Please allow users to additively import library data through this url:
It contains:
all games
all DLC
and every removed game now undetectable through normal API too
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That aint true though, every DLC is stuck on an ID aswell which can be easy checked if you own it or not, this is how steam does it himself too btw... l.o.l...
To be sure my comment was correct, I even tested it on my private website and I was able to check which DLC I own or not, not sure what SG is missing to make that happen but took me like 10minutes to try out lol
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Where is Mully and what have you done with her SG account?! :-D
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People aren't cheaters just because they have a VAC ban. I genuinely have a friend in real life who I shared a flat with (but we fell out and they wouldn't use the bathroom because that was on what they had declared my side of the flat and they kept all of their bodily waste in plastic containers or tried to incinerate it in the oven until it became a major thing) and they got unfairly VAC banned on CS:GO just because of cosmetic mods. That made walls transparent. Clearly as cosmetic can be...
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Yikes! That sounded like it would have been a crappy situation (no pun intended) to be in. And you two were still able to remain friends after all that?
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It got completely out of hand and I would have happily murdered him at one stage and for some time after. But we were friends a long time before and we both had serious issues that contributed to the situation that developed. It was a few years after that he got in touch with me on facebook and we were able to talk things through.
We are on speaking terms now and I even did an art commission of his puppy. The whole trying to incinerate his poo in the oven because the toilet was on my side of the flat is still something I'm struggling to justify or move past.
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Thank you for letting me know. I know it really wasn't my business, but I appreciate it.:)
That was nice that you were both able to at least start to salvage the friendship, even though it may not be like it was before.
And knowing your art, the puppy looked really good!:)
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The puppy looked OK. I don't know about salvaging a friendship - we are more just pretending a bunch of stuff never happened because we were happier before.
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I actually think that it looks pretty good (but I admit that I don't have an artist's eye). You could see the emotion in Obie's eyes!
I guess you're right. Some things it's impossible to wipe clean as there can always be those lingering emotions.
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Heh, I was in similar situation. I've had this friend I knew since middle school - he wasn't very close friend, but we were in the same pack so to speak - knew each other, partied together, talked about books or video games, went to concerts, drank heavilly, go to vacations with whole pack etc - you know, the things that usually bigger group of friends does, you have a few closest friends, but you more or less consider everyone in a pack a friend of sort ;p
Anyway - we went to the same city for studies, but I rented a flat and he went to student dormitory. But during first year we grew closer - because you know, a new city and he's one of the only 3 people in this city you actually know. The 2nd year I was looking for new roommate (or flatmate, cause each of us would have separate room) and he said he had enough of living in dormitory so he moved in. And then problems started. I'm not the cleaniest guy on the planet, actually I am very messy, but god, that was some another level ;P Not to mention that he didn't help cleaning the flat even once for the whole year, no cleaning in kitchen (his argument was that he is not cooking, so I am making most of mess anyway) but biggest problem was his "eating habits". For the whole year he would order a big pizza for supper every single day - usually he wouldn't eat it all, and leave the rest for another time - time which was never coming. And he was never taking these pizza boxes to the trash, he would just put them away somewhere - with all the food leftovers rotting overtime. He had a big wardrobe in his room - when he moved out and I was cleaning his mess I found it stockpilled up to the very top with pizza boxes with rotting food leftovers. Luckilly he got kicked out of Uni and was returning to hometown, so I didn't have to kick him out myself.
Anyway nowadays we are still in touch - we can party ocassionally when whole old pack gathers for wedding or birthday, we still play online together or chat about books, but it just proves the point - you never know someone until you live with them. It's one thing to like each other, share hobbies or go to parties and totally different thing living with this someone 24/7 ;p
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You see now I feel the urge to go into more detail. The individual in question had gone to school with my youngest sister and they had been good friends and I'd met him before at a number of music gigs and festivals and he seemed like a good laugh.
It came to a time where I was living in a really nice apartment that I couldn't really afford - I'd been talked into it by a girl who had then dumped me and really left me in the shit. I needed someone to share the rent with on short notice and my sister fixed me up with this guy who at the time I didn't know had just been thrown out for being a drunken idiot.
Now apart from the thing that I'd just split up with this girl I also had a thing going on where my father had been diagnosed with cancer after we just started speaking to each again after a number of years apart. I was not coping well and drinking too much. But he was also having very serious family problems and not dealing with them well by taking a lot of drugs and bringing junkie sluts home.
And we ended up hating each other and it got completely irrational. I'm too embarrassed to talk about some of the things that I did at that time. I believe we honestly tried to kill each other. But we also shared some of the worst times in our lives with each other and there was a bond if that makes any sense?
I was glad when he reached out and even more glad when he didn't mention any of the stuff that happened. We just chat about the new stuff that is going on. He is an outlaw biker now. Nobody who knows us both understands how we are chill with each other after how badly things went between us. But frankly I think I am more comfortable with him than anybody else after we have seen each other at our worst.
He really did try and dispose of poo by incinerating it in the oven rather than using the toilet on my side of the flat. That is not fiction. He also did get VAC banned for wallhax.
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I can believe any crazy stories about roommates nowadays ;) Incinerating feces seems crazier than stockpiling 127 (yes I counted) pizza boxes with leftover slices included into wardrobe, but not soo much crazier ;)
Luckilly our relationship didn't end up as bad as yours - in like 2 years all of this was more or less forgiven, and we would simply use it to screw up with each other - like we are on a party together and I try to embarass him in front of others bringing this up, in exchange he will embarass me telling how he carried my totally drunk ass for 5km after I passed out at the bar during snowstorm, and because of snowstorm all buses were cancelled etc ;p Usual stuff - group of friends telling embarassing stories from the past about each other ;p
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You see I think that is where it started with us but all either of us could do was escalate it. I'd signed up to a market research thing and we got invited to taste some new vodka at a hotel - which given our issues was only going to end up badly. There were these girls there that he fancied and I was just telling them embarrassing stuff about him because he had been annoying me and we had both been drinking vodka and it exploded and neither of us backed down from there. In hindsight maybe we were in such shitty situations that there was no reason we shouldn't prioritise an idiot feud over anything else.
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Came here to read the new SG functionality, and now invested in this. Sorry, it seems like I'm snooping on a public forum. :)
Had a huge fallout myself with my uncle, who was living in an outhouse with another uncle and I shared the house with him. After his disgusting habits (not cleaning, watching porn and leaving stuff around, not buying toiletries), I had a massive argument and shouted at him, which I feel embarrassed about now, him being my elder. But, to put it into perspective, he was a 40-year old, working, grown ass man who was sponging of my other uncle and piggy-backing off my minimal varsity pennies I used to buy toiletries, while I also cleaned the house weekly. I snapped. It could've been worse, but I ended up not talking to him for years after that, and even now I only greet him if I see him and move on.
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I can only apologise for completely derailing what should have been a sensible topic. At least we were a lot younger than 40...
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I don't want to ask, but I have to ask:
Did you guys replace the oven when you moved out? I mean, that's like serious health hazard stuff right there.
Cuz if not I'm never cooking food in a rental unit oven again. It could be that oven.
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It was my cooker, it didn't come with flat. It was disposed of.
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Careful they might revoke your redhead membership 😜
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Good stuff, less user reports in the future as well. xD
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But when are you publishing the quarterly report so we can get the dividends from our shares?
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That will finally be the end of multi-wins.
Though having to wait a week to mark "Not Received" in cases of for example a bad key with the gifter not able or willing to provide replacement now creates an unfavorable situation.
DLC tracking could be achieved by allowing import of user's store data through this url
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Like I said on the Patreon page this is a very nice and pleasant change not only for the giveaway creators and the SG users but also for SG support! ^^
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What about free weekend games? Will they sync and remove entries as well?
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Does steam automatically add such games to library or this has changed and it only happens when user presses "Play now" button on store page of such game?
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They used to be auto-added to your library but now you have to manually install them. As long as you manually sync before installing them you should be fine for the duration of the weekend as most people won't be running giveaways longer than that due to recent gifting changes.
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Go back and actually read the post. The 24 hour sync is listed as a possibility in the future. It isn't live now and it isn't confirmed it will be. So until change does go live my post is accurate.
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I've joined just 3 months ago, but I love both the amount and quality of the changes which happened since then ;)
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When your account is synced, the site will remove open giveaway entries for games which have been detected on your account.
One less thing I need a script for \o/
Great changes, thank you!
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24 Comments - Last post 36 seconds ago by philipdick
278 Comments - Last post 24 minutes ago by Adamdoodles
19 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Gamy7
164 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Superefg
263 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Adamdoodles
16,703 Comments - Last post 11 hours ago by wigglenose
126 Comments - Last post 12 hours ago by Superefg
34 Comments - Last post 17 seconds ago by VahidSlayerOfAll
88 Comments - Last post 12 minutes ago by singinprincess
404 Comments - Last post 31 minutes ago by 666lhdkiller
84 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by wigglenose
224 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Mileworg
47 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by WaxWorm
17 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by TheMuzo
Hi SG,
The site has just been updated with a couple of changes for entering giveaways.
You can no longer enter to win games you have previously won. You'll see a "Previously Won" error. This occurs when you have won the game in the past, and your win is marked either "Received" or "Awaiting Feedback". If you do not receive your gift after one week, and mark the giveaway as "Not Received", then you will once again be able to enter giveaways for the game.
When your account is synced, the site will remove open giveaway entries for games which have been detected on your account. Points will be restored if any giveaway entries are removed. This way, if you buy new games or redeem bundles, you don't have to worry about searching for and manually removing your giveaway entries after syncing. As well, automatic syncing now occurs more frequently, and your account will be synced every 48 hours when you visit the site. This might be further shortened to 24 hours in the coming days.
I think the pros far outweigh the cons with the above changes. I believe this will greatly reduce the number of support tickets. Issues with users winning a game more than once, or winning a game they already purchased, is by far the most active support category. This should not only benefit support, but reduce the number of tickets giveaway creators need to create, and cut down on delays for winners receiving their gifts.
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