Unluckily this seems to have become quite common. I guess it's because many IndieDevelopers are small teams or even a single person so there's nobody to stop them from throwing a temper tantrum when they are questioned / somebody dislikes their work.
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Hi SeabassGuy! Welcome to SteamGifts!
Can you tell me why so many positive reviews come from accounts with so few games in their library? It's almost like they're not real accounts.
There's more, but I got distracted at this point because Doroftei's review is classified under Romanian, even though it's in English. In fact, English shows up in several of the "foreign" language reviews, 100% of which are positive. How interesting!
All but 4 Russian, 1 Spanish, and 1 Traditional Chinese reviews are positive. Maybe your game is just more popular overseas? Or maybe it's intentional that you have a large number of positive reviews that the majority of Steam users will never see, hidden away, boosting that rating percentage.
Or maybe it's coincidence. That's certainly possible too. But you understand why it might look suspicious to some people, right?
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You could say the same about most of the negative reviews. ;)
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The only person I actually have spoken to is 'sachonski', he's a steam developer. Not sure how that is a fake account. Regardless how would I find the time to make multiple fake accounts when I'm pushing updates every 2-3 days? During the time this game was getting most reviews I was also working a full-time job. It's a silly accusation that has zero evidence.
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to be fair, it takes a little more time, if you have to add a few games and then spend some game time in order to create the fake review.
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We did a massive give away originally when we launched. I do give out free copies to people in matches of CS:GO sometimes. Friends, etc.
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I've addressed everything about 10 times now. Please read the comments on the Steam review if you need to.
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Well, I've read through the whole story. And sorry but, I also find it that you ARE the wrong here, SeabassGuy. Reviews exist so people can criticize good or bad. They're subjective. And you collect that subjective criticizm, make them into something better to improve. But instead you have went and tried to cover them up instead.
It's usually a good thing keeping close watch to your reviews, internet is a vile place, but you seem to have ignored a honest review because it didn't fit your ideals, and even when this is not the case, you've tried to hide them behind Early Access.
Let's take for a closer look at what Early Access means, the link above covers up for the greatest part, what a gamer can do:
"As a gamer... Discuss and give feedback; Help test and report bugs; Play the game as it develops."
And with a more definitive all in one; you can also find it in "What should I look for?" section. Early Access is no different than an open beta, only with paid access. You ARE to expect bads more than the good so you actually have a thing to improve, if you don't have them, that is already out of this stage.
To sum it up, if you had thought that negative reviews on your game would impact people not getting interested in your game(Which I also want to point out, this is a normal thing), instead of patching them up out of public, you should have done as much effort on the positives and improve your game to neutralize them. This is what means to develop, to create something. No one wants their creation to be imperfect, and no one should be okay with it.
From a "gamer" and a former "Quality Assurance" member for S4 League and GunZ 2: The Second Duel.
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The game doesn't look great. Where did all those positive reviews come from?
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I was wondering this too. But since it's still in alpha, and I've never heard of it before, perhaps we're witnessing a selection effect. (That'd be the same phenomenon that causes the two reviews of a crummy, self-published book on Amazon to both be positive.)
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I believe people enjoyed the game so wrote a positive review. I also believe a few bad reviews were written mainly because there is a MASSIVE lack of content. Most of the reviews leave really good points that I have focused on since.
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When a developer does this, you know they only care about the money.
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Oh is that why I did it? Perhaps you should read some into it some more.
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Yeah, Diceman85 is right. I also think that maybe they see their 'games' as their magnum opus so nay kind of criticism is too hard for them. Or maybe htey are like that spoiled kids who take everything as granted and when they meet with real world they can't stand it.
As for my opinion - I honestly don't give a... Reviews will do the justice, and people won't buy it.
I also have to add that this is kinda sad that some honest devs take off their games from store, because people go butthurt (or maybe they think they are funny?) posting negative reviews because game isn't something that they think it will be (for example game 'A' is a arcade racer and game 'B' is a legend in genere; most reviews are "f... you, it's not 'B'). Yet still abominations like game in first post keep using up space and their creators are highly offended when someone explains them why their 'games' aren't worth an cent.
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As i said, im not onto the review thing, dont really know how works (i did once for the community badge) because when i was kid my dream (well after the soccer player and porn actor that every kid dream about) it was being beta tester and with all these early access they kill that profession (thanks Microsoft for using us to test your products -.-) I was just pointing out how all of this seems outside the review thing :)
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You;re right! That's when I realized I could just write a developer response rather then speaking to the author. Which is what I have done. :)
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+1, i haven't played the game, but seeing how OP put this whole thing on his website and states:
" I write up about this kind of thing all the time :D "
Makes me think he might just do this to bring attention to himself rather than trying the dev to improve its game.
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I don't believe that's his motivation, but even if it were, it does not in any way change the facts of the case he presents. By calling out abusive, immature, bullshit "developers" he's doing a public service, and we should be thankful for that.
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This is what so many people seem not to see about Lindion45. He is a flamer. His website has a section literally labelled as 'Flame Escapades'. Thank you Shawei for having a mind of your own.
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Rather than attacking the person (ad hominem) and totally ignoring the evidence shown of you completely mishandling the situation and abusing the flagging feature, you could try telling your side of the story and giving any missing context behind the rather incriminating show of events.
That is of course, if you have anything to actually say in your own defense.
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Wow cant believe they would do that but again I'm not surprised either. Seen other acting in a similar manner, like the ones for Battle of empires game. Now they went and permanently band a few people some that were just criticizing some things wrong with their game and proceeded to delete every single comment and post they ever made. Its like they never existed in the first place. Starting to seem more and more devs are doing this, but at least there are still some decent ones out there.
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Yep, first Big Fish Legend dev impersonating WGN, now this crap
Jim Sterling is going to have a kick out of it
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Big Fish Legend dev impersonating WGN
Oh? Please tell me more
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Worst part is: we actually held a contest promoting his game, one of those enter to win x copy of this game sort of raffle.
I believe that this was a mistake which also puts our community in a bad light. So just to make it clear: we do not support that kind of behaviour from any dev, let alone from those who partnered with us.
From my part I will try and contact the dev if I can eventually reason with him
To the OP: could you please add me as friend on Steam?
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Reminds me of how my negative review of "The Body Changer" was treated by the devs. They flagged it as off-topic because I ended it with a comment about their crummy attitude towards the community and their previous buyers.
They claimed that many saw their attempt at a game as GOTY and were actively deleting all negative comments in the forum.
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After I posted a rant here on SG, I ended up with a lot of people commenting on my review and upvoting it. (Got a few downvotes as well.) The dev first banned me from the forum "for trolling", then I contacted him to discuss bsaed on the suggestion from the author of one of the positive review who was getting some flak over this.
He finally agreed to unban me if I deleted the review and posted it back, as-is, so that the inflated votes from the SG community would be erased. From what he told me, he got warned by Valve that he had to take both good and bad criticism alike. But they also didn't sell many copies and the game seems pretty much abandoned now.
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if they don't want criticism from users they should release a finished product or at least something that remotely looks like a game. most of these devs just put a concept of their game and expect praise.
i think not even greenlight was expected to work like kickstarter, and these guys go one further and use the early access tag as an excuse to make quick cash with games that look like a school project.
even worse, they act like children when they get negative reviews. -_-
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Oh I act like a child? I thanked other negative reviews for posting them. I believe you should do your research. And fixed a majority of what Lindion45 complained about.
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and people would exploit it and report not only abusive devs but also devs they don't like. Even more - remember that group that was blackmailing devs for keys saying otherwise they will give them tens or hundreds of negative reviews? Now imagine threathening devs with "thousands of your followers" giving reports on DevRep.
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Hate when devs do that but on a side note decided to look up game and saw it and immediately bought it!
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Sorry I was high just like everyone who wrote positive reviews ;p.
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I did improve based on feedback. Perhaps read the developer response on the review. ^_^
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Yes, but it's also the point of the review system to review the state of the game, and if the game is found to be barely more than a tech-demo that has very little enjoyable or even working, then a negative review is the natural conclusion. Such reviews are automatically marked as having been made during the early access period.
Improving a game does not require smearing the person who placed your review, nor does it require abusing the system to forcibly remove unfavorable reviews. A bad review that clearly shows it's evaluation and reasons for being marked as negative is a GOOD thing. Abusing the system to manipulate what people appear to think of your project is NOT the point of early access or the report system.
I don't understand what is so hard to grasp about this?
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I'm the dev. I'm not even going to feed this flamer. He has STILL yet to update his review. He has had plenty of time to post over 20 paragraphs on the Steam review simply to troll the teams artist. (Why my artist is even talking to him is beyond me) I made an official response and pointed out the exact parts of the review that need to be updated.
I have no problem with opinions. I have a problem with false statements though.
"Isn't the point of early access to gain money to develop the game while also getting feedback to improve it?", which is exactly what I did. I literally implemented exact complaints of his in the most recent update.
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As much as I like Lindon maybe he should update the review, but I wanted to ask. I am not experienced with greenlight THAT much since most games there are shit, but isnt kickstarter made for the same thing of gaining money and feedback? it also seems like a better place to gain this first there.
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Well you see... Steam updated their early access rules. You can't put a game up on Steam if you are going to rely on sales to finish the games development. Which is why it's not on kickstarter and is in early access. I worked a full-time job for about 8 months while I worked on this game and only about 2 months ago left that job. I'm on steam early access because I wanted to get some feedback and really involve people in the development.
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As I said all of this seems avaliable at project websites like kickstarter. You can give demos and beta access to people who backed you and have them tell feedback at forums. You will probably get more exposure and find enough profit to complete devolopment. People there who are interested in backing can also be more... helpful than steam's community as people there care about projects they back.
Also I don't get your second statement. You cant put a game in early access if your going to rely on sales so you put it in early access? so without support from customers you are gonna continue updating either way?
Although I am not into that stuff as you are, and I don't know about how well your sales are. But good luck making your game better.
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Why would he update his review after you willingly abused the system to attack someone for a negative response?
This is akin to throwing your drink in someone's face and then afterwards, when you realise some of it spilled on your table, you 'politely' ask them to dry it for you, pretending that you're reasonable even in the face of your previous actions. Instead of telling your side of the story and perhaps giving context to the evidence and screenshots of your behavior, you have instead decided to smear the person who posted a record of your behaviour.
Ad hominem and abuse of the report system is incredibly unprofessional behavior, and if that is your first resort to addressing a conflict, you cannot really claim with a straight face to be a reasonable person, can you? Even had you not used the report feature, you are being highly combative of someone due to a review. The review system is there for a reason. People do not HAVE to like your game. At the point that they pay for it, the opinion of whether or not the current project state is worth investing in is ENTIRELY a reasonable thing to base their review on.
Instead of making this a personal matter of butting heads, you could have taken the criticism on-board WITHOUT the 'return fire'. I can appreciate it may feel like someone is attacking your precious work, but ultimately your ill behaviour is sabotaging your project far worse than any impatient-sounding review could.
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Mate @OP, you are free to say your opinion by imo you were way too harsh for an indie Early Access game.
After reading your whole post and link i must say that i would feel exactly as the Dev from your attitude in general. Imo, what you did there was not just criticism. There is a thin line between good criticism and bad criticism and unfortunately you have crossed it.
For me, the Dev was not censoring your reply, he was protecting his game cause as i mentioned above you had crossed the line. Instead of being so harsh and reaching the limits of a bad(insert 3 letters here), you could simply request a refund (Yes, Steam allows you to refund a game!).
"Gave me less FPS than Battlefield" <- This is the point where you reached the line of bad(insert 3 letters here). It is an indie game as you mentioned under development, not an AAA title as you can obviously see.
Conclusion, the Dev was absolutely right with whatever he did to your pics and review.
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Thank you ValkyrenSaga. I appreciate you taking the time to speak.
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Cause you are obviously a hater and you do not deserve to be in anybody's friend list? Cause you have a leecher in your friend list too (the owner of the Original Traders Group)?
And beware! Honest reviews incoming about your games too!
Finally, my accusal is 100% correct and accurate. Prove me wrong, or i shall better say try to prove me wrong.
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Last but not least, did you even check that it is version 0.1.5?
0.1 !!! What game in its 0.1 version is close to its perfection?
The more i look into it, the more i support Seabass and the more i consider you did it on purpose in order to harm that game
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it is not a crime, it is an antisocial act the way you wrote the review.
i have written myself negative reviews and taken hundreds of screenshots but i was not verbally abusing as you did. you seem you don't know the difference between moral and immoral
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Can i just tell you that i don't care?
Can i just remind you that you could ask for a refund and not write a report about a 0.1 version of a single dev indie game?
Can i also remind you how disturbingly impolite you were?
Can i just remind you that any game played above 30 fps is playable?
Can i remind you that the dev did informed you that his game was in very very early access?
Can i just remind you too that nobody asked you to purchase that game in the first place?
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Just out of curiosity, are you somehow affiliated with the game?
You have the developer on your Steam buddy list and you seem to be taking the criticism personally.
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