Welcome to the second Cozy Gaming train!! Last year it was a joint venture between: canis39, galiane, InsideAfireball, patch22, PoeticKatana, s4k1s, softbearcas, TinaG & WaxWorm. The purpose was to revitalize the Cozy Gaming Corner thread. It was a succes and people seem to love the cozy games. What is not to love right? I mean, it's winter (for us Northern hemisphere dwellers) and Valentines day is around the corner,... Plus we might all need a bit more cozyness and love in our lives right now, right? What better way than to get lost in a cozy game.

We (s4k1s and me) decided this time to do it 'Community train style' instead of just a footnote in the Cozy Gaming Corner. This gives everyone more freedom to join if they want or not.

What makes a Cozy Game? These are some of the "criteria" for games to be considered Cozy:

  • Gives feelings of warmth, peace and comfort.
  • No violence or gore (So no FPS, no horror or bloody hack and slash etc).
  • No (heavy) time constraints or pressure for performance. So more open ended. No stress, aka relaxing.
  • Not overly challenging,
  • ...

So even if the graphics are cute, it doesn't mean it's a cozy game and visa versa. Although I do realise some people will find a Twin shooter hack and slash like Trifox cozy. And I can see why. We all have different tastes in games. And that is why we won't be acting like judges. Just make a little disclaimer or discription so that people - who might not know the game - will be informed what to expect. I mean, even Stardew Vally has combat... I don't believe those slimes find it cozy to be hit on the head repeatedly. Though it's not mandatory. Just prefered ^^
But try and be as close as you can please. (otherwise what is the point of having a Cozy train instead of just a normal train, right?)

A few other rules here to mention. You can choose your layout, level of entry, links, discription, whatever else, but be respectfull.

  • The train ends on Valentines day, so any giveaways made must end on 14th of February. Start date must be at the moment you post the giveaway link or earlier. Don't jam the train please.
  • Only "invite only" giveaways.
  • Post the next giveaway in the comments of the last so that person can link it.
  • Try to use no region restricted games, or keep it to a minimum.
  • Number the giveaway in the discription so it's easy to keep track of the train.
Station Station Station
10 20 30
40 50 60
70 80 90
100 110 120
130 140 150
160 170 180
190 200 210
220 240 250
260 270 280
290 300 310

I can't post about a Cozy train and not mention Softbearcas' thread of Free Cozy games. When you can't get enough of the Cozy gaming genre, go browse all the work Softbearcas does for your ease. Go give her some thanks.

We hope you enjoy the ride! Happy cozy gaming to you all and we hope you'll enjoy playing these cozy games! That would be much appriciated!

The Cozy Community train starts here

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2 weeks ago*

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I'm not sure about what this is, but still wanted to give it a try ☺️

2 hours ago

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Cozy bump! :-)

1 hour ago

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