Knowing that SGTools giveaways are invite only giveaways and regarding the numbers below please keep in mind that only a part of the total number of SteamGifts users are active on the SteamGifts forums/discussions.
STATS (02/11/2017)
Number of users: 31.464
Number of users that are giveaway creators: 1.490
Number of users serving infractions: 27
Number of banned: 21
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Here's one for Trivial Pursuit: he was ratted out by a couple of SGTools haters who to this day still enter as much SGTools giveaways as they possibly can. ;-)
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I heard 2 but let's take the middle road and leave it at 1.50
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Most people who enter this train wouldn't bother to take a look and make the count and just ride the train unless people make publicity for this on the first page.
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You're so welcome Jeff and have a nice and peaceful weekend! :-)
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I see dead mice everywhere!
Please don't sue me, Rauchen! ;-)
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Thank you for the train. I feel tired now. ;_; Have a nice day-week-month-Autumn! :P
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You're welcome TLS and thank you! :-)
Hopefully you had a nice rest.
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Thanks for all the giveaways and the effort you put into this train, LS! Out of curiosity I checked if the train extractor of ESGST would work, but it seems it is too much for it. :D
I hope you're doing well and have an awesome autumn!
Autmn and a somewhat "special" train:
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You're so welcome, Myrsan and I really like making these trains. ^^
Thank you and if I remember correctly that second gif is from Top Gear.
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No worries, when it's over the top, there's a high chance it's Top Gear. :-)
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What can I say LSVL, Its the train that keeps on taking my points and then some.
Cheers once again and have a good weekend. I think you need a break after making this train :D
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That's nice to hear and you're welcome again, Stevey. ^^
Thank you and I'm already keeping my bundle spares for my next train, number XVIII. :-)
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You're welcome, Cbones!
Either my math's was of, my English could be better or both. ;-)
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You're welcome, DrPower and i'll need to buy a container full of mice before this trains ends. ;D
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Thank you, Roguedust and I hope you've enjoyed the ride.
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You're so welcome, Nask!
This train can take away a lot of points. ^^
Thank you and have a great Movember too. ❤️ 👍
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47,318 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by misterhaan
7 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by AureasAetas
134 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by wigglenose
6 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Mayanaise
371 Comments - Last post 8 hours ago by LhorXhor
27 Comments - Last post 9 hours ago by tobiasreich82
14 Comments - Last post 12 hours ago by Cim
1,083 Comments - Last post 2 minutes ago by Xeradan
374 Comments - Last post 10 minutes ago by Mayanaise
86 Comments - Last post 37 minutes ago by Kingsajz
8,482 Comments - Last post 42 minutes ago by CrabdaddyLonglegs
29,658 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by maximilyn
6 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by DeliberateTaco
206 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by ViToos
…to open this thread and to enter this ride. Possibly it could take more than a few clicks to advance through this train but then again I hear that the clicker type games on Steam are liked by quit a few people.
Autumn is upon us and the end of the year is closing. I wish you and your loved ones, family, friends and pets good health, good times and a nice end of the year!
Bona valetudo melior est quam maximae divitiae! ❤️ 👍
Have a very nice end of the week, Shabbat, weekend, Sunday!
This is my XVII' (17th) SGTools train to date and Elokim willing there will be more in the future! Tempus fugit when one is having a lot of fun on SG. ✔
However before you ride this train you should know and have a fair warning that these are mostly bundle spares gathered since my XVI’ (16th) SGTools train.
This SGTools train will end its ride 26/11/2017 1300 hours Brussels time so you have a good three weeks to take this ride.
Please bump this thread and if you come here more than once please bump this thread again.
This train was made the old school way and it's fully SGTools protected.
If you enter this or any other SGTools giveaway: ONLY use the SGTools gate/link that you can find in the original main post of the giveaway creator! Don't enter through any links posted on other (random) forums, boards, Steam activity, given by friends or from everywhere and anywhere else as this is proverbially playing with fire and it's just a matter of time not if but when you will get burned. TL DR: only enter SGTools giveaways through the original gate/link found in the original main post of the giveaway creator!
The CV requirement is 2+ and for those that are lower consider this as an incentive to participate and join in SteamGifts giveaways, SteamGifts discussions and the SteamGifts community.
Thank you so much Knsys for creating, updating and user supporting SGTools with the help of JustArchi and ArchiBoT.
A big thank you to the new and veteran train riders that ride my SGTools trains in an orderly and honest manner.
Thank you cg (SteamGifts admin) for confirming that there’s nothing wrong with SGTools and using SGTools for making giveaways on SteamGifts. :3
Thank you SG support for following up my support tickets related to my SGTools trains.
“Bonis nocet qui malis parcit”, Seneca
“Amicus certus in re incerta cernitur”, Cicero
Baruch HaShem! (Thank G*d)
👍 ✌️ 👌 😊 ❤️
SGTools Thread on SteamGifts
I will check every winner after I send the game(s) that they activate their win(s) on their own Steam account.
I will do random blacklist checks during this train and I will check every giveaway winner to see if I’m blacklisted by the winner (it just takes a couple of clicks). I have no problem being blacklisted but I do have a problem when users blacklist me and at the very same time enter and win giveaways from me. I find this personally not done and it’s of the shallow end of the gene pool level and also of a white feather level! :X
👎 ❌ 🐍 🚽 💔
My trains always take the scenic route so that users have the time to take this ride. Before this ride ends please check your entries for games with Steam api problems, removed games, Valve banned games, game collections and packages, bundles and DLC because these aren't automatically removed during SG syncing.
Please don't post the number of cars here or in the train!
SGTools entry ticket "Alea iacta est", Caesar
Please leave the blacklist comments out of this thread!
You can comment, post funny gifs and images or not that's up to you. I'm good either way. However I most strongly appreciate that the winners post a simple thank you in the giveaway page of the game(s) they won!
Baruch HaShem! (Thank G*d)
Benny Friedman - Ivri Anochi - I'm a Jew and I'm proud
Benny Friedman - Yesh Tikvah - There is hope
Benny Friedman - Toda! - Thank You!
Hatikvah – The Hope
Mordechai Shapiro - Kol Haderech - All The Way
Mordechai Shapiro - Machar - Tomorrow
Subliminal and the Shadow - Tikva - Hope
Subliminal and The Shadow - The Last Zionist
The Shadow - Dam Echad - One Blood
The Shadow featuring Lynn Moore - Lochem - Warrior
Ilay Avidani - Rak Beyachad Nenatze'ach - Only Together We Will Win
Yaakov Shwekey - Am Yisrael Lo Mefached - The People of Israel are not afraid
Yaakov Shwekey - We Are A Miracle
Sagiv Cohen and Lake Bohbot - Yashkef Elokim - G*d's Blessing
Shai Abramson - Eretz Tzvi
Tzahal - Anachnu ma'aminim - We are believers
Eyal Golan - Mi Shemaamin - He who Believes
Beri Weber - Ein Od Milvado - There is no one but Him
Beri Weber - Yachad - Together
Beri Weber - Rabbi Shimon
Beri Weber - Chabatzkapella
Motty Steinmetz - Z’chor bris - Remember The Covenant
Ari Goldwag - Am Echad - One Nation
Itzik Orlev - HaShem Echad Ushmo Echad Leolam - G*d is One
Ben Snof - Im Eshkachech Yerushalayim - If I forget thee, O Jerusalem
Idan Yaniv - Shalom Aleichem - Peace unto you
Rami Kleinstein - Matanot Ktanot - Small Gifts
Shlomi Shabat - Ein Od Milvado - There is no one but Him
Shlomi Shabat - Golani Sheli - My Golani
Tzemed Yeled – Modeh Ani – I give thanks
Elad Shaer – Rabbi Nachman
Amram Adar - Melech Malchei HaMelachim - King of Kings
Matisyahu - King without a crown
Matisyahu - Jerusalem
Matisyahu - Got no water
Gad Elbaz and Nissim Black - HaShem Melech - The Lord is King
Nissim Black ft. Yisroel Laub - A Million Years
Gad Elbaz, Refael Mirila, Alliel, Describe and Nissim Black - WeR1
Idan Raichel - Mimaamakim - From the Depths
Idan Raichel - Im Telech - If You Go
Joshua Aaron – Gadol Elokai – How great is my G*d
Joshua Aaron - Shabbat Shalom
Sarit Hadad - Shema Yisrael
Sarit Hadad - Yachad Nenatzeach - Together, we'll win out
Shuli Natan - Yerushalayim shel Zahav - Jerusalem of Gold
Elihana - Ha'Gibor Milchama - The Mighty One in Battle
Ofra Haza - Yerushalayim shel Zahav - Jerusalem of Gold
Ninet Tayeb - Biglal Haruach - Because of the Spirit
Roni Dalumi – Mishehu – Someone
Ofir Ben Shitrit - Eli, Eli - My Lord, My Lord
Ofir Ben Shitrit – Katonti – I am not worthy
Ofir Ben Shitrit - Yechida Ra'aya
Ofir Ben Shitrit - Kirya Yefefiya - Beautiful City
Dalida - Hine Ma Tov - Behold How Good
Dalida - Hava Nagila - Let us rejoice
Sarah Liberman - Gadol Adonai - Great is the Lord
Sarah Liberman - Esh Ruchacha - Fire of Your Spirit
Sarah Liberman - El Maleh Rachamim – G*d Full of Mercy
Sarah Liberman - Ata Gadol - Stronger
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