Peace Walker
MGSV (GZ first, then TPP)
Metal Gear
Metal Gear 2
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I would say that the most logical way to play it would probably be in release order. While it's not the chronological order, it would be the order that the different concepts of the series are introduced and explained.
The chronological order, and yes, I looked it up, is:
1964: Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
1970: Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops
1974: Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
1975: Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes
1984: Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain
1995: Metal Gear
1999: Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake
2005: Metal Gear Solid
2007 - 2009: Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
2014: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
2016 - 2018: Metal Gear Rising: Revengance
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Playing them in chronological order isn't going to make things less confusing.
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Yes, Metal Gear 1 on NES is a bad version of the game with a translation that make certain things impossible without a guide.The second Metal Gear on NES, Snake's Revenge, isn't even part of the series since Kojima had no involvement. The original MSX versions of 1 and 2 are available on MGS3: Subsistance and the HD collection.
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Order of release:
Metal Gear -> Metal Gear Solid -> MG Solid 2: Sons of liberty -> MG Solid 3: Snake Eater -> MG Solid: Peace Walker -> MG Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots -> Revengeance -> MG Solid 5: Phantom Pain. I don't know how many can be played on PC though.
Chronological Order is basically what the wiki says:
1964 – Snake Eater
1970 – Portable Ops
1974 – Peace Walker
1975 – Ground Zeroes
1984 – The Phantom Pain
1995 – Metal Gear
1999 – Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake
2005 – Metal Gear Solid (The Twin Snakes)
2007/09 – Sons of Liberty
2014 – Guns of the Patriots
2018 – Revengeance
You should play it in order of release, you will spoil the story and gameplay is vastly improved in the latter games.
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Also you WILL need a wiki after a while to get the full story. And even then, you need to turn off logic for it to make sense sometimes.
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Playing them in release order is much better, as you know what you need to know. Also the story is confusing anyway, so chronological order won't help
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You should play in release order.
Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid 2
Metal Gear Solid 3
Metal Gear Solid 4
Metal Gear Solid - Peace Walker
Metal Gear Solid - Ground Zeroes
Metal Gear Solid - The Phantom Pain
They are not in chronological order, but you will understand it a lot better if you play in release order. There are a lot of references and twists that only works this way. Like in MGS2, when there's a plot device you may find stupid as hell but it is explained in MGS3 and everything kinda makes sense. It is a wonderful series.
If you are wondering, the chronological order is
Also, there are other games like you said. They are not considered canon because they were not written by the series creator so they are not mandatory.
But they are VERY GOOD games and they don't contradict the main series, so you can play them like they are in fact canon.
That said:
Metal Gear Portable Ops is set between MGS3 and MGSPW.
Metal Gear Ghost Babel kinda happens between MGS1 and MGS2.
Metal Gear Rising is the last in chronological order. It tells the tale of what happened to Raiden after the series.
I have to tell you that there are 2 canon games that were released before everything.
Metal Gear (released in 1987) and Metal Gear 2 (1990). They are nice fun games, but are very very old. Even the creator has told us that we can skip them and we can understand the story just fine. In MGS1 we can even read the story of those games in a menu.
Finally, Metal Gear Acid and Acid 2 are PSP spin off games. They are turn based strategy games involving cards. And stealth. That's right! And everything works! The story is not canon but the game is very fun if that's your thing.
Sorry about my english and if you have any questions feel free to ask. This is my favorite series and I'm glad you are having fun.
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Playing them any other way is not recommended and will not make you understand the story any better. Rising doesn't really have any relational link with the Solid saga other than Raiden himself and Portable Ops is confirmed not canon by Kojima. I recommend the Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection for the PS3 and Xbox 360. It includes all Metal Gear Solid games (expect Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain), Peace Walker in HD, and the MSX Metal Gear games inside the Snake Eater Menu.
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143 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Zlia
Alright, so I've finished Metal Gear Rising, and I've started Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker, and I remember having played Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater, and goddamn if the story isn't confusing as shit. So there's a Solid Snake, a Liquid Snake (and a Gaseous Snake for all I know) but there's also Solidus Snake, and apparently a Venom Snake. But there's also a Big Boss who's not a snake, but apparently Big Boss-who's-not-a-snake is an antagonist of Solid Snake, but Solid Snake or some other Snake was a clone? I mean what the actual fuck, I'm loving Peace Walker and I tried to read up a bit to understand about Revengeance but I have absolutely no idea what the story is, plus it seems the games have not been released in a chronological order. Can someone who's played all the games let me know an order in which I should play the games? I'm thankfully not spoiled much so I'd say I'm willing to play all the games.
(I own Rising, MGS Peace Walker and MGS Portable Ops for PSP)
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