I'm learning here because I thought that those that live in Poland already could pay in Zlotys.
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no we cannot. It is good for gifting in current system (we pay in Euros so we can gift to almost anyone in the world), but is not good for buying games for yourself - avg wage in PL is much lower than in Western Europe, so are usually the prices of boxed games, but not games on Steam. Boxed copy of new AAA game usually costs 140-200PLN (33-47EUR) depending on how popular title it is and who is publisher, while on Steam it will always be 60EUR. Hopefully this changes will mean meeting retail prices rather than converting 60EUR into PLN ;p
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Hopefully then that these Steam currency changes turn out to be overal for the better.
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Yeah, that's makes me angry all the time, when i see price of GTA V for example, for French or German it's 60 units of their currency, for us Polish people it's 264 units. Tier 1 of Humble bundle is 1u for them and it's 4,40 for us. I'm furious during every steam sales when i see prices of my wishlisted games like 2,99€ or 4,99€ or 9,99€ (for English, French or German people that's pennies) for me it's 13,20zł, 21,95zł and 44zł and this is painful for our wallets. Our neighbours Belarus and Ukraine are in RU-Cis region and their prices are multiple times smaller than ours, Poland is treated as Western Europe but we have 4,5, 8 smaller paychecks then them. It will be nice if new AAA titles costs 60€ in France and 60zł in Poland but it is only our dream :/
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"*PLN pricing is specific to Poland, but as always any game licenses purchased within an EEA country (either directly or as a gift) can be redeemed by any user within the EEA."
So I'm guessing that we will only have the possibility to pay directly in PLN instead of EUR but it will not be cheaper.
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we will have to wait and see. game licences purchases do not matter on Steam anymore anyway, you can buy ROW gift in US or CA but you will still not be able to send it to EU because of USD-EUR currency exchange rate. As devs do not alter EUR prices in order to make gifts giftable to all other ROW countries it is also possible they will lower regional PL prices to meet much lower retail prices to boost regional steam sales at cost opf disabling gifting (keep in mind, that vast majority of Steam users do not gift at all, even smaller precentage use gifting for giveaway sites like SG, at cost of losing let's say 1% of customers buying gifts for GAs you can gain 10-15% of custopmers who do not care about boxes but about the price and convenience). Also keep in mind that it is much more profitable for publishers to sell games via Steam than local box retailers. Steam takes 30% of sale price, while in boxed retail you have expanses of making boxes, wholesales fee, shop fee, additional copsts of promotion (shop putting your game on display) and so on. Boxed copy usually get publisher 40-50% of their cost, with heavy marketing even less, in such situation it would be reasonable to sell games on Steam for less, so customers buy on Steam more often if you can make much bigger % profit on Steam. It's basically the same scenario which Steam killed US boxed PC retailers.
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I agree with all of that, but I'm referring only to the part of message I quoted. If a game purchased in Poland must be redeemable in European Economic Area than I doubt we will get lower prices. Otherwise one could just pay lower price in Poland and send game to people in EEA (with commission probably), and recent changes in gifting made by Volvo were made to eliminate such possibility.
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doesn't seem like Volvo giving any shites about this so far - we already have countries in EEA which have different Steam currencies (Norway, Switzerland, UK) and they have different prices despite not being able to gift them to EUR countries if they fall below 10% difference. First example I was able to find on my first check: https://steamdb.info/app/435150/ - neither Norway nor UK would be able to gift these to anyone residing in EUR country.
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worst case scenario - nothing changes for us and prices remain the same (I doubt any publisher woud intentionally rise prices for PL alone with our comparably weaker buying power), best case scenario - we get prices that match polish retail and ocassionally price-bugs due to different currency. So there is really nothing for us to lose and only something to possibly win ;)
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I heard that it will look somewhat like this:
0,99 euro – 3,59 zł
1,99 euro – 7,19 zł
2,99 euro – 10,99 zł
3,99 euro – 14,49 zł
4,99 euro – 17,99 zł
5,99 euro – 21,99 zł
6,99 euro – 25,49 zł
7,99 euro – 28,99 zł
8,99 euro – 32,99 zł
9,99 euro – 35,99 zł
14,99 euro – 53,99 zł
19,99 euro – 71,99 zł
22,99 euro – 89,99 zł
27,99 euro – 107,99 zł
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here it depends on game, publisher and platform. Console games caught up long time ago and they are 60€, most popular titles, especially multiplayer ones like CoD, Overwatch etc also caught up, but not all games, looking at most popular retail shop right now, only at base prices, ignoring any promotions/sales, looking only at AAA titles, and a few examples:
FIFA18 preorder is 213PLN aka 49.8EUR
Elex preorder is 40EUR (50EUR on steam, preorder sale 45)
Total War Warhammer II - 42EUR
Fallout 4 GOTY - 35EUR
so yeah, a lot odf titles are still cheaper in retail here ;) especially if you order boxed copy.
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Did, did Steam-sempai just noticed me/us?
I honestly don't know if I should read this as international companies starting to trust our currency again (after well over a decade of inestability) or them seeing us as a promising market despite our shitty economy. In any case I'll gladly take the (most likely) slightly cheaper prices.
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De hecho, la década de inestabilidad y la economía de mierda jaja.
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Considerando el pasado de la "justicia" argentina, y que todos son amigos entre todos, no estoy convencido de que pase algo. Pero espero estar equivocado, ya que Baez está preso y otros que no pudieron ocultar más sus negocios, están guardados en Ezeiza (por ahora).
Y si, ponele que le hace multa nomas, va a salir ganando la mejor. Le tienen que expropiar todo a ella y a los hijos, y prisión (tiempo que corresponda) sin el beneficio que siempre les dan: prisión domiciliaria.
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Si. Sobre todo ahora que tiene comprada a la justicia y a los medios. Pero no olviden quién los gobierna. Que clase de delincuente es, las cosas que hizo y las cosas que hará si lo dejamos. Que los corruptos del pasado, no nos quiten el poder de reconocer a los corruptos del presente.
Que Steam nos trate como a mexico, quatar, Kazakhstan y Ucrania no es un buen indicador de nuestra economía. Más bien todo lo contrario.
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Y muchos esperamos que a Cristina y sus séquitos los metan presos también. De solo recordar lo que hicieron estos tipos en La Plata con la inundación, lo de Nisman, el pacto con Irán y entre tantas otras, se me revuelve el estómago. Ojalá todos algún día tengan la condena que merecen...
Ya cambiando de tema, esto es grandioso para Argentina, particularmente conocí mucha gente que quería comprar y no tenía tarjeta. Ojalá rapipago y entre otros medios sean agregados en el futuro.
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Bueno. Por eso dije que la justicia es lenta. Fíjate lo que hicieron estos con las inundaciones. Cómo le están regalando la Patagonia a los ingleses e italianos y los defienden a capa y espada, o los desfalcos de macri con sevel o el correo o la estafa en morón. Los corruptos no van presos en Argentina. Los votan para presidentes presentes y pasados. Hay que abrir los ojos y no dejar más delincuentes al mando del país.
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Hay que abrir los ojos y no dejar más delincuentes al mando del país.
¿Y a quién se supone que votemos?, se te olvidó en que país estamos.
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Llegué tarde, lo reconocí por las jodas gráficas jajaja. Pero sí, leyendo esa parte en inglés era de cajón.
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Dejen de mear fuera del tarro con los comentarios con tintes politicos que cuando aca se prende el ventilador la mierda salpica para todos lados, no seamos boludos.
Ahora pasando a lo que nos compete:
“*ACTUALIZACIÓN: Según nos cuentan desarrolladores argentinos, la cotización que tomará Steam por defecto para publicar juegos en el país ronda entre los 13 y 14 pesos. Confirmando así que los precios no solo estarán convertidos a nuestra moneda, sino que también serán más accesibles para los usuarios. Aunque hay un detalle, los desarrolladores pueden elegir el precio, Steam solo recomienda un número. Por lo que el número final depende completamente de los estudios que publiquen juegos. ¿Nos harán precio amigo? Todo indicaría que si.”
Esta bueno no? un juego de 59.99 USD a la cotizacion de BCA saldria mas o menos $1040 ARS, con la cotizacion que mencionan en la nota serian unos 840 ARS aproximadamente un 20% menos, lo cual nos dejaria a la altura del market chileno (mas o menos) pero bastante lejos del market de Brazil y el de Mexico, pero bueno la cantidad de consumidores de esos mercados es muy superior a la del nuestros.
P/D: quize poner una fotito de un tema politico actual pero no salia, sera que me esta haciendo alguna escucha ilega? XD
Bermut con papas fritas y good show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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We are getting our currency on Steam? I would be glad if so, but I will also remain partly skeptical until it comes true. I hope we will get cheaper prices when this does happen.
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idk, but I personally see it as a good opportunity for my country. We have 4th lowest avg wage in all countries from old Steam EU region. Add to that that we are the bioggest market among all with the lowest incomes. We earn 3 times less than let's say Germans, while we had to pay the same price at Steam. Boxed or key retail copies in polish stores are 30-50% cheaper than in Western Europe, yet we get the very same Steam Prices. From Volvo's perspective it's pretty obvious choice to lat devs/publishers if they want match Steam prices with retail prices. Valve do not earn on retail, they do earn on Steam purchases, so they earn more, we pay less, everybody wins (except for gifters, cause it may mean no more steam gifts from Poland ;p)
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Tylko 3 razy mniej niż Niemcy? Mój post z innego forum z bodajże 2012 roku. Nie chce mi się tłumaczyć na angielski, więc po prostu tak wrzucę.
"W Anglii najniższa krajowa to ok. 19,000 GBP na rok - w przeliczneniu na miesiąc ok. 1580 GBP
W Polsce dla porównania... 16,600zł na rok - co w przeliczeniu na miesiąc daje 1380zł
MW3 w Polsce kosztuje na PC ok. - 150zł a na XB360 i PS3 - 250zł. co daje dla PC ok. 10.8% wypłaty a dla konsol - ok. 18,1% wypłaty dopiero co zaczynającego swoją karierę zawodową nałogowego gracza;)
W Anglii MW3 kosztuje na PC - 34GBP a na konsole 39GBP co sprawia że wersja na PC stanowi ok. 2,15% jego wypłaty a na konsole 2,4%...!!!
(zauważcie różnicę w cenie na PC i konsole - w Polsce wersja na konsole jest o 60% droższa a w Anglii tylko o 13!)
Jakie z tego wnioski?
Polak kupi za swoją wypłatę:
9,25 kopii Modern Warfare 3 na PC lub 5,52 kopii MW3 na konsole...
Anglik odpowiednio 46,5 kopii na PC i 40,6 kopii na konsole..."
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Po pierwsze: realnym wyznacznikiem siły nabywczej nie jest najniższa krajowa a średnie wynagrodzenie. Kraj X może mieć najniższą krajową na poziomie 100$ ale faktycznie większość społeczeństwa będzie zarabiała dużo więcej i przeciętna pensja wynosić będzie 600$. Kraj Y natomiast jest krajem rozwijającym się z większością pracowników zatrudnionych w przemyśle, natomiast posady w przemyśle dotowane są przez rząd, przez co najniższa krajowa będzie wynosiła 200$, ale ponieważ dużo większa część społeczeństwa zarabia najniższą krajową to średnie wynagrodzenie będzie wynosiło 400$. Najniższa pensja nie jest wyznacznikiem bogactwa lub siły nabywczej danego kraju, wyznacznikiem jest średnia krajowa.
Po drugie "Mój post z innego forum z bodajże 2012 roku" - no więc dla twojej informacji mamy nie rok 2012 a 2017. Jeśli post pisałęś w 2012 mogłeś się opierać na danych GUS z 2011 (do 2015 roku GUS nie publikował danych roku bieżącego a jedynie za rok poprzedni), Przeciętne miesięczne wynagrodzenie brutto w sektorze przedsiębiorstw wynosiło 3392 PLN w najgorszym miesiącu 2011, w 2017 wynosi ono 4578 PLN. To jest kolosalny wzrost na poziomie 35%, ciężko więc przyrównywać twoje wyliczenia sprzed ponad pięciu lat i rzutować nimi na sytuację obecną. Nie wspominając już chociażby o tym, że kurp PLN:GBP znacząco załamał się po wynikach referendum w UK toteż również twoje dalsze wyliczenia walutowe są absolutnie nieporównywalne z sytuacją obecną. W 2012 funk kosztował 5:51PLN, na początku września tego roku kosztował 4.60PLN, prawie 20% różnicy.
Dalej już jechał nie będę, bo same te dwa przytoczone fakty już pokazują czemu dalsze wyliczenia dzisiaj można o kant dupy potłuc. Nie wspominając o tym, jak to choćby nie uwzględniają różnicy w kosztach utrzymania (ile kosztowało cie będzie wynajęcie mieszkania w Polsce a ile w Niemczech czy Londynie chociażby).
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they started ;p PL do not have EUR, we were paying in EUR, now we will hopefully pay with PLN and in lower prices ;p
Keep in mind that PL is one of the biggest non-EUR countries in EU. So it's pretty obvious it comes first as it will have the biggest impact monetary. But it also means that possibly next non-EUR countries are in line ;)
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bulgarian currency is tied to deutsche mark 1:1 rate a while ago, ATM with euro it is 1:0,5102
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what are you talking about? We were discussing EU countries, you yourself brought it up by saying "It's not many countries that doesn't have Euro in the EU tho.." which I responded to and you respond listing 10 counbtries out of which only 2 are in Europe and only one is in EU... -.-
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I said they should update currencies for european countries too. You said they pushed the countries in waves, which I replied with showing that this time, 10 countries were updated, the same amount as countries in the EU with their own currencies
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you're jumping from comment to comment without any continuity - so let's break it down chronologically, maybe this way you will be finally able to see lack of logic in your argumentation.
You see the lack of login in point 8? From the very beggining of your comment we were discussing EU countries, you yourself narrowed the topic to EU countries @2. During whole conversation @2-@6 you didn't mention non-EU countries even once, then suddenly in @8 you say something that does not fit at all, you don't mention OP or nonEU countries in this comment at all, yet you expect me to understand that suddenly out of nowhere you stopped talking about EU countries we were exclusivelly discussing for previous 6 comments and started talking about OP countries? This is either lack of logic or lack of argumentation/language skills.
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"In response to this comment you asy "it's 10". Then you defend it "well I was taslking about list from OP"."
You said there are 8 countries in the EU who doesn't have Euro. I said that this batch was 10 countries, so it is very likely that if we get our own currencies, it will happen all at once since last time Valve updated 10 countries at the same time.
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Based on our current politics towards every single other country and the EU as whole Valve would either laugh at us, or just slowly slid the country-card along with the communist countries :D Government spreads only hate about EU because it's fucking up thing after thing, and someone has to be blamed...
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like pb1 said - probably different reason - Region Locks. Why Valve claimed with new system they will remove region locks they did not do it so far. If you want to gift from region locked country now you need to meet two criteria instead of one - receipent must be in the same region (or you must be sending from ROW country) + receipent must be in country where this game is at most 10% cheaper than in yours.
That being said with new currencies old locks will probably remain. So while vietnamese people will be still only able to gift to SEA countries and only countries that meet 10% cheaper rule, on the other hand Poland or Israel, RoW countries, will be able to gift to any country as long as they meet 10% rule.
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About time. Felt sorry for them since they were the only ones in SEA lock that still paid in USD.
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Killing Floor 2 Regional Pricing 2015
To come in 2015
Won ₩
Australian Dollar A$
Hryvnia ₴
two years passed
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Hmm...hmm. I used to live with USD. I guess its not bad.
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Pretty sure Pakistan wouldn't get its currency even after a decade. We don't even have ebay or paypal so this isn't even a surprise
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I didn't say you would ;) According to this leak you will still have USD as currency, but you may have separate prices for some games in case dev/publisher decides to lower prices for your country alone. In older system your prices were bound 1:1 with US store.
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Congrats ^^
as fellow SEA, I'm super happy with regional pricing, USD is strong here, hope the price will be well adjusted too ^^
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Actually Nepal has ~100k active Steam users ;) clicky
Also number of users seems not to be most important indicator in country getting regional currency. Poland is on 9th place in Steam Users number yet for now we still pay in EUR. switzerland is 47th and they've had own currency on Steam for a long time ;p clicky
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I don't really get why people make it about currencies, while it's actually about regional prices. Isn't just the price you pay that matters after all?
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Because OP only mentions currencies and the original source is not linked until a few posts down. And indeed the main point is for publishers to start setting their prices for regions that will be added later that year. So ultimately it's down to two things:
Another thing that may come from adding more currencies may be that steam wallet cards become available at local stores and sometimes go on sale. I would embrace that for sure. ;-)
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Of course, nothing against you! :)
My point is that I think it doesn't really matter if you pay in dollars, euros, yen... What matters is how much you pay compared to the "baseline/Western" price level.
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well it does matter a bit, not for dollars, but for euros it does. because of steam regions. dollars can be used in different regions, but all countries which has EUR as they currency are in one region, it means that developer/publisher even if they wanted cannot rise/lower the price for specific sountries or sub-regions in said region. They can only set one specific price for all countries who are paying in Euro, which makes it impossible at all to alkter this baseline price you are talking about. From this perspective currencies does matter cause they will allow for changing of this price. whether devs/publishers decide to do it is totally different story, but at least there is possibility, without it there was none.
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I think I know what you mean, but it's still about regions, not currencies. Europe is a single price region right now, but they could just make it so that, for example, "Rich Europe" pays 10 euros for Game X, while "Less-rich Europe" pays 6 or so. The currency thing is really a non-issue.
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"Europe" is not in a single price region, that's the point, all european countries that have their own currencies on steam do have individual prices. Switzerland, Norway, UK are in Europe but are not in "price region", exactly because of currencies, so yes, it's currency that is an issue ;p
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It's like that now, but for years Europe was split in two tiers with the same currency but different prices. Then the two tiers were merged. See? It's not about currencies! ;)
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nope, not Europe was split into two tiers, Countries which had Euro as Steam currency was split into two tiers, EU1 and EU2, and even back then UK had their own pricews, so see? it's currency which lewt these countries to have their own prices even these years ago.
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Let me call it Europe... I know the UK was excluded and so on. My point is just that currency doesn't mean price. Have a nice weekend! :)
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Still waiting for "region" for Albania, Bosnia, Macedonia and Serbia. All of these countries are piss poor (not an insult, it's true - I live in one of them) and not in EU nor will be anytime soon, yet we pay EU price all the time just like someone from Germany or France.
Together these 4 countries make some 10-15 million market only, and as that's smaller than some individual countries, I doubt we'll see a region pricing anytime soon.
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well, afaik these countries do not have one currency but rather each country having currency of their own, so with way steam started acting with introduction of new gifting system (and 10% price diff restriction) it's rather very unlikely for them to introduce any new regions, as regions are thing of the past - with new system regions are no longer needed, so no - you will not get a new region for Balkans, but hopefully you will get separate currencies in the future and will have publishers/devs actually setting right prices compared to your buying power.
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They just added a region for several southasian countries. You wrote it in the OP, remember. It's like CIS region, usd price, but discounted. So not really a thing of the past after all.
See here, it's clearly marked as "pricing region": https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/71bomz/new_currencies_being_added_to_steam_soon_plus/
Trust me, if we got something like that, it would be great, don't even need a domestic money for each country, lol. But as I said, I don't expect any changes, we're too small either way.
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now just waiting to see if it will be in favor or not for my wallet :)
btw. on some screen i saw asterisk next to polish zloty, wonder what it was supposed to mean
edit. found it somewhere else
*PLN pricing is specific to Poland, but as always any game licenses purchased within an EEA country (either directly or as a gift) can be redeemed by any user within the EEA.
somehow it seems that prices won't be much lower or exchange rates would be disastrous
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I'm on mobile so excuse lack of proper comment, but look here https://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/kECJXdf . Norway, switzerland and UK are in EEA as well yet have different prices on many products.
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UK and Norrway are in EEA (same as Iceland and Liechtenstein but these idk if have own Steam prices) and price differences in boith countries are significant. I'd even say than in Norway they are much more common than in UK - I know a big SG contributor that had to almost stop most of their SG gifting because of recent changes, becayse theyu are from Norway, usually gifted steam gifts and due to recent changes they cannot send most of games to neither EU nor US. So yeah - EEA and still 95% of prices lower by ~20%.
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Countries getting their separate currency:
Countries still having USD currency but getting different regional prices:
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