases difference is unnoticeable. Still sucks that G2A hides all these fees instead of just adding them to shelf price like any normal store or marketplace.
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Bundle is legit for sure just like the first one, after some confirmations from the devs I have no doubt they got whatever share of money they were entitled to. Which would be the same in this case as well probably
The thing is it's G2A
The question is would I buy Girl scout cookies boxed and packaged by Somalian pirates? 🤔
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I'm sure I still got a key for Epistory lying around on humble because I purchased it before it got bundled.
I have Unboxed on my wishlist as well but totally agree that purchasing from G2A is something to think about atleast twice.
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I only miss Unbox and Planar Conquest*. Useless to me.
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5 Comments - Last post 25 minutes ago by nguyentandat23496
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LINK: G2A Deal Edition #2
Subscription: 2,50 Euro (+VAT)
One-time buy: 3,00 Euro (+VAT)
Let me know if I've made a mistake somewhere in the chart.
1) I didn't receive the bundle:
⬇ link (thanks jastedd!)⬇
2) I didn't receive Planar Conquest despite I am an active subscriber:
⬇link (thanks Frostt!)⬇
3) I didn't receive Dirt Showdown:
⬇link (thanks Demiss!)⬇
4) I was charged twice (or more times):
⬇link (thanks tomb20!)⬇
⬇link (thanks ShandyAndy!)⬇
5) When will I get my copy of Planar Conquest: [NEW]
⬇link (thanks veebles!)⬇
People, don't panic. It's just a mistake on G2A side. They've just started this feature so I'm not even surprised they could make a mistake or they haven't been prepared for everything. I'm sure they'll resolve your problems, just write a ticket and be patient. They have probably like hundreds of thousands people sending tickets right now + they have to resolve the issue with third-party player like Pay-Pal too I guess.Okay you can start to panic now xD Such a mess.
1. They've started to refund unwanted subscriptions.
2. They have started sending Planar Conquest keys. This might be helpful: thanks Adrole
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