
If anyone like me have thinket about the fact that you maybe got, lets say.. 22 games on your steam in your library, BUT! And this is intereristing(bad spelled, i know) so keep reading! ^^ That you maybe got 66 games on your steam profile?

When i registred at Steamgifts it said i had 22 games. Dident think much about that thing. But a night when i can't sleep i found ot because i got 22 games, but there stood i got 66 games on my steam profile. That means that every games counts for 3 in the steam profile. Or what? Thought my theory was right because i saw a guy with ONE SINGLE GAME in he's steam library, but on the steam profile it said 3 games. AHA! Fun thing, right? Later i bought 2 new games for myself. I looked also at my Steam Profile just for see if the theory was right. And remember, i got 66 games before buying(according to my profile), but after i bought the 2 games, i got 65 games? HMM, then next morning i found out that i won Galactic Arms Race. I add it to steam, but it doesent add it on my steam profile. Still 65 games according to Steam.

Have you guys any theory's? Because i can't see any logic in this x_0
Or have you seen something similar?


12 years ago*

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wtf am i reading?

12 years ago

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He wants to know why there are inconsistencies in amount of games listed in his Steam profile and actual quantity of games he owns.

12 years ago

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OK here's the long and short of it:

  • DLCs count in that total.

  • If you have a game that is also on Mac and Linux, your total goes up for each one of those as well.

  • Games that are on Steam but that have never been on the Steam store do NOT show in that total nor on your game list, only in your library (Most betas are like this, Spirits used to be like this, Galactic Arms Race is like this, there are many other examples.)

  • Free games count in the total.

12 years ago

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DLCs, some unplayed games which are not shown in your steam profile.

12 years ago

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it's just the sum of your "recently played", "total games", "wishlist", and "recommended"

12 years ago

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This can't be true. I saw a guy with litterally 1000+ games in his wishlist, and the total amount of games on his profile was around 200. It wouldn't be logical for games on your wishlist (which you don't own) and games on your recommendations (which you would own twice?) to show up in the total.

From what I know, they show all the F2P games on your steam communty profile and do not show them in your steam client library. When you don't play an F2P game for a certain amount of time it is no longer counted as a game on your steam community profile.

12 years ago

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oh well it worked for me haha

12 years ago

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All F2P games on the store are in that number, along with any DLC you own.

12 years ago

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Maybe it's because Steam is really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

12 years ago

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Agree this with entirety!

12 years ago

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You’ve got to be kidding me. I’ve been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It’s just common sense.

12 years ago

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My theory is that you don't know how to spelz.

But maybe because of DLCs?I have the same problem, but I don't really mind...

12 years ago

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Just a thought i had in my mind, nothing more.

12 years ago

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I just told you, try adding those up, you'll see the logic :)

12 years ago

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steam adds the 'free to play' games you've played to your total games list. That's why it appears like you have more games when you actually don't

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by liongoat.