Is this meant to be him asking someone to make this for him? It does say game idea
edit: saw he also posted this here:
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This doesn't look like tacos to me. I would know.
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I have a quite complete treatment for a true roguelike game, 100 pages quite chaotic (could be maybe 60 if I ever organize it properly) with implementation ideas for some of the more complex internals, ideas for multiplayer, etc. I'm not even giving you the name for free.
Thus, you're infinitely more generous than me. But as others say, this could be a turn-based tactics, RTT with pause, RPG, TTRPG, Tactical or non-tactical FPS/TPS, RTS, card game, visual novel or run'n'gun platformer.
However for everyone intrigued, I found this.
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well we all know about Squad I think this is his idea for a new game which he wants us to make for him for free possibly?
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133 Comments - Last post 51 minutes ago by TinaG
■i am giving you this game idea for free.
■Squad Armor 2, (Game Idea): Last Update.
■Infiltrators: Recruit, Trooper, Electro.
■Class 1: Recruit, Stats: (Health 150)(Movement speed 100%)(Jump height 100%).
■Default Primary Weapon: Burst-Fire Assault Rifle, Stats: has 20 bullets in a clip, M1 shoot 2 bullets at once in burst mode.
■Primary Weapon 2: Burst-Fire Assault Rifle 2, Stats: has 16 bullets in a clip, M1 shoot 4 bullets at once in burst mode.
■Primary Weapon 3: Burst-Fire Battle Rifle, Stats: has 12 bullets in a clip, M1 shoot 6 bullets at once in burst mode.
■Primary Weapon 4: Burst-Fire Battle Rifle 2, Stats: has 8 bullets in a clip, M1 shoot 8 bullets at once in burst mode.
■Default Secondary Weapon: Revolver, Stats: has 8 bullets in a clip, M1 shoot bullets.
■Secondary Weapon 2: Apple, Stats: M1 eat Apple to make yourself invisible for 5 seconds, you cannot shoot while you are invisible, (15 second recharge time after each consumption).
■Secondary Weapon 3: Peach, Stats: M1 eat peach to increase your weapon firing speed and weapon reload speed by +200% for 8 seconds, (20 second recharge time after each consumption).
■Secondary Weapon 4: Jam Jar, Stats: M1 throw Jam Jar to cover enemy players with it, enemy players covered in jam deal 25% less damage to you and your teammates for 5 seconds, (12 second recharge time after each throw).
■Secondary Weapon 5: Boomerang, M1 throw boomerang at enemy player to deal impact damage and push enemy player back, (5 second recharge time after each throw).
■Secondary Weapon 6: Portal Launcher, Stats: allows Recruit to shoot projectiles that create portals only on straight walls from any distance, M1 shoot to place first portal, M2 shoot to place second portal, only Recruit can walk through portals, players cannot shoot through portals, players cannot see through portals, (maximum 2 portals can be placed at once)(each time you walk though placed portals you wont be able to walk through them again for 6 seconds)(6 second recharge time after both portals are placed).
■Default Melee Weapon: Nunchaku, Stats: M1 melee attack, M2 throw nunchaku at enemy player to deal impact damage and push enemy player back, (10 second recharge time after each throw).
■Melee Weapon 2: Flail, Stats: M1 melee attack, after you melee hit enemy player damage you and your teammates deal to that enemy player will turn into self healing for 5 seconds.
■Class 2: Trooper, Stats: (Health 250)(Movement speed 35%)(Jump height 35%).
■Default Primary Weapon: Crosshair-Guided Missle Launcher, Stats: has 3 crosshair-guided missles in a clip, M1 shoot normal crosshair-guided missles, M2 shoot crosshair-guided missles that have 50% faster travel speed but deal 50% less damage, M3 shoot crosshair-guided missles that have 50% bigger explosion radius but deal 50% less damage, (crosshair-guided missles follow your crosshair)(you can shoot only one missle at a time meaning you cannot shoot another missle untill missle that you fired has exploded)(explosion of a crosshair-guided missle destroys Electro's released electricity and trail of electricity)(missles can explode on direct impact on enemy players and surfaces)(missles can deal explosive damage).
■Primary Weapon 2: Self-Guided Missle Launcher, Stats: has 3 self-guided missles in a clip, M1 shoot normal self-guided missles, M2 shoot self-guided missles that have 50% faster travel speed but deal 50% less damage, M3 shoot self-guided missles that have 50% bigger explosion radius but deal 50% less damage, M2 activate scope and point your sight at enemy player and press M1 to shoot self-guided missles that follow enemy player without your gudance, you can shoot only one missle at a time meaning you cannot shoot another missle untill missle that you fired has exploded, (explosion of a self-guided missle destroys Electro's released electricity and trail of electricity)(missles can explode on direct impact on enemy players and surfaces)(missles can deal explosive damage).
■Primary Weapon 3: Pilot-Guided Missle Launcher, Stats: has 3 pilot-guided missles in a clip, when you shoot missle your consciousness and vision gets teleported into camera that is attached on a missle and you get to pilot it, M1 shoot normal pilot-guided missles, M2 shoot pilot-guided missles that have 50% faster travel speed but deal 50% less damage, M3 shoot pilot-guided missles that have 50% bigger explosion radius but deal 50% less damage, you can shoot only one missle at a time meaning you cannot shoot another missle untill missle that you fired has exploded, (explosion of a pilot-guided missle destroys Electro's released electricity and trail of electricity)(missles can explode on direct impact on enemy players and surfaces)(missles can deal explosive damage).
■Default Secondary Weapon: Burst-Fire Submachine Gun, Stats: has 20 bullets in a clip, M1 shoot 2 bullets at once in burst mode.
■Secondary Weapon 2: Handbell, Stats: damage you deal to enemies with Guided Missle Launcher builds up charge, when charge is full press M1 to ring handbell to make yourself and nearby teammates invulnerable for 6 seconds.
■Secondary Weapon 3: Handbell 2, Stats: damage you deal to enemies with Guided Missle Launcher builds up charge, when charge is full press M1 to ring handbell to increase your and nearby teammates weapon firing speed and weapon reload speed by +200% for 9 seconds.
■Secondary Weapon 4: Handbell 3, Stats: damage you deal to enemies with Guided Missle Launcher builds up charge, when charge is full press M1 to ring hqndbell to increase your and nearby teammates maximum health by +50% for 12 seconds.
■Secondary Weapon 5: Jet Boots, Stats: double press space to propell yourself up and forward in air, 4 second recharge time each time your propell yourself up and forward in air.
■Default Melee Weapon: Falchion, Stats: M1 melee attack, if you melee hit enemy player while you are in air that enemy player will get paralized for 5 seconds.
■Melee Weapon 2: Chainsaw, Stats: M1 melee attack, M2 shoot cutting chain as a projectile that hurts enemy players on impact, (12 second recharge time after each shot).
■Class 3: Electro, Stats: (Health 200)(Movement speed 50%)(Jump height 50%).
■Default Primary Weapon: Electricity Thrower, Stats: M1 release electricity that hurts enemy players and pushes them away from you, M2 release electricity that hurts enemy players and pulls them close to you, M3 release electricity that hurts enemy playets and imobilizes them, (released electricity stays in air for 4 seconds and hurts and slows down enemy players who try to walk through it and electrifies projectiles that try to pass through it for 4 seconds, projectiles electrified by M1 released electricity deal 25% less damage, projectiles electrified by M2 released electricity have 50% smaller explosion radius, projectiles electrified by M3 released electricity have 75% slower travel speed)(enemy players cannot see through released electricity that blocks 75% of vision).
■Primary Weapon 2: Electricity Thrower 2, Stats: M1 release electricity that hurts enemy players and decreases their weapon damage by 25%, M2 release electricity that hurts enemy players and decreases their weapon firing speed by 50%, M3 release electricity that hurts enemy players and decreases their weapon reload speed by 75%, (released electricity stays in air for 4 seconds and hurts and slows down enemy players who try to walk through it and electrifies projectiles that try to pass through it for 4 seconds, projectiles electrified by M1 released electricity deal 25% less damage, projectiles electrified by M2 released electricity have 50% smaller explosion radius, projectiles electrified by M3 released electricity have 75% slower travel speed)(enemy players cannot see through released electricity that blocks 75% of vision).
■Default Secondary Weapon: Burst-Fire Submachine Gun, Stats: has 20 bullets in a clip, M1 shoot 2 bullets at once in burst mode.
■Secondary Weapon 2: Electric Flare Gun, Stats: has 1 electric projectile in a clip, M1 shoot projectile, M2 detonate projectile, projectile leaves trail of electricity that stays in air for 4 seconds and hurts enemy players who try to walk through it, detonation of projectile imobilizes nearby projectiles in air for 2 seconds, (projectile can deal impact damage)(players cannot see through trail of electricity).
■Secondary Weapon 3: Jump Pad, Stats: M1 deploy jump pad, if you stand on jump pad it propels you up and forward in air, only Electro can use jump pad, (maximum 1 can be placed at once)(jump pad has 100 health)(10 second recharge time after each Jump Pad deployed).
■Default Melee Weapon: Scythe, Stats: M1 melee attack, if enemy player is standing inside released electricity or trail of electricity each melee hit takes away 50% of their maximum health.
■Melee Weapon 2: Scythe 2, Stats: M1 melee attack, if you melee hit enemy projectile it will be prmamently turned into ally projectile.
■Guardians: Trapman, Bulky, Technician.
■Class 4: Trapman, Stats: (Health 200)(Movement speed 50%)(Jump height 50%).
■Default Primary Weapon: Claymore Mine Launcher, Stats: has 3 claymore mines in a clip, M1 shoot normal mines, M2 shoot mines that have 50% faster travel speed but deal 50% less damage, M3 shoot mines that have 50% bigger explosion radius but deal 50% less damage, (mines stick to surfaces and automatically explode within 1 second after being stuck to a surface)(explosion of claymore mine destroys Electro's released electricity and trail of electricity)(claymore mine can deal explosive damage).
■Primary Weapon 2: Hand Mortar, Stats: has 3 bombs in a clip, M1 shoot normal bombs, M2 shoot bombs that have 50% faster travel speed but deal 50% less damage, M3 shoot bombs that have 50% bigger explosion radius but deal 50% less damage, (bombs immediately explode on direct impact on enemy players and surfaces)(explosion of bomb destroys Electro's released electricity and trail of electricity)(bombs can deal explosive damage).
■Primary Weapon 3: Foothold Trap Launcher, Stats: has 3 foothold traps in a clip, M1 shoot normal foothold traps, M2 shoot foothold traps that have 50% faster travel speed but deal 50% less damage, M3 shoot foothold traps that have 50% bigger radius but deal 50% less damage, (foothold traps cannot stick to surfaces)(foothold traps stick to enemy players and hurt and imobilize them for 5 seconds)(projectile cannot deal explosive damage).
■Default Secondary Weapon: Proximity Landmine Launcher, Stast: has 6 proximity landmines in a clip, M1 shoot normal landmines, M2 shoot landmines that have 50% faster travel speed but deal 50% less damage, M3 shoot landmines that have 50% bigger explosion radius but deal 50% less damage, (mines stick to surfaces and automatically explode when enemy players are nearby)(explosion of landmine destroys Electro's released electricity and trail of electricity)(maximum 6 landmines can be placed at once)(landmines can explode on direct impact on enemy players)(landmines cannot explode on direct impact on surfaces)(landmines can deal explosive damage).
■Secondary Weapon 2: Pipe Bomb Launcher, Stats: has 6 pipe bombs in a clip, M1 shoot normal pipe bombs, M2 shoot pipe bombs that have 50% faster travel speed but deal 50% less damage, M3 shoot pipe bombs that have 50% bigger explosion radius but deal 50% less damage, (pipe bombs stick to surfaces and M2 activates fuze of all pipe bombs and pipebombs explode in 2 seconds after activating fuze)(explosion of pipe bomb destroys Electro's released electricity and trail of electricity)(maximum 6 pipe bombs can be placed at once)(pipe bombs cannot explode on direct impact on enemy players)(pipe bombs cannot explode on direct impact on surfaces)(pipe bombs can deal explosive damage).
■Secondary Weapon 3: Leghold Trap Launcher, Stats: has 6 leghold traps in a clip, M1 shoot normal leghold traps, M2 shoot leghold traps that have 50% faster travel speed but deal 50% less damage, M3 shoot leghold traps that have 50% bigger radius but deal 50% less damage, (maximum 6 leghold traps can be placed at once)(leghold traps stick to surfaces and hurt and imobilize enemy players who step on it for 5 seconds)(projectile cannot deal explosive damage).
■Secondary Weapon 4: Jet Pack, Stats: Jetpack has fuel and allows Trapman to fly, fuel lasts for 8 seconds and automaticly recharges when you stop flying, press and hold Space to fly.
■Default Melee Weapon: Hammer, Stats: M1 melee attack, while you are in air press M2 to fall down and hit ground with hammer to cause massive explosion that hurts enemy players, (10 second recharge time each time you fall down).
■Melee Weapon 2: Hatchet, Stats: M1 melee attack, while you are in air press M2 to fall down and hit ground with hatchet to cause massive explosion that pushes enemy players away and knocks them down for 2 seconds, (10 second recharge time each time you fall down).
■Class 5: Bulky, Stats: (Health 400)(Movement speed 25%)(Jump height 25%).
■Default Primary Weapon: Shotgun-Microgun, Stats: has 100 shotgun shells in a clip, M1 shoot shotgun shells, damage you deal to enemy players fills up charge, when charge is full point your crosshair at enemy player and press M2 to teleport yourself near that enemy player, (you can shoot without any time delay)(you cannot move while you are shooting).
■Primary Weapon 2: Shotgun-Launcher, Stats: has 9 shotgun projectiles in a clip, M1 shoot projectile, M2 detonate projectile that explodes into multiple shotgun shells that hurt multiple enemy players in all directions, you can shoot only one projectile at a time meaning you cannot shoot another projectile untill projectile that you fired has exploded, damage you deal to enemy players fills up charge, when charge is full point your crosshair at enemy player and press M2 to teleport that enemy player near you, (projectile can explode on direct impact on enemy players and surfaces)(projectile cannot deal explosion damage)(you can move while you are shooting).
■Default Secondary Weapon: Burst-Fire Submachine Gun, Stats: has 20 bullets in a clip, M1 shoot 2 bullets at once in burst mode.
■Secondary Weapon 2: Wine Bottle, Stats: M1 drink wine that increases your damage resistance by +60% for 20 seconds, M2 throw Wine Bottle at teammate to increase teammates damage resistance by +20% for 10 seconds, (20 second recharge time after you drink it or throw it).
■Secondary Weapon 3: Tequila Bottle, Stast: M1 drink tequila, after you drink tequila 60% of damage you deal to enemies with Automatic Shotgun turns into self healing for 20 seconds, M2 throw tequila bottle at teammate to make your teammate gain 20% of thair weapon damage done as health for 10 seconds, (20 second recharge time after you drink it or throw it).
■Secondary Weapon 4: Defibrilator, Stats: M1 revive dead teammate, M2 imobilize enemy player for 5 seconds, (20 second recharge time after each revive)(20 second recharge time after each imobilization).
■Secondary Weapon 5: Distributor, Stats: has 3 gadgets in a clip, M1 shoot gadgets that stick to surfaces, within their radius each gadget heals you and teammates with 5 health per second, (each gadget has 50 health)(maximum 3 gadgets can be placed at once)(you can move while you are shooting).
■Secondary Weapon 6: Recovery Chamber, Stats: M1 deploy recovery chamber that within its radius heals you and teammates with 10 health per second, you can pick up dead bodies of your teammates and carry them and put them in recovery chamber to revive them, (maximum 1 teammate can be revived at once)(10 second rechsrge time after each revive)(maximum 1 recovery chamber can be placed at once)(recovery chamber has 150 health)(15 second recharge time after each recovery chamber deployed).
■Default Melee Weapon: Trident, Stats: M1 melee attack, M2 stick trident in ground, deployed trident heals you and nearby teammates with 5 health per second, (deployed trident has 100 health)(maximum 1 can be placed at once)(10 second recharge time after each trident deployed).
■Melee Weapon 2: Trident 2, Stats: M1 melee attack, M2 throw trident, head of thrown trident sticks to surfaces and can be used to construct shield and block entrances, (5 second recharge time after each throw)(each trident has 100 health)(maximum 3 tridents can be placed at once).
■Class 6: Technician, Stats: (Health 150)(Movement speed 50%)(Jump height 50%).
■Default Primary Weapon: Burst-Fire Submachine Gun, Stats: has 20 bullets in a clip, M1 shoot 2 bullets at once in burst mode, point your crosshair at your your device and press M2 to teleport yourself near your device or press M3 to teleport your device near you, Technician must shoot 4 bullets at device that was permamently slowed down by Agent's Taser Gun to restore it, Technician must shoot 20 bullets at device to upgrade it to next level, each bullet heals device with 10 health, each bullet increases device build up speed by +10%, (15 second recharge time after each teleportation)(Burst-Fire Submachine Gun can do all of this from any distance).
■Primary Weapon 2: Crossbow, Stats: has 10 arrows in a clip, M1 shoot arrows, point your crosshair at your your device and press M2 to teleport yourself near your device or press M3 to teleport your device near you, Technician must shoot 2 arrows at device that was permamently slowed down by Agent's Taser Gun to restore it, Technician must shoot 10 arrows at device to upgrade it to next level, each arrow heals device with 20 health, each arrow increase device build up speed by +20%, (15 second recharge time after each teleportation)(Crossbow can do all of this from any distance).
■Default Secondary Weapon: Revolver, Stats: has 8 bullets in a clip, M1 shoot bullets.
■Secondary Weapon 2: Ballistic Shield, Stats: ballistic shield protects your entire body from front, has 200 health that automatically regenerates when not being shot, shield breaks after 200 damage is received, (20 second recharge time after it breaks).
■Default Tertiary Weapon: Installation Kit, Stats: allows Technician to install 3 devices, (6 second recharge time after each device installed).
●Device 1: Turret, Stats: lvl1 has first berrel that shoots Shotgun shells, lvl2 has second berrel that shoots Shotgun shells, lvl3 has third berrel that shoots explosive Grenades, (walk close to your turret and press E to mount your turret and start manually shooting it)(turret has 200 health).
●Device 3: Generator, Stats: lvl1 within its radius increases your and teamates damage resistance and weapon clip size by +10%, lvl2 within its radius increases your and teamates damage resistance and weapon clip size by +20%, lvl3 within its radius increases your and teamates damage resistance and weapon clip size by +30%, (generator has 200 health).
●Device 3: Respawn Chamber, Stats: lvl1 12 second recharge time after each respawn, lvl2 8 second recharge time after each respawn, lvl3 4 second recharge time after each respawn, (when teammates die and their respawn cooldown is over thay have option to respawn into spawn room or into Respawn Chamber you installed)(respawn chamber has 200 health).
■Default Melee Weapon: Ice Axe, Stats: M1 melee attack, M2 allows Technician to climb up on walls.
■Melee Weapon 2: Throwable Fubar, M1 melee attack, M2 throw fubar at your device to completely restore its health, (10 second recharge time after each throw).
■Assist: Doctor, Recon, Agent.
■Class 7: Doctor, Stats: (Health 100)(Movement speed 50%)(Jump height 50%)(+25 health automatically regenerates per second if you stop moving and shooting).
■Default Primary Weapon: Automatic Needle Shotgun, Stats: has 20 needle shotgun shells in a clip, M1 shoot needles that hurt enemies, damage you deal to enemies fills up charge, when charge is full press M2 to teleport yourself back to spawn room or point your crosshair at teammate and press M3 to teleport that teammate back to spawn room.
■Primary Weapon 2: Spear Launcher, Stats: has 6 spears in a clip, M1 shoot spear, damage you deal to enemy players heals your nearby teammates, head of spear sticks to surfaces so it can be used to construct shield and block entrances, damage you deal to enemies fills up charge, when charge is full point your crosshair at teammate and press M2 to teleport youself near that teammate or press M3 to teleport that teammate near you, (each spear has 50 health)(maximum 6 spears can be placed at once).
■Default Secondary Weapon: Elixir Gun, Stats: M1 release medicinal liquid elixir that heals teammates, healing you deal to teammates builds up charge, when charge is full press M2 to activate charge that makes you and patient invisible, (charge lasts for 12 seconds).
■Secondary Weapon 2: Elixir Gun 2, Stats: M1 release medicinal liquid elixir that heals teammates, healing you deal to teammates builds up charge, when charge is full press M2 to actvate charge that increases patients weapon firing speed and weapon reload speed by +400%, (charge lasts for 12 seconds).
■Secondary Weapon 3: Elixir Gun 3, Stats: M1 release medicinal liquid elixir that heals teammates, healing you deal to teammates builds up charge, when charge is full press M2 to activate charge that increases your and patients movement speed and jump height by +200%, (charge lasts for 12 seconds).
■Secondary Weapon 4: Elixir Gun 4, Stats: M1 release medicinal liquid elixir that heals teammates, healing you deal to teammates builds up charge, when charge is full press M2 to activate charge that turns 400% of the weapon damage done by patient into self healing, (charge lasts for 12 seconds).
■Default Melee Weapon: Syringe, Stats: M1 melee attack, M2 inject poison in enemy player that blinds them for 5 seconds, (15 second recharge time after each injection).
■Melee Weapon 2: Syringe 2, Stats: M1 melee attack, M2 inject poison in enemy player that teleports them back to their spawn room, (15 second recharge time after each injection).
■Class 8: Recon, Stats: (Health 150)(Movement speed 50%)(Jump height 50%).
■Default Primary Weapon: Marksman Rifle, Stats: has 1 bullet in a clip, M1 shoot, M2 scope, While scoped headshot takes away 75% of enemy players maximum health, While scoped Recon can see enemy players and projectiles and deployables through walls and Electro's released electricity and trail of electricity, While scoped point your crosshair at enemy player or projectile or deployable that you see through walls or Electro's released alactricity or trail of electricity and press M3 to allows your teammates to see them through walls and Electro's released electricity and trail of electricity for 3 seconds, each shot makes enemy player bleed for 15 seconds leaving trail of blood that can be traced, bleeding cannot deal damage, (you can shoot without reloading and unscoping)(3 second recharge time after each shot)(Marksman Rifle can do all of this from any distance).
■Primary Weapon 2: Marksman Rifle 2: Stats: has same stats as Defualt Marksman Rifle exept: headshot takes away 50% of enemy players maximum health, (2 second recharge time after each shot).
■Primary Weapon 3: Marksman Rifle 3: Stats: has same stats as Defualt Marksman Rifle exept: headshot takes away 25% of enemy players maximum health, (1 second recharge time after each shot).
■Primary Weapon 4: Slingshot, Stats: has 1 rock in a clip, M1 shoot rock that takes away 60% of enemy players maximum health on headshot, press and hold M1 to pull rock and than release M1 fully pulled rock takes away 90% of enemy players maximum health on headshot, rock reveals location of nearby enemy players and projectiles and deployables that it travels through to teammates through walls and Electro's released electricity and trail of electricity for 6 seconds.
■Default Secondary Weapon: Automatic Shotgun, Stats: has 12 shotgun shells in a clip, M1 shoot.
■Secondary Weapon 2: Radar, Stats: M1 deploy radar, if you and your teammates are within radars radius you and your teammates will be able to see enemy players and projectiles and deployables through walls and Electro's released electricity and trail of electricity, (maximum 1 can be placed at once)(radar has 100 health)(10 second recharge time after each radar deployed).
■Default Melee Weapon: Karambit, Stats: M1 melee attack, point your crosshair at wall and press M2 to teleport yourself on a wall at any height and stay attached on it, Recon can switch to his weapons and shoot while he is attached on a wall, (15 second recharge time after each teleportation).
■Melee Weapon 2: Karambit 2, Stats: M1 melee attack, if enemy player is standing within radars radius each of your melee hits take away 75% of their maximum health.
■Class 9: Agent, Stats: (Health 150)(Movement speed 50%)(Jump height 50%).
■Default Primary Weapon: Taser Gun, Stats: has 4 bullets in a clip, M1 shoot, each bullet takes away 25% of enemy players maximum health if you shoot enemy player in the back, each bullet permamently decreases Technician's devices functioning speed by 80%, (Taser Gun can do all of this from any distance).
■Primary Weapon 2: Taser Gun 2, Stats: has 3 bullets in a clip, M1 shoot, each bullet takes away 35% of enemy players maximum health if you shoot enemy player in the back, each bullet permamently decreases Technician's devices functioning speed by 65%, (Taser Gun can do all of this from any distance).
■Primary Weapon 3: Taser Gun 3, Stats: has 2 bullets in a clip, M1 shoot, each bullet takes away 50% of enemy players maximum health if you shoot enemy player in the back, each bullet permamently decreases Technician's devices functioning speed by 50%, (Taser Gun can do all of this from any distance).
■Primary Weapon 4: Throwable Sword, Stats: M1 throw sword, if sword hits enemy player in the back that enemy player gets teleported back to their spawn room, each thrown sword takes away 50% of Technician's devices maximum health on impact, (3 second recharge time after each sword thrown).
■Default Secondary Weapon: Tele Ring, Stats: point your crosshair at a wall and press M2 activate tele ring that teleports you on the other side of that wall, (5 second recharge time after each teleportation).
■Secondary Weapon 2: Tele Ring 2, Stats: point your crosshair at ground surface and press M2 to activate tele ring that teleports you at that ground surface, (5 second recharge time after each teleportation).
■Secondary Weapon 3: Tele Ring 3, Stats: press M2 to activate tele ring that teleports you near enemy players spawn room, (5 second recharge time after each teleportation).
■Default Tertiary Weapon: Disguise Device, Stats: allows Agent to disguise as dead body of any class of any team, Agent can crawl on ground while he is disguised as dead body, (Technician's turret cannot shoot you while you are disguised as dead body).
■Default Melee Weapon: Brass Knuckles, Stats: M1 melee attack, if you melee hit enemy player in the back that enemy player will only be able to use melee weapons for 15 seconds.
■Melee Weapon 2: Brass Knuckles 2, Stats: M1 melee attack, if you melee hit enemy player in the back that enemy player will not be able to receive healing for 15 seconds.
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